At what exact point did you realize GoT was beyond saving? For me, it's this scene

At what exact point did you realize GoT was beyond saving? For me, it's this scene

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I hated the removal of the book's Dorne story arc and Euron being a dumbass in the show.

When I heard what it was about

when Bronn survived after saving Jamie from the dragon-fire.

end of first episode of first season when it ends with a cliff hanger

Tysha removal


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imagine being so retarded you didn't notice the show turned into a piece of shit in s5e1

not trying to be clever. for me it was when Arya ended the NK

Bit fucking late to realize mate

This was it for me. I got a sense of weirdness when they changed the Tyrion stuff at the end of season 4 to be about Shae, but I didn’t think much of it at the time.

A few episodes in and I'm like "hey waaait a minute...I'm watching a fucking soap opera?!"

End of season 2

Season 2, Episode 1.

Everything after Season 1 was garbage.

dorne is just as awful in the books, its just a different type of awful compared to the shit in the show

Euron played the part of Victarion

The only problem is that without Euron the Victarion character is just a purposeless thug


“You!” the iron captain called across the carnage. “You of the rose! Be you the lord of Southshield?”

The other raised his visor to show a beardless face. “His son and heir. Ser Talbert Serry. And who are you, kraken?”

“Your death.”

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I only ever heard this opinion in Yea Forums until now when every game of thrones youtube channels now have this opinion along with its subscribers

yea those people are just full of shit. they have been praising this fucking garbage for years.

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that's like 6 episodes too late. the show completely died during the water gardens fight scene. it was all over by that point.

Suspension of disbelief. People were holding out thinking maybe it would all go somewhere good in the end.

>not trying to be clever. for me it was when Arya ended the NK

Don't worry, you just proved you weren't clever.

>it took you until halfway through season 8 to realize

I hope you die like her except not badass

What's her role in the books? And the books have to be better then what we got with this show


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When the high sparrow storyline was a main feature.

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Shirtless Ramsay

Kys you tastelet.

i can't believe i actually expected the white walkers to completely btfo westeros. i really thought they were going to go from castle to castle killing everything until they got to kings landing and there would be one big final battle down there.

Nah Victarion is more like the Stannis of the Greyjoys. Grim, joyless, does a pretty decent job but doesn't have any charisma to speak of

the first season. I think the dwarf was going to be in a battle, and during the charge he got knocked out, then he woke up and the battle was over.

After whatever season where Jaime lost his hand and they cut like 80% of his yearlong journey to KL with Brienne. All downhill after that.

This. After the whitewash of Tyrion's character I knew D&D were utter hacks beyond redemption

at some point in season 5.

actually many points at season 5.

This is an insult to Victarian. Victarian is a bit of a dumb brute but he still has depth, he is an actual developed character. He isn't some dumb drunken pirate frat guy whose entire character can be accurately summed up by the phase "Finger in the bum" like show Euron. Show Euron has no real book counterpart and is completely a creation of the D&D and the other shit writers working for them.

that's more or less how it happens in the book though

in one single episode they enact the most stupid plan in the history of westeros (going up north to retrieve a wight and hope that convinces cersei to help them), they establish the hivemind bullshit (kill the boss and all the minions drop dead) and they gave the night king access to a dragon (without whom he couldn't have crossed the wall at all, nullifying the threat). that was the episode that killed GoT to me

that was due to the budget. that isn't some huge important battle anyway, it takes up like half a tyrion chapter from what i remember. the only thing i remember about it is tyrion wears a spiked helmet and head jams a knights horse to gut it. its really silly

I was thinking the battle of winterfell would completely fail, and the night king would fly down to kings landing to turn the city.

That was unironically a good thing though. Yes, the early seasons only did stuff like that because of budget constraints, but t was better off for it as well. Look at the latest seasons where we have big dumb battle episodes where it's nothing but swords clashing for 60+ minutes. It's the same shit every time, it doesn't add any real drama to the drama, and it's just michael-bay-tier filler. It allowed the show to actually focus on the good stuff like dialogue and interpersonal conflict.

for me it was Season 5, where it felt like fuck-all was happening and we had to suffer through tons of filler garbage like the entire Braavos storyline and the sandy snek bullshit. Not to mention absolutely raping Stannis' plotline just for a cheap plot twist. Although even then, I wouldn't truly say it was "beyond saving" until we got to the beginning of S7, where somehow things got even worse than in S5-6 by far.

Probably the scene where Jaime and Bronn fight the sand snakes.

this is one of the scenes that reminded me of old thrones since she didnt have fucking plot armor and little kids dont die on screen in movies

This guy gets it.


and they pull said dragon from a freezing lake with some bs chains

season 4

>That was unironically a good thing though. Yes, the early seasons only did stuff like that because of budget constraints, but t was better off for it as well. Look at the latest seasons where we have big dumb battle episodes where it's nothing but swords clashing for 60+ minutes. It's the same shit every time, it doesn't add any real drama to the drama, and it's just michael-bay-tier filler. It allowed the show to actually focus on the good stuff like dialogue and interpersonal conflict.

the only battle i was actually pissed off that they didn't show was the battle of the fist. that was a pretty important battle. the tyrion battle in the first book is basically just irrelevant, it was just a diversion anyway.

Probably this. As good as that scene was it showed d&d didnt give a fuck about the essence of GoT anymore. That actions have consequences.


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When they didn’t bother to depict the Battle at the Fist of the First Men. That was the first glimpse of how absolutely terrifying Wights and Others were. Imagine being on a hill and seeing waves of zombies including reanimated bears. Even fire arrows don’t work and the Night’s Watch had a desperate fighting retreat. They even gutted Book Sam because he actually sent the distress ravens and stabbed an Other with a dragon glass dagger there.

Same, 1 episode kek

The moment they killed Littlefinger the show became completely unwatchable. The way he died, the events that lead up to him being killed...everything about it was complete shit.

It was still a fucking retarded, capeshit-tier YAS QUEEN moment. Why did the zombie giant pull her right up to his face instead of instantly killing her, which gave her an opportunity to stab it in the eye? The zombies in.this show don't eat flesh, and they don't toy with their prey.

this shit. why?


that arc was insulting garbage but BadPussi was cute

Worried in Season 5, thought it might be recovering by the end of season 6, realized it was going to end like a bad anime when season 7 opened with literally no one caring that Cersei blew up the show's version of the Vatican.

Victarion's sole mission in the books is to fuck Dany before Euron can, he's not that nuanced user

Season 4 was very concerning, episodes started to feel like filler waiting for the big moment rather than a build towards something interesting.

But the exact moment I realized that I should just stop caring was the Sand Snake introduction scene. It was just the final straw on my proverbial camels back

Euron is prolly the worst character ever created. What were they thinking? Is he funny????

I agree with it being important, but ultimately I appreciate the restraint in not showing us a true battle with white walkers. Not showing us the battle, instead showing the lead-up and aftermath, made the WWs feel larger-than-life and let your imagination fill in the horror. And then it felt more satisfying later on when we got to see bits and pieces more of the WWs, finally getting a full-fledged battle sequence with them at Hardhome.

If we got multiple large-scale battles with WWs, it would've just been boring. Look at how this season's Long Night was trite and boring because it was the same basic shit we already saw in Hardhome.

>That was unironically a good thing though
Nah, people just coped with it because GoT advertised itself as a DnD-themed soap opera. All of those garden scenes were there to make up for a lousy budget.

The scene that made me lose all hope is when Cersei blew up the Sept and that was that, zero repercussions. She’s queen now because reasons.

and he has entire chapters of thoughts and monologues that aren't "me fug queen" or "finger bum".

some people think this is good writing


Fucking kills a giant, what a fucking waste of a giant

This. Also Twenty Goodman.

She signed a letter and therefore we know she exists. That's all.

This was the exact moment. Despite all the disastrous screw ups in season 5 I still had faith that they would set the course right in season 6. Then the kingsmoot happened.

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Redpill me on shirtless Ramsay. Why is it memed so much

when varys was standing in front of the dragon bitch
I'm all "wellp."
because he's only there because he truly feels it's best for whatever, or he thinks he can gain power. Neither would be true. never watched another one

when they didn't show Theon's penis and/or balls being removed

the S1 Bronn line? that was great fuck off.

>get stabbed multiple times in the stomach
>fall into water
>shit and piss literally fill your wounds
>lol just sleep it off lmao


>ramseys shirtless rampage
>barristan bitched out
>stannis character assassinated
>jaime forgetting his character development and not leaving cersei by season 5
Pick one of three

people seem to forget how ridiculous Arya in Bravos was. Complete detachment from what the show used to be, character now makes mistake after mistake and seems to get punished for it but the consequences of the mistake go away within an episode.

Can't remember which was first this scene or the entire Dorne storyline, both of which were where the show truly fell apart.

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S3 when Dany's story gets diverted from retaking the iron throne to this pointless MISA MISA abolitionist bullshit in slaver's bay that has nothing to do with anything and just eats up the next several seasons with pointless filler that does nothing but waste the viewers' time.

This and the chase scene after it were so irredeemably stupid

That all happened in S5, right? Gods, what a shit season, and it just got worse from there. But that was the moment the show crossed over into truly being bad. Before then there were moments here and there were you could see the cracks forming, but it was S5 where it truly went to shit.

Bronn says like 10 good men to impregnate the Vale but he doesn't actually go and take it over.

20 goodmen refers to Ramsay's ridiculous plot armor where he takes 20 goodmen and rides into Stannis' camp, burns all their supplies without a single one of them getting caught and forces Stannis to spiral down to insanity and desperation. It was season 5

I should have dropped the show after this.

When they killed sweet Joffrey.

When yara goes to save theon and she runs away from shirtless ramsay

Why were D&D so obsessed with the number 20? I think there were at least three references to "20 men" across the show, and right before Dany died she said "when I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20".

there are so many ways they could have done it better. the mad dany stuff was entertaining solely due to the butthurt, but it could have been so much better. everything was fine up until the winterfell battle. what these idiots should have done was have the white walker tactics make sense. the winterfell battle cost a shit load of the budget, so they should have dropped the entire idea. have the walkers SIEGE them, like what they did in the beyond the wall episode. the walkers surround winterfell on all sides and just wait the humans out, they'll freeze and starve eventually, the walkers can wait for years. there are secret passage ways under winterfell, maester luwin fucking says it in the second season to theon. so they would have to make a decision to completely abandon it. everyone leaves and they are forced to go deal with cersei in kings landing and deal with all the scheming and politics, while also having an army of the dead bearing down on them. they can do so many different things in the kings landing battle. dany can still go mad and kill everyone.

its the perfect fucking setup and they FUCKED it all up

Ramsay you retard

Battle of Bastards is when I realized GoT fully converted into medieval capeshit

Really need this explained?
book ramsay is
>exactly like his father but bigger and more sadistic with none of the charm
show ramsay is
>shirtless sausage wagging goon who charges armed men with dual daggers

The minute I saw a crossbow, and then saw there were still twats swinging swords around.
Also the moment a dragon existed. And the moment a smoke monster became real. And the moment zombies showed up. And the moment a magical kind of glass just shattered one because why not. And the moment the horde didn’t take turns racing Dani to death. Or Arya. Or Sansa. Etc etc etc.

Dorne and Bravos is season 6
Stannis and Barristan's deaths along with Ramsay's invincibility is Season 5, the beginning of the end.

It's over. Stop talking about it.

Sorry I blocked show Ramsay from my memory


It was everything about it. I don't think they could've possibly made it worse if they tried. How many fucking episodes did I have to sit there watching pointless tedious bullshit of Arya selling oysters or walking around blind with a stick? And the payoff is that absolutely retarded chase scene. And even after all that, apparently the lesson to be learned from all this is that to become a Faceless Man assassin you need to give up your personal desires for things like revenge, but then SHE GOES RIGHT BACK TO BEING ARYA STARK AND WANTING PERSONAL REVENGE ANYWAY, so all that was for nothing. Over a season of filler material just to give arya comic book super hero powers and have another womyn power fantasy character.

>girls bad boys good
unironically have sex

zombies show up in the first scene of ep1 you fuck


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>>exactly like his father but bigger and more sadistic with none of the charm
wtf book ramsay is nothing like his father. roose is like an evil mastermind, ramsay is a fat edgelord psycho that tortures people for his own amusement. ramsay is a moron in the books.

Dorne in the books isn't great, but I don't see how you could say it's as bad as the whole "these 5 chicks take over a country with whips and poison" plot the show had

The best part is that they doubled down in the next episode
>fall out of a window
>roll down a massive staircase, bruising your injured abdomen the whole way down and reopening the wound
>can barely stand upright when the waif corners you
>lol she's dead now I'm fine

I could have stomached this sideplot if Arya actually changed and showed the scars of this experience, but the end product was her acting the exact same but with godmode enabled.

Ramsay is not a cunning invincible character like they make him in the show. He's not even that cunning in the show, he's just lucky enough that people keep trusting him.

In the books he's not cunning or calculating, he's just a backstabber and it's pointed out that after 1 or 2 times you betray someone, no one else will believe or trust you. He's also an incompetent leader, he's eating through Winterfell's livestock when winter is coming instead of keeping the animals to breed more animals and take whatever resources you can get from them. He's not a good fighter either, he's good at surprising people who trust him or weak and vulnerable ones. In the Show he's this unstoppable mad man who everyone falls for, can fight a full group of armored men while being completely shirtless himself and walk away without getting hit once and he had plot devices just show up and work in his favor especially the "Twenty goodmen" to go in to Stannis' camp unnoticed and burn all their supplies.

I assumed she was faking, but fuck knows with d & d

Yeah, turns out there were never really that big of a threat. All anyone had to do was touch the night kang with dragonglass and the entire army of them cease to exist instantly. Lucky for the writers, no one in Westeros was smart enough to make a bunch of dragonglass arrowheads and just lead the NK into a corridor where any of a hundred northfags with crossbows all aiming for him at once could have solved the problem in an instant.


When they replaced Daario

Stannis burning his beloved daughter and heir. The man fucking ate his shoes at Storm's End.

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When they killed off Stannis didn't even show the battle just 20 good men fucked their whole army up. when this whole army fucked up the whole wildlings that Jon Snow struggled to beat

holy shit look at all these GOT faggots defending this shit. Back in 2011 Yea Forums mercilessly tore that episode apart. You retards really did take over this website.

What was she doing again? I kinda tuned all the Dorne stuff out.

>When they killed off Stannis didn't even show the battle

>No Battle of the Ice


How was the latest Marvel film? Did it have enough explosions?

Rewatching GoT right now. That's basically the moment Ramsay went from being an especially malicious and sadistic cunt to just being a walking meme with plot armor that you knew wouldn't die or be defeated in any way anytime soon.

Before that, Ramsay was essentially Roose if Roose was a retard with no finesse who just went around fucking people directly instead of ever playing the long game. This is best exemplified such as when Roose chews him out for cutting off Theon's dick and preventing them from trading him to the Greyjoys. Point being that while both are sadistic, Roose is the smart mastermind whereas Ramsay is just a dumb butcher.

They gave Stannis's book plot to Jon. Aegon too.

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This show is objectively bad

>S1 Budget

You haven't even made an argument. I already explained how it would've have added anything to the story to have a bunch of white walker battles. We already have too many of them in the series and it makes each subsequent fight feel more boring. It would've been even worse had they blown their load in S2.

Because he's the epitome of what D&D didn't understand about the story and what they thought it was

No shit retard. Point stands.


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From the very first fucking episode or season, when they would show someone's tits and ass every episode because backwards americans somehow equate nudity with "seriousness" or "maturity". They even had an OC character for this specific purpose whose actor got kicked off the show for wanting something more dignified.

it's been years since I've read them but I recall the character being described as more like his father than running into combat shirtless while dual wielding daggers but maybe I'm crazy.

lol fuck off do you think youre the only person who has been posting in got threads since the beginning? its embarrassing how long ive been here. yea, they complained about it, who cares? i didnt complain about it at the time because i didnt read the books until after s2. the fact is they had to take the battle out due to the budget. the battle in the book is some retarded 5 minute ordeal anyway, tyrion wears a spiked helmet and guts a horse. its stupid as hell

True, the only good thing about the recent seasons is that they've actually significantly toned down the amount of pointless sex/nude scenes. I've never been a fan of the HBO tactic of "lmao fill the shows up with tits and ass to justify it being on a premium network" tactic. It's not Season 1 sopranos in 1999 anymore, and nobody is impressed by that shit anymore.

Although to be fair, GRRM's books are filled with excessive amounts of that shit too. "and the seed trickled down her thigh"

It was obvious by the end of s5 Arya was the writers favourite. She got an absurd amount of screentime and dnd even admitted they were planning for her to kill the nightking since season 5

This was probably it for me.

>planning for her to kill the nightking since season 5
bullshit, they didn't have a plan. they just decided at the last minute to have arya kill him.

Speak for yourself, prude.

Lol id rather watch tyrion stumble around with a spiked helmet for 5 minutes than watch season 8

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their "plan" was "duuuude what if"

I meant that they wanted her to kill the NK. No doubt they were making it up on the go

They fucked that up too. There was no final purpose to any of Aryas storyline that made any of it pay off. Which I get is the nature of the show, to be unconventional, but at some point, congrats, you’ve unconventionally made a boring story.

When they cut out Tyrions sweet acrobatics in the first episode

I was convinced for like 3 episodes after that every scene with her was a hallucination whilst she bled out in the gutter

Welcome to the new millennium, grampa. Nobody gives a fuck about nudity on TV because we can just get it from anywhere at any time on the internet. What sort of boomer gets off to GoT tits instead of browsing porn? Do you also have a stash of porn mags and VHS tapes?

Was just watching season 1 and I forgot how good of a character arya used to be. That and Arya/Tywin were fucking peak. God they ruined her

Are you underage? Do you get uncomfortable when tits appear on screen? Maybe when you have sex youll get used to them

For me the first instances of me starting to dislike aspects of the show were when they shoehorned this fucking character into the narrative, and then kept giving her more and more screen time.

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Everything with Arya prior to Braavos was top notch especially her and the hound

>set up some shit about "Three Eyed Raven" for multiple seasons with Bran's storyline
>finally get to TER dude stuck in a tree
>cliffhanger ending, nothing explained
>entirety of season 5 goes by with Bran and everyone in his storyline absent
>two fucking years later finally return to Bran storyline in Season 6
>still don't actually get any fucking explanation about the TER
>nobody in the show bothers asking Bran what the fuck his deal is.

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She's actually way better than her book counterpart

i didnt mind that scene so much. i didnt care about the sops for the girls in it i could pass over that small minded rubbish. it was how fucked up Euron was. a comedy villain. "im here to fuck the queen!" the quality plummeted at that point.

Gwendoline does a great job from poorly written dialog DESU

I like how Tyrion casually mentions that Bran became the three eyed raven during his speech in the finale, and none of the lords present interject to ask him what that means. No one in the entirety of season 8 ever questioned his powers or asked him to use them for something useful either.

There's recently this trend in movies and videogames of characters who get fatal wounds which they just walk off or forget about for some reason.

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Yep and then the hound got beat up by a girl and it all went down hill from there. Why even do that? He could've just succumbed to infection because of his fear of fire not allowing him to cauterize the wound

Im not even one of those guys who forces his anti-sjw agenda on every powerful female in a plot but that shit was just weird, they could've had brienne fuck up any number of people other than one of the most dangerous fighters in the book/show

>Jorah tries to protect the only known survivor of his house left that he was forced to abandon and was disowned by them, knowing he can never return to his family with his title and inheritance intact
>Said last is just a little girl and honestly too young and too weak to be fighting, regardless of gender
>She, along with her last relative dies, but unlike her cousin, her death was entirely pointless and contributed to nothing in the war effort
>Mormont House is now extinct
Good job, girl power ended a entire family line that goes back literally centuries, if not longer. She should have listened to Jorah.

I don't have a problem with the actress's acting, it's just the character sucks and every single one of her plotlines suck. And every time you think she's completely her plot and purpose (such as delivering Jaime to KL) and you think she can be written out of the story finally, they come up with some ridiculous way to give her a new story and keep it going.

and of course all this culminates with her executing /ourguy/ stannis after dabid raped his character. as a final "fuck you" to stannisbros

It didn't turn into a piece of shit - it's about 30% worse than season 4 - but it did fall off, hard. It's fair to say that this was the beginning of the show's decent into utter dogshit.

season 2


no patchface

Probably Masonic

This and teleporting Varys at the end of season 6 is what killed it. Stannis burning Shireen and Dorne is what opened the wound.

Season 5 was an absolute disaster. That is when I lost hope in it. The series still had is moments after it, but the series was propped up by these big action set pieces to carry the season at the end more and more.

She drank magic healing water, which people have forgotten since the show didn't highlight it at all. Still retarded

to expand, i though the concept was good, but the screenplay for her character badly executed. The idea of a very big ugly woman becoming a fearsome knight is a good one and entirely believable. if anything GC is too pretty for the part which lends itself to romantic overtones

It's hard to put a precise marker on where it went to shit because it depends on the plotline. From S3-S5 you'd see certain storylines go to shit while others remained good. And eventually it got to the point in S5 where every last plot thread in the show was trash and nothing left was good

Le Shark was jumped in this scene

Stannis burning Selyse

magic healing water? The only water I remember was the poisoned water in the house of black and white. That was no healing water.


Word it better then faggoy

Never watched this show

I thought too highly of DnD as I was expecting Arya to actually be Waif wearing her face, as it was the only way any of that would even remotely make sense.

Season 2

Yeah, that bugged the shit out of me. The terrible writing in S8 was just bizarre, especially when it came to Bran. It was like he was a ghost invisible to all other characters like in the Sixth Sense, and he'd just say strange things and everyone would just ignore whatever he said and just move on to the next thing. Never questioning him, or asking for clarification, or asking him to do anything, and so on.

Before S8 I was convinced they'd at least have Bran do something like worg into a dragon. But no, we don't even get that.

it could heal or kill depending on what the many faced god decided. pretty sure i remember someone healing themselves with it before Awiwa

It was just soup.

For me, it was when the most skillful knight in westeros and his entourage of emotionless killing machines were slaughtered by a bunch of masked peasants with daggers.

>And who are you, kraken?”
>“Your death.”
wow, epic

And some fags think it isn't

Arya/Tywin was an invention of the show, too. In the book it was Arya and Roose Bolton. Grandpa Tywin was such a cute scene.


I hope you're not proud of yourself, samefag
based fellow greybro


>Roose: We can't beat Stannis in an open battle. He's an incredibly effective commander and expert veteran. Our best bet is to outlast him in a siege now that winter has come.
>literal jump cut to Stannis' camp completely decimated
>Davos: THEY KNOW THE LAND MORE THAN WE EVER WILL (this line is used several more times by different characters to justify the complete decimation of more castles and armies)
The ludicrous horseshit of the "twenty good men" scenes cannot be overstated.

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>give jon the plots of two other characters
>he only has two lines

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It also made no fucking sense. Tywin was and is hideously evil. He would never bond with a servant girl like that, or treat a peasant as anything better than an object. Half of the plot of the show can't happen if this isn't the case. The Mountain is his right-hand man for fuck's sake.

>they know the land better than we ever will
>nothing but a flat snowy plain for miles in every direction

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I guess he wanted things to go wrong so he could be crowned, it's just weird that the ending doesn't highlight this nefarious element of his character at all.

Tormund should have protected his bear cub. :(

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it was shit since s5 tho, but not completely shit

Huh, I never knew that was a show invention. Makes sense, thinking about it. It always did strike me as a little uncharacteristic how grandfatherly Tywin was acting toward some little captive girl. I liked the scenes, but it really didn't mesh well with Tywin's typically sociopathic behavior.

Okay, it was fun mocking the show while it was still airing, but the fact that you virgins can't let this shit go really tells me you're some lowkey ledditors.

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any time Dany came into scene I skipped forward

Dorne is AMAZING in the books

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Tywin is a harsh and merciless man, but I think his scenes with Arya and Tommen round him out nicely as a character. Tywin’s not a sociopath, he’s just very ruthless.

Dorne storyline was a big red flag, but it wasn't until episode 1 of season 7 I was absolutely sure things were fucked. Dany just takes Dragonstone with no fight, the absolute retardation of that writing decision had me checking out completely. Cersei would have troops there if it was abandoned by Stannis, the obvious strategic importance of the place wouldn't just be forgotten about; but no, Dany needs a home base, so this'll do. Fuck the details.

They obviously didn't care about making things make sense anymore, just ticking boxes on the way to where they want the characters to be.

Lets see those archives bud

>men from the dreadfort know every inch about the land around winterfell

That would have been way more kino
>you see her dies
>it zooms out
>the scene gets murkier/cloudier and fades in detail
>it zooms put and you see it was Brans eye doing the Raven thing, a year falls from the corner of his eye but his face is unflinching
>he breaks out of his trance
>"and now there are but two Starks"
>Directed by M. Night Shylamon


it was a completely unimportant battle that was literally just a feint why are you whining they didn't show it?

Laughed very hard, thanks

not even sure why arya didn't state tywin's name to jaqen

The reddit cope was fun though

Magic healing water also known as soup

Honestly when they killed Ygritte, i realized that it was trying to steer away from the books to be more TV than the first seasons.

I was still on board, but i realized that the ship was starting to sail

Because she was dumb and shortsighted. She was a child and she was more focused on having him kill the people immediately upsetting her.

She dies in the books though

>underlines dumb shit instead of just posting a screenshot
Okay user, if you're not a samefag you're just another fag, which is almost as bad

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Arya/Tywin was shit tbqh. Tywin acting like some friendly grandpa is retarded, especially when he figures out she's a northern lady in disguise and he doesn't immediately take her captive. Not to mention her not having Jaqen kill him make no sense.

The scenes were only decent to watch because Charles Dance carries every scene he's in.

I know you fucking retard.

I mean the way they killed her

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Just confirmation that any and every attempt at a "story" was thrown into the trash for "WOOOOHOOO WHORE POWAH"

Dragonglass and Dragonsteel, Obsidian and Valyrian Steel, are enormous red herrings, the largest pair in any book series ever

"there came a night that lasted a generation. Kings froze to death in their castles, same as the shepherds in their huts; and women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept, and felt the tears freeze on their cheeks... In that darkness the White Walkers came for the first time"

Anywhere between 20 years and 40, a Long Night, an Ice Age without Seasons and in many parts without Sunshine.


For that part of the story line to properly come to fruition, that time skip GRRM wanted would have to occur, except its after 20 years of winter with everyone aged up or out, with 20 years of winter exterminating most of Westeros and vast swathes of Braavos. The Ice People and their Zombies are in no hurry, as the cold preserves, as well as it destroys.

So yeah, 20 years of winter, outlasting every storage of food and killing everything, and then on top of this calamity the Others come, scoop up tens of millions of corpses of humans and hundreds of millions of corpses from everything else, and march across the Narrow Sea.

Dragonsteel and Dragonglass can't cut a fucking blizzard or bring back the sun

I could have sworn that Jaqen said he couldn't do it when she asked him to kill Tywin, and he told her it wasn't possible (apparently, even the Faceless Men have their limits) and asks her to name another.

>the battle of the fist. that was a pretty important battle.

The worst thing they did about Hardhome was make it about Zoombies, instead of a slow, creeping unstoppable doom

Only after Arya stalled for no reason whatsoever until after Tywin had already left the castle. Before then, she had every opportunity to give Jaqen his name.


Nah, never happens. In the books I recall she asks if she can name anyone, even Joffrey and Jaqen says yes, but it would take some time, and Arya kind of needed help now. But in the show it makes no sense because Tywin is right there.

He mustn't have been a very good assassin if he got caught and was sent to the Night's Watch and couldn't even escape a portable prison made by said organization.

He was intentionally trying to go to the Wall at first I believe.

that is so fucking cool.

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Pycelle farting

>Euron in the books
Loki tier manipulator, mysterious badass, when he talks you listen
>Euron in the show

urine in the books
>what edgelords think they are
urine the show
>what edgelords look like to everyone else

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Her book counterpart gets a titty bitten off while killing Rorge and Biter, and she is being set up to take part in a tourney in the Vale in a plot to search for Arya

Oh and zombie catelyn is involved but whatever

She never goes North.

>Yep and then the hound got beat up by a girl and it all went down hill from there. Why even do that? He could've just succumbed to infection because of his fear of fire not allowing him to cauterize the wound
Thats uh, kind of what happened. He succumbed to an infection and thus, Brienne was able to beat him

>Im not even one of those guys who forces his anti-sjw agenda on every powerful female in a plot but that shit was just weird
One of the only female empowerment bits fo the show that made any sense was Brienne's awkward waffling around regarding Arya and Sansa and her total fucking failure regarding both of them
Bran should never have left the tree. ever

Watch the documentary, they literally had The Waif and Jaqen H'ghar come to Spain during the filming of season 8 just to confuse the production crew and help throw off the rumor mill

>At what exact point did you realize GoT was beyond saving? For me, it's this scene
I wouldn't say it was beyond saving, but last January, when I realized that the almost two years hiatus was giving people too much time to come up with the most incredible theories, and expecting them to end up on screen was impossible, because most of them contradicted each other, I new there would be trouble for a lot of viewers. So, most people expectations would not come true, it was simple math.

I personally liked season 8, not so much as the others, of course, but I understand why so many people didn't.

>implying she didn't provide foreshadowing for Jaime's arc

>teleporting Varys
In the books, and even dumber

Also, the moment Bronn wasn't allowed his retirement

To assassinate who?
I wonder if that Jaqen was the same person at the house of black and white. He wore the same face but his personality seemed different, and there was that scene where he kills himself and reappears. I don't think the show writers really understood the Faceless Men, their interpretation seemed very lazy and served no purpose other than to give Arya the power to kill the Freys.

Need I say more?

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No you dont

when gendry ran all the way back to the wall before it got dark, unarmed

So bad.

i was ok with the storylines, but the dialog was shit. and it was like watching an extended trailer, just a summary, an outline

>he row
>he run
>but most importantly..
>..he become lord of storms end for no reason


>Tywin was and is hideously evil
>little uncharacteristic how grandfatherly Tywin was acting toward some little captive girl. I liked the scenes, but it really didn't mesh well with Tywin's typically sociopathic behavior
Brainlets. None of you get Tywin's backstory or understand his motivations or the context of those motivations. Shit, that song wouldn't have even got written had the sacks of dumbshits Castameres and Tarbecks accepted the reasonable terms of "stop being total fucking dickwads and present a show of goodfaith"

They didn't, and the reason everyone in the show holds it in contempt is that Tywin gave nobles the same justice as commoners. Execution. And ffs, he gave them plenty of rope to save themselves with. They refused and rose in revolt and instead of the typical bullshit, he fucking ended them.

The only batshit psychotic thing he did was organize the gangrape of Tyrion's 1st wife. Thats it. Everything else? Eminently understandable
>The Mountain is his right-hand man for fuck's sake.
His brothers, Kevan, is his right hand man. The Mountain is just kept around as a brutally effective and terrifying attack dog that is also a brutally effective and terrifying calvalry commander. Just because Robb Stark thinks hes brainless doesn't mean he is


Tywin was not evil, just brutally pragmatic.

the story would have been better if Dany decided to go help on her own and lost a dragon instead of listening to Tyrion and not going


All Tywin wanted was for his children to not be total fucking dissappointments. And they refused. And Tyrion isn't as clever or cool as he seems, or he would have ditched the camp whores and escaped with Sansa asap.

Parts of season 4 were quite bad. Season 5 onward was horrendous.

In the books he's trying to go to the Wall to take a book they have on dragons, but later goes to Oldtown when Sam takes the book with him to the Citadel.

Tywin was evil, he just wasn’t senselessly evil.

they were disappointments because of tywins continued faggotry tbqh

only noteworthy person there is aemon.Though that shit is weird since jaqen is in oldtown right now ( maybe because aemon died of natural causes that he is now moving to the next objective)

I said sociopathic, not psychotic. As in machiavellian.

when Eddard Stark looked like Brynden Tully

>The only batshit psychotic thing he did was organize the gangrape of Tyrion's 1st wife. Thats it. Everything else? Eminently understandable
he sacked an entire city after falsely proclaiming he was there to help them and had his goons slaughter children.

Nah, just opportunistic and utterly without patience for bullshit. And yet he gave the Reynes and Tarbecks opportunity to turn back from being treasonous, rebellious shits.

After that, he served ably as a senior administrator and if he had had his way regarding Duskendale, Duskendale would have ended with Aerys dead, Rhaegar as King and likely married to Cersei. Possibly.

And the Targaryens would have reigned for a generation or so longer.

Then, he secured Robert's reign, the Greyjoy rebellion happens and then? Nothing. Tywin retired and just chilled.

Then batshit Catelyn kidnaps Tyrion.

His character motivation is getting his vassals and children to not be utter shitstains and riding to the resuce when they insist on being exactly that.

uh no, you stupid cunt
Assassinating the three eyed crow beyond the wall

>Then, he secured Robert's reign,
Hardly, Robert was going to win the war anyway. Tywin just jumped in at the last second to try to get on the winning side.

Don't you understand your reply has already been countered by ?

The dude's saying "watching an ass or breast on a TVshow is nothing now that we can livestream porn"

>he sacked an entire city
>after falsely proclaiming he was there to help them
clever warfare
>had his goons slaughter children.
the immediate heirs to the throne and last threat to Robert

Smart Warfare

When Shirtless Ramsay chased away the Ironborn's "best killers" with doggies. The memes were great though.

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There's plenty of armies in ASOIAF that don't mindlessly sack and rape cities. Not an excuse.

Bloodraven =/= the three eyed crow

He ordered Gregor Clegane to rape and pillage the Riverlands when King Robert was still on the throne, to draw Ned Stark out of the capital.

He ordered Gregor Clegane to execute a toddler and an infant.

he took the blame for something that Robert was inevitably going to do, sack King's Landing and butcher the royal family, and thus allowed the new ruling dynasty to come in without blood on their hands

as soon as they had ramsay burn down an entire encampment with '20 good men'

and it happens off screen because its so fucking stupid they couldn't even figure out a plausible way to film it, fuck d&d

lmao he hardly did it to "take the blame", he did it just to please robert for a pat on the head after he was neutral the entire war.


No, Bran fell.

You're thinking way too much user.
Bran chosing to say nothing so he would be crowned is something D&D didn't even thin about


That's when the fight scenes got stupid too. But she's cute as fuck!

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8 seasons in? kek

I may be upset at the show, but when I see this kind of picture, or stories about the cast being bros, it eases pain

Yea that was during war. He didnt just decide out of the blue to go and kill civilians

>he sacked an entire city after falsely proclaiming he was there to help them and had his goons slaughter children

The TL;DW version, she basically killed her entire lineage and severely weakened Dorne because GIRL POWER YAAAS

>send a walking rape monster to kill and rape children
>Eminently understandable

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he could've very easily limited civilian casualties if he wanted to. he wanted to send a message because muh legacy

Agreed, I wanted her to survive and have a sex scene with Jon Snow cucking Daenerys and driving her insane

That and the totally ham handed poisoning of the Lannister kid.

>There's plenty of armies in ASOIAF that don't mindlessly sack and rape cities. Not an excuse.
Look at this retard, look and laugh
nigger tier
Warfare, in response to Batshit Catelyn

Look at this limpwristed faggot

>look at this retard
It's true though, Tywin's complete savagery is not the norm. Stannis castrates any man he catches committing rape.

>What was she doing again? I kinda tuned all the Dorne stuff out.

She wiped out House Martell because she was mad that Oberyn Martell got killed.

Is not the norm.

Otherwise, what actually happened, was everybody ran a rapetrain on the Riverlands

>everybody ran a rapetrain on the Riverlands
Yeah, because they were Tywin's men. Tully, Stark, Tyrell, none of them seem to display the same brutality that Tywin does. Only the Ironniggers are on par with Tywin.

Yes Blood Meridian is SUCH a work of art

I said everybody you dumb fuck. Northeners did too, and thats just in the show

In the books, after the wars gone on long enough, everybody is raping and pillaging and warring and settling old scores

>I said everybody you dumb fuck. Northeners did too, and thats just in the show
No they didn't until KL. Why the fuck would the Northerns rape the Riverlands they're allied with? This isn't reported at all in the books, at least not in any significant degree.

When Varys left KL to when he didn't come back after Jorah kidnapped Tyrion.

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>Why the fuck would the Northerns rape the Riverlands they're allied with? This isn't reported at all in the books, at least not in any significant degree.
You didn't read the books, and clearly didn't even watch the fucking shows, the early seasons when it was good

>literally describes the entire battle
>The Mountain breaking through the Pikemen

this was so bad
this just goes to show D&D dont give a fuck about the books and just like actors
even though Ramsay was a shit actor and is nothing like he is in the books

Yes I did, but I invite you to prove me wrong with a a passage or scene showing mass raping and pillaging of the Riverlands from Northern soldiers.

Robb is the King of the North and the Riverlands you dumbfuck, why would he have his own men destroy his own lands? Maybe it was mentioned as happening on a minor scale, but it's hardly the same as Tywin outright encouraging it en mass.

not him, but I did read the books, dont remember the rapings you describe in the books happening


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For a shitty show they honestly seem like they all really get along. It makes the terrible writing, editing, directing, and acting all bearable because there's a comfortable feeling among them all.

Except Bronn and Cersei kek

>nigger tier
Bloodraven is the weirwood tree in Brans visions

Youre mean and stupid

> mention that the battle that is just a false flag and ends quickly completely lopsided instead of the truly important battle where Rob's army surprised Jamie's group and captured him.

Hardhome jettisoning the already established wight rules was the moment I knew it was heading in the direction of brainless schlock.
We see numerous characters in that episode slashing away at zombies with regular weapons and they just fall over and die so that the few important characters can make a quick escape.
It certainly wasn't the last time they changed the way their supernatural threat functioned for lazy plot convenience. In the last few seasons it felt like every scene the wights showed up in went against their initial set up or general rules.

When they completely fucked up everything with Danny in Meereen and the high sparrow in King's Landing

that battle was offscreen in the books too

This right here