Why are people so vocal about their hate for Harry Potter?

Why are people so vocal about their hate for Harry Potter?

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og fans grew up and started noticing the narrative problems in the books and films, but none of that mattered until people started being cringey irl religious about it, and jk rowling kept retconning shit for sjw points

cringy fanbase and stupid writer
and i watch all of these movies religiously like at least twice every year


a-at least the books were good though

Because they cancelled the live action series that was supposed to take place in the American Magical school.

Fuck JK Rowling, Fuck Warner Bros, Fuck Netflix, and Fuck Trump

>why were patricians so vocal about their hate for plebs
because plebs were unwashed uncultured and wanted to take their shit.
in simple words: if something is shit and the masses don't recognize it then you have to do your best to point it out

I loved it as a teen but ive watched it so many times im sick of it now

Oh that wouldve been cool if it was done right

Why didn't Harry's Scar(The Horcrux) get destroyed when the basilisk bit him?

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yeah, i'm sure that's the reason *rolls eyes*

This shit. People don't care about the plot bullshit anymore than they do for something like LOTR. The problems are JK pushing retrospective SJW bullshit and the fan community being pure cancer. They're the sonic fans of the book and film industries combined.

Because the scar didn't get hit with the basilisk venom, his arm did

Because Rowling had no idea that a basilik can do this yet.

>Because the scar didn't get hit with the basilisk venom, his arm did
The arm is connected to the circulatory system, which will move blood to the forehead


> Teenager stabs girl in the face and beats another black and blue because they called him HARRY POTTER

> Witnesses recall hearing the suspect shouting 'Who's the Harry Pussyhole Potter now!'

They turned them into shitty movies

There's no blood flow through scar tissue

I though for sure thats what they were doing after she created a ton of new lore and background stuff for the school, but nothing came of it.

because of the latest pol outrage culture may may

Because it didn't kill him, he was about to get killed by venom. You don't die instantly if venomous snake bits you.

I think they’ll be calling him Ryan walker from now on.

Because magic in their world makes no sense and is wildly inconstant. It was almost as if the writer was writing for children who wouldn't look to deep into it.

Imagine HP being your entire career as a director.

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If you ever want to fuck with a liberal tell them that the wizard government in harry potter is an aparthide state

>magic makes no sense

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Had it been explained why in the Fantastic Beast films that McGonagall is alive, Dumbledore is so young, or why the cgi is so shit?

Thots got patrolled hardcore, won't be doing that any time soon lmao
>whoa if you harrass strangers sometimes they attempt to kill you wtf??!?!?!

Every kid/teenager with glasses in the early 2000s was called Harry Potter. I was one of those. Fucking hilarious comedy gold there.

>Three more fucking Harry Potter films
Jesus Christ, just let it die already

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I hope they let him walk. Lord knows how many times I had to keep myself from doing the same thing

>FB 1 - $814,037,575
>FB 2 - $653,655,901
They'll squeeze this thing until the end.

Because he wasn't killed by it. If Fawkes hadn't stopped the venom it would have destroyed both Harry and the horcrux.

Because it is quite simply THE dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises.Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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Imagine a Harry Potter where Dudley was a wizard too, and he walked in just after Harry and Ron bought the lot and beat the both of them up and took the entire haul.

Damn that could have been good. What if Dudley just kept ruining every good moment for Harry?

Like, what if Dudley just walked into the room with the Mirror of Erised, and asked, "What d'you see then Potty?".

Harry would obviously say, "My parents Dudley, can you see them to?" or some other timorous little moronic observation. Dudley would then snort, "I see them too Harry, and you're there too! Burning to death in that car accident!", despite knowing full and well by this time that Harry's parents were actually killed be Voldemort.

Dudley would chuckle at the boys teary, abused, gaunt face, scoff down a treacle tart that he'd stolen from Harry earlier and wander off at this point, wondering why he didn't return home for Christmas, oblivious entirely to the true nature of the mirror.

Fuck JK Rowling for making Ron ginger, fucking ruined the lives of thousands of us and all the lives of any future gingers, cunt

from the perspective of an 8-year-old

How come all the magic in this series is so god damn underwhelming or just outright shitty?

Also, where is the good stuff like blood magic, summoning, and necromancy?
Why didn't Harry make a pact with and Elder God?

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its a childrens book


Because they were shit movies and shit books.

Turn off your brian bro

>And now, a fourth name emerges from the Goblet of Fire
>fucking Dudley
Oi, betta luck next year Potter ya skinny git.

It became a teenage flick by Goblet of Fire. And most of the charm and magic was replaced with 4 spells;

One that mind controls
One that causes pain
One that cuts you
And a laser beam that kills you because I guess nobody thought to use the cutting one on the jugular or something.

Seriously those are all the spells that get the most screenage after they're introduced. Oh and the good guys using """Retardify""" whatever that's meant to do. By the look of the force and impact of the spell it probably leaves them with permanent head trauma/brain damage.

>why is magic underwhelming
partially because it's all based on other sources, partially because it's a childrens/young adult series
>no blood magic
how do you think horcruxes were made
>no necromancy
voldemort is literally resurrected through necromancy in one of the books/movies
>no summoning
summoning and teleportation happen but are less consequential and more limited
>no elder gods
there are no deities in harry potter world, only deity that is known is essentially the grim reaper and that's from anecdotal evidence even
the real question is why are you expecting so much from a book series written for teenagers

First time I shown up in HS with glasses my chemistry teacher said 'HAHAHA YOU ARE HARRY POTTER NOW!'. He was cool anyway and I would never dare to speak shit to him cause the motherfucker looked like Brother of Destruction Kane.

this is why


>How come all the magic in this series is so god damn underwhelming or just outright shitty?
The problem with all that junk is when people start adding rules to magic, it makes everything feel much less magical. Like when people are like "lmao why didn't they just magic this thing??? retarded writer didn't think of that." in reality it's that for magic to FEEL MAGIC it needs to be a certain amount of nonsense. This is why all the magic went away after two books, because it takes a huge amount of creativity to walk that line and she clearly didn't have it in her.

to be fair this was a fault carried over from the books. By the end of the series there's essentially two spells: stun spell and kill spell. The movies even improved on this somewhat with the duel between dumbledore and voldemort, because in the books that too was basically voldemort flinging kill beams and dumbledore improvising silly ways to block them

Yeah. I grew up during the potter mania and even as a kid the plot holes were glaring but it was a fun universe and easy to self insert so I didn't care. Then rowling started acting like the 2nd coming of liberal christ and basically said "unless you're a weird freak these books weren't meant for you".

At least it was my parents who wasted their money buying the books. No regrets about the lego though, those sets were excellent.

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>you're not allowed to dislike things if they make money that means you're just contrain


based slag beater

>Lupin teaching Dudley to summon the Patronus
>all his memories are good, summons it first try thinking about eating a meat pie for supper

An entire generation of women has defined their personality around. I cant tell if that is more or less pathetic than all the women that even waste a singular brain cell on astrology

If I don't like something I don't waste my time seething about it and telling other people.

Prove that no one associate with Harry Potter

No, you do what normal non-autistic human beings do and think "oh, they're talking about something I don't enjoy, I'll find somewhere else to spend my evening"

>Dudley's most happy memory was when he got a sausage and bean pasty from a freshly made batch from Greggs whilst reading about Ngubu Shacklebolt got signed on for Souf Quiditch Club in The Sun
>Dementers get vapourised out of existence.

G'warn mah son ge' in dere.
Simple as.

>scrolling through Yea Forums
>see post claiming must only follow trends
>tell user they're an idiot
>lol but i didn't really mean what I said I just meant that you shouldn't physically confront people over harry potter see stupid haha
Ohhhhh I fell for bait haha gotchya moment you got me. You harry potter people have a wicked sense of humor.

They could have at least done with elemental magic, something over the top and grand, the magic in the last four movies pretty much devolved to people just shooting light beams at each other even when high level wizards were involved.

The only time it ever reached something cool is when Voldemort and Dumbledore had a duel, and it pretty lasted a few seconds.


Is that actually how your brain has interpreted these events?

>Thread asking why people who aren't interested in X take the effort to sperg out about it
>Enter thread and sperg out
>"woah woah, *I'm* the victim here"

>fantastic beasts 5

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>every user i speak to is the same
Holy autism.

Imagine being you and defending this garbage

Easily the best fight in all of the movies by far.

These movies are almost unrelated to fantastic beasts

I was called Harry Potter not because of my looks but because I had the same gay-ass voice as Harry's voice actor in the dubbed version. That movie went out of its way to ruin people's lives.

How come the magic in Fantastic Beast was so much more impactful, destructive, and over all more powerful looking than anything from the original series of movies?
Are American wizards just more showy or what?

Better CGI.

There were only a few years difference though...

user, don't know how to tell you this, but orange man is indeed bad.

this. i used to be a HP fan. now I fucking hate it.

there are fantasy franchise's far better than that shit

I find it infuriating that this shit gets so much praise and movie after movie, when so much better fantasy stuff remains pretty much in obscurity.