>here's your top 10 best movies of all time bro
Here's your top 10 best movies of all time bro
Other urls found in this thread:
No movies before the 2000's?
It Happened One Night and Metropolis are the only good ones there, but I don't even see them on here
those years are problematic, sweety
on the top 10*
Literally look at the list again you mong
this is because of rt's stupid algorithms. there's plenty of movies that have higher score than say black panther
hell even endgame has 8.3/10 while black panther has 8.26/10
Why the fuck does anyone take RT seriously?
Don't shit on The Third Man
>pay $50,000 to attend USC film school
>"today we're analyzing the greatest film of all time, Black Panther"
Black Panther was pretty mediocre, even for capeshit, but blindly praising niggers seems to be the norm now.
Wow we are literally in a Golden Age for movies!
Duude dutch angles duuuuuude
>Inside Out is in the top 200 at all
God women are stupid
>best of RT
>every movie except 3 are weighed much higher because there were simply more reviewers present at a later date
this is why I stopped caring about rotten tomatoes scores a couple years ago
you belong in a gas chamber
metropolis absolutely deserves to be there
the third man is good as well
>no Lethal Weapon
Moonlight was unironically good and should be switched with black panther.
The fact that a kids comic book movie is the best movie of all time according to rotten tomatoes, tells you everything you need to know.
>white guilt shit
pick one
So, is Yea Forums anything more than the place where /pol/ goes to complain about how not everything is made expressly for straight white christian men? Can we go back to when Yea Forums was just a bunch of insufferable pretentious douche bags that hated anything that was remotely popular on impulse?
>No Lethal Weapon 6
How was moonlight white guilt? It was just about a gay black guy.
>2 hours about how bad it is for gay black guy
>not whie guilt
If you want people to like PoC movies more, simply make them good you retarded reddit cunt.
I've never seen a worse top 10 in my life. You could make a better list with 10 video game movies.
>you have an opinion contrary to /pol/'s therefor you're from the bad website
kill yourself yesterday. this is Yea Forums
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Your favorite movies are garbage, get over it.
It was about the shitty life of a gay black kid but there was no white guilt involved. Where are you getting the guilt from? I watched it feeling no guilt just enjoyed the story it had to offer.
Internet culture is pure cancer
>movie made in 2015 and later
Pure KINO!!!!!!!!
>If you want people to like PoC movies more, simply make them good
kek, no user. I refuse to see fucking monkey animal garbage. You see, I hate blacks. No, they haven't done anything to me personally, unless you count destroying my old neighborhoods, filling the streets of my city with violent crime, harming my property value. No, you see, my issue with them is that they have no right to exist here. For 99.9% of human history animals like this would be euthanized en masse, but now, women are allowed to control political discourse and of course they'd rather spread their legs for the invading savage apes than fight them off because that's the strategy that has worked for them for 99.9% of human history. I can not relate to the negro for it is not human. You could make a movie with a garden ho as a lead and I would find it comparable. Blacks are antique farm equipment, they have never done anything of value, we dragged their jigaboon asses 50,000 years forward civilly and technologically and do they appreciate it? No, they bitch and seek to undermine and kill us at every turn. These fucking animals would still be living in mud huts with a 10 year life expectancy if it wasn't for the compassion of white slavers. Fuck blacks, fuck women and fuck janitors.
I'm sorry that I've upset you in your hugbox thread.
Yeah right lmao.
It's Vienna
then why are you on the internet?
>i just enjoyed the story it had to offer
You enjoyed watching a gay black suffer for narcissistic pleasure, self-assured in yourself that aren't one of the evil homophobes that the movie screeds against.
that thing's hideous
Wow, so kino. totally deserves to be on the top 10 greatest movies ever made.
please stop eating and drinking and sleeping
Based colonizer bear
>no arguments
I liked the movie it was good there isn't anything else to it, there doesn't have to be anything else to it.
Whats wrong with that guy? He looks like a giant baby but also like a sickly old man, is it the food ? The onions ? Genetics ? Wtf
>Black Panther and Get Out in the top 3
Mutt culture at its finest
I don't need any, when all you're doing is bitching about how the world is changing and leaving you behind. I just think it's funny how few of you will admit to what you're actually doing, and hide behind your buzzwords and your victim mentality. Everyone else is at fault, and you're the only one that's right. Your cognitive dissonance is never not delicious.
>97 is better than 99
We live in the Golden Age of Cinema.
>when all you're doing is bitching about how the world is changing and leaving you behind
Or it could be that the top 10 list in the OP is fucking atrocious.
>victim mentality
Tell me more about how blacks need reparations from whites for slavery
Or it could be that you're just a member of a grievance culture, and rather than creating something of your own, you want to sit here where it's safe, get your hugs and your validation from the rest of your Anons, and complain about how everyone else is the problem.
No, I'd rather laugh at your strawmen and not do anything other than laugh and point out your strawmen arguments.
>rather than creating something of your own, you want to sit here where it's safe, get your hugs and your validation from the rest of your Anons, and complain about how everyone else is the problem.
Yeah, how dare I find issue over mediocrity taking the top 10 spot over better movies that actually deserve it.
It's one thing for black people to have their own movies to enjoy, it's another thing for them to claim it's an artistic masterpiece that everyone else should bow down to.
>you want to sit here where it's safe, get your hugs and your validation from the rest of your Anons, and complain about how everyone else is the problem.
Says the smug virtue-signaling faggot that comes here to "laugh"
>those random 30s movies
>dude i dont need to back my points up lmao
Should I even point out that his post is virtue signalling to the people that share his side, or how ludicrous it is to virtue signal on an anonymous Syrian footwear market? I mean, he isn't capable of the sort of self-reflection possible to get him off of his 'this is about quality' nonsense 'argument.'
>the person that says 2+3 is five says he doesn't have to back up his points when I say that the sum of 2 and 3 is a dog having sex with a cat
kill yourself
I hate that fucker
OPs post didn't even mention politics, you're the one jumping to conclusions and shoving your shit into this thread. Only the most delusional of people think the movies in that list are of merit, and instead of making a case for why they are, you're just repeating "hurr durr u r just ebil right wing man", then claiming you're making a "2+3=5" assessment.
And now it's upset that someone can see through their nonsense dogwhistling. Someone needs to change this NPC's batteries.
>strawmanning after claiming I was doing it
Congrats, literal retard. At least you've finally indicated that you're not someone worth talking to. Leaving this thread to do something worthwhile other than play keyboard warrior like you are.
And now that I've made it clear that no one's fooled by OP's half-assed dogwhistling, it's claiming victory and running away.
>7/10 made in the last 4 years
It's a weighted score that only measures tomatometer, not average score, dipshits.
It's very poorly implemented.
It basically functions like:
movie with 500 good reviews>>>>>>movie with 100 good reviews
not accounting for how high the scores are, just if they are above or below the fresh/rotten threshold
The godfather, lawrence of arabia, and 2001, the kind of movies you'd expect to see on best movie lists only have 100 reviews or so at most, putting them at an enormous disadvantage, despite their ridiculously high average scores of 9.2/10
Isnt Toy Story 2 100%?
It only has 165 reviews, the most important metric
>inside out
Literally the only Pixar film I fucking hate.
>Lady Bird Average Rating Top Critics: 9.23/10
The one and only saviour of Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums. The prophet who is going to unite all Incels. He truly is the chosen one.
>mmm, this shit is delicious