Other urls found in this thread:
>Rotten tomatoes is shit and it full of bots and shills and is not good unless it's about a movie I like.
Thanks for exposing yourselves mcu faggots.
I don't care, I'm still going to see kaijukino.
Reminder to NEVER trust Rotten Shillmatoes
not surprised. trailer looked like shit
RT is for the weak of mind and body. You will not survive the cataclysm.
I don't know why people are surprised
WB hasn't had a good movie since like 2008
[seductive moth noises]
Always trust rotten tomatoes and the critics, you filthy goys.
>look at the reviews
>it’s mainly critics bitching and whining about how the human characters aren’t the main focus
Money well spent.
just look at who is reviewing these movies
literal capeshit without any real people on the screen. i don't know how much glue you have to huff to enjoy it
it's actually really good don't listen to the idiots on the internet.
why are you always namefagging with a misspelled name
>if I slap “capeshit” on somethig that makes it bad!
Why aren’t there more women and minority kaiju ?
these are the type of people that don't like the movie
Godzilla is actually the only member of his species so he's the ultimate minority
>go see Endgame goy
Godzilla is black and Mothra is female wtf are you talking about
If you’re going to shitpost like a retard try to make it less obvious
When you think about it, kaiju are the real minorities
and he's black too!
>the nose knows
the jew fears the kaiju
What did they expect going into this film? Besides, history has shown of films that had mixed reception at first showing, only to warm up years later after being reappraised.
Fuck, I'm trembling.
I’m going to fuck Mothra
Isn't Black Panther the single highest rated movie on RT?
I believe it's a fair rating of a mindless blockbuster like that.
But what is absolutely baffling is how these same exact critics give it a 99% Certified Fresh Masterpiece of tue Century stamp if the same film get's released, but instead of two CG rendered monsters shooting laser beams at each it's two spandex wearing CG rendered characters shooting laser beams at each other.
this ruined my night
t. Zack Snyder’s entire filmography less Sucker Punch
Going around destroying cities like the entitled make that he is
You got my sloppy seconds
why? who gives a shit about some arty fartsy critics
There's only one review I'm waiting for
But Shazam has a high RT score.
It's not a real Godzilla film unless there's a James Bond-ripoff spy investigation subplot involving evil aliens disguised as humans.
but this time the superman is a cgi barney that's slapping against mothman
Paddington 2 is at 100%.
Fuck that makes me sad. I didnt think it would be this shit. And kong vs godzilla is gonna be even worse.
Just kill me now
Mothra is still ugly I will keep saying this.
>proves that cutting-edge effects are no substitute for a good story
what did they mean by this? Godzilla is the hero, the story is about him fighting other kaiju
the mouse house dominance will continue
>When I heard Millie Bobby Brown was in this, I expected several Stranger Things references, maybe eat some Leggo Waffles. What I got instead, was some boring and overly WWEish monster fights trying too hard to mimick Rugrats Reptar
Reminder that Endgame was trash. Literally a greatest hits film + rehash of the last 30 mins of Infinity War
Low score means less attendees = less money = less kaijukino
Kong v Godzilla will be the last one
Godzilla doesn't kill Drumpf and knock down the border wall to let in refugees so it's a 1/10
What did Fred mean by this?
have sex
>When I heard Millie Bobby Brown was in this, I expected several Stranger Things references, maybe eat some Leggo Waffles.
What the fuck? Why would anyone expect that in a Godzilla movie and why is that a criticism that such a stupid idea isn't in the movie?
as opposed to the other ones where japanese guys in rubber suits are slapping each other and stomping on miniature buildings
based bob chipman
Didn’t Roland Emmerich hate the films, though?
Has to be satire. Reptar is a parody of godzilla
>I expected several Stranger Things references, maybe eat some Leggo Waffles.
>What I got instead, was some boring and overly WWEish monster fights trying too hard to mimick Rugrats Reptar
Reminder that these people are paid to decide the fates of movies.
How much on average does it cost them to sink a good WB film?
>Low score means less attendees
Aquaman has 55% on metacritic
I want to violently murder who ever wrote this
if people wanna watch something they will regardless of reviews and if they don't want to watch something they won't.. again regardless of reviews
venom got trashed hard and made bank. shazam got praised and didn't. just one of many examples
>godzillautists getting their first taste of poor critical reception
Fuck off, capeshitter
B-biy what about muh bug monstars
RAWR! :3
R/movies told my Godzilla was going to be kino
Big lizard go rawr :D lazar!!!!!
reminder that this is still certified fresh despite not even meeting the requirements
>rotten shitmatos is a credible site for reviews with no political shilling at all
>critics hate it because there's too much godzilla in a godzilla movie
yep, it's gonna be kino
Godzillautist and a DCuck
I’ve known nothing but disappointment and rebuke. I am eternal.
>Kaijucucks will try to pull the muh Disney card when they just released a movie with a completely non white cast and it got shit reviews
Yea Forums backs
Every single one under performed. What's the next batch you fags plan to sabotage?
Do dumb fucking chinks like Kaiju movies? Maybe we'll make our money back from the insect people
If only for using the most tired retarded meme format he should die.
who didn't see this coming though? especially with all the stupid fucking quips from the trailer
I like Man of Steel and BvS
This is not the movie we need right now in Trump's America!
did shazam under perform? it seemed pretty low budget desu, I can't imagine they had huge expectations for it
>(((critics))) hate it
>nerdy dudes I pay attention to all say it slaps hard shit
Yeah, I'm going to pay attention to the people who actually enjoy movies, not enjoy them only if the check clears.
>Hanna Barbera
>Disney doesn’t give kickbacks for reviews
You must be new
>A GODZILLA movie with monsters fighting??
What the hell is legendary pictures thinking
presales for China are already at 70 million
Yea Forums backs anything not made by Disney and now Disney are the supreme overlords of blockbuster cinema
nice going Yea Forums
Shazam did underperform and ironically it's the only actual good movie of the bunch. It probably made a profit but it was ecpected to make at least half a billion
Don't forget Blade Runner 2049.
fuckin dan murrell hated it so its probably kino
>King Ghidorah blasts the White House with gravity beams and shouts RESIST
>G Team starts talking about how Ghidorah isn't actually that bad of a guy
>"Is he running in 2020? hehe"
Yfw captaun marvel annihilated this shit meme movie
Your joke was funnier than the entire movie.
And then word of mouth will kill it
And it won't even reach $50 million here so we're looking at the biggest bomb of the year
He's a shitbag who can get so mad at non-cape movies he whines about them for years especially if someone mentions it around him.
Look at the critic scores for any Godzilla. And they made almost 40.
>and other critics criticized destroy all monster for having too long human segments in a monster movie
What will James Rolfe say?
I think Joker is next
Marvel needs to die. Even their trash movies make stupid money.
Chinks loved the emoji movie dude i don't think they'll care
>Godzilla: KOTM is all flash but no substance. The endless fight scenes between the monsters make this feel like a Saturday morning cartoon rather than a mature Hollywood movie which this production sorely needed to make it anything more than something for the kids to mindlessly watch. It sorely lacks the emotional weight and connection of other humans in this world as it barely has much needed human drama. Save your time and money for a better movie as we hope that Hollywood moves away from this mindless trash to more thought provoking cinema.
Whatever the Screenwave Fatties tell him.
>a 6.5/10 is considered rotten
>a literal above average ranking is considered rotten
>only good movie
>alita also in that list
Keep on seething over the fact people actually liked something that isn't the shittiest marvel movie to date
BvS was one of the best superhero movies I have ever seen
>"its dumb and doesn't make sense!"
No shit its a fucking superhero movie. Its not real.
>this ensures the movie isn’t going to be a BO hit
>GvK will end with Kang beat Goji
>the gooks at Toho will take Godzilla away from gaijin piggus for another 10 years
This was supposed to be the dark knight of Kaiju movies...
Besides the >Anime
movies, Godzilla movies universally get pretty bad reviews from """"""critics""""""
Don't pay attention to the critics, don't let it ruin your moment. This is our time to enjoy ourselves, fuck anybody else. I've been saying this since day 1, lads.
>Godzilla haters who hate monsters fighting give this negative reviews
>still 55% before normal people get to review it
What did (((she))) mean by this?
Of course it is. Any DC film not starring Gal Gadot is destined to be review bombed by Disney shills
>endless monster fights
>no human bullshit
People seem to forget 2014 had as rough a landing as well.
What If Godzilla was a girl, bros?
She’s part of the crowd who want to push narratives though
Literally what about shazam. Everyone loved that movie
why would word of mouth kill a giant action spectacle in china of all places? hello?? transformers and fast and furious movies
>And they made almost 40.
Only because rubber is cheap.
John Wick. Now choke on it, mousefag.
We haven't seen audience reviews yet. Japanese audience loved it, so word of mouth could carry this still
Goji bro...my faith is broken
>A C+ is a negative score
In what timeline
You'll get that when you memecast a 13 year old "girl"
it doesn't push a "we wuz kangs", "wahmen power" or "fuck drumpth" message so all the NPC critics will bash it non stop
I bet its still better then Captain Marvel. The shittiest movie of 2019, so bad that Rotten Tomatoes changed their whole website rating system to hide how bad it was.
not really. 2014 godzilla was always fresh
have sex
Rotten Tomatoes is a joke, I don't know a single person that actually takes the reviews seriously before seeing a film.
>Japanese audience loved it
prove it
Inb4 it's worse than pacific Rim uprising
Then I'd fuck her.
rotten tomatos "critic" reviews are worthless
Go through school as a C+ student and you will be a failure in the job market.
So they are complaining a monster fight movie has too many monster scenes.
Jesus and we are supposed to take (((critics))) seriously.
mr wide hips isn't in the movie so i don't think that's possible
>me an intellectual
>red hair
>matching glasses
I’m guessing Godzilla called Rodan a beaner
Reminder that Captain Marvel and The Last Jedi are two of the best movies btw
>godzilla movies should have complex writing and deep meanings
Fuck off Snyder.
Imagine being too stupid to grasp capeshit...
>t-t-t-tick tock marvel
I don't even give a shit about reviews outside of a tiny handful of youtube channels and I only watch reviews of movies I have already seen or I really have no intention of seeing.
Imagine being such an insecure little nigger you assume someone bringing up facts is plotting against your favorite movies. Tell me what I just said didn't factually happen.
>Literally what about the only DC film trying to be a Marvel films
Gee idk
>reactions from the premiere
They can have and they do just not all of them and it makes sense for franchise movies to focus on action and mythology.
And he's a disneyfag clearly.
>7 random tweets
>less than 100 likes
Where is the audience?
>avenger theme lyrics
Still gonna make 80 quintillion dollars at the box office since the drooling general public only cares about mind blowing effects and not story. Writing takes creativity. Making a model in a computer doesn't (except for character design)
I'm seeing it at 58% now. On the threshold of the fresh line
imagine being to fucking stupid to know a shitty movie when you see one
no wonder you retards can't predict a successful movie to save your life
Lol t. wage-let
>high school grades count for anything at all
>Here's how Bernie can still win
RT is a complete fucking joke - pic VERY related - but please don’t gloat about it too much bc it’s one of the best tools we have for identifying mindless pseuds and bugmen
yeah nah 280 million worldwide
screencap this
58% now. When was the last time a film climbed back like this?
How much dicks do you suck in a day, OP?
What the fuck is Lady Bug
Cnn said it sucks guys
So people liked it. Don't have an aneurysm.
if only we replaced Godzilla with Brie Larson
Ok fine, every Marvel film for the next 6 years will make 700$ mil minimum. That was hard. I am smart.
If Aladdin's opening success can win audiences despite mixed reviews from critics, so can Godzilla.
Tick. Tock.
We're literally around 300 reviews before the final score settles. And reviews after the official premiere are gonna favor the movie.
>delete all truthful reviews
>duh bestest mobie eber
>Black Panther is the best movie in history according to RT
Jesus and people think IMDB is bad. At least IMDB isn't run by insane progressives.
Because there wasn't a shot of Godzilla destroying the wall so the hack writer can call it a brave political statement and 5/5
Because they are almost universally shit. You'd have to be huffing glue to insist otherwise. Yes, they are entertaining for us fans, in a very much guilty pleasure sorta' way. But objectively speaking, they're poorly written, shoddily executed, sweatshop productions. But those among them that ARE unironically good - are rated appropriately and break into sixties and seventies.
A Godzilla movie can be good movie too.
>it's true
Kek well now we know its good
>deleting Russian bots
>silencing the truth
Pic related was the first kaiju with a woman in the suit.
And the shit is dumb. Like a movie can have reviews saying "it's pretty good but nothing that will go down in history" and that movie will be ranked higher than actual movies that go down in history
Yet Captain Marvel was good according to these hacks.
Stop shilling so hard for people who don't like you.
>m-muh Russians!
The Cold War ended 28 years ago, gramps.
Based Japs becoming redpilled at breakneck speed
>us fans
>That Japanese lady in the Baragon suit who did cute little roars.
My heart boner
So i read a lot of the reviews..they all seem to enjoy the visual and the monster fighting but hate the plot. Is it supposed to be a bad thing for a Godzilla movie?
>"I am smart."
>doesn't know where the dollar sign goes
More like "I is smrt"
Predict the verified score and user score
Verified score:88 User score: 76
>Low score means less attendees
It really doesn't
Are Jews really people though, honestly.
>r-russian bots!!!!111
How to spot an NPC in 30 seconds
>in a very much guilty pleasure sorta' way.
japanese hate trump because he's trying to fuck them over by letting north korea get nuclear weapons
Based Nips
>complaining about monster battles, convoluted plot, and destruction in a Godzilla movie
Don't worry, lads. The fact that you have to watch at least five tokusatsu giant monster movies from the 50's and 60's to appreciate the nuances of this one means that the so-called film "critics" will never understand it.
You seem to think review score actually reflect quality
It happens every so often. I think Kong did it too. But unlike Kong this will definitely be going back down
The last Godzilla was terrible. Why the fuck would the sequel be any better?
Chin up lad, our time is now. Who cares if critics don't like it? Critics liked that steaming pile of shit TLJ, and they hated Aquaman but that made a killing at the box office anyway, same as Venom
>t. Lived in Japan for a month
because some people learn from their mistakes
Not even that. Most of the negative reviews seem to take slight that there's even a spectacle.
They are film critics not Godzilla critics.
Lol imagine being this wrong
Wait, does this mean Godzilla does not have enough screentime AGAIN?
It's hard to describe how bad that list is. In fact it reveals such devastating design flaw in the system that I can't believe it's something we can see. Look how many useless movies from the last 2-3 years are there. Last Jedi is the best Star Wars and Incredibles 2 is 35th. Only about 10% of the movies on the list deserves a spot. Maybe.
>in a very much guilty pleasure sorta' way.
Gtfo, kike.
>average score of 5.99/10
Gonna be a yikes from me dog
Save your money for Spiderman far from home
Thanks, my guy. I’ll still support it.
Go away, Holland.
Still liking Donald Trump is unbased and orangepilled
It wasn't terrible, it was fairly different from what we usually get. I don't understand why people didn't like it.
Sure it completely undid a decade of character development for the sake of terrible gags and relied on a time travel gimmick so nonsensical that even the screenwriters and directors have no idea how it was supposed to work, but ONE GOOD GUY USED ANOTHER GOOD GUY’S WEAPON!!! I CLAPPED BC IT WAS THE OTHER GUY’S WEAPON!!!!!
What a cultural decline we live in...
Good. Fuck those smug faggots who've been shitposting here for months, their garbage is no better than capeshit.
>so we're looking at the biggest bomb of the year
Not even close. Hellboy came out this year and there's Dark Phoenix in a couple of weeks
I agree. Mothra has always been kawaii enough for girls to love her.
This. Spiderman Far From Home is going to be phenomenal. The MCU can always be counted on. 0 rotten entries is an accomplishment
godzilla film will have large criticial dissonance due to its premise
i think maybe KOTM can be objectively bad in a way but the film reviewers really show their stupid hackneyed opinion here
Lmao this thread reads like those early BvS review threads, its even complete with the same copes and delusions
Enjoy your flop
>we live in an era where Get Out has a 100% and the APC doc has a high score
Fuck this absolute gay Earth
The only things the characters say are SJW comments like wow Id vote for Godzilla even if he was a republican. And also when the "president of the US" suggests we nuke Godzilla and build a wall around the fallout area. The Whitehouse gets blown up and the back guy says well it needed remodeling anyways. It was beyond cringe and Im so pissed as a Kaiju and Godzilla fan.
Hellboy had a budget of $50 million
Godzilla's is $200 million
Ghidorah has more in KOTM, not sure how much Godzilla has but definitely more than 2014
Alita and Pikachu where shit though. I'm glad they bombed.
Why doesn't godzilla just have sex?
If we are getting bvs then I am excited because that movir was amazing
Dark Phoenix is gonna bomb hard I can't believe they're making X-Men movies still
disney wins again
He's right guys
Yes, a fan can recognize if something is wrong with something he enjoys, being unable to do so, makes you a fanboy mongrel.
Tell me shit like Ebirah, Son, vs. Gigan, Megalon, Revenge, everything Heisei past Biollante, and everything Millenium excluding GMK and first Kiryu movie is competently made, with adequate time and effort devoted to it - they're bottom of the barrel, committee written, sweatshop affairs.
>China is predicted at 70m
>us at 50m
Welp, it was fun
for attention. its pathetic
Hellboy had a production budget of 50 million and didn't even make 30 million. They played it safe and STILL lost hard
That’s domestic you fucking faggot. Asians eat this shit up.
it doesn't matter because Disney will reboot it anyway
Wow I hope KOTM is as financially successful as BVS and pisses off just as many dickless fuckfaced Mouseshills!
what was godzilla confirmed to be a heterosexual male in the movie or something?
Based post. I can't wait to see where phase 4 will take us bros.
They are literally all getting sequels so what’s the problem? Do you own Disney stock or something?
Didn’t BvS make $840 million?
It's a fucking Godzilla movie. They say the action and the visuals are great, it's enough for me.
Imagine being this much of a Mouse shill.
Who cares ? Godzilla vs Kong is finished and comes out next year
Most critics are saying it's great, except shills and cucks sucking Aladdin's cock.
>pay to have all negative reviews removed
Literally none of the trailers looked like shit bro what are you talking about
>kong and godzilla face to face next year
>"tell me, do you bleed?"
And Godzilla is getting at least 130mil in it's opening weekend just from the US and China, never mind the rest of the world. If that was all the money they would make you would be right, bu its not. Hellboy is a much bigger bomb
Your kidding right?
BvS was a financial failure, yet you want Godzilla to be the same lmfao.
They predicted $1 billion at minimum and it didn't even reach that.
Yeah but you didn't account for the number of dollars that I've arbitrarily devised that were poured into marketing so checkmate
I'm really sick and tired of this bullshit
Fuck MCUfags
It's not so much the political agenda as it is their terrible boolean scale. "liked it" / "didn't like it" is a shit way to go about quantifying movie quality (that being said I don't put any stock into criticism of anything anymore)
>describes literally every Marvel movie
Fuck everything that isnt marvel
It was kino
>only good movie of the bunch
>hasn't even seen KOTM yet, KOTM hasn't even hit the box office yet
The predicted billion included DvD and other home sales brian-let which it absolutely will reach.
Get lost, squidword
I don't know what to make of this
70m in China is presales. Could easily top 100 there
>us at 50m
it's gonna pull way more than that
>Aladdin has same percentage as Godzilla as I'm writing this
>"Consensus" for Aladdin is positive with a brief comment saying it's not as good as the original (even then it's not too negative because normals really like the original)
>"Consensus" for Godzilla is less positive and ends on a much more negative note
You were supposed to save the MonsterVerse, not destroy it!
>they predicted $1 billiopn
>the film still pays itself
Are you mentally retarded?
800 million is still more than 2014 or Kong made you brainlet. Claiming it's a flop when it "only" made 800 million is pretty retarded and I don't even fucking like capeshit
>a Saturday morning cartoon rather than a mature Hollywood movie which this production sorely needed to make it anything more than something for the kids to mindlessly watch
jesus fucking christ it's a godzilla movie how are these people even real
When they were complaining about the last one because not enough Godzilla and too much emphasis on the human characters.
Don't even try to defend them at this point, it's hopeless...
The critics say it sucks
These critics are probably the same people who wanted to eat reptar bars when they were younger.
Consensus for Aladdin was when it was fresh
Consensus for Godzilla was when it was in the 30s
Not the fag but can be a "success" but still disappoint
That's nice, critics also say Aquaman and Venom sucked and they still made a killing at the box office. Critics ALSO said that The Last Jedi wasn't a garbage fire but here we are. Critics are a bunch of dickless retards, hacks and hypocrites anyway. Even their God Roger Ebert was a retard.
I liked Aquaman
critics were more positive on the film than audiences who were a bit pissed godzilla was held off
It is, hate to break it to you, but they don't make those movies to break even. They make them to break even and then get enough money to fund an eventual sequel and then some, to expand operations.
>Godzilla 2014 did over 500 milllion worldwide
>people still think KOTM will flop
Okay? And Critics didn't, what's your point lad?
Mike, what did you think of Godzilla: King of the Monsters
I hate how cute that movie is
Seems to me that they are complaining that a Godzilla movie is primarily about Godzilla.
>ya see BvS did...uh...um...Y-you lost!
Aquaman made a billion dollars
As a predator fan I'm getting used to disappointing movies
>70 mil Chinese opening at least
China will save it and we will autisticly examine the box office arguing about if it bombed for weeks
umm sweeties why is this movie getting positive review by the audience why are they are eating up this WWE monster fight fest
Godzilla 2014 was 5 years ago
Remember how well waiting so long for a sequel worked out for Star Trek Beyond and Lego Movie 2?
It tracks at half of G14's opening, famalama.
Aquaman was gay af I would much rather watch captain marvel
That's the point I already made
Because this guy
Said critics say Godzilla sucks and it won't do well in the box office, hence why I pointed out Venom and Aquaman were disliked by critics but did well at the box office.
We understand that. But I also wanted this movie to be financially sucessful, I want more Kaiju movies with this kind of care put into it and that doesnt' seem likely. Who knows, maybe they'll retool Godzilla vs Kong and cut down some of its budget.
Hold me.
A movie with Batman and Superman failled to make $1 billion, they had big expectations for it and they didn't deliver.
I don't see any movies with that cast anywhere. Why? Because it flopped.
Give source, no way this is real
>Brie Larson: Wrinkle in Time was not made for old white people
>bugmen applaud
>old white men hate Godzilla
>bugmen applaud
I want it to be financially successful as well user, I've been eagerly counting down the days since the first trailer came out. Don't lose faith now just because in the first batch of reviews a bunch of idiots say it's bad. Fuck the critics, I'd hold you if I could lad.
I liked Aquaman
>Globe-trotting but not adventurous, action-packed but not remotely exciting, utterly overstuffed and completely paper-thin. Nuke it from orbit.
C's get degrees my guy
and Solo was tracking to break box office records
prediction, not reality
this isn't endgame where everyone sees it the first weekend
Paid russian women-hating incel review bot hack shill NPC reviews. They'll be rightfully removed by the website soon enough
rotten tomatoe posts with this type of title should be an imediate ban.
>fuck critics!!!
>praised reddit wick 3
fucking entry level plebs
nothing to see here goyim, now move along!
Desperate disney shill.
>I don't see any movies with that cast anywhere. Why? Because it flopped.
How will godzilla fans recover....
>t. rodan
Same thing could be said for Endgame.
He's not seen it.
If Godzilla and Ghidorah quipped, these same faggots would've loved it.
>B-b-b-but D-D-Disney!
Kaijufags absolutely seething
>some nobody trashes a movie to try act like """"""""professional critics"""""""
Make a New thread
By watching whatever newer movies japan makes and the eventual revival of Godzilla for another big budget Hollywood movie in 20 years.
I hope you get caught eating beans, you turbofaggot
wick 3, a superior movie in every way to endgayme has lower scores proving critics are braindead
>Posts an even bigger flop
Wow you sure showed me user
ITT: seethe & cope
it's not enough that you spergs love dinosaur go boomboombang when the masses won't see it
>batman v superman make 870m
>JUSTice league makes 650
>wonder woman makes 800 and aquaman gets a billion
remind me again how DCEU failed?
>this isn't endgame where everyone sees it the first weekend
In case of it predecessor it pretty much was the case. It opened big, then crashed and burned, and sloooooowly crawled to double it's opening haul months later down the line, just before being pulled. There was some talk that they bumbled the numbers on the final two million to dodge the unfortunate stigma of the only movie that opened with an 80+, only to fail at breaking 200 million.
Ey, how ya doin’
>tfw all my interests are niche things that normies don't understand
Feels nice and cozy.
Was being filmed before Justice League bombed just like Wonder Woman 2
Godzilla vs Kong is already confirmed
me like stronk lady punch grimace over shine rock
me am more brain than lizard movie
>we live in a timeline where godzilla movies are too intellectual for marvel stupified audiences
If you are living the path of a movie critic chances are that you lived way too sheltered of a life
her toys are ugly and nothing like the original you own godzilla toys too you fucking man baby
I love this insane universe.
it opened at 90 million and ended over 500 worldwide
>nearly all positive reactions from the reviews that matter
>pretty much everything we wanted
>all criticism from people who never cared anyway sound like a joke
So pathetic. But better bait now before the premiere it might be the only occassion.
Yeah and it's starring the disgusting fat kid from deadpool 2 and its directed by the guy who made death note (Netflix)
The John Wick series and Marvel series pander to the same tasteless reddit brained crowds
Get some fucking taste kid
They can just watch Monster Island Buddies on YouTube for that
>western "critics"
The DCEU failed compared to Marvel. Looking at it on it's own it's in the top 10 biggest franchises of all time and with the 5 other movies confirmed for the universe it's just going to keep climbing. Only 1 flop out of 7 films is pretty good for most film franchises. Terminator or Predator would kill for that
>pander to the same reddit crowd
true retard confirmed
>Netflix death note guy
Should have kept Gareth Edwards.
The man knows cinema. Its just autists who screamed about not enough monster time who broght this upon us.
Well I guess Suicide Squad 2, Birds of Prey, The Batman and Aquaman 2 aren't happening
no sweetie, it opened at 90 million DOMESTIC, and finished at 200.6 million domestic.
You don't get to pick and chose the numbers you prefer. But if you want, it opened at 198 WW, and finished at 530.
>pander to the same tasteless reddit brained crowds
/ourguy/, Armond motherfucking White, loved John Wick 3. GTFO, reddit tranny.
The "consensus" is vague enough that even when the movie reaches mid-60% it will be somewhat fitting. If it makes it to 70% and more there might be a problem but I think it won't happen given how the first movie didn't generate that much interest even though the sequel is better the franchise as a whole is less popular than some others.
He backed out of his own accord largely thanks to Rogue One (which was the only good nuWars film)
And most people have actually liked it, I expect the scores to rise by Friday
Godzilla 2014 had major flaws. Honestly speaking kong skull island is a much better film. Its not so much the lack if godzilla, rather the constant repetitive teasing even during major battles that was obnoxious
Rouge one was pretty good, desu.
Batman doesn't have Ben or are you too retarded to remember the argument?
Star Trek Beyond and The Lego Movie 2 were objectively bad though. I remember the marketing campaign for those was also not as present as the movies that came before.
Somehow I saw street-vendors distributing Lego Batman merch on the street and bar tables covered with Lego Batman when hanging around town back then. I haven't seen that much of push since then.
Some people around me aren't even aware there was a Ninjago movie, and had to go alone for TLM2 because no one cared for it.
>all the critics who left a bad review gave TLJ more than a 90%
>critics dislike it
>audience will love it
>media will attempt to blame the disparity on men being terrible somehow
It's all so tiresome.
Nah it's fine. The DCEU is totally dead bro
imagine being this much of a faggot
They're also praising reddit numale shit like john wick 3 and shazam
it's fucked up
>Star Trek Beyond and The Lego Movie 2 were objectively bad though
Except they're objectively better than this
Oh yeah? Well....
Fucking kaijus and their kaiju privilege.
No matter how much you try, God Hand will always and forever be an unredeamable, shit game.
And now it's back to 58%
No, it's back to 58%
I think it'll end up somewhere in the 60s.
>it's a bad Godzilla movie because Godzilla wasn't in it a lot
How fucking retarded do you have to be?
wtf I hate Godzilla now.
>godzilla for amerimutts
simply epic
I still see 56%. I hope it's just some timing issue. Gonna have to wake up to see a positive score I guess from the reviews we already know we're gonna get what we want.
Basically, he's your average Yea Forums poster.
cursed images
I'm pointing they were lesser than the ones that came before, and the lack of marketing push, making it seem like they did not waste as much money as they could have because they played it safe and knew quality was not up to par.
Coming 5 years later has no correlation for them to have underperformed.
Even if KotM is considered worse by critics, we have yet to see how well it can do, and the 5 year gap has nothing to do with this.
Capeshit truly is the bane of movies.
Reminder not to take any critic who uses "mature" and "childish" as qualitative statements seriously because they're unable to make an actual argument.
> too much talky not enough boomy
> too much boomy not enough talky
Criticism in 2019
I'll still see it.
>characters don't explicitly state their actions, thoughts and states of mind
>no narrative
She probably couldn't recognize narrative if it was covered in frosting and cheese.
Did you actually watch it?
God, I hope you trolled yourself into watching that shit. Lmao
>looking to film critics to accurately review what’s glorified anime
These fucking androids barely understand capeshit and go by whatever Disney shits out, if Godzilla was voiced by a nigger I bet they’d of wanted it to win an Oscar