How long do they have left? even normie youtube comments are starting to shit on them

how long do they have left? even normie youtube comments are starting to shit on them

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Youtube comments are retarded normies. Regualr normies will always love Disney

>even normie youtube comments are starting to shit on them
At first. Then suddenly with the next trailer, people are acting like it's magnitudes better despite it being exactly the same. Mouseshills at work.

what do you mean? Personally, I don't think they'll be leaving any time soon cuz i mean.. they're fucking disney

They literally have centuries left due to the amount of braindead normies who give them money and attention every second of your life. Plus, they're backed by the government and own most of Hollywood now. The only domains that could threaten them financially are Bollywood and whatever Chinese film industries there are. This is what we get for contributing to a growing monopoly.

until the global communist revolution happens
it's still pretty far off

The Mouse will one day rule the world. Mark my words.

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uhhh, not supporting disney means youre a racist alt-right nazi incel, sweetie

Avengers nearly made $3B worldwide. Their Star Wars reboot has made even more. They own ESPN. ABC. They own capeshit, and CGI kidshit, and all babbyshit. They own the toy market. They have Disneyland/world/cruise ships/hotels/broadway shows and more.

They are a complete empire and will destroy us all.

We may never see a period where Disney gets their shit together ever again due to the proliferation of normies on the internet who praise their current crap. The only reason their Golden Renaissance in the 90s worked was because of how much the company suffered financial losses from the 70s - 80s. Now, shitty films like nu-Wars (mainline episodes), Beauty and the Beast remake, Frozen 2, Toy Story 4, and the Lion King remake will make billions due to name brand alone without caring about the quality.
They will continue to grow and get worse with time. One could pray for a miraculous crash to occur, but nothing severe has yet to happen. Maybe the period between 2020 and 2022 will work, but they'll be backed by Disney+ raking in the money. They're just too clever when it comes to mass manipulation. They know their target audience nowadays.

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>Avengers nearly made $3B worldwide. Their Star Wars reboot has made even more.
Domestically, yes.
Worldwide, Endgame made more than TFA. Star Wars is brand poison now due to Disney not giving a shit.

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>one of the few times i'll accept being called a racist


>will make billions due
After Solo and the TLJ backlash?
How about no?

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>tfw daydream about hypothetical accelerationist meme trainwreck doomsday scenarios where everything goes to shit for disney and imagine what kind of damage control they muster up and how none of it will work and no amount of money will fix things and how all of it will trigger a massive chain of events that will change everything for the better.

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a man can dream tho
a man can dream

TLJ made $1.2 billion and was a huge hit

>a huge hit
You mean financially, right? It was not well received.

>TLJ made $1.2 billion and was a huge hit
And that was still disappointing due to hitting lower expectations when the original analysis by investors was around $1.9B.
Didn't help that bad word of mouth, a gigantic drop from the first-to-second weekend, and severely declining toy sales contributed to that huge drop.

>how long do they have left?

It's not like Disney hasn't had catastrophic failures before or never flirted with bankruptcy. But it's true that they have been impressively successful these last few years.
Take Tomorowland for example in 2015: Production Budget: $190 million, Worldwide box office gross: $209,154,322. Now that was a failure, not catastrophic but still. Thing is it didn't really matter for Disney, because the same year they made >2 billions with Marvel studio alone + TFA. Disney has reached a new scale in the last decade thanks to Iger's buyouts.

They have been on a high profitability cycle for the past 7 years really, beginning in 2012 and the Avengers movie. But this dynamic is loosing momentum, SW is not as successful as it should, and Marvel is now in relative unknown territory post Endgame. The Fox portfolio is now part of their arsenal, including franchises such as Avatar, Aliens, or god forbid The Simpsons. The next couple years are transitional in many ways, and therefore riskier.

The Disney IP collection is becoming colossal, if they play their hand well they could possibly occupy a box office hegemony for a decade or two. The potential exists. However Disney does not always play it's hand well. And every cycle has eventually an end. Theirs have been going for a few years now. Keep in mind Disney is also busy preparing an all out assault on streaming service. With so much content it is wise for them to expand on delivery platforms.

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>TLJ made $1.2 billion
Today, I shall remind them...

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You're saying that like they won't make a deal with the reds and start producing official propaganda pieces. Those hollywood types can always smell which way the wind is blowing.

>how long do they have left?


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they are already bankrupt
marvel's 21 billion gross is all tickets bought by disney. no one actually watches marvel movies

Marchendising is all time low for star wars product

wasn't it also pulled from chinese theaters after like a week because it was preforming so badly?

china and asia in general (except japan) don't care about star wars. marvel is king there

Wow are you actually retarded? 1.2 billion is a huge hit. Why are you pretending they need a return on investment on just this one movie? They're shitting out side projects, a second trilogy, a whole lot of fucking merchandise. Glossing over merchandise because you can't get the numbers on it is a very lazy way of making your retarded point.

1.3 billion is #12 of all time. It's a giant hit and a shitload of people went to see it. Why do you want to engage in bad faith arguments to argue against this plain fact? Did the big bad writers ruin babby's favorite space lasers films?

Agreed. If Disney fatigue existed it would have happened decades ago already. All they have to do is to keep milking cows, and expand on digital delivery.

Disney destroyed Star Wars as a merchandise brand. TFA toys didn't do that great, and TLJ toys did so bad that they killed Toys R Us.

china loves CGI cluster fucks
its why the transformers movies kept getting made

nu-wars is just so bad that even china doesn't want to put up with it

[citation needed]

Star Wars merchandise did so badly that Disney combined the money generated by merchandise and the theme parks together under the same category in their financial reports in order to cover up the catastrophic decline caused by TLJ.

>store orders massive amounts of toys because why wouldn't star wars sell
>movie bombs harder than hiroshima
>stuck with mountains of inventory they can't even get people to take for free


china never really had the original trilogy so there is no nostalgia. also there really isn't that much action in sw

>movie bombs
lol Yea Forums revisionism

>is the worst film in the franchise
>is so bad its all but killed many people's interest in star wars
>i-i-i-i-its g-g-g-good i swear

do you not know what bombs means?


Memes are converging. Is the meme singularity upon us?

it fucking did so badly they did a 180 on their plans with the entire franchise and the rate they were going to shit out movies

that doesn't happen when a movie does well

No one wanted a toy of some fat ching chong that bombed herself.
Not even the ping pongs who made them wanted that bitch in their shelf

You guys are just haters because your parents didn't buy you the porgs you always wanted!

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don't know about the merchandise but the movie was the most profitable of 2017
claiming it bombed is just factually incorrect

666 isn’t even the devils number, it’s 616. Good try conspiracy retard.

Based post. I wonder if this is what will end up happening. Conspiracists theorize about us all being enslaved and under control, but this has never happened historically. Is it really possible to enslave the human race? Or at least the collective consciousness?

They've bet alot of money on star wars and avatar, They need their trilogies to be a smashing success.
Star wars is not big in china like they thought they would and avatar is still an open question.
But most likely, they can't be stopped

>not supporting disney means youre a racist alt-right nazi incel
Goddamn delusional faggot don't know Walt Disney agreed with Henry Ford and Hitler about da joos

True, but after Walt died, the Jews got their claws all over disney.

>using walt for this
Why are you not using Bob Iger

nu Avengers (SJWs, black cap, brie larson) is dead, only thor will be tolerable

nu Star Wars is awful. worse than the prequels.

and plus Transformers is actually good

TLJ reception was so bad the Solo movie suffered from it and Disney decided to wait / cancel other movies about specific characters (RIP our Obi Wan movie)

Microsoft just hit 1 Trillion as a company, Disney is merely 130 Billion. Microsoft can destroy Disney if they want to.

Mcu Phase 4: Blacked

Normies have no power.
They shit on Trump and GoT as well and it has no effect.

Disney might collapse in time, if Amazon goes hard on video they can fuck em up.

They're literally starting their own streaming platform you fuckwit, which is going to be a catalog of every ABC, ABC Family, Disney channel show, and "Disney" movie-- meaning live action, the old animated ones, the reboots, all the Marvel movies, and fucking Star Wars

By the end of this century Disney will become the main company like in Wall-E

Based and opportunitycostpilled

>Normies shit on GoT

the fuck am I reading

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>not recognizing pasta

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They are the EA of the movie industry.
A shitty company with shady practices that destroys every franchise they touch, but they are extremely profitable so everything's fine.

>(except japan)
I don't think Japan likes Star Wars anymore. There were pretty scathing reviews for TLJ when it came out over there.

>mfw disney with be the franz ferdinand of the upcoming race war

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>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was DC FANS!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was INCELS!
>"People hated Empire back then, too!"
>"Dividing the fanbase was intentional!"
>"It did something DIFFERENT!!!"
>"I love how it subverted expectations!"
>"It made me rethink my views on life!"
>"It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It was an 'intellectual' film!"
>"It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It was expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!"
>"China doesn't matter anyway!"
>"B-but muh sexist MRA cut!"
>"It makes some old white men angry online, but they're always angry anyway."
This is the most damage controlled Star Wars movie I've seen since any of the Prequels. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It was a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's nu-Wars was made to pander to SJWs/baizuo and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

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they better not be done, I have serious stock in the Rat

It’s worse than “knowing” their target audience, they MAKE their audience. The Mouse is with you almost as soon as you are born, and He is with you until the day you die. They are the first true Megacorporation, like something out of Shadowrun.

Lucas never did damage control for the prequels, he just did his own thing right up through Episode III.

Disney plus will make billions. They're literally doing better than ever you retard.


Of all things for autist to latch onto fucking porgs?!

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They won't. Most people don't like Disney but most people also like some or many of the movies they produce. They have a wide enough range of different studios producing different movies that practically everyone will enjoy some stuff they make.

porgs are cute!

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You are now property of the Disney corporation.

>this amount of pure, concentrated autism
Unironically have sex, incel.

Communism will never happen. People would actually have to care about it and people hate it.

you got that wrong

That doesn't make any sense, they never had any nostalgia for Marvel, but those movies do well.