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/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
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Was he in shock?
>Comrade, soldier. You're done.
Just confusion.
>Roof dudes boot gets cut open
>Everyone talking about how fucked he is
Is this the 'elephant foot' part everyone keeps memeing about?
anyone have a pic of the yellow pumps
reminder that the holodomer never happened and alt-right incels will rage at this simple fact. no evidence for it exists.
Pretty much, the hydrogen tanks simply exploded. It was a simple tar fire.
Yes thats his superhero name
whole bloody episode
Do I?
No, the elephant foot is solidified core lava that looks like an elephant's leg
Why did they shoot the elephants foot but hesitate to shoot the graphite on the roof?
Comrade user.
You're done.
>no evidence for it exists.
just like the shoah
And How!
Just posting this for the retard complaining about the polar bear
its just that dude a week from that scene
user at least make images correctly, use this image, this is the first mcdonalds opening in moscow 1990
Damn kids setting off fire crackers at 1:00 in the morning.
It is rather strange that everyone is constantly shown drinking vodka, but no one is drunk.
By the way, in those years in the USSR was dry law.
t. Russian
If they cut off roof man's exposed foot can they prevent lethal radiation doses?
Lads what happened to the guys who stared at the reactor in the first episode? Did that really happen? Would it actually look like that, a big ball of glowing energy? Fucking hell nuclear stuff is so weird, how the fuck did humans ever stumble across it. Crazy.
Roof scene reminded me of my young child hood days trying to step over my spicy lego pieces
graphite on roof is exposed to open air.
babushka was there. she knows.
what are those?
>Cultural Victory.jpg
These threads expire faster than a biorobot fresh off the roof. I see a post I can answer to, and by the time I do that everyone has already migrated to the next one. Fucking insane
Reminder that Pinochet didn't go far enough
they were the ones who melted in the hospital while being interviewed
So the big disk with all the wires sticking out, is that the top of the reactor?
Wait only one episode left?
They aren't going to cover how the sarcophagus was built? I was really looking forward to see how they did that...
reported for racism and anti semitism outside /pol/
get out of here you nazi bigot, this is a blue board
Did you miss the whole deal about Pizza Hut m8?
There is no graphite on the roof, it was just burned concrete
that's the lid to the reactor with all the control rods and stuff
Babushka was probably busy choking down Bandera's cock
>in the USSR was dry law
strategic stash?
This scene was kino
I'm sure that radiation ain't THAT bad, shitloads of firemen and even those "biorobots" survived.
Seems like radiation kills only weaklings
i made this for /rbmk/ please be nice
jokes on you, the soviets lost the cold war but won the cultural war.
white people killing each other
Why didn't they use long fucking sticks to push the graphite from the roof ?
Just keep the people at a distance and shove the whole fucking roof down
well done comrade user
>tfw when shit's fucked.
I admire the hat's aerodynamics tbqh
Same i was really hyped up for it
git gud boi
they were given vodka because they believed it protected them from the radiation
t. someone who read a thread on twitter describing the episode last night.
All to boil water and spin a turbine.
for some reason, not matter how many times I see that pic still looks like the skyfall intro at 1:23
more like bluepilled board
very well
If I want the Chernobyl experience is there anything nearby I can irradiate myself with? How do I give myself a massive dose of rotgens? Is there anything you can buy online or something in a city i can fuck with?
saved, your service for /RBMK/ will be noted for generations to come
3.6 threads per hour.
>Yea Forums has no sense of humor
What the fuck was pavel's problem?
He gets to hunt with based bacho and drink all the vodka he wants.
I hate his sad fucking cunt face so much
thank you for your service to the soviet union
>comparing abstract conceptions to real life problems
fuck capitalism
madlad actually streamed this between episode 3 and 4
Those three all died within a month.
You have served the /RBMK/. Thank you.
Break into a dentist office and used the xray machine on yourself over and over?
you mean demon
>Would it actually look like that, a big ball of glowing energy?
It actually did.
user, why does the Deputy Chairman sees graphite on the roof?
>They aren't going to cover how the sarcophagus was built? I was really looking forward to see how they did that...
Well, they put together a huge team of engineers, so we'll need to condense that all down to one person...
to boil more water
Stick you penis in microwave
blessed post
> strategic stash
Alcohol is produced in the country in any case, even if it is dry law. Alcohol is needed not only to drink it.
In the USSR there was a fairly high level of education of the population, so people understood that this was not the true.
nope instead of that we have half an episode of dogs being shot
For how long did the other reactors continue to work after the explosion? I remember reading years, somewhere, but that makes no sense...?
Holodomor is really just retards thinking they're more important than they actually are. Why in the fuck would anyone purposefully genocide their own country's population? Everyone was fucking starving, not just the hohols, but of course they just had to make it all about them, the pitiful, suffering from inferiority people that they are
Th-They had a lot of pencils up there, sir!
Nuclear energy is fuckin raddd bro
ultimately to btfo some chinks but yeah, pretty much
>Stalin did nothing wrong
take the subversivepill
Ah okay that's a good one.
this was a pretty based and redpilled movie tbqh
You have increased the happiness of all mankind
Not as highly educated as the West, and even westerners would believe something so stupid.
Anyone else replying STALKER because of this show?
The dog hunters were literally Stalkers.
1.5 hours of a woman bitching at concrete truck drivers, crane operators, and the general in charge of logistics.
t. commissar's granson
By the way, in real life it wasn’t Tychina who was asked to fly up to the roof, but Legasov. He wanted to see what was going on in the reactor.
what the fuck you mean dry law? You mean there was alcohol prohibition in the USSR in the 80s?
in the country most famous for being vodka drinking alcoholics that die young from alcohol abuse?
To spin magnets to generate a charge to power microchips all so that I can shitpost on a Swedish dog-shooting enthusiasts board.
>their own country
>cull off the undesirables
I mean every facist regime chooses their own path to this conclusion.
based nsdap dabbing on untermench slavs
No, that wasn't them. Akimov and Toptunov were the one's being interviewed, they were the ones who were trying to manually pump water back into the completely open reactor core. The ones who stared into it, while trying to insert the control rods, were Kudryavstev and Proskuryakov.
its because he knows he's Bacho's onahole now
I've been played CoC mememods on and off for about a year, but wanna do another replay of SoC soon.
>In the USSR there was a fairly high level of education of the population, so people understood that this was not the true.
and no one starved either, right?
most of that radiation shit was kept from the public for security purposes and to keep people from panicking.
Comrade, you're done.
I think it was an attempt at prohibition because the country was spiraling deeply into alcoholism and drug abuse throughout Gorbachevs tenure.
>their own country
>Ukraine was considered garbage by the Russians
>stalin hated Ukrainians
t. someone who doesn't understand soviet power politics.
>Nuclear energy is fuckin raddd bro
we honestly should be using it for our power sources. too bad the eco freaks are in control.
I have broken the conditioning and have my worldly affairs in order, thank you very much
Why weren't they allowed to look at the core?
>you are using wrong concrete
>inb4 "wikipedia"
state secrets
here's webm
What if we get another Chernobyl and can’t resolve it?
Because then there is no concrete shield between you and FUCKING 12000 ROENTGEN
this shames the russian
How do you convert the various doses to full body doses?
Well of course they dont. They just repeat what their Uni professors say.
>not good but not terrible
But ivan, I am the slav
has /pol/ dulled you so much you can't even tell obvious sarcasm from cringy libshit?
we will be with core-chan
>listening to a traitor bought and paid for by the CIA
>when you realize that pavel the private will grow up to become dr. pavel later in life
im calling it in lads
>What if we get another Chernobyl and can’t resolve it?
Chernobyl was caused by idiots and communists.
if you don't have idiots or communists, you don't have Chernobyl.
inb4 "muh fukashima"
don't put nuke reactors in a tidal wave or earthquake zone.
>How many dogs have you murdered when you could have just bypassed the radiation by reprogramming the canine synapses to function cohesively?
i wish i could revive stalin to show him this
you are worse than a churka, gennadiy
anyone have a link to the black raven poem they sing? none of the other version have the same deep voice
Why are they warned against sticking their heads into a beam of ionizing radiation? Is that the question?
>Holodomor worth talking about?
>You're delusional.
>7.5 million dead? Not great, not terrible.
Imagine waiting this long for McD's lmao. I leave if the drive thru line is more than five cars deep
>being subversed by KGB tactics
>has /pol/ dulled you so much you can't even tell obvious sarcasm from cringy libshit?
I just wanted a reason to use that gif.
Requesting that one 5 post long screencap of the simplified explanation of the disaster.
Yeah, cos a look once you are already up there would change much...
lmao but nobody would be mad about his betrayal if he wasn't giving away their secrets geeze commie think a little
lmao @ your whole life since I know you can't lol
I guess television is more his forte
newfag here. Is there a real codification for this meme : the wojack complaining. By codification i mean it must have a special form etc...
Is there a name so i can find others ?
Idiot. If the Twin Towers had been a nuclear plant we'd all be dead right now.
I have the short one
a big mac cost 5% of your monthly wages, 3.5 rubles
and what years did this occur?
sounds like interesting reading, did any Al Capone style Mafiosos rise to the top to become the Kingpin of illegal liquor smuggling and sales?
For me it's three cars deep
eps 1-3: near TD S1
ep 4: Breaking pleb
no wonder he became a nuclear scientist, admirable, but mistaken
And if you dont have to think of an original idea.
Did holomodor fucking happen or what ? why is it still a debate ?
Thank you, user.
they all have "my feet hurt" in them, so the easiest way to find them is just to google "my feet hurt meme" or some shit like that,
>Idiot. If the Twin Towers had been a nuclear plant we'd all be dead right now.
>The Death of Stalin
>Mr. Jones
Nothing going on here folks.
>all of this just to heat some fucking water up
>my fucking face when Ralph Ineson showed up last night
Wrong. 100% pure Slavic (aka uncucked, white, evropean) blood in my veins
>Total brainlet: the post
It didn’t actually work and as far as I’m aware it wasn’t enforced
>and thus you have a character of Ulana
It happened but liberals REEEE when they get called out on something.
Why? It's a new place that just opened up that was hyped up all around the world for them. It's almost like you'd need to be retarded to not want to try it.
smell tripfag
its debated because the facts are some what founded and not, its heavily denied by communist sympathizers and contrarians. plus the numbers are wonky as fuck because it was nearly 100 years ago in the soviet union, so for all we know it could have been less or more than is stated. its the same reason why we cant be sure how many people died in the gulags because soviets lol
its not a debate but commies like to deny that they're quite literally worse than hitler
>in the country most famous for being vodka drinking alcoholics that die young from alcohol abuse?
Which is why they had it
Thank you very much user
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he means that the US would have gone nuclear and blowed up da erf if the planes crashed into a nuclear plant.
my parents waited in this line. they said it was worth it
what 4 out of a 100 critics give this show a ''negative'' review?
>I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he means that the US would have gone nuclear and blowed up da erf if the planes crashed into a nuclear plant.
then why didn't the terrorists attack one of the several nuke plants in the US?
Thnkz guys. Is there great books or documentaries about it ?
literally never looks like this
Don’t put one in Japan you mean because that describes their whole island chain
where is tripfag?
why were the control rods capped with graphite?
Man, I will miss RBMK threads.
Holodomor didn't happen, but if it did it wouldn't have been the fault of communism, also it should have because all these Nazi Ukranians think it happned. Now please remember the 6 gorillion.
way fewer deaths than 3,000 and no real threat. If they didn't nuke the middle east into a crater because of the WTC, they sure wouldn't do it in this scenario.
Thank you Ulana for taking time out of your badass secret agent life to explain this to us plebs.
God I love being American
The cooks knew their shit or they imported us personnel ?
I was pissed that they wasted so much time with that shitty side quest.
>look at these dogs being shot. LOOK AT IT. FEEL SAD
Who cares. Dragged on forever
Who is that?
Coz their dicks were too small
That's your average bread line in 90s
you won't be saying that come november next year
so le based deus ex machina woman can save the day
Can somebody tell me what kind of chemical they are using here? I understand it's some kind of chemical to minimize the radiation but what is it? or is it just pure water?
Imagine living such that the promise of a hot burger and fries is worth an hour long wait.
Sure there are but most stuff is heavy duty literature or academic papers. its not very documented in the west and the Russians often deny it or highly down play it because its one of many grim and horrible stains on the soviets. many documentaries are by Ukrainians so its in Russian/Ukrainian and there is few bits of media or written works that are in English. check the wiki i guess.
Why not? God's servant will win again
>Natural background sources
Wait you mean I'm being irradiated ALL THE DAMN TIME?
for binding the dust on the ground
idk what i expected, it was pretty obvious
KANYE 2020
And yes, I will never believe that someone could talk about bio-robots in Russia.
t. Russian
>Go for a shit
>Miss 3 threads
The fuck are you guys even talking about?
Maybe some soap for emulsification with the scrubbing action they're sometimes using
>popular vote interstate compact shit dabs on your constitution
if you guys don't civil war after the dems basically shred your electoral law, then you will be eternally cucked and under permanent afromexican rule from that point onwards
Sorry not enough time to explain it we need to focus the episode on more dog killings.
>Can somebody tell me what kind of chemical they are using here?
something that captures particles and holds onto them I suspect.
That line looks like it's several hours long. Maybe a whole workday.
its water
I think the reasonable conclusion is that the famine was mostly naturally occurring, but heavily exacerbated by the USSR, and potentially, bordering on likely, exploited to undermine Ukrainian nationalism.
Yes, what do you think the sun is?
>Wait you mean I'm being irradiated ALL THE DAMN TIME?
This character went from being hated to being based af. Love the guy
Fuck that's stressful, I think I'll relax by working on my tan.
The dogs in the show even had the same sound effects as in the game
nothing appreciable has changed since the end of Bush's first term. people bitch loudly but nothing is really different
fuck commies, any chapo posters here can go kill their trannyselves (youre dudes and will never be women)
Based potato
>Yes, what do you think the sun is?
The God Ra, sailing across the sky in his chariot.
>tfw i will never be a glorious bio-robot
(((Whatcha trying to say goy, you think this matters more than the six gorillion?)))
based and Rapilled
So apparently this show is based on a real life event can you believe that???
Imagine what humans could do if we had simple and efficient direct heat>energy converters.
Is this the most depressing kino out there?
Nigga please, everyone knows it’s Apollo
Will we not see the elephant foot in the show?
Who wants some premium 80's Soviet Lore?
>PepsiCo set up a deal with Soviet's to make and sell Pepsi in the Soviet Union, in return the PepisCo get exclusive rights to distribute Stolichnaya outside of the Soviet Union, win win for everyone and a boost for the SU economy
>Come the 80's where SU is even poorer and collapsing, the rights to Stolichnaya isn't enough to cover the Pepsi contract
>Sell 17 submarines, 1 cruiser, 1 frigate and 1 destroyer to the PepsiCo to cover costs, with the idea of them to be scrapped and sold for the materials
>PepsiCo has the 6th largest fleet in the world for a short time
an AnCap dream.
but won't that popular vote shit the democratic ruled states are trying to push de facto destroy your electoral college? isn't that unconstitutional?
and what happens when the delegates have to decide the new president? do they obey federal electoral law and face charges in their home states, or do they follow muh popular vote even if their states voted overwhelmingly for the other guy? two presidents?
I don't see any way this ends without bloodshed if they actually push it through.
I saved this image last week before this episode. Fuck..
Even my granny remembers that great famine
She lived in Volga region
Mean while at the same time from the same famine Kazakh SSR lost 22% of population.
More than in Ukraine
And about accusations of Ukrainians in helping Nazism...
It's true. Some brainwashed russians really think so.
Meanwhile Russians have not only Waffen SS but also an army ROA (pic) led by a hero of battle for Moscow — Vlasov
>Not a single cat got killed
Once again proving they're the most based pet
Big mac patties irl are thin little oval shaped slithers of meat
Why didn't they tell the biorobots to start close to the edge of the roof and work their way inwards? Seems more efficient than the guys spending ten seconds trying to decide where to start and what to shovel.
apollo wasn't even the sun god to the greeks, you're thinking of helios
Based American capitalism
Give them a hundred years and they probably will again
based ruskies and their kots
Is someone going to rip the audio from last episode with the soldier singing?
Every version of it I find is too song-ey. I need to listen to the show version on repeat
They had a shit-ton of people so it didn't really matter I guess
>Why didn't they tell the biorobots to start close to the edge of the roof and work their way inwards?
less to trip over as the work progressed
they really should have had him find one of these notes in the episode desu
would have been better than the puppy scene
why didnt they just run a hose up on the roof and wash everything off
there were two 'burdas', one was based on water and maltodextrin another on some rubbery polymer. spay it, wait it to dry and rub it
>Cats can't be vegetar-
Meatfags BTFO.
there were cat corpses in the body dump scene, friend
That was real? I played the videogame but I thought it was bullshit
The chunks were 40-50 kilos that wouldn't be very effective
aren't there some in the death truck?
you're delusional, those were small homosexual dogs
greeks borrowed all the gods from egyptians, chimon brew
> these notes
This fiction is absolutely crazy person. Aliksevich is insane, it has long been known to everyone who is at least a little familiar with what she does.
Yeah, that's the upper biological shield, and the stringy parts aren't wires, but the (remnants of) pressure tubes that the water/steam would pass through around fuel rods in the core.
Essentially the core was a bunch of those graphite blocks with holes in them we've seen, with either pressure tubes or control rods running through those holes in the graphite. That's the core stack in a nutshell.
why do you think the rats would take over if the cat died you fucking retard
>“We’re disarming the Soviet Union faster than you are,” Kendall quipped to Brent Scowcroft, President George H.W. Bush’s national security adviser.
PepsiCo, the great defenders of capitalism.
>Russia was the first to invent biorobots
My bad
Why not just hang a steel girder or two horizontally from a helicopter over the roof and use it to sweep the stuff off the roff?
oh my bad I honestly have no idea who the fuck she is
>Communists have no soul
>Robots have no soul
Makes sense, really.
>The cooks knew their shit or they imported us personnel ?
He thinks the US has the best McDonalds quality....
What is this "soul" you speak of?
>Why not just hang a steel girder or two horizontally from a helicopter over the roof and use it to sweep the stuff off the roff?
The real world doesn't use cartoon physics.
Isnt that close to the wall with the big bois ? shouldn't it be more centered ?
Biological ? what matter ?
its your inner voice user
only non-NPCs have souls
why not just build a REALLY big dome over the top?
>What is this "soul" you speak of?
It's what makes someone human.
that ain't look like no dog I've ever seen
honestly just inflate a bouncy castle on the roof and it would have pushed everything off as it inflated, but i guess the soviet union doesnt believe in fun
Then tell me how a reactor explodes.
i'll be useful, sir
they already used up all of the nation's iron.
wtf I love pepsi now
that dome is literally 2.5 times that of the ukrainian economy
it doesn't. RBMK reactors don't explode.
It is the official position of the state that a global nuclear disaster is impossible in the soviet union.
>best McDonalds quality....
what a fucking meme?
I love this image because to me it doesn't signify Apu thinking but rather mathematical equations floating in front of his face (backwards, I might add) as he watches them drift by, nonplussed.
Why not just get a few pregnant women to do the work? Loss of maybe half a dozen fetuses in exchange for the wellbeing of thousands of living men.
you're the delusional one
take the yuri pill
What the fuck is the point of the lead testicle shielding
>cover the land in 'burda'
>dried out, now rub that shit with wodden shovels
>no biorobot costume
>loaded it on a truck
>check the truck afterwards with dosimeter
>x10 higher than normal
>burried the truck too
this fuckin mini stories are nightmare
your 90 seconds is up comrade user. you're done
>I understand you have experience killing cats Comrade?
Salami, wholewheat bread and vodka. comfy lunch time
>deutsche qualität
Do you guy know that they did exactly that in 2016?
Not a dome but is shaped like an hangar an covers everything including the roofs.
which is the best Chernobyl Documentary on youtube?
protects your dick. Crabs do it too
guessing to prevent prostate and testicular cancer
to protect your testicles
This will require an unacceptable high amount of inseminations, comrade
Mainly supposed to protect their sperm from being irradiated, I assume
Protecting your ability to reproduce
"to stop your cock turning into a cunt"
They believed it would stop you going infertile
>I need three volunteers!
which one ? link ?
So that your child does not end up like tranny with webbed fingers and gills.
Does it actually work tho or was it just a soldiers meme
Does anything pretty gross happen this episode?
Tempted to watch it while eating but I don't know if I wanna see more of those firemen..
After the first "ah germans..." i though he would drop a "these germans always want to fuck us all over" or something like that
Why did they not use prisoners to clear the roof ,
Stalin would have solved issue in a week.
>you can't sell alcohol at night, it must cost more, and being drunk at work is illegal
t. Gorbachov
(it wasn't actual prohibition and cost the state too much money to keep it up for more than a year)
I was hoping to find a 'new phone' edition
or an 'official state position' edition
some, but when it comes to shooting rifles im not great, not terrible
Who is that actor and why can he do nothing but that single face?
Him having that same expression on his face all the time is weird as hell.
It was a several hundred ton steel plate which served to shield the outside biological environment from radioactive contamination in the core (hence biological shield)
Her name is Elena, say something nice
Remember the Holodoggomor
The Germans were stupid to assume they got the real radiation levels.
its george and he wants to be useful after he dun kirked his head
Barry Keoghan reprising his role as a killer of household pets - nobody does it better. I wonder does he feel he's being typecast though?
Agent: "Barry, get your sweet Irish butt to LA; I got you a reading for a dynamite new part set in the Soviet Union. It's the hottest role in town."
Barry: "Thanks Shlomo, what's the gig? Brooding cop? Neurotic spy? Sexy cosmonaut?"
Agent: "Better than that kid, you'll be shooting radioactive cats with a rifle!"
*Barry hangs up phone*
Dunkirk was massively overrated IMHO
just dead animals there's no body horror this episode
Thanks user.
lmao poor guy
/RBMK/ generals will die from RSA in a couple weeks.
It's been an honor shitposting with you, komrades
Yeah that’s totally destined for a Supreme Court case