Other urls found in this thread:
stupid phoneposter
And of course Japan casually releases a kino
we can't have non disney movies be successful
gonna buy 10 tickets for Aladdin now go spite godzilla
shin godzilla wins again baby
>implying critic reviews mean jackshit
Reposting here in case.
I'm pointing they were lesser than the ones that came before, and the lack of marketing push, making it seem like they did not waste as much money as they could have because they played it safe and knew quality was not up to par.
Coming 5 years later has no correlation for them to have underperformed.
Even if KotM is considered worse by critics, we have yet to see how well it can do, and the 5 year gap has nothing to do with this.
I mean anyone can post a number score. Actually reading their reviews matter. Like when i read the Detective Pikachu reviews and found out they were just mad confused boomers who didnt understand pokemon. I assume the same with this movie
When will they learn. We dont want weebshit. We want MARVEL
>caring about what critics think
>only 3 days until we get to enjoy our Kaiju Kino lads
The (((critics))) didn’t like it because it had more Kaiju screen time than human screen time. Fuck ‘em.
>Please let me lick your feet, Brie Larson! I've been criticizing this Godzilla movie for its toxic masculinity embodied through this "King" Ghidorah character. He doesn't even have the decency to quip!
When does it come out
>reviews are mainly bitching and whining about the “unimportance” of the human characters compared to the kaijus
>in a fucking Godzilla movie
Why are critics like this?
Aka positive reviews from people who give a shit that promise a movie that delivers and a bunch of reviewers who don't care so nothing would change their mind anyway unless Godzilla had a cape.
Is that a movie or an ad?
>When I heard Millie Bobby Brown was in this, I expected several Stranger Things references, maybe eat some Leggo Waffles. What I got instead, was some boring and overly WWEish monster fights trying too hard to mimick Rugrats Reptar
>Muh story
>In a giant monster fighting movies
Good to know I can continue to ignore critics
>this is the champion of faggots making these threads
Theyre promoting Millie instead of the monsters, of course its bad.
I bought 4 tickets assuming my friends would come and they all turned it down and I am sad.
There's about 25 minutes worth of monsters, but the thing is - even if they're not on the screen, there's mayhem going about, revolving around them.
With two thirds of the movie being action sequences - the plot and characters are a clusterfuck.
it's like they almost get the point but not quite
It's a teaser for a short movie made for a Tokukatsu Museum in Japan. It releases on 31st.
This means it's good right if critics hate it? Seriously read their reviews they complain about lack of humans and too much monsters lmao
can you actually link the review because I have big suspicion you made this up
Oh hell yeah. That teaser was fucking awesome. At the end i thought it was an ad for coffee, i wish i could speak Nippon though.
I don't care what ratings it gets. I'm from around Boston. I finally get to see Godzilla destroy my city.
Go Sox!
>get a ticket for me, since one friend may be working
>other friend:wtf you only got one movie ticket?
>me:yeah, for godzilla. Wanna co-
>other friend: ewww nooo fuck those movies
> He takes Rotten Tomatoes seriously
Jesus user...
Just tell them it's a new Marvel character
I raged reading this. Critic genocide WHEN?
I remember when Tommy Lee Jones filmed an ad for them.
Who gives a flying fuck what the shill media approves? If it isn't Oscar bait (Darkie, Female, Queer, Anti Conservative, Trans, White Savior or Third Wave Feminist) then of course they will hate it. Plus it isn't a Disney movie
it's just a commercial for Boss coffee
There was supposed to be a short film fro the tokusatsu museum in Tsuburaya's hometown but I don't know if that's available to the public
I literally don't care what anyone thinks about this. I've avoided all the trailers since the first and I'm going to see it unspoiled. Nice try jews
But what does King Ghidorah have to say about the plight of LGBT POC in Trump’s America?
What is Mothra’s tax policy?
Yet they loved pleb dogshit like jo hn wick and shazam huh
That was posted in multiple threads and he never actually cites a source. So until then it's a fake quote.
There's Dunkin Donuts product placement and they're considered problematic.
>listening to a podcast
>US Godzilla '94 comes up
>one of them had worked for Dean Devlin
>said he was talking with another employee in the offices
>Devlin asks what they're talking about
>they said they were remembering his Godzilla film and thought it was pretty good and got too much flack
>Devlin just shakes his head and walks away, never speaking of it again
RT is a safe space libtard activist oh I meant Reviewers
Who here hyped?
>I know based Countdown Gojibro and I are
reminder that Godzilla vs Kong is already shot and releases next year
Based Rodanbro
People will watch it anyway because big monster fight. I don’t give a shit about the Kaiju genre though so I’m skipping it.
And thankfully it's the last one
Alot better than Blackkklansman and Black Panther. But I guess you considered those top kino shit huh
> On a visual level, nearly every single frame of Godzilla: King of the Monsters feels like a work of art, with many moments evoking the spirit of Frank Frazetta's artistic creations (especially during the scenes with King Ghidorah).
Zack Snyder couldn't even get reviews like this. Kino of the highest order is coming right up.
Have sex.
>make a trailer honoring the first man to play Godzilla, who worked through hell and back
>it’s just for coffee
Everyone saying the critics and shit are wrong but you guys haven't seen it yet.
What if the movie is actually bad? Is it really that farfetched to say there is a mediocre Godzilla movie. Not like it'd be the first time.
Remember that critics shat on Goji 2014 because it had (((too little godzilla))). Critics are not only mentally ill and slaves to MUH PAYCHECK, but they are gigantic hypocrites.
>Was supposed to go with gf Thursday night
>she now made plans with her friends
REEEEE guess I'm violating the no singles policy
Because you have to look at why the critics are saying it's bad.
He will answer the monster king's call.
If it's bad then I'll say it's bad but C*itics need to fucking hang.
The same tasteless critics that praised those also praised what I listed
Really makes you think doesn't it, capeshit tourist?
>lainbow mountain
tommy ree jones very good this ad in
I used to have this was my wallpaper in college when I first found Yea Forums.
I also met Nakajima at a con before he passed. I got his autograph. Sadly I think it was in a box that was lost during moving. Yet I am still glad to have met him and given him something back when I paid him for the couple seconds to sign it and thank him.
>hire a man who hates Godzilla films to make a Godzilla film
>make it seinfeld/Simpsons meet the iguana from 20,000 fathoms
The irony is that Zack Snyder's favorite artist is Frank Frazetta.
Critics get paid to review everything so they're not equally hyped for everything. As a general rule we should expect more popular franchises to get better reviews by those critics. The first Godzilla kind of fell under the radar it was just some big movie not a franchise yet. Everyone who cares says that KotM is better this thing is consistent so logically the current score is not the best indicator of anything.
Aladdin have the exact same score
This phone poster needs to be shamed more.
They aren't all saying the same exact shit though
>Remember that critics shat on Goji 2014
not really
Say, is this one a sequel from the previous Godzilla?
It's being released as "Godzilla II: King of monsters" here so I was wondering that.
Not every story needs to place foremost importance on the psychology of individual human characters. KoTM seems to be more about how Godzilla and Ghidorah are affecting the natural order of things on a global institutional scale. There's nothing wrong with that.
Score will be inverted this time
>paid shills on a disney owned shill site don't like a non-disney movie
oh no
Rare occurrence that I would agree with the access Disney bots but Shazam was ight JW 3 story sucked but I loved the action. They liked it for other reasons twerp. Go fuck yourself redditor.
It's going to be his FOTY at this rate
>Hey, Ghidorah....I didn’t hear no bell
>that spacing
>that jamal ape scrawl
Jesus fucking christ
Go "ight" back to twitter
>shit that focuses on humans and barely shows zilla
>high rating
>movie that actually focuses on monsters first and foremost like it should
>low rating
Nope, WB contract with Toho was renewed.
They pretty much are. "not enough human stuff" is the general gist. I'm sure the characters in this film are awful and what little development their is is riddled with dumb decisions and campy generic drama, BUT that's not the point of Godzilla, it's not hwy anyones paying to see a Godzilla film.
Warnerchinks BTFO
I actually drank a can of that coffee this morning.
Fuck off back to Toho Cuckdom you incel
>I'm sure the characters in this film are awful and what little development their is is riddled with dumb decisions and campy generic drama,
That's the same criticism Kong got when it came out.
Rodan takes a moment to say “Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”
>>that spacing
>>that jamal ape scrawl
>Jesus fucking christ
>Go "ight" back to twitter
You think you white because your name is "Clarence"? Cope harder race traitor. I cant wait to torch you darkies
Is it only sold in Japan?
Why are the most s o y people “top rated” critics? How does one even get this job and title?
We have the most unlikely allies this time around bros:
>MovieBob saying it's very good, and going off on a tangent on just how fucking awesome it is in review
>IGN praising it as well
How come Hollywood stars are willing to do this in Nip countries but not western countries?
You're not "we", Yea Forumseddit cuck
>m-moviebob isn’t based
Remember when he defended James for saying the ghostbusters remakes didn’t look that good
I know. Shoulda been for cigarettes.
IGN almost doesn't matter but normies seem to enjoy it, fans aren't disappointed the only people complaining are some professional critics who doesn't give a damn it's not for them. It's the genre they hate not the movie.
This says it all, really. This and the often crazy difference in how audience vs critics pans out for scores. The audience scores are typically closer to how enjoying it is to watch, typically being the keyword. Sometimes the audience scores are 60k+ inbred retards.
Can someone recommend some non-Godzilla Hauro movies?
Yes, but will Stuckman like it
>How come Hollywood stars are willing to do this in Nip countries
because they get to fuck some underage jap cunny and no one like white and black american roasties
Remember when Brie Larson said critics suck? “A wrinkle in time is not made for old white man”. Hate to admit it, but the same context belongs here, too
like every other fucking Toho monster movie in the 50's and 60's, Rodan, Varan, Sanda and Gaira etc
fuck off back to Yea Forums
Like non-Kaiju, I mean
Brian Cranston was unironically the only actor who put on a performance in that film, with the exception of Watabe
Actually agree with this.
I don't love him or anything but he's actually usually able to articulate pretty well why he does or doesn't like a film, and is pretty fair to it overall. which is a lot more than you could say for most people on Yea Forums
Given his usually tastes, he probably will actually, but will criticize it for the same things other critics are criticizing it for. It just won't sink the movie for him. Jeremy Jahns will love it too I bet
Isn’t its score rising?
>Russian bots up scores for an incel movie
>Brian Cranston was unironically the only actor who put on a performance in that film, with the exception of Watabe
how many minutes of screen time do you need from him? 45 minutes was not enough, how about 60? 90? extra credit scenes? you retards cling to one thing forever
Only toxic white men care about things like special effects, score, cinematography, etc. True film critics judge movies by how woke they are on POC and LGBTQI+ awareness.
>Eva godzilla
Don't expect a great surge until May 31st. First reviews are from people hired to write about as many movies as they can not general audience.
I mean its critic score. Wasn’t it in the thirties earlier today?
Can't wait to see this honestly
>Rotten Tomatoes
>absolutely no Godfather 1 or 2
Christ almighty I’m so angry
Just say that he was the only person who tried
Unironically more kino than any movie I've seen in months
It's a sign. Lots of geek reviewers like it they don't give it 6/10 that would be more fitting for the current score.
The soundtrack and trailers confirm that this movie will have enough fanservice and action to be enjoyable. Most of the "critics" are complaining that the human characters don't get enough screentime. Normally, I don't mind the human plots in most Godzilla movies, but my biggest fear was that they were going to ruin this one with Marvel-tier quips and one-liners.
Too problematic.
i’ll go with you bro We’ll do an amc dine in and i’ll buy all the snacks
Cranston dying too soon is a meme. His character died exactly when he should have. He had fulfilled his role in the narrative and would have spent the rest of the movie standing around pretending to stare at CGI monsters with the rest of the supporting cast. The real problem is that the character he was supposed to pass the torch to for the second half of the movie dropped it.
It's somewhere below Incredibles 2 I think. in the 30s.
Do they have the balls to let Godzilla win, bros? Or will Manlet Kong go 2-0?
I picked it up from an Asian market in my city that sells a lot of imports.
But I wasn’t complaining about his short time. Was just pointing out that he seemed like the only believable character
who watches these movies for the story
Another draw like before.
Every single reviewer that hated this movie looks like they have an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on their car they refuse to take off.
The audience score seems way too high for that
They will most likely have to fight another monster together
Sorry I had that post already chambered in the barrel from earlier threads where everyone was bitching about Cranston dying and was just waiting to see his name so I could hit send.
Okay big monster fights.. like we get it. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE HER-MAN STORY?
It is. It's over for today they stopped at 39 it's been like that for an hour see you tomorrow.
You're fucking retarded
This actually makes me really sad. I'm a little worried now
These critics also praised Ghostbusters, TLJ, and Captain Karen. Don’t worry TOO hard
>Caring about reviewer score knowing how corrupt they are
Dumb phoneposter
Critics are unironically trash now. this wasn't true even like 10 years ago, Im really not sure what happened.
I mean, why did the director choose an apolitical message in a time of fascists? Godzilla was always about showing mans inhumanity to man. Godzilla would have worked if the titular character smashed Donald drumpfs wall and this just aint it chief.
He's not. When I first saw it it was at 30 something
Even if the critics are massively out of step with how the general public will feel about the movie, they still have the power to hurt its momentum and give it a weak opening weekend since their harsh reviews will be the only thing normies have to go on when deciding what to go see this weekend.
hate the Mutos all you want, their sound effects were kino
Normies were annoyed at TLJ, despite the praise it got from critics. Normies also liked Venom and ATILA. Again, don’t fret
>Im really not sure what happened.
Having wrongthink about social justice issues can ruin your career in the current year.
he cute
Based Zilla poster!
it was at 60 and fell to 56
Jurassic Park does not have a great story either and actually less than 17 minutes of dinosaur screentime
But it's one of the best film Speilberg made.
>should prove engrossing for viewers of all political persuasions
I know you losers hate CM, but it was an average marvel movie that made a fucking billion dollars. It was even better than the trash like IM3 and avengers 2
Yet, sweetie, that had interesting charactwrs
>meanwhile in Japan
Wow, bro
This means it isn't full of SJW nonsense or other Jew bullshit.
>It is too lively! Wow!
>Even though the CG is great and spectacular, the story feels a little poor. I wanted to be more moved, but Emma was so crazy that I couldn't empathize at all. . .
>Basically I felt that the cry was small, but would it be annoying if I got over it? Is it? Then only the last Godzilla's shout, I could have at least made it louder.
>Personally, Godzilla's face was not the type. More handsome is good!
>I will miss you.
Surprising desu. Also why do Japs love animal avatars so much?
Oh no! And I just got tickets to the imax showing tomorrow night. lmao who cares, I'll still go see it, form my own opinion
>even japs hate it
>>Personally, Godzilla's face was not the type. More handsome is good!
What did they mean by this?
Do any of them bring up the Godzilla March rendition?
>have to shoehorn in some bullshit about Kong growing in size so he can even match up to Godzilla
Lol, Pathetic.
Average of 4 out of 5 stars is hating it?
Holy shit this really will be the biggest bomb of the year
>Haw Wow, in the development that sweat in the open mouth, Godzilla's way of swimming feels like a bullet in a seal, and it is a healing that was suddenly healed by a cute animal image
10/10 fucking kino is back
It's a bunch of tasteless women and westaboos praising it
I did not watch the 1998 Godzilla since I was a kid, I didn't notice what was wrong. But I have to say that it is that Godzilla design that I prefer
Someone to redpill me ?
women want handsome godzilla faces? Also are westaboos even a thing?
>characters felt like they came from a sitcom
>somehow the French are involved
>Godzilla is smaller and weaker
>gets killed by artillery
The lighter scene was pretty dam kino, though
I see mentions of Mothra's theme being good more. I think they take Godzilla's theme as granted.
>Holy shit this really will be the biggest bomb of the year
Not with Dark Phoenix coming. God knows how much that shit cost after the reshoots
Jurassic Park is also a different type of movie than a Godzilla movie. They have similar themes, but it's similar to a slasher movie where characters the audience has grown attached to could suddenly die in a violent and bloody way at any moment thanks to killers that are stalking them (velociraptors in JP). Those types of horror movies appeal to American audiences, because we're afraid of getting murdered by random psychopaths. Japanese people in 1954 were afraid of their cities getting destroyed by nukes and firebombs again. Godzilla was a horror movie for them.
It's honestly not a bad design, the whole problem is that the monster and movie in general was nothing like Godzilla and was banking off Jurassic Park/Dinosaur fervor at the time.
Stop lyin my guy
Ummm bros, I just want Godzilla kino, this isn't looking good.
Pic is for 4pm on a Saturday..
>Captain Marvel is average marvel
>Iron Man 3 is trash
I swear these critics were complaining about how there was too much boring humans reacting to the situation, and not enough Godzilla causing the situation in the previous film. Now, they're complaining about how there's too much monsters and not enough humans, even though this film contains way more monsters, and by the trailer, the humans are boring people who are reacting, with the exception of that Star Wars character that's blaming humanity and Tywin Lannister.
More time to lounge around, user.
Wait, was she Holdo in TLJ, or am I thinking of someone else?
This is what happens when you want instant gratification. This is like DCEU.
If this movie really wanted to subvert expectations, Godzilla shouldn't have made an appearance. The movie would instead be about a Trump analogue attempting to blame Godzilla for his own war crimes in Mexico.
This is the showing I'm going to on Thursday. It's the first IMAX screening at 7:15pm. We're gonna make it, Gojibros.
Stop posting minesweeper thumbnails in my Godzilla thread
Thanks my dude.
I guess I should rewatch it soon.
they were cool
>Japs have a shit taste in movies
Who would've guessed?
What does stadium seating mean?
It's tiered, so you can see over the fat idiots in front of you, instead of a flatter plane theater where everyone is on the same level.
More like this movie was made for Godzilla fans, i.e. people who are already familiar with Japanese tokusatsu movies from the 50's and 60's and can recognize all the cues from them.
Holdo was Dr. Sattler in Jurrassic Park.
I've seen the reviews, most of them are bitching about the fact that humans don't much of a role in the movie. But who the hell cares? Did anyone honestly care about the humans in the 2014 Godzilla, barring Cranston? Can they even name the guy who was supposed to be the human MC in that film? No. And King of the Monsters is honestly no different. The humans in this one are boring too, one of them is a serious misanthrope that compares humanity to a disease, and the evil human antagonist is an eco-terrorist
Honestly, from these reviews it seems like western critics completely missed the point that monsters are characters themselves and treat them as just a gimmick.
Why, because it's got 4/5 stars?
SEETHING mousecuck
>The humans in this one are boring too, one of them is a serious misanthrope that compares humanity to a disease, and the evil human antagonist is an eco-terrorist
So basically it's like one of the Showa Godzilla movies.
don't ever post on here again bitch
If you want to make the monsters stand out as characters, perhaps try to put scenes of them out of the rain first?
Audiences are practically watching silhouettes against dim light.
I meant that in a good way.
Come to think about it, I may do the same
what the fuck
>Godzilla’s revenge
>So you’d want to make Godzilla our pet?
>No. We would be his.
Michael Dougherty knew it.
>Godzilla vs Destoroyah at A instead of E
>Godzilla vs Gigan and Godzilla vs Megalon lower than Godzilla Raids Again and Godzilla 2014
>anime trilogy not being the lowest
I didn’t see the third anime. Can someone summarize
I see it's at 56%
Well, it's anime.
I ordered my tickets right when they went on sale, I live in the Boston area and almost every good seat was already taken. I guess Bostonians are goji fans? The popular theater is also showing the movie 2 days early with 4 viewings on wednesday, and from then on regularly showing it. It must be popular then
It's hard to summarize because it's the most mind-fucky of all three movies.
>Remember when he defended James for saying the ghostbusters remakes didn’t look that good
.......while also praising the remake.
That was very nice
Boston is the location of the final battle in the movie.
Have sex
Friendly reminder that Rotten Tomatoes just recently made it even harder for fans to have a say in the score.
They literally just started a money scheme that lets only people who purchase tickets from their company to review movies. They have no validity and should never be posted here, even their critic scores.
Just tried to watch cap marvel today. It was so bad I had to turn it off. Brie Larson is objectively fucking awful.
Not that bad of a movie desu Sometimes it's cool to see someone from the bottom work passionately to get to the toop
Wait, I just thought they made you confirm you bought a ticket in general?
>Godzilla isn’t importa-
The complete lack of logic in that move compounds in on itself worse than the Star Wars prequels.
Who did that?
shut the fuck up
you guys heard this from a youtuber or something? you say it over and over again. what's the big deal if he gets 45 minutes of intense acting time, then dies?
the movie sucked because the generic soldier was boring, it was too dark, and they cut away from monsters too often
That explains it then, every fuck around here can't resist a movie thats set here. I've been avoiding spoilers best I can so I probably should've guess thats why its popular
Only tickets purchased through fandango online, which just happens to be rt’s parent company. It’s a crooked Jew scheme as usual.
>too dark
It was hard to see shit.
In terms of tone, let me get this off my chest.
The trailers made it look like it would be a “Godzilla is ‘pissed of nature’ incarnate” film, yet we got an episode of the hanna barbera show.
Fandango is the best tho dude! Every dollar I spend is one kino point!!! 200 more and I get a free T-shirt! Hell yeah!!!!
Well, so bought my ticket through them, so I’ll be sure to submit a review.
Ooooh doctor Who meets Rick and Mort that’s so epic. How would Rick react to the sonic screwdriver? Oh oh oh what if morty drove the tardis
>Literally has the same exact score as Aladdin
Just how much are those little slanty eyed gooks paying you Indian fuckers to spout retarded bullshit?
I got Thor ragnarok today too, so hopefully I am not disappointed twice.
>what's the big deal if he gets 45 minutes of intense acting time, then dies?
>the movie sucked because the generic soldier was boring
Yeah, that’s the whole problem. The character with actual emotions and motivation got killed off before Godzilla was even mentioned. The whole focus on the army made it obvious the movie was just an advertisement for Israel’s foreign legion. The father who died was more relatable to the average person than all the rah-rah army strong bullshit that accomplished fuckall.
THIS is your greatest argument?
>It was too dark
This is purely a DVD thing, the theater experience was fine and I'm pretty sure the blu-ray is fine
Cranston is literally the only human actor audiences remember. That's the whole point, user. The screenwriters can't write human characters very well, so why bother trying to add more characters in the sequel, especially when the sequel is adding more monsters? Having humans spectate and being the pawn of the monsters instead of vice versa is better for audiences.
Only the 3D Blu-ray looks decent.
>I'm pretty sure the blu-ray is fine
It's not. I think it is darker than Aliens Vs Predator Requiem
>The whole focus on the army made it obvious the movie was just an advertisement for Israel’s foreign legion
Dude shut up. Why the fuck would the US armed forces NOT get involved when there’s like 3 monsters fucking around in the Pacific and in the Southwest?
>all the rah-rah army strong bullshit that accomplished fuckall
Right because they should automatically know that their weapons are useless.
He was practically a mascot for them for a while, iirc.
>we will never get the Jan De Bont/Stan Winston Godzilla movie
Pretty good
There IS the visual novel
So you're just going to sit there
Watch the movie or take a look around, moron
>critics shit on Godzilla movies
>Godzilla never once pulled out a Nintendo switch and played Bing Bing Wahoo. 2/10
'98 is nostalgia good for me now, kind of like the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
>Raids Again too high
>Mechagodzilla too low
>Anime not in poop
Otherwise pretty good
Anyone else loves murrican godzilla 1998? Yes, im aware it's shit but still. I even have fond erotic memories of the marketing.
>basically an ad for army
>army does fuckall
The marketing was my favorite part, in hindsight. How they kept his/her appearance a mystery until release, and I recall a pretty decent Godzilla ice cream at the time too.
>that cloaca
I do remember that indirect Snickers commercial with the monster trying to eat the guy on the bus
I honestly don't know what else people were expecting. I mean Hollywood has NEVER liked Godzilla. Fucking critic shits are a blight on this earth and deserve the same fate as game "journalists."
>giving a single molecule of a flying fuck in this universe on this plane of existence what Rotten Tomatoes thinks
Zilla is pure and good bf material.
His design is also the best thing about him and his cartoon has given more than one Godzilla fan a bit of a soft spot for him. Myself would be okay if he was a "Cousin Species" or something assuming they just made the cartoon his canon characterization.
where do you think you are?.png
>no one like white and black american roasties
The JSDF is involved in most other Godzilla movies, but they usually don’t drive the plot or contain the main characters.
So confirmed kino
Videogame journalist
>This game is very difficult, it doesn't respect me :(
Film critic
>mmh, This movie is not 2001: Space Odyssey, -8/10 too many monsters
>it's ANOTHER RT thread
all so tiresome
Whoever the fuck said this deserves to burn in hell
>black panther
>get out
>Wonder Woman
Critics actually believe these are comparable to citizen Kane
>godzilla nuzzling mothra
>The JSDF is involved in most other Godzilla movies, but they usually don’t drive the plot or contain the main characters.
The US military is very different. When something happens that concerns them they are up the ass about everything.
inb4 people see it and make threads talking about how good it is just to """"spite"""the critics when in reality it turns out to be underwhelming shit
now post those twitter screenshots about empty theaters
>The average movie critic in the Trump Era
Oh yeah, Ghostbusters
>2001: Space Odyssey
>Upon release, 2001 polarized critical opinion, receiving both ecstatic praise and vehement derision, with many New York-based critics especially harsh. Kubrick called them "dogmatically atheistic and materialistic and earthbound." Some critics viewed the original 161-minute cut shown at premieres in Washington D.C., New York, and Los Angeles. Keir Dullea says that during the New York premiere, 250 people walked out; in L.A., Rock Hudson not only left early but "was heard to mutter, 'What is this bullshit?'"
Fuck, she gets a bad ending doesn't she?
But you'll say it's to spite the critics even if it's genuinely good, user.
>Implying modern critics are ever actually right 90 percent of the time
kindly fuck off to a Disney thread mouse shill faggot
My friends backed out of watching this with me. They were turned off by the reviews. I was so cautiously optimistic for this, but my hopes had dwindled once the second trailer dropped. The leaked plot sounded so ridiculous to me but I brushed it off as fake.
These reviews are just confirming every bad feeling I had for this movie. Godzilla vs Kong never interested me and has now solidified my bitterness for Hollywood handling Godzilla. feelsfuckingbadman.avi
>muh Disney
Opinion discarded. Did you forget that Aladdin got a underwhelming score too or what you fucking brainlet?
does the director share my fetish
A giant fucking turtle opens up a chasm in the ice and takes both her and her egg down with it. Her fate is left ambiguous, but she does not reappear in the remaining episodes. Just another tick in the "Zilla had a hard life" column.
>oy vey noishah, duh film! ya gotta have people in the monstuh movie! *cracks a christian child like a slim jim and drinks his blood*
Godzilla is this samurai who's just tired of fighting and wants to live in peace. Then some fuckwits smash open a prison containing the berserker fire warrior Rodan, and are threatening to open the other prison housing the genocidal warlord Ghidorah. With the threat of a reign of terror returning, the shrine priestess Mothra sets out to find Godzilla in order to defeat the fire warrior and the golden tyrant before it's too late.
I'm a bit tired of "98 was not that bad" posting.
Of course it was not that bad but still not that good.
>Rock Hudson
Upset it didn't have more faggots.
Bruins gonna win the cup.
It’s not that bad if all you know about Godziller is that he’s supposed to be a giant lizard stomping around a city
>Aladdin is kino
>Godzilla shitty poopoo movie
And people take your opinion just as seriously?Also that was all because of Guy Richie film than anything fag.
This user has a point. '98 is not a good version of "Godzilla," and it has it's fair share of flat acting / bad direction / etc. But there's nothing that can stop you from enjoying a bad movie. And to be quite honest, movies and TV are so shit nowadays that the trash of yesterday seems so much better by comparison.
That's all I needed to hear.
Fucking beautiful
>no atomic ray
>killed by F-18
>b-but it is Godzilla
Can't fucking wait, lads.
I'd rather have a niche product that fans love and critics hate than a market-tested wide-appeal shitfest that alienates fans (looking at you, Pacific Rim: Uprising)
you try to appeal to everyone, you end up with no one.
Just get out from the premiere in my city.
Awesome film, pretty much a high budget Japanese Godzilla with all that entails.
Leaks were true and the end has the bioterrorists retrieving Ghidorah's head
Mothra is cute and funny.
End Of Godzillagellion
That’s pretty much what I expected, and wanted. Glad to hear
This means nothing. It'll make over $800 million like Venom despite critics bitching.
Cute and Funny.
venom was pretty fun. i agree. fuck the critics
Good to hear that it’s not embarrassed of the source material like 1998 and 2014 clearly were.
>Ghidorah's head
>not Destoroyah crab
Damn it
And the end credits aren't subtle about Kong, Skull Island is mentioned a lot in the news reel that goes with them. Also, the returning character from Kong is an older Brooks, played by Joe Morton
Goodnight brothers
good night