What are the best and worst celebrity cameos in television and film?

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both best and worst:
when jaws was on Sheriff Lobo

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Wait Sheriff Lobo was an actual show?

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of course. part of the BJ and the Bear cinematic universe

Wasn't this actually referenced in the Simpsons?

that wasn't a cameo, he was a guest star

My mistake, what are the best and worst celebrity cameos and guest appearances?

Patsy Kensit in Emmerdale

Mork on Happy Days.

just like James Rolfe.

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For me it's the crossover episode of Star Trek and Columbo.

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David Cross suddenly appearing as Allen Ginsberg in I'm not there.
Never smiled harder in my life.

Attached: 007INT_David_Cross_001.jpg (852x480, 78K)

Fucking christ.
I thought zoomers were an actual meme.

You best start believing in zoomers, they're getting into college now and given the average age of Yea Forums I'd estimate at least half the board is zooms now.

Zoomers start in 97 so a lot of them have been in college for a while

John Cleese in City of Death. Filmed it in one go, comes out of nowhere, makes sense in the plot, and is funny.

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Best , Ethel Murman in Airplane.


Marshall McLuhan in Annie Hall.


>Marshall McLuhan in Annie Hall.
Good one. This was cringe before cringe became cringe.


good: Keith Hernandez in Seinfeld.
bad: Danny Tartabull in Seinfeld.

Good: Bob Hope in Spies Like Us

Johnny Depp, 21 Jump Street the movie

Michael Jackson in The Simpsons

this was a good one


worst: david letterman in Cabin Boy
best: jay leno in Calendar Girls