How does he do it?

How does he do it?

Attached: jeopardy-james-holzhauer.jpg (1862x1048, 162K)

He's a man


most of his opponents have been women for starters

they should ask him a question about the famous joke from the Simpsons season 11 episode 5

Which one is that?

>Have genius level memory recall
>Instead of focusing a normal advanced degree like most smart guys do he does sports betting and mastered jeopardy

Easy victories.

Where can I watch these?

because of this

Attached: infinityjames.jpg (1919x1080, 210K)

What is he holding in his teeth?

Only she can stop him

Attached: DF1D1B4C-01CF-4953-ACBB-7DB1FD40718E.jpg (750x1334, 122K)


Attached: 5CFA5819-3FA6-4A72-A548-0038F046EAF7.jpg (2128x2625, 1.68M)

He's using a neural net.

how the fuck does he get a 76,501 average? the most i've ever seen somebody win on jeopardy is like 40 grand and they only bet that much because they were barely in the lead


He won again today lads, literally who can stop him?

Attached: james-holzhauer-jeopardy-winner-may-28-2019-298x300.jpg (298x300, 13K)

heather knight desu

where did you watch it?

It airs earlier in some parts of the US. Where I am it's at 7:30 EDT, but I know some people who see it as early as 4.

Daily Double foo, and then if the other two players are totally obliterated by him he can then wager a large amount of money in the Final Jeopardy.

I think he’s kind of cute and I’m not gay

I meant online retard. No one fucking owns tvs these days except for boomers ya brainlet

He is a pro-gambler who takes massive advantage of his ability to bet whatever he wants. This is the real answer not the other commenters' bullshit.

damn Sara is pretty cute ,fuck James he can't keep getting away with this

Fuck off

Absolute maximum for Jeopardy is like 550k, assuming getting every question and optimal DD placement.

no one

u r nigger

boomer mad.

maybe youve recently acquired the gay and are finding out now

Favorite part about /ourguy/ Jimbo's appearances are how he absolutely BTFOs the roasties who show up on this show. Oftentimes he's up against a man and a woman, and the man might be fairly competent and get decent numbers for himself, but the woman won't even get anything on the board whatsoever.

Because he's quick on the buzzer and goes for the high points first. Racking up more money early on means you have more money to bet when you get daily doubles and final jeopardy. It's a snowball effect.

I feel bad for the occasional competent man who should win but ends up losing just because James puts an insane wager on a daily double.

True, but there have also been people who make me cringe and I'm fucking glad they lost solely because of James. Like that one guy early on who looked like the platonic form of soiboi whose profession was "podcaster" and talked about writing gook recipe books. Much rather have Jimbo winning than let a faggot like that get the reins.

This guy is considered “white” by American standards


No, he's very clearly a hapa

eidetic memory