There is more shitposting then they're saying Edition
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What's a biorobot?
One week
posting baste
I started watching the terror yesterday evening, now I've finished it
I want to drink the forbidden water
So would the guy who fumbled around on the roof have recieved a full ARS dose?
Post your face during the roof scene bros
inb4 gender bent "Valerie and Doris" tumblr art
Protect their smiles
So beautful. Why was there no sex scene.
It would be fucking kino. Literary.
the show has gone 90% breakingbad/reddit/pleb. At least the first 3 eps were okay.
>the retarded libtards crying about being called out on their bullshit
Lmao. This is what's wrong with this website, way too many fags.
No one even thinks about the animals that died during the Chernobyl disaster. Complete waste to have an episode where that is the main focus.
Now go back to spread peanut butter on your asshole and call your puppy to lick it, faggots
he could also still be alive
How does spinning a turbine generate electricity?
>ywn get to go hunting dogs in the zone with two grizzled war veterans who take you under their wing and give you vodka and sausage and teach you about life
Wasn't it bad ass when the polar bear went from a giant monster you couldn't miss to a stealthy little snake when it wanted? God what a bad ass monster it came really close to being ruined by the real life events but I'm glad the director said fuck the people that really died out there this is my story and my story is about a demon polar bear.
guess you don't need to be here anymore
thank you for your service, you're excused
I thought of you when I saw that shot lol
saw this in an article earlier
spinning magic rock creates electricity
this better be bait
they won't let you drink it brother because they're afraid of the power it will endow you with...
haha I hope I get to snag at least ONE more shot before it all ends
It should have been a quick little scene with a focus on the people such as the woman that just lost her husband and baby. The writer and audience don't give a shit about babies though, probably didn't even think it was real because pre birth and all that shit.
Not the main focus
I'd reccomend not giving any of those kind of posts (you)s they'll just ignore all *snaps* and cringes and will feel emboldened.
Just doing that 90 second job is enough to give a person the max cumulative radiation dose a person can receive in their lifetime.
they had a guy with a geiger counter in real life
It's perplexing
I doubt many of the 3828 are still alive. If I remember right 90 seconds up there was basically your whole lifetime dose.
>the animals were the main focus of the episode
>not the relationship of the three men and the impact of the work on the young Pavel
Absolute brainlet
The roof was 12,000 he fumbled and looked into the core he prolly took in at least 1000 maybe 2000
>Man with completely destroyed DNA loses last additional functioning bit of DNA he didn't know he still had
>Running around the roof and stumble around
>Fall into a pit of radioactive water
>Cut your boot during all tht (a fucking industrial boot at that)
>Think no one has noticed and you try to sneak away
>Tfw the timer guy notices
>Ttfw he calls you out
>Tfw he looks you dead in the eye and says "you're done comrade"
uhhh well uh... t-there were only 50-60 fatalities so...
Magnets are made to spin, and they pump electrons through a wire.
Because the story isn't his. The only good parts of the show are from the real life events that are just recreated for camera. The only bad scenes are what the writer inserted to make a narrative.
>tfw you have been given comedies to write all your life
>tfw you have one opportunity to write something good
>write Kinobyl
It was his moment to shine.
Needed more stuff like the roof scene, animal killing was alright but overstayed it’s welcome and science bitch draining screen time from Slav kino will always be annoying
>muh little kid can't figure out how to put a dog out of its misery
even slavs can't be that stupid
>muh infallible womyn scientist
needs no explanation
The interesting parts of the show were the technical aspects, unique disaster involving nuclear energy, the logistical solutions, and Sherbina and Legasov. They've moved away from that too much. It was an 8/10 show, but now it's a solid 6
hollywood dues
He just told him "you're done" because he lingered up there. They were all done after 90 seconds. His boot had nothing to do with it.
Yes slavs are actually quite stupid people, which is why anglos had to take the reins in the re-telling of Chernobyl.
Did those puppies cannibalize the other puppy or why were they growling that scene was kinda dark
If you wave a magnet over a coil you create alternating magnetic fields and will provide current on that coil that you can tap into. Turbines are loaded with opposite magnets and by spinning move next to a coil to provide alternating current
>some nameless soldiers being the focus of the 4th episode in a 5 episode mini series makes sense and is good
What happened? Were you born this way or did you hit your head?
He's such a dem cuck on twitter, it's hilarious.
Its way better in the books because it isn’t portrayed as an animal in the environment thats trying to kill them but as if the animal is the environment that is trying to kill them
Its also way more creepy because its got a seriously long neck, long front legs, short rear ones and only walks on the front two
When moving its described as wind carrying snow and phases in and out of the ice instead of it being a completely physical being
Pic related
And how many more of them died in the 2 years following from developing horrible tumours on their kidneys and thyroid glands?
WHY DID HE LOOK OVER THE EDGE? fucking slavs. they're worse than bongs
I don't really understand, isn't the protection the boot offers very negligible? Is it just a representation of the fact he spent a little bit too much time on the roof and got fucked by the rads?
unrelated, comrade
>tfw jaded soviet vet senpai won't teach you what's what and try to make you tough but also save you from killing puppies to protect your smile.
>thought episode 2 would be the scariest episode to watch
>then comes episode 4
keep telling yourself that comrade
>comedies can't be well written
Holy fuck you're stupid.
It isn't about the polar bear
remember to use your trip next time you wanna post bait.
He took between 2000 and 3000
Probably towards the lower 2000
>Post your face during the roof scene bros
after watching it I realized I had been holding my breath for 90 seconds.
That wasn't what I meant, you retard. Learn to read.
the person I replied to is the tripfag without his trip, dinglebrain
Probably took acid, read the warning label of a smoke detector, then started seeing trefoils all over the place.
Why couldn't it just be a story about the real sailors? Why did it need to turn into harry potter?
>Yes slavs are actually quite stupid people
oh I have no doubt there. But really--shoot a dog in its gut and leave it there in utter agony? What lazy melodrama. Slavs might as well be Africans if that was even 20% realistic.
>why couldn't a story someone else wrote be about what I want?
>the soldiers who helped with the Chernobyl clean-up, their living conditions and the impact of their work on themselves shouldn't be included
Turn on your brain if you have one
I wonder how quick that timer guy died. That concrete wall with a hole in it couldn't possibly offer much protection from close range gamma rays.
He didn't, the camera did.
>it's not about the demon
>demon kills all the important characters
>demon is the cause of most of the casts' scares
>but somehow demon isn't important
Only thing I've seen other than the demon is some guy lighting himself on fire because "le crazy cold makes us do whacky things xD"
you wouldn't last a day in the russian army.
he learned what shit writing was and simply did the opposite.
Babies are not something that even crosses the mind of this retard that thinks he's funny Basedboys nowadays just want to see shit like this so HBO is pandering to them. This is pure propaganda, pandering to faagot with faggy storylines.
Imagine having a 5 episode mini series about one of the biggest disasters in human history and you waste an episode putting down dogs and trying to make the basedboys feel bad about it. Worst part (or best depending on your pov) is that it worked
Being isolated from irradiated shit is generally a good thing, even if you aren't encased in lead from head to toe. And if he actually got a cut from that spicy rock, his leg is all kinds of fucked.
>that radiation increases but doesnt decrease trough your life
>tfw at 30 already
t. smokers lung
what can we expect from ep 5?
Thats what the novel writer came up with
It isnt a documentary
>somebody else wrote
But they didn't write it, real people went out and died horrible deaths. Why don't we just rewrite dday so instead it's about demons too?
>Not one scene where you hear a gun go off followed by a cat screech.
Why did they go all in on the portrayal of dog murder, and only showed cats scampering about?
I've learned a lot about slavs through the show.
>all the soviet-boos come out after the Holodomor namedrop
guess boris was right, you lot are obsessed with not being embarrassed
no u
The demon is a minor character. It doesn't even have any speaking parts
They didn’t waste bullets on cats, they just beat them to death
>they didn't write it
cinged retard
> Go faster.
> Watch your feet.
> Choose one piece damn it.
> Don't fucking look.
> Now go back
> Oh noo
> Nooooo
> Not the water too
> Boot too...
>let me just change what you said to something stupid
What's this mental illness called? Did he actually just read it differently in his head or is he just pretending to be stupid?
Just got to the end of Episode 3. Please tell me the miners were looked after...
Its based on a novel you fucking mong
Where do I watch this?
the only issue with tuunbac is his poor cgi.
fuck off that's where you watch it
polar bear monster cameo
you know why. As stupid as the animal killing segment was, cats are fluffier and all that--no viewer wants to see or here a cat get shot
There isn't much in the way of records regarding the miners. Or at least the records are [Redacted] still.
>not the relationship of the three men and the impact of the work on the young Pavel
>So Pavel, how did you meet Bacha?
>Oh, we met because of Chernobyl. We were both there serving
>WOW, really? That must have been crazy, can't imagine the radiation... So, what did you do there?
>We shot dogs and cats
This is peak TV.
>Where do I watch this?
>a delusional sandwich...
>a delusional sandwich, comrade Ramsay.
probably because cats are harder to train
Can you drill into the Elephant's Foot and insert "control rods"?
your mothers basement
If you were a roofman would you just shovel stuff closer to the edge, or would you pick up stuff from the other side and carry it across?
What were the puppies eating ? was it a dead pupps ?
they all died pointlessly.
Pavels descent into not really caring anymore is supposed to mirror Legasov.
It also provided a glimpse of the Soviet war in Afghanistan and how it changed people who were sent there, but don't expect that 2 IQ retard to understand that.
Mamma probably converted cats, mice, and chickens into milk.
>Imagine having a 5 episode mini series about one of the biggest disasters in human history and you waste an episode putting down dogs and trying to make the basedboys feel bad about it
Just think of what a mini series about a veterinarian would do to these little bitches. It's just such a let down there are so many more interesting things going on literally in all directions yet somehow they felt this needed to be their focus. I was even looking forward to feminist scientist doing her interviews but instead that was skipped short for more dog shooting. Just a shame.
>Dude steals the dog multikill from the kid
I thought he was nice.
Why did the engineers looked like bakers?
Very few people die with good purpose.
In the interviews I read the people involved mentioned multiple times how most cats got away as they don’t really trust people anyway, were harder to hit and could hide easier
>only 5 episodes
the show needs 6 episodes not 5.
the clean up and exclusion zone should be 4-5 with 6 being the trial. no mention of the elephants foot and they never mentioned the fact that multiple liquidators went on the roof multiple times to cover for each other.
Was it so dangerous to look at the reactor ? i mean all the boron and sand should have calm her right ?
25% die, according to the podcast.
This show is complete kino. Probably the best kino miniseries we've gotten in years.
I love how this mini came totally out of left field and no one knew how amazing it was going to be.
Yeah I guess all those historians that write about DDay also wrote dday. That makes sense. You really should be shot you know?
That's another issue, why are there so many apologists for how shit the monster looks?
I wonder how many people got contaminated by kitties
They weren't.
Who are you to say?
>I love how this mini came totally out of left field and no one knew how amazing it was going to be.
that's the Jared Harris guarantee
>continues to display his retardation
you faggots are so tiresome
Boron and sand just slows the reaction to a halt. Radioactive materials and dust remain.
that biorobot spilled all of his spaghetti during his 95+ second shift
my bet: he was an incel
This is honestly the first show I've watched that has ever mentioned the Holodomor.
are the podcast useful or just some details and follow ups you can find easily online ?
>puppy kill scene
>6 bangs
>2 more bangs
>mosin only fires 5 rounds before it needs reloading
Really felt odd that they fucked up something like that
the hollywood tribe
Probably none, since the environmental impact ended up being far less drastic than originally expected.
why is he so angery
they just didn't want anyone else to claim their waifu
They gave them the "official" shitposting numbers. The thread was never going to sage!
>But it feels as if you’re more in demand than you have ever been, I say. He nods, and says that, strangely, he may have been helped by Daniel Day-Lewis quitting the profession. “He was supposed to do the part in Chernobyl. Thank God he retired!” And he starts to list the parts he has played that were turned down by Day-Lewis. “He was offered Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes, too. They said, ‘I hope you won’t be upset.’ I said, ‘No, that’s pretty good company to keep.’ Everything gets offered to him first. Everything! Hehehe!” He laughs, long and warm. “I was really lucky he decided to retire.”
Would Daniel Day-Lewis as Legasov be kino?
fuck off
damn, now i realize how much the sound matters in these scenes
>anons think about me during Chernobyl
No, at that moment i thought he killed himself. Or failed the puppies because they ran away scared/their mother attacked him
>This is honestly the first show I've watched that has ever mentioned the Holodomor.
likewise. I was kinda shocked when I heard it.
how did you turn translatorscafe black?
I now agree it would have been better if Ulana was replaced by a cadre of scientists who reported to Lagasov.
I came to form this opinion when reflecting on the KGB arrest scene.
Some say the miners never STOPPED digging, that they're still down there beneath the very bowels of Chernobyl, living in caves dug from the radioactive rock. Still wearing those fucking hats.
Spooky stuff.
go back
Jesus Christ you’re retarded
The show is based on the novel
In the novel theres the tuunbaq, they even reduced the amount of screentime it got compared to the source material
Scene really wasn't built up at all like it was in the trailers. I was honestly confused why he was acting so pissed over a stupid robot not working. Could have had more scenes with him instead of wasting time on dog shooting.
the soviet leadership lied to the world to save face and in doing so, caused their attempt to fail.
Because it wasn’t just a chest X ray
no, you go back to
i thought that too
they were both. very common for people to hold multiple jobs during soviet times
>20 seconds longer than his 90 seconds
Definitely fugged.
>the geiger counter is so overloaded it's stuttering
what were your favourite scenes bois?
>man - boom - stomach
>phone smashing
we also need a lot more ep4 content
I think I'd have told them they could keep my dosimeter. I'd rather not have it being a panic trigger for those 90 seconds.
Still pretty queasy stuff when silent
I formed the opinion after the nth snarky feminist scene she performed.
what the fuck, i wonder how far this went with DDL, whether it was just a "maybe" to him being 'confirmed' and then ''''retiring'''
I loved the novel to bits, but I hated every part about the monster. Why aren't there more novelisations of expeditions that are well written but don't fuck things up with magic ice bear gods?
So the novel isn't based on real events like it claims? Kind of confusing.
A lot of "shit writers" are actually fairly talented but use their talent to churn out mindless trash scripts in a small amount of time. Like imagine a studio came to you and said "Hey write a script for scary movie 3, we'll give you 200K for it." and you could just sit down and write it out over a weekend and then go back to just living the 1% NEET life.
why do newfags always think /pol/ is the only redpilled board?
RIP russian audience
>what were your favourite scenes bois?
End of episode 2. absolute kino.
he should have killed 3 of them then called in a UAV to find some more
What a wonderful scene.
tfw you'll never drink radioactive milk from mommy dog tiddies
> newfags
god I wish that were me
>That rooftop scene
This is kino of the highest order lads. Remember this show.
it uses the real events to portray this story where the crew are hunted by the monster. the event is real but details are rare and sparse, the writer uses these missing details to create a horror story.
I dont know, write one yourself then
DDL would've purposely exposed himself to radiation due to his method acting. he retired to avoid doing that.
yes no maybe?
He found out what the other 75% of the episode was spent on.
he was pissed because due to soviet face saving lies leading to germans sending a shittier robot that couldn't withstand core-chan's radiant embrace, they would now have to send his biobois to clean up the mess
>why he was acting so pissed over a stupid robot not working
Maybe because he knew that the only alternative was sending men up?
Perhaps we was getting sick of ordering average people to an early grave?
Tired of having the bare the brunt of Governments incompetency?
>t. brainlet
it was because he was a firm believer of soviet-style socialism and what they pulled with the robot is first hand evidence that it is a corrupt pit of hell. it was literally a slap to the face of his entire life as a career partyman
you're trying too hard
> Ripping your boot on a FUCKING GRAPHITE BRICK.
Bro, we will NEVER get the real story for anything. History is all deception and propaganda.
I always thought some of the rubble being 40-50kg didnt sound so bad until I found out they had to move that shit with shovels. I'm amazed they managed it.
Ah so just like dday we should rewrite history to include demons and just piss all over the real people that were involved. Fuck them and fuck real people my harry potter story will make history better
I need the drawfag to draw Masha
Should be a meanie
All of us, sweatie.
He realized that the soviet policy of saving face at the cost of disregarding sound pragmatism had always been foolish. The strong emotions bubbled up because he realized he has been fool working for fools the whole time. He's internalizing how is career has mostly involved throwing stumbling blocks to impede well meaning and hard workers.
They’ve just copied the real documentary scene nothing kino about it.
Error 404: Sex not found.
I liked this show until I learned the writer was that libtard who roomed with Cruz Missile at Princeton
i highly doubt he bought the doctored photo either
Did anyone miss the SYMBOLISM with the constant cuts to cigarettes in the last episode?
>18 months ago Mr Day Lewis was spotted dressed as a Red Army corporal, heading to the Chernobly exclusion zone on foot, claiming he needed to 'feel the radiation on his skin'. Nobody has seen him since
I'm all for a 40h status quo world.
>Next episode the kid finds out that there's a 50 ruble bounty per dog
Besides that, every delay meant more time there with more sick people, including himself.
>Cuba Has Treated Over 26,000 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Victims
>Castro's doctors give hope to the children of Chernobyl
So bois, are there any new reactor-chan pics or have the drawfags given up?
>ripping your boot
that's from the shovel
absolute brainlet
Oh fuck I also thought about you, Yellow Pump guy.
>the roof is a deathtrap
>yay, we can get a robot to clean it up
>retarded Soviet leadership lied to Germany about the real extent of the contamination (because that's what the USSR always does), so Germans sent a robot that literally can't work on the spicy roof, so no robots
>fuck everything
Are you legitimately retarded by any chance? There's absolutely nothing to explain here.
i think you missed the point of my post user
what are those?
the reality was kino
Just started watching it. Are people doing it the same as The Terror? There are at least two repeating actors and atmosphere seems similar
>brainlets explain what the show already said
I'm glad you were here to parrot what the show did thank you.
Based and infirmarypilled.
How can someone hate a man with suck conviction.
Why not? Its fiction, you can do whatever the fuck you want
Imagine how fucking long they'll have us working once humans are genetically modified to only need a couple hours of sleep at a time.
inb4 he shows up at the academy awards and phases into one of the oscars due to his new, radiation powers.
drawfag stopped drawing after ep3
Big yellow pump bois
main circulation pump motors
well you asked nigger so you got answers
next time you have a question we'll just tell you to eat a dick and fuck off, ok?
Hes pretty based.
>Why am I now desperately trying to find a pornstar with this body/hair type?!
What levels of degeneracy am I reaching anons? [Spoiler]inb4 3.6[\spoiler]
I was half expecting dyatlov to claim that they altered the photograph just to shift the blame on him
Look at all that food he could buy with his reward.
Kremlin lied to him about the radiation and knew the moon robot wouldn't survive
look at all my /RBMK/ frens!
irl they didn't even have them on during that run
christ. people won't be free for thousands and thousands of year, not until technology is literally magic. and of course this is only if nothing happens for all those years
Snuff/Guro warning
He was sad about the loss of Joker-san. He loved the other brobots and was looking forward to getting to know one from the west. He was it as a great chance for the people's of the world to unite for a common noble cause. All those dreams smashed because people in charge couldn't admit how bad things really were.
Why did they have to kill all the doggos?
The whole place had been evacuated, what harm would they have done?
show didn't explain this but if you had a working brain it wouldn't take more than a few lines of thought to understand
>character shows no emotion all series
>robot breaks
Yeah totally made sense and was built up upon. Not like a few more scenes of him would have cleared anything up not like we should see what's going on with characters we know. no no instead let's watch dogs get shot by people we don't know.
Iron Man
didn't eve change my filename, based
I think it's the piece of medium who put me the most on edge in my life. It was just fucking visceral.
> We didn't put a man on the moon, we can keep a man off a roof. "
In reality they were just doing their job, no drama attached. Btw they didn’t even know the real radiation levels until the first men got to the rooftop
noooooo they killed her
commie bastards
>Why did they have to kill all the doggos?
stop their suffering. stop their spreading of radiation and disease to the animals of the area.
And yet Brazilians keep trying to shit all over the Cubans doctors there despite their doctors being one of the best.
The dogs/cats were highly radiated, if left alone they would have mutated into an all-female race of half-human hybrids that would have distracted the hardworking soviet man from his duties to the state.
>they didnt show the robot commiting suicide by driving off the roof
Was really looking forward to it
>we wont see the sacrophagus being built
Animals spread out when local resources have run dry. It was only a matter of time until they fanned out to find more food.
He has anime MC tier resolution. He beat fucking radiation.
Can anyone please post the rooftop scene please?
So how many awards is this going to win? I haven't seen such well received mini like this in forever.
>I was confused
>show already said
which one is it?
they were irradiated and could theoretically escape the exclusion zone and spread radiation to the outside world
also its cruel to let them suffer there giving birth to increasingly mutated and cancerous generations of doggos and kitties
All series he thought he had things under control and any problem he faced could be solved by his expertise (or that of his allies like Legasov) but all of a sudden his big plan trips at the starting gate and he realizes how fucked everything is
friction, it generates electricity
>So how many awards is this going to win?
All the awards.
>shows no emotion all series
nigger you're not just autistic but you have straight up assburgers
>DDL arriving at the event
You really think any of these miserable schmucks were looked after? It's fucking USSR
at least part of the great reception of kinobyl is the shock of the average viewer after watching the absolute shitpile that was GoTS8 so it seems even better in contrast
Why even live, only to suffer?
i think the worst part of the misha roof was alpha and beta radiation, rather than gamma
Seems like you two disagree
Nope to what?
He was hoping that the robot would succeed so he didn't have to put anyone up there.
If it failed, then, he surely must have realized that was the only alternative, as pointed out in the first point?
>no emotion
Thanks for confirming that you are indeed retarded. Now fuck off back to your capeshit, since anything else is clearly beyond you.
>2 threads every hour
>what is stress
reminder that post WWII germany is a clown show.
>"super power"
>can't design a robot to withstand a measly 3.6 roentgen, the literal amount a microwave puts out to warm your poppie corns
what a joke
you think you can tell radiation to slow down!?!?!
I guess he just wasn't at all stressed this series until that robot. He really cared about that robot.
Door to door.
I thought gamma radiation was the really fucking bad one since it penetrates through pretty nuch everything but 15 feet of concrete and 10 feet of lead?
I've never had a problem with Ulana before the end of this episode but fuck.
>They'll go after your friends and family
>We need to tell the truth our lives don't matter
Feels so fake in a series where everyone else feels real
The world is thirsty for realish history.
We'll all be Dyatlov.
3.6 threads per hour?
I bet you thought that was smart
Sweetie the bear was LITERALLY almost the entire book and he has since been confirmed to be real
you are a literal retard then
his stress levels were slowly building up more and more as the scope and scale of the catastrophe unfolded before his eyes, until a (relatively) small issue finally pushed him over the edge and straight into a screaming match with gorbys secretary or whatever
probably had to condense several long discussions between dozens of people into one, short discussion involving a few people.
alpha radiation is helium atoms, therefore it has as much tissue penetration potential as I have vagina penetration potential. Unless you inhale or ingest a source of it, it's not that dangerous.
Which job would you prefer to have in the cleanup
Seems like the executioners had it the easiest when it comes to rads
This is going to be the worst. We're going to get nothing but feminist revisions history trash like that and trash like polar bear demon kills everybody at dday.
I get that but it's the presentation of her as the upstanding moral character when she's talking to two real people who have understandable concerns about exposing it all.
So the 2011 Fukushima disaster is going to be the sequel to this right?
yeah, that really stood out to me. up until this point valery and boris have begrudgingly accepted the reality of the situation and tried to make the best of it
Roof liquidator. 90 seconds and you're home.
killing dogs, and it's not even a tough decision to make.
>Which job would you prefer to have in the cleanup
cement guys
all the safety of doing the exterminating with none of the guilt of shooting innocent doggos
What does radiation do to the body? How does it destroy DNA?
WW2 Germany would have used biorobots. And then Mengele would happily study the aftereffects.
The actors and dialogs in this show are just so funny/unrealistic. Some scenes are plain retarded like cow killing, minister & miners
t. Russian
>system control tank
You fucking retard
You fucked it up
Nobody claimed that west germany was a superpower. It was the USSR and the US that were the superpowers.
>Which job would you prefer to have in the cleanup
packing the equipment into shipping crates 2 thousand miles away.
bake some alpha particle coated bread my frens
I love the memery of Dyatlov's "You're delusional", that part of the first episode.
I have a feeling the court case next episode will be the best.
ancient and based
Robot operator.
>What does radiation do to the body? How does it destroy DNA?
imagine billions of microscopic bullets being shot at your body's cells...
>comrade soldier, we need you to do another go
Ionizes the bases. Turns them from instructions to create your new cells to saghasjkghsajghaskghska
The transformation of the young soldier boy. First he was devastated to be killing those good boys, but soon it was just his job.
That and the roof scene
iodine merchant
>i would be tempted to look over the railing
>system control tank
'evacuating' the civilian population
IF in doubt always kill the dogs
pic related, 3.6
I remember watching an old documentary about chernobyl and one of the still living militaries was describing this exact scene. I love hey they filmed it for the series.
Some men did it 5 times
Explain. And why would smoking being dangerous ? cigs capture radiations ?
They were now radioactive dogs. Thing is they didn't get them all, and descendants of those surviving house dogs still roam the area of Chernobyl. They're apparently pretty calm and tame all things considered though.
Yup, some scenes without music but only ambient noises were fucking creepy too.
That's some Evangelion kind of shit, nice.
Dogs, cry the rest of the day till I feel no emotion anymore over slowly dying of cancer and being told not to look at core-chan.
>father, mom and I during that scene
Gonna miss you fags after next weeks,
someone on twitter posted a pic taken when they were doing that. looked exactly the same. there was even radiation damage on the film.
Dissidents had existed since the beginning of the Soviet regime; the potential danger during the Gorbachev era was nothing compared to the shit people had to go through before that. Some had enough guts to stand up to the regime over far more trivial things - my grandfather, for example, simply renounced his Communist Party membership. It killed his career (he was a mathematician) and he got stuck in a tiny provincial town in Ukraine for life, but he still did it.
Sometimes you just have to say no.
also, I remember they had to do this because the remote controlled machines designed for this stopped working due to the radiation. I haven't watched episode 4 yet so I hope they filmed that too.
Nope. Because this show isn't about nuclear disaster. It's about the Soviet system.
yeh its a big thing, watch the episode
>”has your condition gotten better”
>”No. Leave.”
The best character with the best lines.
>Gonna miss you fags after next weeks,
there's always Emmy season.
I don't think the Germans actually had a robot that could withstand that amount of radiation. They hoped to do this without sacrificing more man, but this hope was crushed by the reality of the situation created by the lie of the Kremlin.
All the Kremlin did was waste time and the robot.
I thought the germans didn't trust the soviet's radiation data and tried to make the robot a little bit more resistant but of course they couldn't know the full extent so it didn't matter
to avoid this shit.
was the 3828 men the most kino to live?
Starodumoff still a live
The russians must pay for what they did to the doggos
>makes flicks, coms, and at best cinema
>out of nowhere makes absolute kinography
>then goes back to crap
Dog killing>roof cutting feet
Boris Shcherbina grave
Pretty funny user
Not great, not terrible
the boot one ? or the fat one who said "you're done"' ?
Why don't they all have gaz mask ? the dog killers and generally the roof swippers... don't all soviets soldiers had gaz mask in their equipment ?
>the fat one who said "you're done"'
Sory 4 googltranslate
n 1986, Valeriy Mikhailovich Starodumov was appointed deputy commander of the dosimetric reconnaissance detachment, this was the very "front line" of work to eliminate the consequences of the accident - in those places where work to eliminate radiation contamination was to go, first the dosimetrists. It was Valery Mikhailovich who supervised the work on cleaning the roofs of the 3rd power unit, the famous subdivision of "roof cats".
According to the doctors, during his work at Chernobyl, Starodumov received a dose of about 300 rem - this is more than 10 times the "standard" of 20 rem, with which the liquidators were sent home from Chernobyl, and more than 100 times the permissible annual dose of 2 rem Valery Mikhaylovich suffered radiation sickness, but now he looks and feels rather well, and wrote down answers to the most interesting questions about Chernobyl.
So can anyone explain to me this:
They said it was only 3.6, but it was actually 12,000 on Masha?
I understand that it was a lie, but how can the difference be this huge? What was the number in the air? Did they tell us? I might’ve missed that
>clearly east germans
just what kind of game are you playing here, user?
i couldn't kill animals, shit i would probably prefer if i die instead
verified oldfag
Have you used a gas mask for an extended level of time? It's a pain, especially when working
best bromance on tv
They had them around their neck because it was useless shit
Passion project vs knowingly churning out drivel that will make money guaranteed
>They said it was only 3.6,
One type of dosimeter maxed out at 3.6 and they were only too happy to pretend that was the actual value