seasons change
but star wars fans stay as pathetic as ever
seasons change
but star wars fans stay as pathetic as ever
Your fatass probably can't even run a .005k ya gay fuck.
Is she melting?
White people pay money to run on the street. I'll never understand those 5k and 10ks. At least finishing a marathon has some merit.
>every year
>movie is like 3 years old
what did he mean by this
you need to finish those races to qualify for marathons, you mong.
Can you even run a mile?
How the fuck does he get enough oxygen with that on?
i envy someone who is such a brainlet that they can relate in any way to the characters of new movies. imagine if you were so fucking dumb that you didn't require the miracle of good writing/production/direction to entertain you, imagine that you could be entertained some ways other than unintentionally through Yea Forums memes about a movie.
Why are you on reddit? You fucking nigger
That’s 10k more than you’ll ever run fatty.
Losing to a woman? Fucking pathetic.
My friend works out with a bane mask on and has for several years. Less oxygen = more anaerobic gains.
I was looking for erotic photos of Brie Larson.
Who the fuck can't run 10 miles? That's not even half marathon
Oh yea? They're at least out interacting with the world, probably entertaining people, meeting people, and showing their support of something they care about. Who are you and what have you done?
Is he a big guy?
She reeks of soi and test
Check out the shanks on this lass.
something about her smug face just reeks of "have sex". I can fucking hear her say it just looking at her, god I hate this woman
God i wish that were my head between those jambs
Cracker triggered lmao
Careful what you say, fag. Check the filename
havent run a mile since like 10th grade gym class
But do people like that enjoy capeshit etc. as much as people with patrician taste enjoy kino like Batman vs Superman?
How did he know about Kylo Ren back in 1996?
next you'll tell me niggers don't understand reading either.
Eleanor Roosevelt?
What the fuck does he mean, "every year"? So, he did it like three or four times?
There is nothing wholesome about it. It's about social media likes.
Cause its safer than running from the cops
It was a 10k so more like 6 miles