another actress wasted
Another actress wasted
have a virtuous attitude
day of the wall soon roastie
this is great. i'm honestly beginning to see signs of the pendulum swinging the other way. more and more women are refusing to get naked and do sex scenes. then we'll see women who reject the sexual liberation thing. this is a good thing
I remember back in S7 waiting room time that she was willing to do nude scenes if Game of Thrones required her to.
i believe you are being unironic because it means more monogamy which means fewer incels
the incel problem needs to be solved seeing as how we can't ban guns
Turns out producers didn't want to see her naked. Had to get that Quasimodo side boob instead.
Well she's got nothing else.
Tick tock. The only thing worse is past their prime naked scenes.
>battles with weight
>every non-red carpet photo she's drinking/drunk
really makes me think
Im surprised she hasnt squeezed out a few puppies yet, didnt she just get hitched?
They only do this when they can exploit it user. They are still massive whores.
She's been known to be a special snowflake for while.
Like she was going to get any roles anyway. For refusing to even show any bikini skin, that's a definite now.
this, also its so pathetic that the so called conservatives are pro 68 degenerates now. we need less sexualizsation, less sex in general and more monogamy. fuck muh dick redpillers
but being raped is fine.
>girl logic
I hate fat people
GTA loves bitches wasted.
Or She could just get her ass into the gym.
Have sex, virgins
She's a coked up slag with the bloated face of an alcoholic.
What is the point of virtue signalling this if you're going to wear clothing that exposes half your tits anyway?
>I want to be a fireman, but not if I have to enter burning buildings
am I supposed to sympathise?
I see his newest project is coming along smoothly
at the very least you can't be surprised when nobody wants to employ you as a fireman
Welcome to feminist hypocrisy, user.
Said who?
>act like a huge slut in every picture
>mmmmm i have self esteem issues
No fucking shit. She's an ugly piece of shit.
That's what happens when you pick up chavs and try to turn them into actors.
I never understood what "battling with weight" was.
Just stop eating so fucking much??
This is a really bad analogy.
She said she's mentally ill, so it obviously goes beyond "just stop putting food in your mouth lmao"
No it's a really good analogy.
An actors job is to act. An actor can choose what roles to take, and a firefighter can't choose to not fight fires and save people.
She pretty much says it's for herself so what's the issue here, incel?
I haven't looked in a mirror in 10 years and thought "you look like a healthy weight". I've always thought I looked fat, even when I was ~130 lbs at 6'1" (male, btw). I can't imagine what that's like amplified by being in a television show and magazine shoots and seeing your image everywhere. It's just so consuming when your choices in clothing, activities, food, whatever are tainted by an inability to look at yourself objectively.
more like
>I want to be a fireman, but I don't want to save cats from trees. Other people might like it, but it's a waste of my time and talents and gives people the wrong impression of why I'm here and do what I do.
An actors job is to act and actresses job is to look pretty which she can't do.
>he actually believes he shouldn't need to save a cat from a tree as a fireman
>he thinks this is comparable to somebody that posts hundreds of slutty photos suddenly not wanting people to see her as a slut
Holy fuck you should be shot.
Doesn't the article imply that it's about her weight though?
cringe. the correct opinion is that she looks like shit in a bikini and that's the real reason she's "turning down" those roles
I don't think you're reading his post correctly.