Any kino about Muhammad, his birth and early life/rise to founder of Islam and the first Islamic Empire?
Muhammad Kino
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aisha was six.
the only kino i've ever seen about this is that Qatari show Umar. It's kino as fuq to be honest. That one Message film or Messenger or whatever was crap
You kind of can't because Mohammedans would chimp out if Satan's prophet is directly shown.
Really? Even if it's by non-Muslims? I thought they only chimped out if non-Muslims made it deliberately offensive/obscene.
Lie. The only source we have on that is from Aisha herself, and she was in open hostility to Muhammad's daughter for her whole life. She slandered him as a political tool to secure power for herself during the first fitna. Aside from this, the marriage was recommended to Muhammad from an elderly woman with familial ties to Muhammad, she would not have recommended this marriage if it was culturally unsound, and Pedophilia was not acceptable in Mecca.
OP should check out Muhammad : Messenger of God (2015). It's about Muhammad's Childhood. I thought it was fantastic. If you want something Islamic following the lives of his grandchildren and detailing the dissolution of the real Caliphate you need to watch Mokhtar Nameh.
No because if a Muslim ever accidently saw it they might start idol-worshiping like pagans.
Fuck you and your terribly written Qu'ran
Umar isn't totally bad, but it goes completely off the rails after Muhammad's death in terms of historical accuracy. Abu Bakr and Umar were both exeedingly corrupt, and that show hides all of their sins because they are Sunni's who still maintain their 1400 year old beef with the shia.
Imo, Sunni's are just ass-blasted descendants of the Ummayad's that are still butt-hurt about the fact that Muhammad totally uprooted their dogshit lifestyle and stripped them of their titles and status.The shia are the only people that care about the Family of Muhammad, and thus they are the only sources we can trust for information related to Islam.
They already do. They go to Mecca especially for that purpose.
What you hate is Sunni Islam, and I assure you, I hate it even more than you do. The Shi'a are not the enemies of the west, it is the corrupt gulf oil states and Israel that are destroying your nation. The west has been brainwashed into hating Islam because it is the real thing.
That's supposed to be Ali
The Message, also that's Imam Ali, rightful first Caliph, not Mohammad.
Only Gulf oil states chimp about this shit. Shi'a have many dramas depicting the Prophets, they just blur out their faces to ensure that the audience doesn't associate the face of an actor with these prophets. It's the Gulf oil states that are the cancer, it's important to make the distinction.
There are plenty of kinos about that from Iran but the problem is no English subs
No because Muslims aren't afraid of corporal punishment and will kill you if depict Muhammad on screen
jews will keep repeating this lie until they're all in hell eternally
Fuck off sandnigger they are all trash
>t. seething Shi'a mushrik
For once they are right and in full agreement with Christendom
>t. jew
hi rabbi
Take the real redpill.
Says the white trash.
Mark my words you dickless sunni faggot. You and all of your ilk are going straight to hell for the disease you have sewn on this planet under the guise of Islam. Your blasphemy will not go unpunished.
>Take the real redpill
Book says she was six, no? Or are you saying the Quran is filled with falsehoods?
Already know all about Zoroastrianism from GoT.
>Book says she was six, no?
It doesn't actually. You're mixing up sources, Quran doesn't talk about this period.
No. It's the hadith, which is Narrated on the authority of Aisha at a very old age. She was slandering Muhammad. This why it's so obvious that the people attempting to le BTFO Islam are nothing but utter white trash with 0 academic background. Please for the love of God, start reading books, and don't trust everything you see on the internet, everyone is deluded.
>Mark my words you dickless sunni faggot. You and all of your ilk are going straight to hell for the disease you have sewn on this planet under the guise of Islam. Your blasphemy will not go unpunished.
I'm not sunni and you're literally just doing what you found your fathers doing, I think there might be something in the Quran about it.
My father is Kuffar and I am nothing like him. I found my faith on my own and I guarantee you I know it better than you ever will.
tahran wouldn't exist right now if the USA didn't save your ass in iraq. shut the fuck up
Shitite narrative is the minority, you're free to believe what you want but don't be dishonest and pass it off as the accepted fact in response to what that user was asking, that's just misleading.
>My father is Kuffar
I mean you did say you were Shi'a
Google 'Charlie Hebdo'.
Israel did that one
go cut yourself you shia faggot
Ah yes everything is a Mossad psy-op, I forgot for a second.
>Bukhari, the most well-known and trusted scholar in islam is a liar and a jew
you're gonna be with the jews don't worry
Full of shit. You obviously don't understand the Arab psyche. They all talk big game and love buying guns and tanks, but when it comes to actual warfare, they don't follow through. They play a mad flex game, but at the end of the day, they are peace loving people. You don't understand anything about culture or history, so you should kill yourself like the rest of your stupid goyim veterans.
In Islam there is only Right and Wrong, Shi'ite's happen to be on the right side most of the time. Consensus doesn't mean shit, especially amongst the idiotic population in the mid-east. Historical Accuracy matters, end of story.
>>Bukhari, the most well-known and trusted scholar in islam is a liar and a jew
you are a broken clock!
Do you know the history of (((Bukhara?)))
>Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that the messenger of God had said,
>"Do not write anything from me except Quran. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it." [Ahmed, Vol. 1, Page 171, and Sahih Moslim, Zuhd, Book 42, Number 7147]
Seems to be some problems with ahadith!
>These are Allah's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than Allah and His revelations do they believe? 45:6
Good luck arguing against Allah guys
"(((Ibn Saba))) wasn't real"
>>"Do not write anything from me except Quran. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it." [Ahmed, Vol. 1, Page 171, and Sahih Moslim, Zuhd, Book 42, Number 7147]
Look up the full quote for this reference instead of selectively cutting out half the line to fit your agenda and you'll answer your own question mate.
discredits nothing that i've said
>he thinks i'm a mutt
yeah bro we saw what happened in mosul without american airstrikes. i'm sure you would've hold the line in damascus too without russians
>Abu Sa'id Khudri reported that Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) said: Do not take down anything from me, and he who took down anything from me except the Qur'an, he should efface that and narrate from me, for there is no harm in it and he who attributed any falsehood to me-and Hammam said: I think he also said:" deliberately" -he should in fact find his abode in the Hell-Fire.
yeah looks definitely like he wanted you to compile ahadith to supercede the Quran from the rest of the quote
Jews and arabs are cousins
Islam is Satan's answer to Christianity, b/c Christianity kept growing - too fast
Zaidis are the only chill ones, shias are basically just the muslim equivalent of Argentinians who keep screaming at everyone that they're actually white.
the ahadith collections are haram and you are in error for subscribing to them and making them the foundation of your "Islam"
how does it supercede quran reza? go pray to your imams perhaps they'll give you an answer
Imagine failing to interpret the Qu'ran this badly. You brick headed Sunni dipshits are never going to learn are you? Muhammad isn't commanding that nobody should ever write anything ever again, if that were the case every body of law written within the Islamic dynasties would all be 100% haram. If that were true there could be no Islamic Caliphate because you need to be able to write laws to have a nation. Muhammad is quoted several other times proclaiming the virtues of knowledge.
What he is saying here is that nobody should at to "The Book" Literature outside of the Qu'ran is completely acceptable. There is nothing wrong with the Hadith, this again, was a plot by Umar to ensure that people would stop relating the Hadith concerning Eid Al Ghadir, the moment Muhammad explicitly appointed Ali to the Caliphate, NOT Abu Bakr, NOT Umar, NOT Uthman. They are illegitamate leaders who betrayed Muhammad and his family on multiple occasions and we have trustworthy records that tell us exactly what they did.
Youre all inbred
>said the shiite faggot, while worshiping imams and obeying ayatollahs
I am not the Shi'a, he sperged at me first. you follow a fabricated legal system based on 200 year old gossip that was prohibited by Allah and Hazrat Muhammad himself.
Abu Bakr and Umar also prohibited collection of ahadith. WHY IS THAT?
>OMG don't you know that Muhammad was totally wrong because he fucked prime age cunny
>how DARE he not wed a used up roastie
Allah has made you guys whip yourself to blood every year. Which happens to be the Sharia punishment for accusing chaste women without evidence. And that is what you do to the widow of the prophet Muhammad (saw).
>[Say], "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters.
so you're saying the Quran wasn't explained in detail and Allah is wrong. great job pulling that off during Ramadan
>what is context
of course they'll outlaw it. they were only decade away from mohammad they didn't need written down material to carry on islam
The true story of the red haired pedophilic Vandal who was slightly regarded and wrote a psychotic Yea Forums version of Christianity would make muslims chimp out though.
This conversation has nothing to do with what you are talking about. This a conversation about history, not your retarded perception of military tactics that you conjure up in your mother's basement.
Zaidi piss me off personally, I personally can't respect people who are that milquetoast about their religion.
Literally see
every abrahamic religion is wrong
I don't do that, and I will say openly that Aisha was a filthy whore and that marrying her was the single greatest mistake that Muhammad ever made. According to the Hadith, Ali agrees.
hadiths aren't continuation of quran
next time come up with something more original than mothers basement retard
Je suis Charlie
>Make up shit
>SeE aLi AgrEeS
Je suis Charlie
Je suis Charlie
Consummated the marriage when she was 9
This but unironically. The purest and truest religion, corrupted by each of the successive Abrahamic faiths.
If you knew anything about Islam or Christianity you would know that Islam Primarily inherits it's doctrine from the Ebionite Christian Sect. Muhammad was mentored by Several Christian priests and their imprint is everywhere, from dietary prescriptions, to verses about Jesus in the Qu'ran, and the Ritual Cleansing before prayer matching the early baptism ritual performed by John the Baptist.
Islam is the maintenance of Christianity, because Christianity was stolen by the Roman Catholic Church and made as a tool of statecraft to manage their populations. Paul is the patron saint of this sect of Romanized Christianity.
If Ali was supposed to be first Caliph, then Allah would have willed it. Checkmate, your 1400 years of REEEEEEEEEEE
>hadiths aren't continuation of quran
yet "you can't understand the Quran without the ahadith" is still commonly heard
Nice memes, you should keep posting them since you are such a low caliber intellectual that you can't actually argue on the basis of historically established fact.
Ali advised Muhammad after a scandal where she went missing to divorce Aisha, and that she would bring shame to him.
He was right.
because you can't you idiot. think of it like a dictionary
Well, then you will have to answer for your slander later.
>historically established fact
>made up bullshit
keep insulting. bring more made up stuff to the table. that'll change minds
So is this the /goatfucker/ or /childrapist/ general or both?
He did will it, and that is why even after the plotting and falsehood of your dogshit "caliphs" Ali took up the Caliphate and utterly Btfo Sunnism for all of eternity by leaving us the Shi'ite tradition. You better pray to God that your secular interpretation of Islam is right and that Imam Mahdi isn't coming, because if he is, he will be coming for the blood of Sunnis first and foremost as traitors to the deen.
>2nd most important text in Islam doesn't count
>written by many scholars up to 3 centuries after Mo's death, it was totally Aisha being a bitch because he wouldn't stick it in her 9y/o pussy
>it's fine to stick it in 9y/o pussy if she's had her period
yes, you can, your feeblemindness is not my idiocy
>not deeply respectful of Islam
The Message. If you like films about the history of religion, it's not bad
holy shit you rafidi sperg I am not the sunni, stop beating yourself.
Here you go you absolute spawn of Satan's cum rag.
>I know better than the prophet and the prophet was misled by Allah into marrying his wife.
You don't seem to have much trust in the guy who Allah trusts.
Yeah I know shias are more chill than sunnis, at least the western born ones but Islam is just Arab garbage. Just convert to Zoroastrian if you don't want to be an atheist.
Generally it is haram to depict the prophet, peace be upon him, however one film does exist.
>Just convert to dualistic gnostic buttstuff
no thanks
Ali (ra) wasn't shia though. He prayed 5 times per day and never whipped himself or prayed to any dead human.
>Muhammad’s favorite wife
>designated, by him, to continue his work
>hostile to his family
The dude married and fucked his preteen niece. That is not in dispute, it’s a fact.
House of Saud=jews
Shi'a clergy=also jews
will the ummah ever wake up or just continue to posture over whether beating yourself while worshipping Muhammad's son in law is better than subscribing to Abu Hurayrah's collection of dubious fanfiction?
Telling the truth isn't slander.
You have no Comprehension of the Hadith or the argument I am making. The Hadith is an extremely important historical work. It was written by scholars who narrated a saying that CAME FROM AISHA HERSELF. This is how the Hadith works, it dictates an oral traditon. Aisha was an Adolescent, closer to 14 years of age, and had become ill the month before she was married. It is clear that this illness was her first menstrual cycle which would have been the normal time for a girl to be married at that time to preserve her honor.
Personally I think she should have never been married to Muhammad, but that isn't what the historical record says.
There was an animated movie called the Message that wasn't terrible.
The "prophet" should have been drowned in a vat of pig guts at birth.
This was good, Michael Ansara was solid as always.
You obviously aren't a scholar of the hadith if you believe this and nothing you can say to me is going to be taken seriously.
I have the benefit of hindsight, I can think about and contemplate the actions of Muhammad. I can use my own God given intellect to determine my perspective. Being Muslim doesn't mean that you have to blindly follow Muhammad, I accept him as a Prophet, but I also recognize that he is a mortal man, and fallible, Just like Christ, Just like Moses. It is our faculties of reason and thinking that are Godly, these holy books are only meant as a tool to help us improve those faculties. The problem is that these books are completely mis-interpreted in the modern age by every sect, everywhere.
>It is our faculties of reason and thinking that are Godly
Allah is entirely and utterly separate from any of his creation
>goatfuckers trying to convert people to their shit-tier religion
And this line of logic is why you live a godless life. God is not seperate from his creation, he is very much a part of it. Superior undoubtedly, but still, a part of it.
"God is part of me ergo anything I do is by extension God"
this is delusion
Imagine what could've been..
satanic moon cult
He was Muslim, and Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, were not. This is why we refer to ourselves as Shi'a. Followers of the way of Ali, because he was the one entrusted with the correct understanding of Muhammad's deen. We have respect for the Succession that Muhammad wanted, even though Umar himself refused to write Muhammad's will because he knew that he would appoint Ali to the Caliphate.
kill yourself, sandnigger
That is what you are taught by your secular institutions, and you are about to see it all crumble in front of your face over the course of the next 20 years.
Only if I'm taking you with me faggot.
>worships a man, not Allah
>audaciously proclaims takfir on caliphs
>resorts to post facto fabrications to support an illegitimate claim
>Ali would not approve of any of this
Get off Yea Forums you shitskin, you're not allowed here
This is the closest I ever got to understanding the ME situation.
Say what you want about ISIS but they knew how to make proper war KINO.
Your apologetics are Ameritard levels of trash. You have no clue what Ali would or wouldn't have believed in because you don't understand who he was. The only thing you know is the bullshit that you have been told by your Imam who has also been told bullshit for generations. You either follow the Shi'ite tradition, or you believe in a lie. None of us worship Ali, we respect him, and we honor his everlasting soul. You Sunni dogshits could really do well to learn something about Honor.
>personally he shouldn't have married Aisha
Smelly dumb, Shia scum!
Bravo, the Sunnis are really sending their best lads.
Daily reminder.
why do literally all arabs smell like shit?
/sectarianism general/
>ITT: Non-Muslims larping as Muslims.
You niggas should stop watching Memri TV memes.