There is no bigger failure of a cinematic universe than the Dark Universe

That's a fact.

Attached: universal-monstars-final400_-_h_2017.jpg (768x433, 124K)

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Is it though? They tried but gave up after one film, it's not like they made several shameful mistakes

At least DC had well-known characters.

The Dark Universe tried hard to make the Universal Monsters the Avengers.

The mummy was actually the second attempt to start it, Dracula Untold was initially supposed to be the first movie but it under performed

Dark Universe beats the DCEU by pure arrogance.

It fell apart for the same reason, no one involved with the movies actually cared about the franchises they just wanted to sell easy action schlock while not thinking about what the strengths of each particular movies should be. To give some credit I did like Dracula untold, though I started watching it about a quarter of the way through on hbo so I had no money on it. But it wasn’t insulting like the mummy was, it set up its story and finished it while still having a small set up for whatever future movies that won’t happen now. But I think I want to just see Charles dance do stuff rather than just watch boring vampire fights

>they just wanted to sell easy action schlock while not thinking about what the strengths of each particular movies should be marvel?

Yeah but that’s at least mildly competent on a narrative level.


If anything DC is much worse because they still have 5 more pieces of shit filmed and ready to release with two more supposedly filming this year

Wouldn't actually having universe planned since the very 1st movie make it a more complex universe on longer run? You know, better connected and more hermetic.

The Mummy was actually closer to Men In Black (a rookie finds out that monsters are all around and there's an agency controlling them) so no idea why people compare it to MCU, lol. These monsters will never team up, people are retarded.

Remember this? Universal tried this once already (in a more adventure genre) and it bombed then.

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Tell me again. Why was this panned back then? Literally did the same thing as Avengers but didn't require few build up movies. It was a self contained story.

this is actually a 10/10 capeshit kino

How do you even make a cinematic universe out of Universal monsters?
How could anyone think Frankenstein/Wolfman/Invisible Man vs. The Mummy/Dracula/Creature from the Black Lagoon etc. wouldn't be the schlockiest schlock to ever schlock?

I mean sure remake the IPs, I'm all for that.
...but a "cinematic universe"?
Come on now.

Universal has nothing to do with that.
its 20th Century Fox

great movie mistakenly wronged


Literally X-Files or Men In Black but with monsters. That's the only way I see it. They can't have assembly. These are monsters, they do not cooperate.

There's nothing really memorable about it.

and capeshit? 20 movies and only thing someone may remember is CGI fight at the airport

there are some things

Isn't this their second attempt?
They where going to start with Dracula Untold.

Are saying that Dr. Frankenstein and the Mummy living as room-mates in Dracula's castle wouldn't be pure cinematic kino?

lol if you actually believe this

Just watch monster squad for stuff like that. That movie gave me a lot more respect for Dracula. You’d think a nigga dresses that fine wouldn’t want to get his hands dirty doing the grunt work but he was down there digging his shit out and killing nooks that needed to be killed

are you saying,.. we some sorta Monster Skwad???

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Did we just become best friends?

It's not though. Look, I like it, too. It's a fun "turn your brain off" popcorn flick. But it shits all over its source material and changes the tone from the book completely. It's hated for all the right reasons by the people who hate it.

I actually saw this in theaters and still forget it exists

Severely underrated portrayals of the Big Three.

turns out the real monsters were the friends we made along the way

The Mummy had cool inverted narrative. Seemingly good guys could be bad. For example, in Jekyll scene, there's a piece of newspaper about "attacks and assaults in London commited by human or animal". It probably meant Mr Hyde.

the mummy was great it should've happened audiences suck


It's based on a comic series which they try to get as many fictional characters as possible into as possible.
In the comics John Carter warns earth that the Martians from War of the World are going to attack, Harry Potter is the antichrist and Mary Poppins is an avatar of god.

They tried to introduce an organization in the movie but it had a dumb name.

This movie was actually not that bad and I’m sad that Sean Connery will die in my lifetime

It failed because we already had this.

Yes. Noonan made a fantastic Frankenstein's Monster, in my opinion second only to Karloff. Regehr's Dracula was that perfect marriage of monstrous and debonair, and as Drac portrayals go, it's sad that his is never mentioned, though he is in some lofty company. Still, fantastic. And the guy Wolfman had nards. Perfect.

Kino cinematography for a blockbuster

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Universal seems to be under the delusion that anyone outside weirdos like James Rolfe still give a shit about the classic monsters outside Halloween decoration and cereal mascot fodder.

Does this make kurtzman the next Snyder?

Fuck kurtzman, he was just a name. Tom Cruise and Ben Serein (unstoppable, pain and gain) were ones responsible for this

>Ben Serein
What’s so special about this Ben Serein?

Cinematographer from Pain and Gain.

How did he help fuck up the movie?

Hey OP, I like this picture.

I'd watch every crappy monster flick for a chance to see Ahmanet once again.

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