What does this fucking mean?

I can’t post when connected to my wi-fi

Attached: DB5C9851-B3F8-4DEE-829D-E4D9EE3A0BCF.jpg (907x245, 85K)

It means you shitpost too much and theyre on to you.
The NSA is also watching you watch your gross anime porn you incel

Yea Forums bans zip codes where black and hispanic people post from.

VPN I guess.



You just need to roll dubs and you will be unbanned.

You should get a Yea Forums Pass™

Hi newfriend. It means that Hiroshima and his team of mods don't want people like you making posts. Maybe try posting on reddit.

Some nigger from your niggerhole triggered the jannies enough that they banned everyone posting from there

Turn off your VPN


They ban whole ip shit from the area where you live. It's actually scum thing to do and hiro should fuck off with this shit.

Never seen more scummy thing imposed on user. Never in my entire fucking life.

It means the nigga who lived there before shitposted his way to an ip range ban before moving away

it means you're based

someone in your area shitposted so fucking hard it warranted a range-ban

means gookmoot wants to extort your monies

don't give in, phonepost instead

I get this all the time when phoneposting, sometimes turning airplane mode on and off fixes it

You can buy a Gold Pass™, go- I mean guy, hehe

It was actually me yes. But i have wrote feedback and they unbanned it within 3 FUCKING YEARS

fuck phoneposting tourists

This is what happens when I phonepost

There is literally nothing wrong with phoneposting

i got that once while posting from south san francisco. lasted a couple of days

Literally this. Happened, to me, and then one morning my ass really hurt. Everything's good now though.

Attached: E935EDBD-E8C0-4E59-87B7-069393774A31.png (1125x2436, 326K)

Sometimes I'm only banned from making threads but I can still post in other people's threads

you must have said something not nice about black "people", that's all our worthless race traitor faggot mods and jannies care about. They hate their own race, because they're fat lazy retards so they think we should all die to ease their sense of guilt for living such shit lives. Liberals literally want to see whites genocided and the mods and jannies here are definitely libtards

Yeah it’s hogshit. I was trying to post a thread with an image completely unrelated to the title and I found out I couldn’t upload files. Fuck jannyniggers

same thing happened to me only on /pol/

which is for the best actually, haven't been there in 8 months and I can already feel my outlook on life improving and my autism exposure levels decreasing

Why, at this rate, I might just have sex this summer


prove me wrong you obama loving, pro tax, pro infanticide, anti-white faggot.

>Republitards literally want to see whites genocided
Fixed it for you

For me it's the other way round, I can't post files from phone using mobile internet

how fucking new are you all, range bans have been a moderation staple for well over a decade

>all those assumptions
>all those buzzwords

this nigga finna boutta get thrown in the looney bin lmao

it's actually just 5 years but okay newfag

Now that's projection...

you can't expect them to take the time to do their job properly and moderate content, much easier to just ban a percentage of your users so you have less work to do

Unironically have sex and you’ll stop being such a weirdo

dumbfuck mods think that will actually stop the shitposters but it only hurts innocent people on the ip range. shitposters always find a way. just hir0 wanting pass money

Attached: .jpg (480x458, 52K)

have kids

it's obviously a cash grab by the disgusting greedy kike slant hiro and has fuck all to do with moderation

gotta push those (((Yea Forums passes))) on the goyim

Think of the advertisers

I wish bans worked as they used to.

It is unironically worth it if it saves one black Yea Forums user the trauma of seeing the n word

Hes right. I live in chicago and I cant post images when Im on LTE date, only text replies. I have to be on WIFI to post images or make threads.

oh and naturally the only way to buy them is with a credit card so goodbye anonimity hello government watchlist

>shitposters always find a way
Like life itself


What’s this n word?

>only way to buy them is with a credit card

it LITERALLY fucking says
>We currently accept
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin.

goddamit you fucking people are retarded

its NIGGER with a hard R

mods, can we please ban the states these users post in, as a representative sample 100% of users from said state are racists

they can still track you even with those supposedly safe cryptoshits

and besides, I will NEVER give a single red cent to that greedy little gnome hiro not if even if I had a hundred trillion dollars at my disposal

my wife already bitches at me for subscriptions I hold to places like Texas Law Shield, who will provide me $250k worth of civil legal protection if I use a firearm or any other implement to defend myself. She doesn't need to see a Yea Forums bill so I can post with you retards and nerds

Your paranoid fantasies and racism will melt away if you have sex


fuck racism and fuck racists

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stay on reddit/facebook

don't bring Retards in to this user, they can't help being born that way

If you have a pass, does this mean that you will never get banned?

Attached: 1558889420448.jpg (720x813, 137K)

If you have pass mods will give you lighter sentences no joke.

no it just means you paid the incel tax

Attached: B7D2E3BA-D8DA-43A9-BAEC-0BDC8F1F3488.png (750x1334, 264K)

like when you could actually see which post had got a user banned?

imagine literally paying some cuck organization for gibs after you shoot someone in self defense

i thought texas was supposed to be "based" or w/e lmao. imagine being a texan. unironically

means too much shitposting from your range also wants you to buy a Yea Forums pass.

also my phone IP address for my house and surround area is banned. banned since 2014. means i cant post while im outside with my dog. how do i appeal a ban that you cant appeal anymore?

It means you have shit taste in movies

i hope it was that fucking sneedposter

that was too triggering to our newfriends and also ban shaming so we had to get rid of that

hate these drive-by non-thread reading quick shitposts

I'm still here

>implying theres only one
reporting as ordered (formerly not ordered)

I actually didn't care much for that. It just ended up with a bunch of spam praising the mods or quoting the ban text.

Because you shitposted too hard you retard nigger

I get immediate legal representation for criminal and civil matters, I have a hotline I call that assigns me a lawyer there on the spot and has them on the phone in under a minute guaranteed. Shit is great yo


Attached: 1558213511956.png (1402x3000, 1.65M)

how much do you pay a month

based and redpilled.

It's either $12-13, I'm not shilling them just the concept, there's at least two other groups out there that do the same thing. Nice peace of mind when carrying. 14/88 to you and your family user

Attached: 🏳️‍🌈⃠.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

buy a pass you cheap fuck

>when you mobile data post and see someone else's ban notice
>when you see that the notice was for posting illegal content

>get 1 day ban
>reset router
>your whole city is rangebanned buy a pass goy!
>try a few more times
>report the GoT and Alita generals as a test
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

Attached: powerplay.png (253x279, 135K)

Too many Emilia posts

Attached: zlEWcH7z_400x400.jpg (400x400, 50K)

>inb4 you get banned by the hiro janny gestapo

>14/88 to you and your family user
lmao i'm hispanic

Attached: 1478937644625.jpg (1000x963, 142K)

not enough Emilia posts you mean

>near Fullerton High School
>get ban message for cunnyposter on Yea Forums
Which one of you was this?

>i'm hispanic
thanks for reminding me why I carry, spic.

Some fucking phone posting spamming asshole got all the cellphone towers rangebanned where I live. I don't even phone post often and only reply when someone asks for info about something, pissed me off to find out a few months ago when I was about to source some movie for an user while riding the bus.

While getting rid of phoneposters is a good thing, it affects more than them. I can't post from even my work computer because of it.

formerly australian


>all these cracker wh*toids playing victim
OP is clearly a TURKISH man who's nation was wrongfully rangebanned for spreading the TRUTH of kara boga. You small dicked CUMSKINS will pay for rangebanning TURKEY.

>bought a phone specifically for retarded faggots
>can't figure out the internet in 2020-1
There's a reason we tell phonefags they don't belong on this site. Die, queer.

it means Hiro doesn't want more traffic
seen this autism most on /vg/

that sounds hilarious
some anons truly are /based/

user NO!

>sperging out this hard about posting from a smartphone
This only reflects poorly on you.

the amount of Captain Picard posted in Argentina is alarming. Most areas here don't allow uploading images because of that.

Works on my machine

kys instead lol

In working on getting South Korea range banned

Nice clover, faggot.

Leftist falseflags are so cringe.

>actually paying real life currency for the privilege of posting on the literal cesspool of the internet
Is there anything more pathetic and sad than paying for a Yea Forums Pass? I mean, even with paying camwhores you get at least something, what do you get with a Yea Forums Pass?

Passfags, you are literally below the cringiest of the beta orbiters on the planet. Consider unironic suicide.

Hola, Reditto

I think this guy's onto something. I live in San Antonio and I could never post when I had a phone

Not him but it apparently triggers you. Who fucking posts on a smartphone? Post on something with an actual keyboard. What do you need to be glued to your phone for your next social media update that isn't going to come? Fucking zoomers.

What about from the Falklands?

that's the aliums user

the NSA prefers the urethra

you need to go back r*dditoid

Attached: how_4chan(nel)_was_ruined_by_phoneposting.png (2012x836, 841K)

>I mean, even with paying camwhores you get at least something, what do you get with a Yea Forums Pass?
Not that I'd ever pay for one but you literally answered your own question, big brain.

>there are fucking zoomers so goddamn technologically illiterate they cannot parse out a simple range ban
no wonder Yea Forums is such a worthless shithole

that broken english must come from other sudaka, escuela publica?

>mfw i've been here longer than where that chart starts


there's a board only for Yea Forums pass users trademark.

Some of us are poorfags that dont have access to real computers user.
fucks sakes when i started browsing heavily in 2007/2008 i was posting on Yea Forums with a fucking ipod touch most of the time.

>ywn be an edgy 7th grader discovering Yea Forums through YTMND in 2005 again

lurk moar

committing to the bit, respect

I went to Chicago in April and couldn't phonepost for that entire week.

I sneed it was that sneeding sneedposter

>can't post from even my work computer because of it.
>work computer
Bucking for a PROMOTION, user?

you're delusional if you think range bans are a recent introduction

Because you deserve it you fucking retarded shitposter.

>gets banned
>proceeds to make an off topic thread on fucking Yea Forums instead of an appropriate board

What a retard.

ITT: GoT newfags

Your show is over. FUCK OFF.

I've actually been on here regularly since 2008. I remember moving to Yea Forums from Yea Forums when The Dark Knight came out.

one meta thread per board F A G G O T