Anyone interested in this?
Jan Žižka movie
Charles Rivera
Ryder Barnes
after reading walpurgisnacht, yeah im hyped for some jan zizka kino
Xavier Parker
The fuck is this gypsy shit
Jeremiah Jackson
Slavic are not gypsies.
Benjamin Cox
wrong, slavshit
Nathaniel Thompson
I can't read barilla
Thomas Gomez
Fuck off white nigger
Michael Rogers
>czech legend
>czech director
>english actors
No, it will be annoying. I would rather if the director actually made the film in czech. Czechoslovak medieval films are one of the best. Marketa Lazarová and Valley of the Bees are fantastic.
Ryder Bennett
>I would rather if the director actually made the film in czech.
It was shoot primarily in Central Bohemia and South Bohemia.
Isaac Rodriguez
Might czech it out