Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Holy fuck that guys mouth is huge

Literally who?

It had to be

luggage lad

Who's this fag? He's cute

Idris elba

Mark Zuckerberg

Jesse Eisenberg

DJ Qualls

Attached: DJQualls_Kambo_5448936_400.jpg (263x400, 40K)


Isn’t this the Jewish dude that made Facebook


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Pete Davidson

Michael Cera

Dennis Reynolds

unironically matt smith

Sigourney Weaver. This was decided years ago you fucking newfag.

Our boy Mr. Hickey is up for the task. Jared Harris to play Jim Watkins. Warwick Davis as Hotwheels.

Attached: Hickey.jpg (1000x563, 58K)

The CEO of Ebaumsworld

>Sigourney Weaver plays herself in her biopic

Makes sense.

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Just like Idris Elba