Help me pick up something to watch (tv show)

Help me pick up something to watch (tv show)
last 15 or so shows I remember watching
the americans - kino ending, but mediocre show with a couple of high moments here and there
mindhunter - pure unfiltered kino
altered carbon - garbage
got - pleb shit
happy valley - enjoyable but messy
the missing - surprisingly entertaining
young pope - patricians only
vice - funny
unabomber - i kinda liked it
night manager - gabagool
fargo- s1 kino, s2and3 garbage
leftovers- s3kino
justified - we dug coal together. a bit like americans, kino ending, mediocre
american crime story - mundane
twin peaks s3 - pure unfiltered kino

needs to be completed or each season a different story.

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help me

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>twin peaks s3 - pure unfiltered kino



lmao. I actually saw a bunch of spoilers about it on Yea Forums and been waiting to forget them before watching

not great but good.

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Based. Secret History of Twin Peaks practically involved a biography of this madman.

miniseries but great

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wish the show had better casting, he can't act for shit

If you like veep you might enjoy it. it's not as good, but malcom is the best thing on earth

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and this

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i can't imagine what kind of pleb you'd have to be to call fargo s2 garbage

Secret History was a book. He was only talked about in that book

talking about the strange angel show. casting was awful

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Haven't seen it,. Shame if the lead couldn't act. I just happened to recognize it was about Parsons from the poster.

>no chernobyl


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Nobody who thinks Fargo S2 was shit deserves to have a working television let alone recommendations