/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Krupp Stahl Edition
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>not /joker/ edition


>wanting more shit "i'm da jokaa baybee" memes

Did you laugh when the General suggested shooting the Graphite?

Who’s the best character and why is it Dyatlov

Idk why but it grounded the series back to reality to me, even though its based off real events

>Dyatlov himself received a potentially fatal dose of radiation and is now a permanent invalid, finding it difficult to walk more than a few steps without exhausting himself.

Comrade, why don't you fuck off

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>Soviet general
>suggests shooting something to get rid of it

Yes v out of character

I'll be useful sir!

Post yfw this happens

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It sounded so incredibly stupid I believed it was actually suggested by a general

Is this actually good? Fuck all this normie and subvert shit you faggots cry about. I want to watch a good tv series, is this it?

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>not shooting the graphite

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>no edits with spaghetti pouring out everywhere

You’re done Yea Forums

How do I even know there is a best character?


Only incels hate it

>literally almost to the core
>scientist exaggerated a next day death if they went there
>but the dudes shoveling shit only got cancer gods know when

I feel like this show tends to overblown things and and our comrades in Russia had everything in control.

>The vehicle is dead

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Kino series of the year comrade

Webms from this weeks episode

Usually i only watch fantasy series because otherwise it is boring normal life shit, but this is good ye, it dragged me right on.

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Reminder that soviets had quite a lot of nuclear disasters and kept quiet:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_submarine_K-431 - accidentally pulling out all controll rods of freshly refueled reactor with explosive results

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyshtym_disaster nuclear waste explodes and poisons Urals, world notices just because villages disappear of the soviet maps, russians keep quiet for 20 years

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Karachay - lets dump nuclear waste into receding lake - poured cement over it after it dried up, but still up to 600 rentgens today

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techa_River - lets dump nuclear waste into river villagers use, oops they got "special" disease.

I thought it seemed like a good idea

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Im on episode 3, im genuinely confused about te way hbo is portraying this. Very few people died from radiation poisoning, due to the fire at chernobyl. but it keeps on making it seem like everyone in the area was dying from it. Other than this and the borderline gurl power scientist, im enjoying it. Its a high budget thriller disaster movie.
I guess they had to add this components to make it 'interesting' and i doubt many people will look up what actually happened so they wont know.

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>masks change between cuts

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t-they'll be alright r-right?

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Why didn't the eagles just take the graphite to their nest and buried it there

>look at corechan twice
>she tickles your toes on your way back in
>spill your spaghetti everywhere right next to her
I would DIE if that happened to me

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Top 3 miniseries of all time

Reminder that this photographer fucked up development (bromide drag) of the film - it's not radiation damage.

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Nooooooo, stop pointing things out!

Same usually only fantasy shit can interested me. You convinced me, will start tomorrow

I'm buying whatever the most expensive bluray set is

Because the eagles are American

>everything magically disappears from the table
what the absolute fuck were they thinking?

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Post yfw it was revealed some bureaucrat gave the west germans the propaganda numbers when requesting a radiation-resistant machine

#1 rated series on IMDB

Did they need Joker for something else? That first robot seemed to work fine

Where do HBO hire their continuity crew? They are absolutely useless

he's carrying it in his arms you autist. They timeskipped a few seconds forward after he gathers it up

almost on par with The Terror
This last episode is really gonna be what determines if it's better than it or not

You know that the reactor didn't explode, right?

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>bromide drag
Doesn't bromide drag occur near bright objects on the film?

The dirty Armenian stole it all

>no buried-alive puppy scene
We were spared the worst. It seems like they cut out a few things. I wonder if they will ever release them?

>tfw just after 2 episodes it's hard to be mad or surprised at Soviet bullshittery

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pls no

Isn't it funny how this series depicts the soviets as the lying fucktards maniplating shit to make themselves look good for propaganda purposes that they were but nobody infers from this that they may have lied about WW2 and the staged photos they took at the camps in 1945 aswell

Like the shit they pulled at nuremberg was actually ten times worse than chernobyl in tems of pure criminal energy/willingness to make stuff up for the benefit of the USSR

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yeah that's some sadism I'd rather not watch

>shot of guy gathering everything and putting it in one small box relatively slowly while the boy stands up
>next shot is the boy immediately after having stood up, putting his gun around his shoulder. suddenly the table is completely clean
based retard

More impressively,

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wew lad

Why did he mean by this?

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Also on the perforations, or at least something similar to bromide drag is happening there.

can someone post the pic of what happened to the nibbas irl

Well there were several hundred milliseconds here spent on him gathering the various items up so they needed to condense it into a single jumpcut.

Yeah because reactors don't explode

Also the whole chernobyl area is where they say a majority of the holy hoax took place

How "convenient" that the meltdown happened there so they ground can't be dug up for tens of thousands of years

I believe it.

You know Americans documented their experiences with the camps too, right?

>edit out starbucks AFTER it's aired
>don't bother with this shit.


how could they ruin such a perfect series this easily

There is no man alive that is more Chad than him.

There's a lot that can be said about any historical event in a place that isn't Yea Forums

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Some races should answer for the sins of the few, to absolve them of these crimes.

It'll be the big final scene where Dyatlov proves his case in court and walks away a free man.


How much was 800 rubles worth back then? Could you retire off of that or at least buy yourself a nice car?

At least it's not as bad as the guy who destroyed almost all of the photos from the D-Day landings

it was hot

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muh perfect woman
muh cliched kid can't kill dogs because melodrama not unlike GoT horseshit

The show's quality dropped 50% this week.


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>record an entire episode dedicated solely to shooting puppers in the face
I don't know how to feel
it feels kino, but at the same time I want to rip my heart out

at least now I have some empathy for that little killing of a sacred deer bitch

Boris was feeding sausage to dogs in the last episode. Poetry...?

>tfw you will never serve the soviet union and receive an 800 ruble bonus

why even live comrades?

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ya its pretty based
literally only incels are whining even the /pol/ crowd (outside the aforementioned incels) likes it

All of the scenes he cut he says he never filmed. Like Akimov's faceless face. They were in the script but he cut them and decided not to film them.

>How much was 800 rubles worth back then?
200 bucks.


Anyone else miss the episodes these two were in charge and everyone was in comfy denial?

Cлyжy coвeтcкoмy coюзy!

Not a lot. You could probably buy yourself or your family a nice single room hovel out in the country

its how I mine in minecraft in my chair.

and a can of pepsi, the socialist non-alcoholic drink

Were only domesticated animals culled or also larger wild animals like deer, wolves etc?

It's cold, he's fat and not a Jewish slave

uncut dick

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They hated each other but kept it together for the good of the union. We will see them again in the last episode.

can't be so low, 200 rubles was a montly salary

average 1986 Ruple to current (today)USD is about 1:30.7

so about $24.570

Turning it into a cunt

Uncut peni are the best. Foreskin is a good shield against radiation

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Doesn't seem worth it desu. I would ask to transfer to the pethunting squad.

was actually more like $1000 USD

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im guessing they had to kill the dogs and cats because their fur was contaminated by radioactive particles, so im guessing they had to get rid of any animals they came across

If you were a firefighter and offered a free Subaru Outback to do your job, you'd say no?

they had hunting parties out for wildlife too, but the pets were obviously far more numerous and easier to get.

I thought he said they "shot" the scene but cut it

Nah m8 you're converting 1,986 ruble to USD

do you really think that kid would sit there while the dog's dying of an incredibly painful gut wound? It was lazy melodrama for people who enjoy GoT.

what brand of vodka where the soldiers drinking?

not bad for 90 seconds of work and free vodka desu

wtf happened in December of 1960 for it to change so much?

You can't buy a subaru with 24 bucks or 200 bucks


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4 monthly salaries for 90 seconds of work, that's a great deal!

Funny how all the “extermination camps” were in the Soviet zone and the labor camps were in the English and American ones

has Barry Keoghan redeemed himself for the killing of a sacred deer?

yeah some people might do that. especially people who aren't used to running around irradiated ghost towns shooting what looks like their own pets.


They were probably given stoli

there is no mistake my friend you must be delusional. Go to the infirmary at once.

>Of course I know they're listening! I want them to hear! I want them to hear it all! Do you know what we're doing here?! Tell those geniuses what they have done! I don't give a fuck! Tell them! Go tell them! Ryzhkov! Go tell them he's a joke! Tell fucking Gorbachev!

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which is around $2300 of today's dollar. that's pretty good money for Russia in '86.

Was it convenience or for safety reasons that the pets weren't evacuated with the owners?

Was it a possibility for fast spreading species like mice and rats or insects to cause lasting damages in mutated populations? I seem to remember a documentary about the wolves (that returned to Chernobyl) and they weren't affected at all

No he said he had it in the script and he read it and he felt too sick to keep it and decided to cut it.

I killed a rat once when I was a kid. the only thing bigger than a bug I ever killed.
I just sat there, frozen, staring at it, still half-alive. my mom and dad came and it took them a solid minute of calling my name before I came to my senses.

The other robots were never sent to the worst roof because they knew they wouldn't work there. They got the Joker hoping it could withstand the radiation there but it didn't

Thank you for your service and memes comrades.
Only 1 more episode left...

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>The 1961 redenomination introduced 1 new ruble equal to 10 old rubles and restated all wages, prices and financial records into new rubles
>Its parity to the US dollar underwent a devaluation, however, from $1 = 4 old rubles (0.4 new ruble) to $1 = 0.9 new ruble (or 90 kopeks).

Might have something to do with it

Hey guys just got home from a long time
feeling not great but not terrible.

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Would have taken up too much space probably, and fur can hold a lot more dust and particles than human skin/hair, so there's a real danger that a dog could be very irradiated.

Based Boris
>you need a new phone
>fuck this is probably coming out of my 800 rubles

We serve the kino union.

Thanks. Im go buy one and have a drink for the brave comrades

Probably my favorite part of the episode.

they didn't have time nor the means to evacuate with the pets. They also weren't thinking about it, the Russians at that point seriously thought that after a while the people would be going back. Then they realized they had to build a whole new city. They weren't prepared to evacuate a whole town let alone their pets.

nope. he was a retarded pussy. He had strict orders, and much more fundamental, you don't egregiously wound a "pet type" animal and then stare at it as it experiences unimaginable pain.

Maybe I'm just a better person than you, but I wouldn't hesitate to put that poor animal out of its misery. That shithead probably lived a retarded life too. Making decisions like that didn't bode well for his future.

why didnt they just detonate the roof?


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200 is kinda high salary desu
most people earned less than that

lmao, quit trying to moral high ground a discussion about a character you schizo. I didn't say I would do what he did.

KINO of the highest order.

holy fuck what a dumpster fire

that's a vermin. Plus you were a kid. This guy was around 20.

I have learned more about nuclear energy/Chernobyl and all that in the last few days I started binging this show and asking dumb questions here than years of physics and chemistry education.

We are here just to suffer user, I know that

it's not that you dense motherfucker
kid had never killed anything before, he was just frozen
orders from the party do not override the fact that killing something is bad
he probably wasn't even aware the dog was in pain, he was just stuck

I bet the people complaining about that watch anime

it's easier to make up a language on the spot than it is to teach cavemen to act

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The guys who went through the water were fine irl

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1 episode left

>Following orders issued from the authorities to mark the end of the clean-up operation on the roof of reactor n° 3, three men were requested to attach a red flag on the summit of the chimney overlooking the destroyed reactor, this time by climbing up the 78m chimney, via a spiral staircase, despite the dangers posed by heavy radiation after a group of liquidators had already made two fruitless attempts by helicopter. Radiation expert Alexander Yourtchenko carried the pole, followed by Valéri Starodoumov, with the flag, while Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Sotnikov ascended with the radio. The whole operation was timed to last only 9 minutes given the high radiation levels. At then end, the trio were rewarded with a bottle of Pepsi®, (a luxury in 1986) and a day-off.

Not really

Why didn't the KGB have their Commissars execute the graphite for counter-revolutionary acts and sabotage against the workers and peasants of the soviet union?

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you're defending shooting a dog in the gut, then looking at it in agony, after orders NOT TO DO THAT. He deserves to be criticised harshly.

And speaking of the show's quality, it's most certainly a cheap form of drama that lessens the earlier eps.

>told Boris I'm rated for 12,000 roentgens
>am actually rated for 2000

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what if they used rubber bullets?

>making it seem like everyone in the area was dying from it
No, everyone who was present at the 4th reactor facility at the time and those who responded to the emergency were dying from it, as well as a good handfull of people who observed the fire from a distance.

Look at who is seen in the hospital scene. Was it everyone in town? No, it was the groups listed above. Sure, only 28 died from ARS immediately after, but hundreds of others had non-fatal exposures that required treatment as well.

Stop being a wiki-expert.

are you retarded or an american

He tried his best

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>here lies Joker, who never scored

okay, so it's normal for a 20-something to shoot a radioactive dog in the gut and then gawk at it for 10 seconds.

You redditors are so impressionable as long as other parts of the show are good, you defend the ridiculous parts ad nauseam

>you're done

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oh, and you're a pussy for not being able to put down an animal because >muh youth >muh inexperience.

The kid was clearly sub-100 IQ


why can't any Ukrainian/Russian studios be bothered to make docudramas about Chernobyl with native actors

>Coal Intelligence Unit
>Big Guys
>Who is in charge here
Baneposting rebirth

>so it's normal for a 20-something to shoot a radioactive dog in the gut and then gawk at it for 10 seconds
it's not great, but it's not horrifying

>what brand of vodka where the soldiers drinking?
>in CCCP

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what do you expect from a jewish russian totalitarian state? all that hebrew know how at work. im shocked anything is alive over there with how utterly incompetent they were, and still are. it was nepotism and jewery run amok.

Its easy to talk about stuff like this in til you actually experienced it, its ok that you are showing your lack of experience, user.

Once you put down your own pet, you'll understand that emotions will sneak up on you when it matters the most to be rational and empty

>stolichnaya vs raaahsian standart?

if you have hunted before or killed something bigger than a cockroach then probably not
but if you never killed anything before? doesn't matter if you're 10 or 20

it's like that webm of the kid who can't stop shaking after shooting a deer

Speaking Valyrian and Dothraki is easy for an actor since there's no proper pronounciation that anyone cares about.

And die by radiation

Cossack Vodka

They make like 200$/month and are therefore busy programming

it sure as fuck wasnt starka

I've killed animals, only a couple times, but I had the brains and compassion to make sure it was dead AND NOT SUFFERING as quickly as possible.

The animal sequence in ep4 was mostly just cheap pathos and there were more important things to show about the disaster.

either wheat or potato, probably potato


There is some shitty NTV show. And it has some american spy detective shit there too.


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>Radiation expert Alexander Yourtchenko carried the pole, followed by Valéri Starodoumov

found a cool video with Starodoumov a few days ago, about the trial and the events of 86 in general (english subtitles):


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Why didn't they just put a person in there, I bet they'd fit laying down. They could push themselves around with their hands and feet.

>can't stop shaking after shooting a deer
I have killed animal. Humanely

>not coal inebriation agency

Why’d they kill the doggos? Couldn’t they have just washed the radiation off?

>tfw America was one of the republics

Why do I get the feeling all these posts hating on ep4 for spending too much time with the pet squad are one assblasted user?

KINO made of KINO.

psychology user
it's intrinsic that killing is bad, the moment you pull the trigger, especially on something that wasn't threatening your life in any direct way, a billion thoughts rush your mind

the more you do it the more grounded you get, like a few shifts later he was just miserable instead of scared. but the first time is always shocking.
same applies to sex or anything "life-changing"

Both of them are shit. Vodka is just poor's man drink because it's cheapest and strongest alcohol you can get.

because radiation?
she's shaking from the adrenaline, not because she's a pussy. pussy

>cccp have so poor choise haha
>me so smart

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Thats good for you, but not everyone can cope like you with killing a animal and the point of the guy being shit at it is cause he represented a civilian conscripted in with no experience

because it's generally easier for people to cope and dismiss differing opinions by believing it's just one guy

RadAway is bad for doggos, user

actually it's...
>Coal Industry Administrator

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>The kid was clearly sub-100 IQ
vatnik is as vatnik does comrade user.



it was a little girl, probably 8 or something
point is, everyone would have a similar reaction the first time they shot something that wasn't even fighting back.

>I have killed animal. Humanely

then you're desensitized you moron
were you also this cool, effective killing machine the first time you went hunting? of course not

fuckin retard, most Jews, gypsies, and 'untermensch' slavs are in, you guessed it, eastern europe. You don't even have to have german levels of autistic efficiency to realize it would make no sense to transport them all the way to western europe when all you wanted to do was kill them.

>the final episode is a flashback episode

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>t. morose whiskey tasting Englishman

>let's just write the script and audition the actors in a language we don't speak

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I used to clear out feral dogs from the poultry farms when i was a teenager with my friends, its not hard if A. you aren't a giant pussy, and B. you understand that you are doing them a kindness of a swift death. poisoning of any sort is no way to go.

They had the best Bio-Robots.

I hope one day our technology can compete.


Import me, I will breed with your women

it opened with him Legasov's death user the entire series has been a flashback episode

that japanese guy who managed to survive through most stages is probably the most information we have on radiation poisoning
he literally became a skeleton
and they refused to euthanize him

x-ray engine has pop-in at that range. nothing to worry about.

isn't that extremely harmful to their health? are they literally killing themselves for youtube bucks?

>actor looks exactly like ben mendelhson
>literally ''who's in charge here''
They know right?

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Wait are there gonna be more episodes?

>the most information we have on radiation poisoning

that was released publicly
was no easy to find these photos of the chernobyl workers.

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Radioactive catfish a cute. Cute!

Just one more

The final episode is a STALKER episode

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Dog shooting aside, why was this assuredly poor 20 year old kid not in the army? Did the soviets really not have conscription during the afghan war?

I loved this scene so much. He couldn't stand seeing Valery's smile be erased so he finally lost it.


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meatball head kid. nothing of value would be lost.

Going to Chernobyl next month. Any skitz places to check out that you bros know of

Why didn't they do it in Russian for extra kino

Why did they give the west germans the fake number

i believe that was from the world nuclear association

You are emotional women. You don't cry when something has to be done and botch it. You do it properly and dispassionately, like a true Roman.

I'd bet $1000 you've never had a real job, a real education, a girl above a 5/10, etc., etc.,

You are given a postponement if you get enrolled in a university.

He probably did his mandatory service and was assigned to some nation guard esque group but besides that he wasn't a seasoned trooper


For real though that guy could bear hug you to death.

To make the extent of the disaster seem smaller when the number inevitably got shared with other western nations and preserve the reputation of the soviet nuclear program.

>alright don't get close to the plume
>keep 10m distance at minimum, 40m all around
>don't fly directly over the hole
>vasily don't
>vasily stop
What was this guy's problem?

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Because it would mean disclosing to the west that global nuclear disaster had happened in USSR. Soviet atom is the most peaceful atom in the world, global nuclear disasters don't take place in USSR. Only in America with their Three Miles Islands

>just shoot it, comrade

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>(((they))) want us to be exposed to radiation

>"okay" show that isn't popular with feminists
>Yea Forums acts like it's the best show on the planet

every time.

peaceful times create neutered men. not arguing whether that's a good thing, just stating a fact. the way the kid acted is perfectly normal and expected. maybe not in 1980 Soviet Russia, but still.
the way you're acting however, I wouldn't let you near kids.

Would America really have denied the USSR a radiation-proof machine for pushing the debris off the roof if the Soviets had asked?

Who cares what feminists think they think?

>comrade its just some fire, there isn't even much smoke

he wanted to look god in the eyes

Americans are brainwashed to think that the USSR had 1 state produced brand for every consumer item.

Because glorious Soviet Union cannot have a major nuclear accident.

excuse me for a second Comrades, could I have your attention? *ahem*

FUCK /3.6/
FUCK /chrnbl/
FUCK /kinobyl/
FUCK /chernobyl/
FUCK /ghoul/
and FUCK /RBMK-1000/

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it's certainly not true but quality wise might just as well be

I rather have my foreskin fall off due to radiation instead of having any of the jewish practices done. Sharpened fingernails...yikes. I rather subathe on top of Misha or whatever the top roof was called than have that done.

No, but soviets showing weakness to their biggest enemy would make them really assblasted.

well you guys just had several inferior versions of american consumer items

It's one brand - goverment, but there are different tastes and different factories/breweries, although they all follow the same govermental recepie/standard - GOST

you, evidently

... but it is popular with Feminists. I talk with a few at work about it weekly.

It would be extremely embarrassing for commies and they would rather murder everyone in their country than reveal all that lies which gives them power in the first place.

No you

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for the same reason why the USA is demanding Edward Snowden and Julian Assange to be handed over to the CIA

tfw her panties come down.

user that recommended River (2015): go fuck yourself, what a pile of garbage, they even wait until the final two episodes to lay the even heavier bullshit

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go to the hospital basement and put on the clothes and do a dab.

>same thing applies to sex
Nope my first time was underwhelming

lads... i want to shoot a mosin

like dis.

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this, also make lines out of hospital dust and snort them like coke

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half-expected for the pregnant wife to visit her decaying husband at the start of the episode (even months after) after what i heard about that Jap

So Khomyuk's going to get euthanised by the KGB, right? Please god

it's not about being underwhelming though
like the guy said, shooting a man is not like in the movies. bam, shot to the gut. done.
it was "underwhelming" but he was still shocked by it

I'm a business/analyst consultant. No one would choose "let the dog suffer gravely" over a highly educated professional to look after kids. After all, I'm compassionate and smart. I'm not going to ask your credentials to save you the embarrassment.

I hope you find it in your heart not to torture animals.

Meanwhile ~4 companies own literally every product in American supermarkets today. The irony.

Oh please, US families were eating gelatin with fish in it just like the Russians were during WW2.
WW2 and the Cold War sucked ass for both countries. Only reason the US came out ahead is because they didn't have half of their country destroyed in the previous war.
>versions of american consumer items
Dude, America did not invent consumer items, the shit that the Russians were buying during the cold war was the same shit they had been buying before it.
Yes, there was fewer companies putting out slightly different versions of the same item in the USSR, but to be honest who gives a shit about how many different brands of rice is for sale? Its still fuckin rice.

Btw I'm from the US, I just have read about the USSR and found out that it wasn't all that different from the US, just that it was the state that was corrupt instead of the Corporations.

I killed my first boar with a mosin and contrary to what some bleeding hearts here will tell you I was perfectly fine afterwords. You can say I felt justified in shooting and eating it but it's literally not that big a deal and I'm urbanite scum

He hit a bit close to a nerve with the pedo accusation, eh?

>*chuckles* "Of course not" It's German"

THE FUCKING IRONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>there was fewer companies putting out slightly different versions of the same item in the USSR

Attached: 1536364616563.jpg (843x843, 242K)

have sex, comrade incel

>the ultimate radiation disposal machine
>breaks down

>The dosimeter screams non-stop as the radiation levels pass the machines upper threshold for detection.

Man may have given himself cancer for those YouTube™ bux and didn't even break half a million views.

stellan skarsgard is going to kill it as baron harkonnen

try making sense in your next post. It's not my fault I'm better than 98% of human beings.

>ultimate high tech space age machinery from germany
>literally the cutting edge of what humanity can do (please refer to all the otherworldy shit americans couldn't believe germans had invented -> Operation Paperclip)
>hand it to some slavs


you sound like a psycho

Attached: 1415088380471.jpg (592x333, 185K)

I'm a shrink. I'm more qualified to be around kids by default.
but the point is that you're showing psychopathic tendencies. I hope you're just a /pol/ack with anger issues though


>It's not my fault I'm better than 98% of human beings.

Attached: Better-than-98-percent-of-human-beings.jpg (480x600, 22K)

Copart says fuck you


government vodka

Attached: 58b0c7ae20f49.image (1).jpg (400x266, 12K)

>psychopathic tendencies
Yeeeup, especially after he added:

I'm pretty sure it's dirt cheap and easy to get in US.

Dude it was literally a Wiesel with some EOD arm welded on

>300 leafbux for a mosin


You missed another good Soviet / Russian nuclear accident:

What makes this one even better, is it just involved a spent fuel pool which is way simpler than a nuclear reactor or nuclear fool reprocessing plant. When you start listing out all the Russian nuclear accidents, it really starts to add up.

>it was literally a Wiesel

Attached: The-Wiesel.gif (240x162, 140K)

Why did he kill himself.


Attached: 2bd33145-6a5d-4b16-a291-6064ac69e318.png (839x434, 63K)

Was the dragged out dog shit really necessary? Like I get it, do what you have to do, they needed to be killed and it sucks to be the guy stuck doing it. But it had like 20 minutes in total dedicated to it.

Attached: 1539103728535.jpg (960x717, 124K)

Chernobyl never exploded.

Attached: dyatlov.png (1902x949, 2.4M)

i-is it just me or can you see his bottom teeth

all languages are made up, dummy


Crane used to hold a beam that pilots would look for. the beam was removed and the sun was in his eyes so the pilot didn't realize he was going to hit the crane until he did the rotor whacky

just dive off the roof dude, you're worse than dead

Attached: 1549542811652.jpg (647x452, 47K)

it doesn't matter what AMC are doing with the Terror, HBO made season 2 for them. Str8 kino user, I highly recommend it

>Only reason the US came out ahead is because they didn't have half of their country destroyed in the previous war.
>"Only reason"
Communism is inefficient as fuck. Don't blame WWII for the vast wealth disparity between the US and the USSR all the way into the 80s.

>I just have read about the USSR and found out that it wasn't all that different from the US,
Stop reading propaganda. The difference was fucking night and day.

>ok puppers, on my mark...

We live in a Soviet society, comrade

Attached: in Soviet Russia Batman punches YOU.jpg (620x815, 216K)

A successful person might sound "psycho' to a NEET

>a shrink

Tough luck dummy

They missed a few.


Attached: The Puppies of Chernobyl - YouTube.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Now you too can help take care of a Chernobyl puppy.



Attached: 04366250-103a-4523-adae-145150ae0b09.jpg (490x200, 94K)

"Ecли нaчaльник блaгoдapит - вoинcкaя чacть или oтдeльныe вoeннocлyжaщиe oтвeчaют: «Cлyжим (cлyжy) Coвeтcкoмy Coюзy»"

Why are you still responding to this dead thread, psycho?

Only Swedes and Polacks drink potato vodka.

There's no face whatcha gonna film user?