Character is supposed to be depressed

>character is supposed to be depressed
>has a gf and/or sex in a regular basis

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Well listen, most of this shit is written by normans for normans.

getting a girlfriend or having sex isnt gonna cure your depression retard

No but it helps, also most folks aren’t depressed.

I assume in this scenario the girl is attractive and mentally stable

Because, let me tell you, having a schizophrenic Mexican chick following you around campus and trying to constantly jump your bones won't make you feel better about yourself

Sometimes you get depression after getting a gf


>waaaah someone likes me and is interested in my well-being
Humblebragging normalfags should be shot

>Mr. Robot

>interested in my well being

She was just horny lmao

>has a gf and/or sex in a regular basis
That's why he's depressed. He was told all his life by bitches, TV, film and print that pussy was the magic elixir. It's not.

it's 2019 dude, everyone needs to be a victim so the bar for "depression" and "anxiety" has dropped so low that pretty much everyone qualifies

Poor you. I'm so sorry.

It definitely helps a hell of a lot. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong, or lying.

>helps a hell of a lot.
No, it doesn't. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking n00b to sex.

>be depressed
>realize none of your problems matter
>realize none of them are unique
>realize there are people who get raped by their uncles and I had it pretty good after all
>realize depressed people are selfish for masturbating to their own misery all the time
>life-long depression slowly evaporates.

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>It definitely helps a hell of a lot. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong, or lying
Women are weak and easy to influence. If you're depressed and get a girl she will eventually become depressed as well and then you're dealing with two mopey wrist-slashing subhumans. And because women can't be held accountable for anything you will be blamed for her depression and yours, and a bunch of other shit as well that's her fault.

Can confirm...

desu, saying other people have it worse doesn't help me at all, in fact, i might even feel worse cause ill feel bad for them.

>she'll become depressed as well
I'm not so sure about that.

It can help but it also can't.

A friend of mine was a KHV until last year, almost 25 years old, and for the first time he seemed to be getting along well with a girl his age, honestly not even bad looking. This guy is super self-depriciating, anxious and also slightly on the spectrum. He was the last to know she might be into him, but he was having fun, so we suggested she might like him and that he should do something with her.

He ended up hooking up with her and having sex for the first time ever and very often, having all this fun with her, but it drove him mad because he felt like he didn't deserve it, that he was an idiot and the girl too blind to see his obvious defects, and that it would just be a matter of time before he embarasses himself in front of her, etc.

You might think this is a unique case of just a huge sperg, but sexual relationships can open up a whole new can of worms, especially when you're later in life and manage to go from never having had pussy to having it all of a sudden, actual autist or not.

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well, an imaginary gf can make you feel like shit too.

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>Have a gf and have sex regularly
>Brain still won't produce the right chemicals
You're retarded

You people vastly overestimate the impact sex and relationships have on a human being.

>implying that's what depression means anymore
Get out from under your rock. Today depression is like
>omgee I got a bad test grade :'''''(

If you felt bad for those worse off, you'd be stronger for them. Pity is a whore's virtue. Compassion is the path of light.

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Then they're either lying or don't know what they're saying in which case you can ask them if they've been diagnosed. If they say not officially then you tell them to fuck off until they have been.

all of the relationships i have ever been in have coincided with the worst periods of my life; you will realise upon getting a gf/bf that your despair is more deeply rooted and omnipresent than you could have previously imagined

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Dude sometimes they help you get over it for awhile and then they make it worse

Only a true beta faggot would think having a woman in your life would make you happy, if anything they add to it.

You're trying to get this across to permavirgins. They will never learn.

okay so people without sexual experience should just go on their entire lives without knowing how intimacy feels like

Sure they should, if it's what they want. My point is that a girlfriend or sex is not in any way guaranteed to help with depression and may even induce or worsen it. Nothing is without its risks and there's no magical cure for everyone, because there is no average Joe.

t. roastie