Wow Georgia is fucked. I don't think they realized how much of their economy is tied to filmmaking when they made that stupid decision.
Wow Georgia is fucked...
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Ahahahah no more amazing tv shows about interracial love for you, Georgiacucks!
some principles are worth more than monetary gain. This is especially true for investors close to bankruptcy.
>This is especially true for investors close to bankruptcy.
So not Netflix then.
why stop at Georgia? why not leave the US at all?
>thinks a fetal squidball is a fully functioning individual person.
Plenty of states in the US that turned blue after the idiot was such an incompetent idiot that he caused a blue wave in 2018 will now be happy to harbor any filmmaking.
idk if it’s true or not but I’m sure kemp wants this to happen so libs leave atlanta and he can keep his party in charge. I miss deal
Holy shit, you're illiterate lol
Why not California? Don't they want to pay into that welfare state that the entertainment industry loves so much? Of course not. High taxes are for the plebians.
>thinks a collection of cells is more worthy to life the older it gets
Netflix is 20.5 billion in debt.
>giving a fuck about Atlanta
haha oh wow look at this idiot
niggers will be poor again and carpetbaggers will go somewhere else
oh no the world is ending xD
>muh fetus muh human muh collection of cells
>x10 every day
can you fuckwads keep this on pol on or freddit or whatever normie place y'all like to frequent?
>that welfare state
It's red states that are welfare states, FYI.
If Coca Cola flexes they're so fucked. I'm surprised they haven't been called out yet. What I don't get is the people that have the most kids are minorities. Why would they want future liberal voter fetuses to live?
Why is no one upset at NY that allows 3rd trimester abortions which is incredibly horrific?
I always found it weird how almost everything was filmed in Canada
They are playing the long game, seizing up the market place.
Making petty cash is for small fries.
Coca Cola stating loudly and proudly they support abortion. I wouldn't be surprised but little chance of that it's bad business
Two things:
1) It's the woman's choice so it doesn't matter what you think of it.
2) Women will get abortions anyway regardless of whether you try to ban them. So maybe you should make the choice that doesn't make female voters hate you.
Have you SEEN New York traffic? Less people the better
>91% of nobody vs 39% of millions
compelling stats, my retarded amigo
Nothing will come of it. It is just posturing like they always do and in a year or 2 no one will even remember this.
>What I don't get is the people that have the most kids are minorities
Because they are not racist, utilitarian faggots.
is this one of those mysitical meme images that counts medicare and social security as welfare?
A huge majority of people are disgusted by abortions after early stages of pregnancy
this is mostly based on poverty rates, not who the states vote for
>unchecked capitalism is good!
>free market is great!
The only reason hollyjews started making movies in middle america is because cuckafornia taxes the shit out of them.
Libtards are just mad because no one gives a shit if they leave or not and they have no control over culture beyond the coasts
I'd rather the kid not exist than they end up in the foster care system or being raised by a shit parent repeating the cycle.
But third trimester abortions the baby already has a nervous system meaning that it feels pain and is basically a formed child. But everyone that is upset at GA"s heartbeat law is perfectly okay with this for some reason.
Both laws are bad but only one causes these Hollywood people to get upset.
that law and the Virginia bill that didn't pass was what spurred on the conservative restrictionism
>more populous states pay more taxes
>we should totally let woman kill their own children because it's their decition
>But if a pregnant woman it's murdered that counts as double murder
>they'll do it anyway
>That's why we have to ban guns
marxism is a social disease.
We need safeguards for sure. Too many people know how to game the system and too many have the power to keep it going for themselves while not even letting competition exist
>Netflix pulls its productions out of Georgia.
Good. I hope they lose a shitton of money for this virtue signal.
evangelicals are retarded
>the most populous state in the country pays more total $ than a state like Tennessee
wow what a genius. That's like saying NYC is a more dangerous city than Baltimore because it has more total crime
>2008 election
>New Yorkers
Dilate more, faggot.
>An argument for less taxes
>Used to attack those who want less taxes and defend those who want more
Virginias current governor is a pediatrician. His commercials were him helping children in his doctor get up and I think he said publicly he would have signed it into law. This was at the same time he was caught in blackface
>I don't think they realized how much of their economy is tied to filmmaking when they made that stupid decision.
How much of their economy is tied to film making?
>we're going to spend billions of dollars relocating and losing out on the state's tax breaks because you passed a law that makes it illegal to murder children
yeah, sure
I was implying that the Hollywood left that advocate for a strong welfare system are hypocrites for filming outside of California to avoid movie filming taxes. These taxes are essential to fund the welfare system they love so much.
Well, it is.
They are.
>hurrdurrb lets get rid of abortion
>100 years later
>anyone notice a lot of niggers
Are you smart enough to meme your way into the presidency? Didn't think so. So who is the bigger idiot then?
>state passes a resolution following all legal guidelines
>huge media corps from outside the state try to brigade them into changing the law because it hurts their feelings
gee whiz
Black illegitimacy increased with abortion. Go suck mossad cock with Richard Spencer.
Niggers are 10% of the population, faggot. They started popping out more kids in the last decades because the social degenerates fucked their culture hard.
They should have played harder and put all their efforts into stopping the Disney/Fox merger. Now they're just living on borrowed time.
>it’s the woman’s choice
Amazon did a similar thing in Indiana and threatened to not open the multi-billion dollar distribution center they already built unless Indiana repealed its freedom of religion law. Guess who blinked first the jew with monied resources not generating revenue
>threatening conservatives by saying you'll pull the liberal film industry out of their state
I don't think they thought this one through.
Conservatives have more kids than liberal whites
If it takes two people then it is two peoples choice. If 2 people are forced by law to support it financially for 18 years then it is 2 peoples choice.
the same thing happened when Indiana and North Carolina tried to pass the "you can't dress up as a girl and go into the girl's bathroom to creep on little girls" laws
megacorps run this rotten country
>it will rethink if
so it's nothing, then. libs are a joke.
>but i'm threatening to
you're doing literally nothing and then cheering like you won
Poor impulse control plus they have the safety net of big daddy government even more so thanks to "equal opportunity".
>meanwhile spice overtake your population decades earlier
Abortion is based.
Would this not just effect all the dems living in georgia?
Aren't all the republicans there farmers, blue collar and business owners why would they care?
>complain about megacorps
>unironically voted for a megacorporatist
>I don't find thought necessary for action
That's abundantly obvious.
>We only day came to your miserable little shithole because you don’t tax us as much as our socialist Utopia in California.
>And now you inbred little shits have the GALL to pass laws and have a culture that’s different from our home?
>Fuck that. You better start acting just like our home state right now or we’re leaving.
Rent free. Keep crying pussy. 2020 is going to break you faggots
I'm surprised more people don't see this is such an easy bluff to call.
>democratically elected government officials implement a policy
>non-elected corporate overlords put pressure on them because they don't like it
Well I know who I'm siding with, there's one right side of history lads
rent free
They think it will convcince politicians? They think it's a discussion they're a part of as a party and that they can bring change they want?
>blue wave
Senate is GOP controlled and they approve judges without the useless House, faggot.
Trump just put conservatives on the 9th (hardcore liberal) circuit, lmao
You gotta love how these typical hypocritical leftshits have no problem filming in muslim countries where not only are ALL forms of abortion illegal, but even shit like being gay.
>Conservatives have more kids than liberal whites
And? They are agains abortion, so that's not a contradiction.
As opposed to his opponent who was well known for her anti-corporate position.
>If you don't make it legal to kill babies we'll make you go broke, goy!
Lmao Jews really are archetypal villains
I never got the leftist love of Islam, is it just to be the opposite of the right?
>you can vote for this megacorporatist or you can vote for this other corporate whore who can't handle classified information properly and may also be a satanist. Choose wisely, America!
>orange man rich
>orange man bad
no joke they love islamic immigration for the sole reason that they hate white people and christians
they don't love minorities at all
Would america have been better off if they just let the south leave?
Nice quads, but Netflix shot itself in the foot by getting a reputation for having bad original content. Now Disney, Apple, Google, and Amazon are going to be primed to destroy them. Or at least muddy the waters enough to make people forget about Netflix.
Netflix is done.
Oh no! No more Jews coming into the state and creating propaganda/laundering money anymore! Now how will the state collect all that tax money that they don't pay anyway!?
You either don't understand what debt means or you don't understand what welfare means.
Funny, that's also my position on murder
>It's the person's choice so it doesn't matter what you think of it
>People will commit murders anyway regardless of whether it's illegal, so maybe you should make the choice that doesn't make homicidal voters hate you
>is it just to be the opposite of the right?
99% of what they do is because of that
>be Canadian
>see this shit
>use Kodi instead of giving Netcucks money
eat shit.
The contradiction is non racist people have more sex when the study I’m quoting also says conservatives have more sex
thought only has value if it has real world consequence.
>this same person will argue for gun control.
10% of 300 million is a fucking lot. It only takes 10% of vocal minority to change laws, for example.
Really makes me think why Hollywood is so vocal about this
>study I’m quoting
You didn't quote shit, retard. Read again, faggot.
lol you are extremely retarded. The megacorps HATE Trump.
Hollywood's very gears are lubricated by the blood of gentile children.
>implying niggers are a hivemind
>Implying the other 90% doesn't do anything
Your problem is with pacos, not with niggers.
Our economy is in no way dependent on film making you idiot. We won't notice Netflix leaving, and we don't care, it's mostly shit and reruns.
As someone who really hates when major corporations try to buy politicians and write laws to suit their gains it is refreshing that Netflix is deciding to stand up
is this b8
A tour de france
Arrest a handful of billionaires, seize their assets, and Netflix and 50 other companies disappear overnight. Salon? Buzzfeed? Just about every major paper.
>implying niggers are a hivemind
netflix has been 40 billion in debt since last year
You are nothing without us. You rely on us. We have plenty of farmland in California. We cut you off, you're done.
You can't even clean up poop on your streets.
Just because his opponent is bad doesn't make him good. You people are fucking idiots and deserve all the bad that has happened to you as a result of this.
>We cut you off, you're done.
Another stupid post. We don't need your farmland, moron, we have plenty of our own. That's the weakest threat you have. Also, we have a neighboring state that is more than happy to trade with us, so you can gtfo at your leisure.
Move the stuff to the carolinas
I live in ga and I don’t really give a damn.
Netflix is degenerate trash and Disney is going to put them out of business.
Their whole thing going forward is leftist shit and weebshit.
It’s a non starter
>my body my choice
>HOW DARE YOU NOT GET VACCINATED the government needs to make them mandatory
>We have plenty of farmland in California.
And no water.
>We have plenty of farmland in California
yeah and you irrigate it with other states' water
Again it seems the ones you deem racist are fucking more than you which also puts a crazy dent on that incel forced meme
Don't go
if the baby can't live or if the mother's health is in danger you fucking retard
>damn hivemind
cringing at the stupidity of this "rebuttal"
I’ll support abortion when we can kill shit skin children who’s parents can’t even provide a school lunch for
Film companies have no obligation to work in Georgia. Get fucked commies.
They are being subsidized and no one is calling in that debt. They are owned and so long as they keep doing what they are told, nothing will change.
Maybe Netflix is in on the fetal tissue trade. That would be a reason for them to lobby about this.
actresses use that shit to try and stay young. same with foreskins. look into it.
Who are you quoting?
>Film companies have no obligation to work in Georgia.
No one is stopping them from doing it. They're considering boycotting the place and Georgia will lose money. This is bad for Georgia user.
They have coca cola. They'll be fine.
I'm aware. There's no other reason for them to lobby about this unless they were in on it.
>but Netflix shot itself in the foot by getting a reputation for having bad original content.
Quite the opposite, normies love their original content.
Not to mention the mental fragility of modern women especially actresses and how it would break them to have to reconcile being literal baby killers losing all claim to moral benevolence
>some politicians do stuff
>oy vey let's punish citizens instead
>if the baby can't live or if the mother's health is in danger you fucking retard
Nope any reason is cool with that law.
Not anymore
Taxes are rape for any business not funded by tax dollars, Amazon, Hollywood execs or Google.
Care to enlighten me? Maybe my experiences differ, but workplace retards all regurgitate the latest netflix shit and I see trash articles spammed online about netflix content constantly.
So are you saying that massive megacorporations should be able to influence policy?
Huh... interesting.
They can choose where they work.
Netflix would nearly die if it lost shows that have been out before it’s inception
What you hear workplace people who aren’t actually your friends say is a mechanism they use to fit in they don’t enjoy the product at heart and read about it much like your other point since marketing is key ever notice all the fake football fans that come out the wood work when a Super Bowl starts getting closer that know nothing about the actual sports or teams when pressed
You dont have a job and base you entire reasoning on
>trash articles spammed online about netflix content constantly.
And who do you think is funding said trash articles?
Netflix sucks and will crash hard.
Yep and they are inviting the idea that where they chose to work was a reflection on them so not working in Liberal shit whole really speaks volumes of their confidence in those markets
>They can choose where they work.
Sure they can. Just like the government can smash Netflix to pieces for monopoly laws.
Hole *
Why force unwanted people and peope born with severe mental/physical handicaps to be born? Their life is shit, they make the lives of people around them shit, and they are a drain on the economy. Don't accept parenting as the only form of responsibility, accept planned parenthood (both contraception and abortion) as a responsible decision as well.
I would be okay with this reasoning if we could be this pragmatic about ending other drains on the economy with shity lives
>kill the unborn life inside me and pay for it with govt tax dollars taken from the working class paycheck
>save the rapists and murders from the death penalty because inhuman its a violation of their basic human rights
O never understood how this figure chances the charge that planned parent hood is a abortion power house when something 90 percent of women go through them to get a abortion
literally the only people I have ever met against abortion are 50 years old+, rubes who had kids at 20, or literal incels who would never have to worry about an accidental impregnation in a million years. Really difficult to guess which one you are.
the rents due
yeah everyone knos russian agents hacked the voting booths to get him elected. any day now the truth will come out
I agree with this
>implying the government should have to power to kill people it thinks are undesirable
yeah how could that go wrong
fucking based baby killers. KILL BABIES KILL BABIES YASSSSS
I hope this attitude spreads to other companies and they follow suit because then the same people that won't be able to get abortions will now also not be able to afford to take care of the children they couldn't kill. THAT'LL SHOW'EM.
>every alien planet in stargate sg-1 is summer in vancouver
The fact you really think this is reality is fucking horrifying
Literally half of hispanic so believe it should be illegal and they are the youngest fates growing demon
>implying they should have the power to make you raise those people
Again your not being pragmatic here
The point of the graphic is more to convey what would be lost if Planned Parenthood was defunded than the frequency of abortion services they provide.
But in regards to your comment, if you are seeking a surgery, going to a reliable institution with trained medical specialists to perform that surgery makes sense, no?
where the fuck was that implied
Yes it does but planed parent hood does not have to do both especially in states that outlaw abortions
>rural retards win
>faglanta loses money
By allowing those people to live social services will be provided to these people much like unwanted babies and we will be forced to provide for them
Why are you acting stupid
based 0 nuance poster
>welfare stares are REDpilled on the consiquences and causes of welfare
that's not the government forcing you to raise them
Their parents created them and now that person exists and is a part of reality. You have to deal with it, you can't just remove everything you don't like with an omnipotent state