
Attached: 171002121344-01-the-simpsons-puerto-rico-super-tease.jpg (1100x619, 273K)

¿Que es esto?

Puerto Sneedo

dame su impuestos federales

Sneedo Feedo?

What would Sneed do?

Fucko Drumpfo

Feed them of course.
Just don't ask what Chuck would do..

Un sneedo

Why is Lisa crying

those are some obscure simpsons characters.


lol who the fuck cares if Jim Varney's carney kid is mad

Who the fuck cares about puerto pobre or the Simpsons

I don't get it...

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.

What happened now so I can start blaming Trump or Sneed or whoever

Remember when the mainland U.S. sent emergency provisions immediately after that hurricane, but the corrupt local officials refused to distribute them because they can't slush away soap and beans like they could general funding and biased mass media enabled this extortion because Orange Man bad?

Uh-oh, here it comes, what has Cuba been up to this time?

Is Puerto Rico just regarded as gay Cuba? Because that’s what they seem like.

Why are they all angry? Was Springfield forced to bail out PR?

snow dogs 3

This simpsons told me to be angry so im angry but im not sure at what yet

Don't cry Lisa, you can always count on Sneed to save the day

Be angry at the fact that city slickers still drive fancy german cars

Do these Yellow faggots think giving me a mean look is intimidating? I'd stomp all their goofy heads in and hang Carl and the doctor with that flag from a tree.


Attached: 1529894396236.jpg (262x234, 14K)

they're mariconsones

Attached: 150304184415-27-fidel-castro-0304-restricted-super-169.jpg (1100x619, 60K)

You know it's serious when patty and Selma work together with homer

>tfw I can name or point out everyone in this pic
>even lisa goes to washington asian kid

>guy who tatoo bart in the early simpsons

Where are Sneed and Chuck in this pic?

I'm glad farmers 1 and 2 haven't sold out, at least

All they did was copy this stock photo.

Attached: 1543644577133.jpg (1920x1200, 798K)