/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ep 4 is best so far. Dont @ me

forgot to link previous thread my bad

I am shocked that ep 4 is still holding the show at #1 cause the roasties are toasty as fuck about it

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I agree and hope to cause no drama.

Valery and Boris are CUTE!

Damn right you motherfucker

The threads are only getting faster.

why are they angry about?

No forgiveness.

>only one episode left to tell how an RBMK reactor core explodes
can't mow the Dyatlov

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Did they actually use moon rovers to clear the roof?

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post ep4 content comrades

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ded show
sjw show

muh doggos

To the roof!

Give me my gun.

Not better than the first one. Ep. 1 was lynchian, lovecraftian and kafkaesque at the same time

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The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!


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But it had very emotional super sad killing puppers scene of course ep 4 is the best one

Pupper snuffer time.

I liked episodes 2 and 3 more when they focused on the actual radiation, strategy and cleanup. 4 felt like a bit of excess shock value due to them killing the pups. Still love the series. Overwhelmingly amazing.

what is his secret

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It's basically one of these:
>WAAAAAAAAH I don't understand what's happening (even despite characters explaining things for brainlets) and I will absolutely not read about it if it's not tweet length
>WAAAAAAAAH Too many stright white males in a stright male setting
What else did I miss?


Reminder that Russia is still operating 10 RBMK rectors to this day



Vodka and sausage


*gun jams*

what's that?

>biorobro looked over the railing
>that dosimeter screeching
this was hands down one of the best episodes

>ywn embrace core chan and turn into a bubbling mess in her arms

>muh poor doggos getting killed
Meanwhile they sing praises about a show about genociding entire populations

>Them? I don't know them. Fuck them.
That kind of attitude is the secret.

Gun jamming is not possible in the Soviet Union, comrade.

Vodka and babushkas.

>why didn't they just throw incendiary grenades in all the rooms?

This nigga just doesn't give a fuck.

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vodka, unfiltered cigaretes and killing afghans

They tried to but the radiation killed them
That's why they had to use men


Imagine if Bacho and Miner Chad teamed up. They could've probably taken down America by themselves.

Which one are you, user?
>t. Armenian shadow-chad

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top kek. they're both based

alright this has made me interested in working in the nuclear energy field

i have a minor in physics from undergrad (not much...) and im about to get a masters in computer engineering

what's my next step, /rbmk/?

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Pass a psych evaluation.

imagine being the last dog he shot having your last moments be some guy blowing your mother and siblings' brains out all over you

also he keeps his vidya to a minimum

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They should have sent out pregnant women to fight the initial fire.

Make a dirty bomb and present it to employers.

1986 America? Hell no. 2019 America? Probably.


reminder that their control rods don't have graphite plugs and the safety systems are fully automated and cannot be turned off
the only way an accident would occur was if it was manmade, out of our control or humanity just disappeared


What would Trump have done if he was in Gorebo's place?

>just have a perfect life lmao EZ

>chernobyl general
>alita general
Unironically have sex and stop falling for Russian psyops.

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shut up and post good shots

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Deny, deny, deny.

Lead wall around The Zone, but the mutants pay for it.

chernobyl is literally an overblown jojo reference

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You've got it backwards though, they loved it because of the dead dogs it was the most emotional weight the audience felt all season. They did this because the audience wouldn't give a shit about the dead baby, the audience loves dead babies but dead dogs are emotional for them.

he would just throw mexicans at it to build a wall rather than throwing ukrainians at it to build a wall

This is the best line in the series
anyone claiming otherwise has never had to wear a hat

Official /ourguys/ power ranking?:
>Miner chief
>General Dosimeter
>Belorussian Chairman/Shoe Factory Worker
>ā€Iā€™ll be usefulā€ Slav

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>Yes, it was Ulyana who convinced me to tell the truth. I wouldn't to it if it werent for her, she really was the best of us. The story he told me about how she almost saved Ludmilas baby moved my heart. I fucking love science and I fucking love women, I hope that the will have representation if retelling of our adventures to come.
Valery Legasov in an interview, 1888

Why didn't they show her mutated baby?

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Anyone have a screencap of that guy looking over the railing on the roof when he was told not to?

>we're going to build a big, beautiful sarcophagus
>i know about building things
>i build the best things in the world
>our sarcophagus is going to be so big...they will see it...in China!
>and that sarcophagus will have a big, beautiful door for scientists and researchers
>and it's going to be the best looking nuclear power plant sarcophagus you've ever seen!
Four years later he would point to some bags of boron and sand and claim the building has started.


Wait, are you telling me this piece of shit sjw show is trying to further propaganda that they used Chechans and other filthy browns as the first line in clean up in Chernobyl? Just to curry up more empathy for mInOrItIeS?
Fake and gay, sloppy job mossad

*sip* Aaaaaaahhh....

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too pizza for tv, user

I'll be useful comrade

haha good one

The kid wasn't really mutated, it just had a fucked up liver and heart or something similar


he looked over twice

The audience actively petitions for dead babies, they don't care. They're crying over dogs being euthanized though.

Having a purpose in life.



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He dun' kirked his head, comrade

Post nuclear reactor porn



I can only imagine if this shit went down today how ineffective all the bureaucrats would be to help stop it

what did you expect, pic related?=

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She wasn't mutated. Just highly cancerous.

>She looked healthy. Arms, legs. But she had cirrhosis of the liver. Her liver had twenty-eight roentgen. Congenital heart disease. Four hours later they told me she was dead.
>When they brought me the little wooden box and said, "She's in there," I looked. She'd been cremated. She was ashes. And I started crying. "Put her at his feet," I requested.

so what actually happened when they ran out of bullets irl? did they stab them? strangle them?

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>psycopath giving psychopathic solutions

If you are interested to know the reaction of Russian

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good evening comrades

>not radiation burned from basking in Core-Chan's glow
Did you even watch Ep1?


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grab the core by the pussy

Some anons post funny stuff but most don't.

nice floodlight

imagine if they showed an injured cat instead of that injured dog. Or a litter of kittens instead of puppies. cat ladies would have lost their minds.

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Go back to the truck and get more bullets
Why would they run out?

Why so smug?

because it wasn't mutated u fooking idiot. also, her first baby was a boy and he lived, second one (girl) died. She wrote memories


i would have turned it off and written a death threats to the showrunners, could cope with a dog though

four of these are actually pretty easy to do without even money, just the will to actually do it and feel better than not doing any of it.

they did

About to watch Ep. 4. What am I in for, lads?


So this is the power of the Kinography of Craig Mazin?

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>Why would they run out?
Too many damn animals.

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post screens ffs

kek great filename

very nice

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Thank you.

hi. i want friends

Any good movies about "lots of guys fixing a damn huge fuck-up"?

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It was still bad writing for the episode. All those scenes felt completely pointless and out of place. Five minutes would have been enough for nameless soldier to shoot nameless animal. But disliking any scene of this show isn't allowed without the RBMK squad coming out to throw a fit.

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Is it kino?

90 seconds

>The Hangover movies gave us the guys behind Chernobyl and Joker

I enjoy the show but find the threads ultimately unrewarding.

>endless shit
>more shit
wtf happened


would've been different kind of kino

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Cat ladies aren't people so who cares.


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he's coming back and he will avenge all ukrainians

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They should have focused more on the liquidators on Ep4 but it was great.
What did the pups eat ? was it a dead puppy ?

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shcherbina>dyatlov>legasov>miner>bacho>pikalov>byukhanov>comrade shoe

You, guys, should realize at once: comrad Dyatlov didn't exploded RBMK. Akimov did. The thing is Dyatlov is Russian character while Akimov is ukrainian one. So, Akimov pushed emergency stop instead of ask for Dyatlov's advice. There is a matter of ukrainian schizophrenic nationalism instead of constructive dialogue.

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>scary movie
>superhero movie
literally wtf

Don't forget /ourbabushka/.

This made me realize there are probably disgusting faggots like you who write deaththreats because they've become mentally deranged by peta or r/aww.

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>they should have spent even more time on filler

the boy in the striped pajamas

Maximum kino

>The Hangover part III is ba-

>gotchya posting replying to gotchya posting
Hehe nothin personal kid

let's see after this explosion of good credit the show received all over the scale

This is one of the largest spikes in quality I've seen in someone's career.

At best you understand what one of those means.

Are they going to address that the miners' efforts were ultimately (kinda) in vain?

damn, i looked.
need to spoiler that for anons health

>4. The Happiness of All Mankind
what did they mean by this

Cats wouldn't wait for their owners to come back.

Any world war movie, really.

Da Comrade

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Any ones where these guys succeed in the end?

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isn't that the tableslapper?

Fuuuuck, that's way worse.
No I ain't watching this shit anyway.

cats are cringe, dogs are based

No miners are done with the show we don't have time for them we need more time to develop new dog killing soldier and random cow milking old lady. No time for characters already established.

No way, that would mean that The Super Bitch was wrong.

it's the propaganda banner over at the soldiers heads while they rest

>"Put her at his feet,"
Her dead husband ? he was already in the zinc and concrete coffin ?

so how long did it take the average biorobot to die?

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Wait, did I leave the feedwater running?

>tfw it was literally all of those in one way or another

They wanted to include aspects of the story people would care about. The reactor workers, the party politics, the men who drained the water, some hospital staff, the liquidators, etc...
Be glad they limited themselves to 5 episodes or there would be entire ones devoted to things that some people would love or hate.
Perhaps that is why some of the flaws are not so glaring. There is not enough time for them to be shown by drawn out segments. Or the long segments do well enough to hide them from most people.

If only...

Shin-Godzilla it's also unironically about Fukushima

did you actually believe that picture instead of checking? jesus christ guys ffs

Only in the Soviet union is it possible to run out of ammo while there's massive warehouses filled to the roof with box upon box of that crap.

she means god

I've seen his imdb before and I know those are the movies he's actually written and produced

>Which one are you, user?
The sausage

Comrade, it's time to stop posting. Maybe head to the infirmary for a while.

based. Getting paid writing no effort shit, setting the bar really low to exceed our expectation with absolutkino.

Fuck cats. Selfish pieces of crap. Dogs are ride or die loyal af. I'd probably go back for my dog.

Sounds like they wanted to include way too much. I don't see why the dog killings shouldn't just be a five minute scene. Even the divers who literally saved Europe got less screen time than these guys. I really think it's a case of they knew the audience would cry for the dead dogs so they really wanted to ham it up. Meanwhile we have a woman that just lost her husband losing her baby but that's not worth screen time because the audience doesn't care about a baby vs a dog.

Is he based?

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That's kinda the point
you just pour human lives into a nuclear fire hoping to calm it down for the "REPUTATION" of the USSR

It's just crushing to watch.

Those movies are kino af
shit taste

That scene of him yelling on the phone might be my favorite scene in the show. So yeah he's mega based.

no she doesn't
she's literally buried near her dad and she said later in the interview that its upsetting because it only has his name and not her daughter's

He is a career partyman

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You got that picture without the X over it?
interested to look at it

Looking over the railing probably wasn't as bad as being on the roof. The core was buried under debris, support beams, lead, concrete etc. The roof had chunks of the core and there was nothing to shield you from it.

Get an actual useful engineering degree like Electrical, Chemical, or Civil.

Trebuchets throwing molten lead



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sorry Craig I didn't mean to offend you, you've done a wonderful job on this series.

I didn't know communists had pets

>Told Gorbachev to go fuck himself once he saw Valery's smile get destroyed
He is ultra based.

It's the dichotomy between the hard and soul eating missions of the soldiers and the overall purpose. Both sides are right. The young gunner is right to crushed by killing animals and don't want to be here but at the same time, if they don't do it, more people will suffer

You can bury the child adjacent.

all of that is literally fucking trash and not even ironic shitposting could try to meme it as something else

This guy hasnā€™t even watched one episode and is talking all this shit ha ha

>No Sitnikov
shit list comrade

шepŠ±ŠøŠ½a? hell yeah

what did you think all those "soviet republics" were?

>All those scenes felt completely pointless and out of place
so you're saying it made more point compared to the miners digging a tunnel (which was pointless since the concrete didn't melt)? or the pointless nude scene. how is dealing with the contamination pointless, drawn out maybe but not pointless. this episode was dedicated to the literal clean up crew. it's like you're dismissing the guys at the roof and the beginning scene of the episode where babushka was removed and animal killed. and clean up robot that failed because the soviets still lied.
>throw a fit
grow a thicker skin

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They did. But they didn't have pet food.

Emergency food source when the bread lines got too long

Ok, but what if we uh, we hurl molten lead over the roof with a catapult and then, we uh, we use EXPLOSIVE BULLETS to shoot it in mid air and spread it around to cover it up, comrade?

>I'll be useful comrade
>lets the dog suffer

it was bretty gud. based career partyman


>capitalist imperialist education

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Thanks user

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>ywn have a Scherbina
finna go swim to fukishima

Yeah because a nameless soldier shooting a dog has the same impact on the viewer as having a character who is part of the story do it.

Wait, thatā€™s only true if youā€™re autistic.

Radiation is not just cumulative in absorption, it is also cumulative in bleed off. That is to say, if I have 3 bricks, each of which if you stood 1 m away would result in a 100 RAD dose, if I put them 50 m apart you'd only get 100 RAD from each. But let's say I stacked them on top of each other: you wouldn't get a 300 RAD dose, likely closer to 400 as the radioactivity feeds off of one another (more 'bullets' bouncing to use the show's terminology). As a result, the dispersed debris on the roof gives off FAR less radioactivity than the concentrated mass in the reactor itself.

I don't think there are any figures but most are probably still alive today, if you want to know why then read up on how radiation sickness works you fucking brainlet nigger

dog killing kino


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The shoot their pets into space

his name is Pavel brainlet pay attention

Somebody put the NZ live stream on that. So much meme potential.

>ywn kill doggos for fun and not get into trouble
why even live

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Elrond: Throw it into the fire!
Babushka: No!
Elrond: >:(

Why not just attach a big mechanical claw to a crane to clear the roof?

Would this show be more based if they hired an all slav cast and had subtitles or is it perfect the way it is?

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I thought the scene where he was tempting the dying dog with spaghetti was really out of place and kind of fucked up. Where did he even get the spaghetti from?

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Pikalov is based for driving the truck and listening to scientists

>the puppy scene
>The kittens

I didn't feel anywhere near as uncomfortable when we saw the people melting all last episode. Why?

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what if we...... SHOOT the graphite.

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why don't just nuke the core?

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this guy gets it

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Lead doesn't protect against neutron radiation, so how much would it even have done to cover the roof in it? Was all that crap only gamma active, or would the lead have turned radioactive anyways?

scary movie is fun thouh, when ur stoned specially

Was the KGB really that autistic about controlling scientific documents? Seems silly that someone with executive level privileges wouldn't be able to get unredacted scientific papers in the 80s

anyone have a modern print of pic related in pdf or epub form? the scanned font in the archive.org release is a pain to read

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Dogs actually have souls so its more painful and beautiful.

What if we just shot the core?

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>that image
my fuckin sides

I thought the babushka scene was fucking excellent and did a great job showing what all those old villagers who had experienced so much terrible shit in Russian history had become.

only if the production values were as high and the actors as great

>all slav cast and had subtitles
would be an improvement but it's good like this

I personally would enjoy it more and it would definately be a lot more atmospheric and accurate, but the american audience can't read.

absolute brainlet

eating pets is a slant eyed Oriental thing

I laughed but that's unironically something I'd think of in that situation and be like
>how the fuck haven't we thought of this already

It's better the way it is, because Russia has too few good actors to staff a production like this and the Russian government is one of the most butthurt in the world and wouldn't allow anything that cast a bad light on the Soviet system.

Didn't seem like that bad an idea.

the role of the KGB was to keep the ppl as unaware as possible about anything so they focus on their lives and work instead

How drunk were people on a day to day basis? Those Russian glasses look huge as fuck, like 2-3 shots of vodka

what would happen? the radioactive shit would be vaporized in the epicenter of the fireball, and the radiation of a small nuke is way less than the one from the core

>we couldnt put a man on the moon

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Episode 1: Explosion and apparatchik kino
Episode 2: Boris and Legasov kino
Episode 3: Pizza and miner kino
Episode 4: Liquidator kino
Episode 5: ??? kino

Edge of Darkness is gayniggas, stop shilling it
Fat Man and Little Boy is superior nukino

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This is disturbing more true than I think you realize.

How much air pressure would you need to blow a 50kg junk of graphite off the roof?

>no Jared Harris and Stellan SkarsgƄrd


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can't unsee modern pvc windows

its amazing that people still ask this but yes, the KGB is really that autistic
The US public found out about most of the things going on in the USSR before people in the USSR did and they even erased part of the tapes Legasov left which were never recoverable

>one of these dudes lived for 22 fucking years after this
>the other is still alive

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>Boris when some slut is gawking at qt Legasov in his presence

in a socialist hell, there is no reason to be sober.


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Sitnikov and Vasily kino.

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Russian vodka =/= american convenience store vodka; it has a WAY lower Alcohol%. Closer to wine or a very strong beer. It is literally a 'little water' (that's what the word actually translates as directly).

>episode 1
>not dyatlov infirmary kino

Are we finally going to see elephant-fu next episode? Last chance

Enough to blow radioactive dust all over

>t. Crimean

who the fuck told you this?
you're absolutely wrong

Courtroom Kino. Reenactment Kino.

based Aaahhh... poster

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I haven't watched ep4 yet, but yesterday I predicted that all the actual pet deaths will be off-screen, was i right?

So just finished Episode 2.

God Damn this show is kino. Holy Fuck at that episode 2 ending.

Kinda right.


vodka is 40%

Soviet resistance

Depends on way more factors than a pea brain like you can understand. But in practice, not viable.


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Why didn't they just nuke the roof?

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Get out of this thread before you get spoiled.

Yes and no.

They did censor tons of dumb shit, but the AZ-5 problem hadn't been unknown nor covered up.
>This behaviour was revealed when the initial insertion of control rods in another RBMK reactor at Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant in 1983 induced a power spike, but since the subsequent SCRAM of that reactor was successful, the information was disseminated but deemed of little importance.

half right

This guy was the dog killer

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You're done

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>Average day in the ATF.

now those are two lies i'd like to expose

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They didn't get exposed to the core or its debris directly... they got massive rads and needed treatment, but recovery is possible in those cases (although your life changes forever anyway).

The people who got it worst were those who went in to the reactor, and the firemen who stood next to reactor debris. Also one plant worker apparently went through radioactive debris several times to spare his younger colleagues the task, and he got so many rads that it bleached his eye color from brown to blue. He was the first ARS death I believe.

In the 80s it was more like 18-20% vol.


I know what this will sound like, but not in Soviet Russia. It was closer to 20-22%.

I grew up there.

I so would.

Fuck the dogs

apollo 13

based thot exposer

Not bad, not great.

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Episode 5 will be outstanding kino. might even top episode 1

Bra, you need to leave this thread until you've finished Episodes 3&4.


what about it

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I feel like ive seen this before. What is this from?

why do you care?

here's a better version of that image.

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>You're done.

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Which one would you shoot first? What's the most ethical way to do it?


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>There are 3 trillion of those bullets in that reactor
How unimaginably fucking retarded, you know how many atoms are in a grain of fucking sand Professor Lagayzo? A single fuel rod weights many kilograms. And a kilogram of uranium has 4 MOLES of uranium that's fucking around 10^24 atoms not fucking 10^12. No wonder the reactor exploded if this is how dumb their top nuclear scientists are.

I've seen more normies bitching about the dogs being killed than any of the obviously more tragic things in this show. I found it a bit much how the show was trying to play up the tragedy of dead pets as much as it was the dead firefighters in the last episode. Yet I go on normiebook and twitter and people are fucking crying over this way more. Fucking what.

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just watching it now

Wrong date. Get the one from 86.

is he gonna be ok?

thanks user
i make DUE
just like the soviets


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Gets to drink vodka, smoke, and shoot a moist nugget all day.
Living the life.

>corechan will never tickle your toes

new thread

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>they said he had a name so it's a full character
Why do you defend bad writing?

I'm so glad I deleted Facebook

no wall of text

>whatcha lookin at smoothskin

>says they'll be dead within a week if they don't die inside the place itself
>two of them are still alive, one having lived for 19 years after the fact
what did Legasov mean by this

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Unless you get a dose that is high enough to kill you immediately, the psychological effect of knowing you were irradiated is far, far deadlier than even moderately severe irradiation.

Experts looked at Fukushima and concluded that not evacuating anyone at all would have caused less health issues and death than the evacuation which killed thousands, drove tens of thousands into drug abuse and caused intense chronic stress for more than a hundred thousand people.

Chernobyl was a bit different, but a leading cause of death among surviving liquidators is not cancer or other radiation related things, but alcoholism.

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seems heidegerian to me

>The region still has a massive problem with roaming packs of wild dogs
I guess they weren't that easy to hunt

>dfw when you were killed by Wildlings

But why? An attempt to curb alcoholism?

shoot it

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Pleb filter


>reddit spacing
>talks like reddit
That's because you're not a real person. You're a little soi bitch boi that probably didn't give a shit about the dead baby but cried for dead dogs.


ding dong the witch is dead

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I love these

How fucking hard did Bacho pound his boipuscci?

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>Yet I go on normiebook and twitter
why do you go there then?

can we get some screencaps of legasov in commie attire

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haha ikr xD

Damn, commies suck at naming people. They are all either Aleksandr, Valery, Viktor or Boris

he made his doctor and becomes dr. pavel


Every East European city has that issue. They're pretty much the niggers of that region. Really, walk down any side street in a Russian city and you'll see wild dogs.

>wild dogs didn't live outside chernobyl anywhere
>it's impossible for them to move into the area years after the fact
Why does this show bring out the retards? I have never seen a general with more retarded posters.

Don't forget the sneaky subversion of Hegelian dialectic in favor of pragmatism writ large

no, that's his brother josef fares. the guy playing bacho is fares fares

he's a good friend

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>a nameless soldier shooting a dog
why are you moving the goalposts?


Mister Lahey...is this you talking or the radiation?

you seem nice

>and he got so many rads that it bleached his eye color from brown to blue
At least he died happy


there is a difference between private property and personal property


Real liquidators give their thoughts about the seres. In russian, of course.

Legasov always seems to give the worst possible case scenario so that things can only turn out better than expected
kind of smart desu

Shooting the graphite off of the roof was pretty high iq tbqh.

where else have this guy been he looks familiar

Well done comrade

where do i buy nose enlargement pills comrade?

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its actually significant

No because vodka served a legit purpose. For one, it was water that would never spoil. It could be transported through sub-0 temperatures without freezing.
For two, distillation takes time and tons of energy (point of fact, in the west, almost 15% of all energy produced goes to separations technology, most of which is distillation (>than that in countries with lots of oil refineries like the US and Canada)). To get vodka to the 35-40% range, you need to at least double, likely triple distill it. In Soviet Russia there was no value in such high purity.
And third, volume; people were going to drink shit tons of it ANYWAY so why waste all that time and energy to make it so they pass out faster?
As we said, there's only two things to do in Russia: Drink and fuck.


where can I watch this

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quick rundown in non-russian?

mmm polyot

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Order them straight from Judd Hirsch.

it doesn't matter to socialists. the individual is just a cog.


it was nice of the producers to remember those who had died on 9/11

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thanks, nice to know that

My man!

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>tfw my nose is the same size

you know Pavel couldn't walk properly for a month afterwards
look at the intensity and passion in the glare Bacho gives that boi slut when he makes the dog suffer, that move right there damned his boyhole to an eternity of torment.

>shoot the radioactie graphite
>crumples in to dust and gets in the air
>accomplish nothing but spreading high doses of radiation around for people to breathe in#

absolutely high IQ user.

At least it's not "Hunter", "Trigger" or "Hayden/Jayden/Caiden..."


>I would have banned this series at all. There was a moment where the liquidators agreed to work for big money. It is not true. About the money then the question was not. I, like many liquidators, came voluntarily, others were sent to the Chernobyl NPP on a business trip. But we all had patriotism and heroism. We wanted to help.

t. John

got man of the nights watch pyp iirc

holy shit they're actually brothers lmao I really thought you guys were just meming

That wasn't the point they offered them like a months pay to do the work or some shit
it wasn't that much money.

its just white straight males dying horrible deaths wgaf

So did any drawfag do the three floor-chans?

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You know who's based? The guy who holds the door and gets radiation burns. No one gives a shit about him, he gets left alone constantly, hauls a dude out and in the end he survived acute radiation syndrome

I thought that was him, but I looked him up, he's not listed

Legasov looks like a chemo patient with that hat.

it's okay, 3/4

hbo you fucking kike

why was the core fire yellow-greenish ?

consideran la serie un intento veraz de representar la situaciĆ³n tal y como fue vivida, con todo, ciertos aspectos dejan que desear, como las interacciones entre los jerifaltes del partido y los altos mandatarios del ejercito

I think there will be a lot of control room scenes in the next episode. My body is ready for dyatlovkino

Damn the casting is so great. I wish Netflix would put as much effort into casting The Witcher.