Any movies that will help an autist like me understand nomies?
I've watched plenty of romance movies, and nothing anybody is doing makes sense to me, even the ones that aren't total bullshit.
Any movies that will help an autist like me understand nomies?
I've watched plenty of romance movies, and nothing anybody is doing makes sense to me, even the ones that aren't total bullshit.
Filmmakers are neurotic. Normies just pretend to understand them because that's what normies do.
not a movie, but maybe 3rd rock from the sun
What did he meme by this
Autism movements
Like using a hugbox or licking your monitor
Some dumb bitch killed my gf guys.
My brother and I both showed major signs of autism as children like self stimulatory behavior, and we are both pretty normal adults now without any outside help. I wonder if we trained ourselves to be normal or grew out of autism.
hold up. is there something wrong with knowing the flags of most of the countries? I feel like that should be a good thing
Well, this isn't what I had in my mind, and I'm very familiar with the series already, but thanks anyway.
I get more matches on Hinge if I make my profile more autistic. No dates yet though
Movies portray romance as accurately as porn does sex i.e. a soulless impression.
This is horribly off-topic and not what I wanted at all. I was hoping some fellow autist would mentioned some film that helped him really get neuroticals. I want to know why I can't understand anyone, or why I feel lonely, yet don't want to talk about what everyone else does.
Not this /r9k/ shit. (thanks for bumping my thread, though ).
hmm yes, just like my actual wife.
Film won't help with that. Go see a therapist.
I'm not "into coding" and I don't want to be a "game designer".
Try Good Will Hunting.
Fuck the normies. Use your autism to rise to the top of a field. Then you don’t need social skills.
American Pie.
idk, seems like cringe.
I not ambitious, but I am lonely.
Please explain.
Well, what people still do in romance films still baffles me. In Adam, in what is otherwise, (at least in reference to my life), a very accurate depiction of autism, he's far more forward than I would ever be, or could understand.
Watch indie romantic dramedies written by women
Never heard of it.
Any tips?
wtf is stimming
For example?
I am not autistic so i dont know if this would help.
But maybe try the show Atypical?
It's about an autistic boy who tries to find a gf. But he ofcourse has some issues with dating and so on. His normie friend help him understand an give advice.
I liked it. Kind comfy. Maybe that could help clear some things out?
here's your gf bro.
Christ. Sorry for the horrible grammar. Im on my phone and it's 3am...
Yeah, I've seen it. It's trash and I regret every moment watching it, a mistake I hope I won't make for a third time for the third time with the third season.
Thanks anyway. This would be more effective in helping other people understand the autistic, (which the show is somewhat effective at), not the other way around.
Ah okay. Too bad.
Well i think it is going to be pretty hard for you to find a movie to help you with this.
What would seem like a better idea is write the things down you don't understand or something. Then ask someone about this. Someone that knows you well and knows how to explain things to you so it will make sense to YOU.
Get your own perspective on the movies in question.
still the best
>I like how you know all the flags of all the countries
aka "I like that you go on /pol/ obsessively"
>inb4 Yea Forums and /int/
Bros, i met her in my dreams again...
where's her story?
post more of the GF pics
Remarkably, people I've met aren't really interested in this sort of discussion. I've tried. It's naturally a very fascinating topic to me, but people would really rather talk about how things are "going," which is another baffling thing I can't understand.
Why are Japanese women so fucking hot. I'm not even into anime but FUCK.
Please post the always growing gf pic, it's hilarious.
I hate normalfags so god damn much
Terrace House is helpful.
You're talking about movies that show you what neurotic people are like. Neurotic people are inherently cringe. If you want to see what you asked for, GWH is the way.
That's because you're stupid user, and bought into the lie that humans are intelligent because of said stupidity. Presumably, because you think you're intelligent as well.
Once you realize people (and you) are just stupid animals doing stupid animal things wrapped in a facade of culture, things like 'talking about how it's going' make sense. That shit's literally just the equivalent of e.g. chimps grooming each other. They're not talking to discuss a topic, they're talking to be social. If you don't reciprocate it, that's the equivalent of a chimp being groomed being too retarded to realize they should groom back. People are also gauging how retarded you are by it. If you don't intuitively understand that that's what they're doing, they'll probably in their mind label you as a retard. Because you are.
What about your parents then or something? Maybe you have a mentor or whatever. Someone close to you?
Anyways i would love to help. But i dont know much about autism.
But if you want me to try. I can try tomorrow. I have to go to sleep.
I have a kik: Joo7966
Go dilate, tranny
I don't know how this wasn't obvious, but I wanted a film that would help me understand neurotypicals, not neurotic people.
That's nice, but it doesn't resolve the issue why I'm not satisfied with how other people usually converse. To say that I'm just different is begging the question.
>What about your parents then or something?
I'm interested in interacting with somebody closer to my age.
>Maybe you have a mentor or whatever. Someone close to you?
Not really.
>I have a kik: Joo7966
It's very unusual for me, and anonymous interaction doesn't interest me that much, but I'll try it.
That's the stuff.
Literally my gf