Any movies about modern journalism?

Any movies about modern journalism?

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imagine your profession being """journalism""" lmao

I hate how this board can get away with so much off-topic shit because the Op puts "Any movies/films/kinos about _____?"

Yannies do your fucking job

>seething incels

>getting plastic surgery to improve your self esteem is a bad thing

Any films about being a no-fun whiny pissypants bitch?

>Looks like an archtypical Chad
>Is really unappealing to women
How do incels explain this?

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Personality surgery when?

it's enforced and it makes redditors like that joined Yea Forums in the mid 2010s really upset

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>Personality surgery when?
Read books

It's a comedy, comedies show unrealistic things for the laughs.

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If you want to discuss lookism, go to /fit/

If you want to disucss journalism, NYT, go to /news/

Yea Forums is for Television and Film. This has nothing to do with that, other than the opening line from Op.

>it's real


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>Women been doing this for decades but its problem cause men are doing it


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>naturally occurring chads
My fucking SIDES holy shit

And chicks don't get plastic surgery so they can look like Stacey? The absolute state of journalism

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>incel forum lookism
Lookism BTFO

lmao this isn't really on the cover, right?

as if roasties havent been undergoing the knife to look like a Stacey for decades

>incel forum Lookism

you're the one that sounds upset my rule-quoting friend

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Brie confirmed for incel because of the nose job

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I'm mad they didn't use a pic of the biggest chad of all, /ourboy/ Chico

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Cover story on roasties when?

How come when these men get plastic surgery it's actually an improvement, but when women get plastic surgery they all come out looking like monsters?

The board is fucking near unusable
Every fast board is lately.
I'm not saying ban shitposting and become reddit but tone it the fuck down you underage faggots.

Someone needs to update Slowtaku and put in NYT

well duh. are you a fag?

Still better than phoneposters.

It is photoshopped images

You zoomers have a short memory. Oprah was on television nearly a decade ago, in tears, ringing the church bells about how anonymous "was legion" and had "over 9000 penises" were using them all to "rape children"

pre obama world.

Obama has lobbyist ties to big chad

>those faggots

>how to make up a story and try to run with it
By "not a journalist but definately a femcel" Alice Hines

One of the great things about being a man is that there isn't that much that goes into maintaining an appearance. Imagine a world where it's a fucking rat race like it is with women. These fags deserve to made fun of for trying so hard.

Johnny does get laid off screen. it's not funny to show it, so they only show him getting rejected

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It's a cartoon show

Reminder that Johnny Bravo was created by an Asian incel

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lucky blue smith is not a chad

When you get plastic surgery youre admitting you're about as sentient as a curtain. We expect it from women but it's hard to stomach that maybe the sexes are equally faggoty

Yea Forums really shat the bed because of it. they really need to do something about it since whole site is going downhill.

>considered becoming a journalist and took a class on it back before clickbait was a term
>decided it wasnt for me

Holy shit did I ever dodge a bullet

people like him approach every woman and get rejected 95% of the time

This entire site should be shut down, not for politics, but for the absolutely horrendous quality of the boards. Every board sucks, without exception.

>being this new
jannies and faggots like you actually think people go on whatever board they want to discuss something on instead of just posting on one or two home boards about whatever they feel like
basically you and they should fuck off

if you hate this site so much
just fucking leave
have sex

Your former high school class is now employed by these industries, writing these articles. Think on that.