where were you when german females sold a diamond necklace with parts from fucking jesus christ crucifix that he died on for fucking 42k€ youtube.com
Where were you when german females sold a diamond necklace with parts from fucking jesus christ crucifix that he died...
I was being based
no its based
You actually believe that? If so, I've got the spear pontius pilot used to stab em in the ribs. Sell it to you for 20k
its true
the old woman got it from a grandma that he cares for and went to church with
Limited time offer though. Buy now and get the ark of the covenant half off!
>with parts from fucking jesus christ crucifix that he died on
I bet there is an entire forest worth of these in circulation
a similar cross was sold in rome for 2.2 million coule of years ago
It takes a special type of idiot to be that gullible. Seems they tend to flock to religion, so it makes sense
>some old church lady has a piece of Jesus' cross
>the wood Jesus was nailed to is still intact 2 millennia later
Ok pal
sure mate
whatever makes you sleep at night
*tips fedora*
>implying Constantine's mom just magically found the literal True Cross under Golgotha after hundreds of years of Roman neglect
yeah ok
the cross has an unbroken seal from a past pope
jesus was probably crucified on a simple stake
aint nobody had time back to make a nice cruciform out of neat little 2x4s for a method of execution that was seen as the most degrading
>selling "holy relics" like """""splinters of the cross"""""" in Anno Domini MMXIX
your mother also had an unbroken seal until she met jamal
>mfw iconoclasts were right
help me out here Yea Forums
is OP:
A) actually fucking stupid enough to believe this is real
B) falseflagging to make religious people look foolish
C) loosely hiding an attempt at another worthless politics thread (based on the bizarre 'german' female specificity)
I mean, she IS old right?
All women are whores and need to be publicly crucified
>A) actually fucking stupid enough to believe this is real
it is real, sorry
>B) falseflagging to make religious people look foolish
>C) loosely hiding an attempt at another worthless politics thread (based on the bizarre 'german' female specificity)
you have some problems mate, get it together.
A and C then