Why did Squidward become unhappy in this episode?
Why did Squidward become unhappy in this episode?
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He no longer have sex
He's a miserable shit. Once he achieved what he believed he wanted all along, he went right back to being a depressed cynic because he can only ever be truly content if he's sulking.
Are you Squidward? That's okay, take your time.
He thought his salvation would come from full conformity with his own kind and yet that very conformism completely alienated him from any desires he may have had beyond that.
He never had sex
Because his Sneedpost was ignored
Because he's an elitist. Fitting in with his own kind, where he was outshone or even one of the crowd was inherently disappointing for him because he only is happy when he's superior to those around him. He keeps his shitty job because he's the smartest one at work, lives with his idiot neighbors to always look down at their antics, and always treats the townsfolk with disdain because they're uneducated herd before his enlightened intellect and cultured mind.
Because he realized that what drove him was his sense of superiority to those around him. When living among a bunch of squidwards just like himself, he no longer gets the smug satisfaction.
diversity good
white people bad
Because he realized that the real Squidward were the friends he made along the way.
because the predictability and zero chance for anything interesting happening made his life miserable.
There was a Twilight Zone episode about this called "A Nice Place to Visit"
How the fuck is the social commentary in early spongebob so advanced
You're not wrong
I have no idea why but the OP post gave me an existential crises and made me miserable. I guess that's what the episode meant to tell us. That life doesn't get better than where we are right now.
You could try to make some kind of deep psychological analysis of squidward's personality, but they were clearly going for a "too much of a good thing" sort of lesson, where having your favorite thing every single day will burn you out.
How come people can’t get burned out on coming here?
I'm sure you're very happy and satisfied with your life
Because there's nothing "good" about coming here.
lol posters here appear miserable most of the time
me but without the achieving part yet