>complex, multi-layered characters with interesting motivations and backstory
>simple premise behind each episode, yet managing to keep the show feel exciting and impactful on the story
>probably the greatest redemption arc in the history of animated shows
>every episode is masterfully crafted; even the worst of them feels mediocre at the worst
Just finished the final episode and I'm not ashamed to say I cried like a goddamn baby at least three times within the final few episodes. Why aren't they making such masterpieces in the western animated genre anymore?
Complex, multi-layered characters with interesting motivations and backstory
You do be is are not wrong motherfucker.
Avatar was a one off thing, a lucky hit. Korra also proved nobody has any clue why The Last Airbender was so good.
This was lightning in a bottle. You can't replicate something like this
>crying over a childrens cartoon
So this is the type of manchild who browses here?
Based and redpilled
Korra wasn't truly awful. It was just mediocre and didn't live up to the promise of The Last Airbender.
>emotion bad
Korra may not have been TRULY awful. But it definitely was awful
>shitty bootleg anime
tfw no toph gf
People leave out how important the comedy was to the tone of this thing. The comedy was just as appealing for the children as it was the story
Also I'm not a Zutarafag but it makes more sense than Kataang, mentor-student relationships are weird and I hate the idea that an MC has to have a love interest
Azula ruined this show for me. Pointless shitty Mary Sue.
Honestly the comedy aged FAR better than most other children's cartoons. Yes, some humor is forced and just for the sake of a cheap child laugh, but I chuckled at some of the more subtle ones.
Cram it, weeb.
They also knew the number one rule with running jokes. Don't run them into the ground. Cabbages man ended when it was natural for him to stop appearing. He wasn't randomly forced into the story going through the fire nation for no purpose other than to get a "remember me" laugh out of the audience.
Where can I watch this?
Did you just torrent it or something?
Still better than any anime
I did, some great 1080p renders around, although the 1st series struggles for consistent quality
>every episode is masterfully crafted
>The Great Divide
>This was lightning in a bottle. You can't replicate something like this
You haven't watched a lot of kino anime, haven't you>
Imagine the smell of her feet haha
You gonna tell me you didn't feel anything at all while watching this series? None of its darker themes of loss, guilt, alienation, or inadequecy ever once resonated with you? You never felt any chills when Aang goes berserk after confronting the thieves who kidnapped Appa, or the fucking Leaves From The Vine interlude in the Ba Sing Sae episode, or Katara wanting to find and kill the man who murdered her mother, or Sokka saving Toph atop the airship, or Zuko and Iroh reuniting in episode 19 of season 3? Sorry, but you're not human if none of those scenes affected you.
He did get a mention in the fire nation, but it was a good nod to the joke itself
>Mary Sue
Kek she's literally BPD. Nobody likes her, people only submit to her demands because she scares them. Feminists and SJWfucktards who produce legit Mary Sues like Rey and Captain Fungus could never create a villainess as loathesomely compelling and memorable as Azula.
unironically the best anime
>child prodigy who trains her entire life to be the most perfect fire bender the world has ever seen
>is one of the greatest most cunning and effective villains animation will likely ever see
>is destroyed by her own hubris and ego
>Mary sue
literally have sex
Why is it that a children's tv show for nickelodeon still holds as one of the strongest pieces of fantasy storytelling.