Was Travis an incel?
Was Travis an incel?
He might have been a virgin, but definitely not an incel. Incels aren't able to walk up to attractive women and almost immediately get a date.
No he turned down a chance at sex later on in the movie he was just a spreg
he was just a massive sperg. who the fuck takes a girl to a smut theater for a first date. lol
She actually WENT into the porn theathre before getting the fuck out of the dodge. Their brief relationship seemed pretty unrealistic back when i watched the movie.
Not at all. he actually pursued a woman and took her to a nice theater.
Men of men
He didn't even get close to having sex with her though
>It's an user-makes-up-definitions episode.
He's a cunnyster
What's this from?
Probably one of the first ones in film
Travis was a volcel. He could have picked up random crackwhores of the street.
Incels can't even strike up the nerve to talk to a whore lol.
>all dates end up in sex
Spoken like an incel
Pretty much yes. The perfect Yea Forums rageaholic film.
He got one date and she never wanted to speak to him again. He calls Wizard's advice of getting a hooker the stupidest thing he's ever heard. He's definitely an incel.
My god did I laugh
Didn't they go on 2 dates? The cafe and then the porn theatre, or was that the same night? Also the fact that he had hookers easily available to him means he wasn't an incel, just a bitter volcel.
I think you can't relate him to modern internet outcasts who have low social skills.
Travis had high social skills and balls, he was just ravaged by lack of sleeping because of his job and Vietnam war traumas, with loneliness because he has nobody anymore.
he get a date but it failed and it's his entire fault actually, he stopped to cares how to behave correctly with people.
Like most incels, his lack of self awareness and misplaced moral standards is what keeps him being an incel. He goes to a porn theatre and hits on the girl at the desk, of course he wants sex. But he doesn't want to do it a "degenerate" way so he'll never get a hooker like Wizard suggested. How else will he get it? Not with a gf since all he knows is the porn theatre isn't that appealing to the girls he tries to get with.