The most important 90 seconds of their lives Edition
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/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
Sneed sneed sneeeeeeeed sneed sneed
How does he keep doing it guys
>"I know what's in Vienna"
We're all gonna make it bros
this, my only gripe with the miniseries is that it portrays all the management as much colder than it really was
westerners fall for it, example just below:
What is the cost of tripfags?
haven't seen the first but the second is trash
jesus christ
Real pic of the biorobots cleaning masha
>side pics
what do you call this aesthetic?
She understood
she ruined the episode for me. I have a feeling next week will be even worse if she starts grandstanding at the trial
he knows a good script when he seas one
Haven't seen the first but the second is kino
>it's too bright
>my feet hurt
>There was a moment where the liquidators agreed to work for big money
when was this even? in the show they even say how it's stupid to do it for money, and only agree after boris gives his speech
holy guacamole
basically this one we have to endure only gets 4 hours of sleep every night and barely eats anything so he can samefag and post about anglos
Late-mid 20th century thick glasses man
Your thoughts on the tripfag?
she was a tad too sassy
>i clapped when the demon polar bear literally flew
Yeah that was so BAD ASS! Stupid real life concept almost ruined a cool bad ass monster story.
Whatever happened to the people who went to watch the fire? I've heard that that didn't even happen IRL but can we assume all those characters in the show had their faces melt off?
he was also moriarty in that sherlock holmes movie
the madman just picked it up with their hands
9/11 - never forget
I've honestly defended the character and thought it made sense, despite people saying it was SJW shit.
This episode has made me completely change my mind. The less of her, the better. Completely ruins the immersion.
Their children were fucked up like had 5 limbs and they suffered from some kind of disease.
>its too bright
>this suit is too warm
>my feet hurt
>i taste metal
>where are my 800 rubles?
>this graphite is heavy
>tfw not allowed to look in to the core
Who the fuck did they send up there on camera duty?
Holy shit bros, just finished ep. 4. Good fucking God it was so good. I'm nothing short of blown away. The entirety of the hunting scenes gave me nothing but those eerie S.T.A.L.K.E.R vibes. Jesus, I'm honestly at a loss. Kino this good shouldn't even be possible.
4 > 1 > 3 > 2
just filter him
i'd like to check out your core, Ulyana
>It seems to me that the series was filmed by people who had seen enough of documentaries, and the rest came up with themselves. Therefore, I would not advise him to watch.
He has a right to post
His scenes in The Crown were also top kino
That speech was for the 3 guys who had to go into the water to drain the tanks, which was basically a death sentence. “The Liquidators” as a group refers to thousands of people who had a wide variety of dosages
It happened, but they were too far away to be affected with ARS. The point of that scene was to show the radioactive dust getting on them, which hypothetically could cause genetic degradation, cancer, or birth defects for their children years down the line.
I think he's just lonely
nice one
the guy with the camera was probably pretty thankful he just had to take some quick pictures instead of actually grabbing shit like everyone else
shoeman get your shinebox
I forgot to wear my egg basket watching the last episode. How fucked am I?
20 minutes in, i want it to never end
>only does shows with white people
yeah, I'd love to insert the fuel rod
The hissing of the dosimeter is what got to me
>mentions Holodomor
Holy fuck, did HBO just redpill millions?
>You're done.
His father is/was Richard Harris.
>euthanizing pets was real eerie and felt like stalker
I can't imagine even pretending to be this stupid.
lmao he takes off his trip constantly
so at this point he should be banned for
>off topic posting
>low quality posts
>evading filters
but you know, so much can only be done when they do it for free
not at all since he blatantly breaks most of the rules on a daily basis
Is The Crown any good? I heard Tobia Menzies also makes an appearance
>tfw you have a cunt now
>Comrade soldier. You are done.
How do you respond?
I thought namedropping it was a bit forced. Do Ukrainians do that?
>i stop my shows to post on social media
Give up your balls and go live your life as a woman.
thanks bud, I didn't want to do this anymore anyway
yeah that actually shocked me honestly
she was unironically one of the most kino moments of the show
the scientist bitch is annoying
no u
Wheres my rubles
Gonna go get drunk while my foot slowly falls off
>implying normies have the brain capacity to look things up
I know how they work, they don't fucking care. If they can't consume without having to think it doesn't interest them
which roof was this?
Jesus, I knew Sam Raimi was pro-life, but wasn't that a bit too direct?
what the fuck else would they call it
just ignore the retarded posters like everyone with half of a brain.
it was an audio-visual experience not seen to often.
i had to rewind my vcr to rewatch it
Sure seemed like it
Wasn't expecting it at all
>Literally not a single thread about the hot zone
Jeez, here I was thinking Chernobyl might drive some traffic over to that series and it would be judge unfairly next to the kino that is Chernobyl, but nobody's even seen it.
... Including me, so don't take this as me saying the hot zone is any good, I haven't watched it at all.
thanks can i go shoot some more dogs now?
>How do you respond?
i'm done since i loggin to 4ch
Omae wa mou shindeiru.
They all remember Golodomor. Babushka knew what she was talking about.
she is just trying to stop the men from getting away with destroying the world!
My jaw dropped when they mentioned it. Incredible series.
>just ignore him
how about just fucking ban him you fuck
I thought that was pretty cheap. They already did that trick in a better scene and where it was more logical.
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Please tell me this is fake
you're fucking up this series for me
He's a denier
It is fake.
It's literally fake and b8.
i serve the Soviet Union
It's pure kino imo. Menzies plays prince Philip next season
Realistically what does that mean? Will he die?
So what's the point of wearing a hazmat suit when radiation can only be stopped by solid lead
Toby is gonna be one of the mains for season 3-4
And it's an okay show. Kind of boring. Production value is incredible for netflix though.
Fake quote
falcon eye user
as much as I hate the dogkilling, the part where the Rogue One arab pissed on the kid with "DON'T LET THEM SUFFER" after he fucked up the euthanasia was incredibly based and redpilled
>ywn sit in a car with Legasov while the rain gently pours outside
Post lot of memes with Dyatlov, pls.
Valery Starodumov. Add it to the list.
I hope you don't forget about your iodine intake, /rbmk/. You don't want to get a cute radiation poisoning, would you?
put your trip back on
Particles and shieeet.
They were all fucked since they went to that roof
wipe your panties
You don't want to breathe in radioactive material that might never leave your body and will continue to irradiate you for years to come.
It's /fa/
>tfw no cute radiation poisoning
Stops you inhaling dust or it getting onto your skin.
It's not fake but if you thought that's bad listen to the podcast. Main writer goes off saying how the covering up of Chernobyl is the same thing as Trump calling CNN fake news. I'm honestly surprised the show isn't a lot worse.
im gullible i believe you anons you're nice boys
Absolutely, 100%, agree. I kind of accepted her as some sort of a plot progressing artificial character in earlier episodes, but now she's nothing but a feminist fantasy. She doesn't fit into the setting at all, she makes no sense as a character, she has apparently no motivations apart from her being a perfect human being. She sticks out like a sore thumb and completely ridicules the story. They should have left her out, she ruins the show.
Post a cute radiation.
The following week after the last episode has aired, maybe that next weekend we should find a place to stream the whole thing and watch it together
>vasilleh, wus dis mate?
>unno sahsha, dunt fak'round wid et
what regional ukranian accent is this?
Not to breath in the radioactive dust, I guess? Also, different types Hazmats suit vary in terms of radiation resistance
you dont annoy babushka when she does the morning milking
no, you dont deserve
direct beta radiation from an active source like a core meltdown can only be stopped by lead, but secondary radiation from an irradiated object can be stopped by layers of different materials, depending on various composition - for example the 3 guys in the diving suits avoided taking any serious radiation because they never came in direct physical contact with the irradiated feedwater
Based Raimi
This one seems fresh
the only way to watch chernobyl is on some dodgy russian streaming site with no protection
Can’t believe she said that. Based Granny.
Particles land on the suit, you can then wash them off and reuse the suit. If particles land on you, you'll have to scrub bare skin.
>ruptured boot
>foot pinned against graphite
>probably got about 10,000 xrays into his foot
>fell down and spilled spaghetti in water
>said water probably heavily contaminated
>looked directly into the core twice (TWICE) (2 fucking times)
>probably spent another 15 seconds out there longer than the rest
Yeah my dude. He's fucked.
I still want to know what Gorbachev was doing on a date with that little kid tbqh
What's the dose when shoveling graphite compared to manhandling it directly?
By the numbers given in the episode...possibly.
>12000 roentgen/hour = ~2 Sv/minute
>123 seconds (I timed it) = ~4 Sv
>full body doses of 2 Sv are lethal if not treated properly, modern accepted lethal dose even with treatment is 8 Sv
If it's a wound he's gonna have a really bad time.
>Comrade soldier. You're done.
kino line
>They're dropping sand and boron on the fire.
>Yes. I'm sure it is. *clicks fingers*
>Muh animals
>Muh puppies getting shot
>Muh empty baby crib
3/10 episode, only good for getting my gf to cringe into my arm every time a gunshot went off.
u want friend?
She will pull the "YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH" card to gorbatchev or any high ranking soviet
This entire thing shot in 1 take without editing. I loved it.
too much dog shooting
he might have a chance to live a couple of years if he amputated his foot as soon as he found out.
Hes a dead man
Redpill me on Holodomor, what was it? I'd Google it but i don't want to read Jewish lies
they fokken stood in the sheit, you mongo
>"Don't look into the core, comrade"
>Looks not once but twice
What did he mean by this?
based autist
Vangelis live in Pripyat
>When a white male presumes you don't know what's in Vienna
burnt hands, but i think either way you're fucked
Would you clear radioactive rubble off a roof for 800 rubles comrades?
Russians will be seething lol
The idea that she can get to a mid level position as a nuclear physicist acting contrary to the party at every step is hilarious.
He wanted to see her.
aw shit Josef Fares is his brother, that explains everything.
I would do ZQ
reddit opinion
>ulana is a professor at a nuclear institute
>she's a conglomerate character comprised of more than 50 real life counterparts that they literally couldn't fit into the show without making it into a drudge
>the only thing she has done so far is tell legasov the one thing he needed to be convinced of in real life
what else has she actually done? jesus fucking christ doesn't it get tiring to chase these fucking mental ghosts all the time?
yeah Yea Forums chat freaked their shit when this happened
Explain what you mean by "done" first.
I have video with his comments
Also Starodumov is that person who set red flag on the pipe at the end.
Do we know if shoe man get the chernobyl-aids ?
you fucking cow, are you still assblasted that the comrade soldier shot one of your sisters
Stalin was pissed because Ukrainian farmers were too successful, so forced collectivization was implemented. They could not even eat the crops they grew, and everything they had was taken from them. Soviets took the food, gave them nothing in return. Roughly 3 million Ukrainians starved in the streets while Stalin sat fat and happy. He couldn't allow them to have too much leverage from being successful producers.
I would do it for a few bottles of vodka tbqh
t. cat
He was curious what the reactor looked like, i'd peak too.
Does it deserve this spot anons?
Pass me the graphite bro
>filler is good when its edgy
Go back to plebbit
>you must touch him
>hugs him when she enters the room
He didn't look into the core. The camera looks into the core, not him.
Long story short the Communists were pissed off with Ukrainians for wanting their own country during the Russian Revolution. Afterwards they tried to suppress their culture and language, then finally Stalin decided to forcibly take food from Ukrainians to export to other countries. Ended up killing millions. It was planned, it was deliberate. You should read Red Famine it's easy to find on torrent sites.
That's the very short version, any more questions just ask
>What about the Oscars?
>The Oscars? I don't know the Oscars. FUCK the Oscars.
>Main writer goes off saying how the covering up of Chernobyl is the same thing as Trump calling CNN fake news
>fake news about fake news
can you taste metal? because it seems like irony is in the air propelled by dust
y-you t-too
>dude gives the signal at 90 seconds on the dot
What a cunt, this ensures they spend about 100 seconds on the roof.
compared to what else is in top 10, yeah
Why are slavs allowed nukes?
It might as well be real as of last episode.
the ending 15 seconds are pretty fucking sad
just guys younger than me unknowingly gonng have huge issues later in life just so some fucking faggot in the communist party can not feel embarrassed
>the core chef ramsay
>its gone
That's what the event is called; all ethnic Ukrainians know about it. The only ones who refuse to acknowledge it are Ukrainian Russians and hardcore commie defenders.
Was is this ?
Radiation follows a Inverse Square Law (if you're 4x as far away, you take 1/4 of the dose) so it does help a bit, but its the diffence of taking 12,000 roentgen or 3000 roentgen. Either way you're probably dead from that level of exposure, you're just slowing it down.
yes. It's so good that I could regain immersion after the "I know what's in Vienna"
IRL the core burned a bright red and blue glow
what did he mean by this?
end your life.
bruh some of them went there few times or more, this is what episode was lacking, roof scene was prime kino but it was just only one scene
During Joseph Stalin's 5-Year-Plans for the modernization of the USSR, Stalin fucked up what remaining infrastructure there was in the country. 3 million Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by Stalin because what little food they were producing was being funneled out to Russia to feed the starving Russians. I say deliberately because the Ukrainians were targeted as an ethnicity (distinct from Russians, Armenians, Georgians, etc) that was particularly hated by Stalin (a Georgian) and for their recalcitrant adherence to Orthodox Christianity which was, of course, outlawed by the state atheism of the communist party.
It wasn't "genocide" in the sense that Stalin wanted to exterminate every single Ukrainian ever - but it was "genocide" in the sense that Stalin murdered millions of innocent people out of petty Machivellian statecraft.
I was hoping her baby would have superpowers, bit of a letdown after all that buildup.
welll it was 12k an hour and they were there 90 seconds (probably 2 minutes for that other guy)
so he took like 1000 roentgen around that
what damage we looking at
we pioneered them dumb nigger check who has the biggest nuke stupid bitch
Overall the weakest episode of the series by far.
Only kino moment was them cleaning the rooftop and Schbetina telling the slay queen how real life works.
Hated the whole animal thing. That was the focus of the episode and it was shit. Looked like liberal propaganda.
Good to see that the slay queen is not only a brilliant scientist but also a great detective and able to do a great job at the bad cop/good cop routine. Also find time to be the moral compass of the show. Wouldn't be surprised to see her building a new reactor from scratch in the next episode and then running to San Francisco where she would marry a strong black male
Level D look like he killed a pack of dogs today
why didn't they just drag a steel beam across the roof?
It's a shame the broom project was classified
For the soviet union.
In school I was told around 9 millions, t. hohol, no bully.
Пoлoжитeльный, тoвapищ
Decent idea but it might've gotten snagged and caused a crash.
Tv show manages to display
-hundreds of soldiers
-dozens of politicians and civilians
-dozens of miners
-dozens of doctors and nurses
by focusing only on a few but still having all the others in the background..
And somehow it can't be done with scientists?
really makes you think
Serious question, couldn't they get a crane and swing a steel beam across the roof?
The guy in white at the beginning is Tarakanov.
>critical thinking
Ah thanks lads. I remember reading about that I just never picked up the name for it.
Leaked surveilance footage of the control room of the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant. Dated April 26th 1986 at 01:22
>without making it into a drudge
>Meanwhile wastes time on 3 literal whos going around shooting dogs and a pregnancy subplot for no other reason than poignancy points
holy based
Steel was worth more than bio-robots in the Soviet Union
Objectively correct
what should i watch until new episode is out?
i agree with this for once, the female character isn't insufferable in any way and incels are fuming about her. have sex.
>Radiation follows a Inverse Square Law
It doesn't
>nuke reactors in a country that doesn't give a shit about humans
Was it that radioactive compared to the Masha the roof of the original fire with the spicy rocks ?
>kid dealing with the grim reality of killing animals to stop the spread of radiation
>liberal propaganda
>only one scene
one shot 90 seconds real time. the one thing that bothered me, felt re-used was the geiger sound, but i may be a pleb to not know it actually would respond like that, where in the ending of episode 2 it was used perfectly.
gonna need a crane to get that out (there)
I am literally too retarded to follow more than 2 scientists pls stop bullying me
Just leave a lot of slack and drop the cables far away enough on the ground for trucks to pull instead. Or this
Literally this.
Did he excuse the soldier from further tasks.
Or did he imply the soldier was soon going to expire (die)
reddit spacing
reddit opinion
One of the telecon studio youtube video mentioned They didn't have cranes
>Fares Fares
>His brother is Josef "FUCK THE OSCARS" Fares
This dude is an absolute memelord.
How the fuck does radiation work in terms of this mechanic:
I listened to that podcast and one thing that surprised me was that it was 'cumulative'. E.g., you can have a certain dose of radiation and that amount will always count in your lifetime. It will never fade. Like, what if you go a little over the max amount? Or little more than that?
Did we call in the day shift yet?
No. 1st episode was kino. Second and third episodes were trash. Third episode was decent, aside from Ulana. 5th might be kino since we have Dyatlov, Bryukhanov and Fomin, but even if it is, it's still not enough. Nowhere
oh shit
>china is really pushing for fusion reactors
i wonder how bad they're gonna fuck it up and how many might die
muh poor animals
muh waste your vote on those parties that defend animals
Seems pretty obvious to me
what happened to roofguy and glasses?
d'you miss the part where you can't fly over the reactor?
i would both unironically, anita more of a hatefuck but she still somewhat of a cute jew
Project Quidditch will never be de-classified
the world will die
it's china say no more
really or troll ?
>my favourite pair of shoes...ruined
t. burgers who read the first paragraph on wikipedia once
general consensus with soviet historians is that stalin's regime did not specifically attempt to target the ukrainian population. current prevailing idea is that it happened due to multiple reasons, mainly gross negligence by the government, revolt from farmers, already a terrible crop season, and lysenkoism
You are wrong bro, this didn't happen in the USA
>how many might die
everybody on earth
Imagine watching shows furiously trying to find any reason to call it a liberal conspiracy
have sex
>killing animals is advocating defending animals
you what m8
What are the implications of looking directly at the core? Does it melt your eyes?
Can you look at the core if there's a glass wall between you and the core?
Make a longer cable, dumdum.
either you didn't link to the right reply or you are the one who is retarded.
My post was literally about following more scientists
I suspect another Tianjin explosion from 2015 or better. Chinese are unpredictable
this doesn't make sense
we need to get shit on mars before bugpeople or drunk slavs kill us all.
> with soviet historians
hahahahaha LMAO
What the hell's wrong with you political schizos?
>Yes animals were victims of Chernobyl too
>Yes there was the grim task of culling contaminated animals
>*Rubs hands together* now they'll vote for Bernie for sure
RIP the world
>water that would never spoil
user, do you think alcohol hydrates you?
I'll absolutely check out that torrent, hopefully find an audiobook version
From what I understand there’s basically thresholds of radiation you can safely have, with a certain amount every year being fine but for every bit you absorb above this threshold increases your risk of cancer, lowering your life expectancy, body melting etc
gamma does
Alpha falls off even quicker
Beta is the one that fucks you up.
are you retarded? the 90 seconds was over so he was done with his work.
What actually happened to the control system tank.
>feeling empathy for animals makes you a libtard
Fucking get a grip.
>Main Writer
More often than not important sounding positions in hollywood are only indicative of who is in fact not contributing at all.
Yo is that American Psycho ?
historians who study the soviet union, obviously not historians from the soviet union
you get pizzad right in the kisser
Why not put an army of pregnant women on the roof?
stay woke dude, stay woke
It was also a punishment for not supporting the collectivization eagerly enough. Ukraine had a lot of small farms, and obviously those farmers weren't happy with the idea of having to abandon their entire livehood for the Party. Ukraine was a thorn in the side of the USSR for other reasons too, so the Soviets starved 3+ million people to break them.
Rush Limbaugh said this was a great display of government incompetence and he couldn't understand why anyone would support a soviet style system. He said he almost cried about the animal killing.
I clearly stated in my post that I (me, myself) am retarded
If I had used greentext your post would have been warranted
Now you got it right
Back to fucking /leftypol/ you worthless revisionist cunt.
Small rupture, not great, not terrible
Why are RBMK reactors still used when they are so insecure?
What is the point of transporting water with alcohol in it when drinking alcohol requires more water to detoxicify the system than is in the drink.
This. Absolute worst part of the show, so hammy, forced and cheesy, literal insert for "soviet=bad"
>kek I discovered EVERYTHING, sometimes even by the seconds
>Just tell the "truth" to the World, legasov, that'll teach them
>so you are telling me to keep my mouth shut if I want to keep my loved ones safe, like men braver than me did? TO HELL WITH IT, I'M NO Man, therefore I'm the bravest by default!
What a ceingefest shitshow. They are dropping the ball hard with this imaginery bitch
>he almost cried
lmao what a fag
embed didn't pick up the timestamp
What roof did Sitnikov go to? It wasn't the same.
>he thinks the slavs will not somehow manage to one day put an open reactor core in suborbital flight around Mars, poisoning the entire planet.
>rush limbaugh
what the actual fuck lmao? who listens to that dude in current decade
whats the difference between gamma and beta on your skin?
I know their penetrative qualities i just don't know their effect on tissue
>soviet historians
Those who kept blaming Germans for Katyn way until 90s? Riiiight
All radiation follows an inverse square law, regardless of whether it's photons, electrons, or helium nuclei. Look up the derivation of the inverse square law.
post your face during the roof scene
on Sunday I've voted on the most far-right party I could but damn you're retarded
Chernobyl x Brexit crossover where Theresa May fails to negotiate a deal with the core and comes back with the condition that we must throw Northern Ireland into the reactor
That's literally the radiation obliterating the film in that split second of exposure.
Parts if this episode felt way too dramatic
Dyatlov is a pantomime villain
The female scientist is feeling less like an amalgam of all the scientist and more like a Mary Sue with every scene she's in
Why are these threads so fast?
Eat my giant penis you soviet apologist revisionist fuck
Rich old men who refuse to allow Solar Panels and Wind Turbines to save the planet because that would cost them a few bucks.
Can't have scenes of the actual reactor we need half an hour of dogs being shot.
They are, although after the Chernobyl catastrophe updates has been made to prevent another disasters, the updates are (taken from Wikipedia):
>An increase in fuel enrichment from 2% to 2.4% to compensate for control rod modifications and the introduction of additional absorbers.
>Manual control rod count increased from 30 to 45.
>80 additional absorbers inhibit operation at low power, where the RBMK design is most dangerous.
>SCRAM (rapid shut down) sequence reduced from 18 to 12 seconds.
>Precautions against unauthorized access to emergency safety systems.
would it have helped if the 3 literal who liquidators were instead 1 literal who and she was a woman? if they hadn't shown the clean up effort, you and I both know damn well you would have complained that they didn't show liquidators
>miners, politicians, civilians, nurses, doctors
literally ALL of them are there to give a sense of background to the event. every single scientist involved in it has a bigger impact than all of those previously mentioned combined, and since there's more than 50 scientists involved they HAVE TO make a conglomerate character
Am Ukrainian. You are a bit confused.
If you've ever visited Ukraine, you'd realize that most of the country was a really huge and fertile farmland. That's one of the major places the USSR got their food from kinda like the Ural Mountains is where the USSR got most of their oil from. Saying Stalin decide to "forcibly take food from Ukrainians" and "ended up killing millions" is misleading. It's kinda like how both the reactor design AND the operators were responsible for the explosion - 100% of the blame can't be placed on one thing. Not to mention there was a natural famine going on at the time which yielded poor production of crops... in many places. Kazakhstan also had this famine and the US had the Dust Bowl, etc. Plus a lot of people were protesting communism and didn't work. You had shortage of goods everywhere. There was a multitude of things that caused the Holodomor. No one thing was responsible for it.
The West commonly blames Stalin for it and while I hate Stalin with a passion and he was a piece of shit, he shouldn't get all the blame because it's inaccurate to say so.
im not a tankie but ok
this isn't even disputed much anymore, go look up papers on it
rush limbaugh is the king of the boomers
There's only one man who can fix that...
depends how much and how fast you drink, plus if it's cold some alcohol keeps you warm
where di they find them ?
>re-used was the geiger sound
it's sound supplement for scene, cos we cant see radiaton and he doesnt really know how fucked up he is. but he is wearing the geiger meter, so when he picks up graphite he can hear it, and you and i hear it too and we, with him, can understand that these hellish ukrainian rocks are no good. when his foot stuck in between the rubble and graphite and geiger meter starts do the satanic screaching, he and i and you understand that he is fucked up.
season one is top kino, season two has too much of the queen's roasty sister so I didn't bother with finishing it.
The average conservatard, ladies and gentlemen
MI 26 didn't had fins ?
I wonder if the scientists she's representing were all so bitchy.
Gamma is less dangerous, passes straight through you, only de-natures your cells a little bit.
Beta Beta is fast enough to go through solid objects such as concrete, etc. Is slow enough to get caught in you and transfer it's energy to your cells, denaturing them, killing you. Imagine that happening millions and millions of times every minute.
dust and particles in air and other stuff absorbed by your skin. it's not perfect but it should help
I don't even care if this quote is fake or not because some series are absolutely unbearable because they reflect this exact viewpoint. The scenes I liked the most were the ones with the scientist and the other guy (politician? general? idk) and how they slowly start getting along better. This woman fucks it all up, not because she is a woman but because she somehow can magically provide answers to all of the problems these two are discussing throughout the series. Why even have the two dudes in the series in the first place if they're apparently that retarded? Just to be humiliated at every chance by this woman? Suck my dick and swallow my jizz HBO.
Gamma - short wavelength electromagnetic waves (rays). Beta - high-speed electrons or positrons. Gamma radiation is more intense and you need thick, high-density shielding if you want to protect yourself from it.
Stalin passed laws saying that any Ukrainian found with a single piece of grain would be killed or gulag'd. He sent aid to other parts of the USSR. He refused international aid for the famine in Ukraine. Prisons were emptied and the prisoners told to find food hidden by 'kulaks'. It may have been natural but it was definitely exacerbated and used to get rid of a lot of Ukrainians.
>half an hour of dogs being shot
it think those scenes are very important too, it's a punishment in a way, they fucked up so bad they got to mass murder every cat in the vicinity and ukrainians/russians love pets
Nah he’s fine.
please stop. If everything is liberal propaganda/rape/white supremacy, then nothing is liberal propaganda/rape/white supremacy
Source for this?
Get this man out of here
>According to Soviet historians
Law of Three Spikelets
d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
shut the fuck up tankie
This is why I drink vodka
Ya'll know that fusion reactions can't sustain themselves, if the containment facility fails the heat immediately dissipates and the reaction stops. There is no such thing as a run-away fusion reaction that we can produce. We rely on subjecting hydrogen to temperatures far greater than the center of the sun in order to achieve the same pressure that the sun achieves through gravity.
no fucking way
>His face was gone.
>and that bullshit payed for all of it
Зaкoн o тpёх кoлocкaх (Law of Three Spikelets)
Why didn't any babushkas help clean the roof?
>tfw not allowed to look in to the core
For those that haven't seen it already:
nepotism doesn't work on tom hank's son
jared is the real shit
Get out of here STALKER!!
Isnt that very polluted by chemicals and fukushima waters and other shit in the ocean? you're eating plastic
she got BTFO'd by the end of episode 4 desu so that redeemed it completely for me, famrade
isnt gamma t worse?
>a cute
Lmao what a fag, bet he was on pills when he did it
>constantly in these threads for 5 hours straight
>can't stop
what the fuck is happening lads? did i get hit by millions and trillions of tiny boolets?
It's true, the lighter streaks in the bottom of the picture are the film reacting to the radiation coming off the debris.
>tiny posts
no because of inverse square law.
Dont get me wrong, they're all bad.
Gamma passes straight through you so it only denatures a small amount as it passes through.
Beta radiation actually gets caught by your biomass and absorbed. As does alpha, but alpha is too heavy to go far so as long as you're wearing something protective you're fine with alpha.
Beta is like the perfect middleground of moving fast enough to go through matter, but slow enough for a large relative amount to get absorbed by your body.
>Mы пepeжгли coлдaт yймy здecь yжe!
>We have burned heaps of soldiers here already!
It does not sound nearly this heavy in english.
jesus christ
Lyusha is a fucking retard
Jesus i hate this moment. It is fucking easy to be a whistleblower when you are not to blame, which was shown with Legasov at the "make lava" moment, what's this holier-than-thou bitch's excuse? She is not even fucking real.
Lmao literally just as you post that I screenshot pic related Holy shit what a coincidence