Movies about Chad?

Movies about Chad?

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>old jewish media yells at meme

thanks for shilling this publication

New Chuck Sneedazine

>A-are we relevant now
This is print media dying

Yes, yes, brown effete man with lip gloss is Chad, alright.

And it's beautiful and a good thing

Is every part of the media going to demonize virgins?

imagine being a bugman whose job it is to try and rile normies up about 4channel's latest memes. I have more respect for kiddie touchers than journalists, and I believe all kiddie touchers should be publicly executed.

>major media publication lies, seemingly for the sake of pushing their own views
To no one's surprise

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Incels will be the end of capitalism, not communists

chad is basically just a catch all term for good looking men who get laid and who incels hate.

The more the internet leaks into real life the more i cringe into myself so hard i create a separate universe

>angy, celibate men online
Hey, that's you guys they're talking about

You can't become a Chad. You either are a Chad or not.

imagine having sex

>look like

Completely missing the point entirely, /r9k/ users don't care about being beautiful or not, they want attractive women to treat them like the high-school jocks.
Popularity is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more indicative of a Chad than looks.

what are some comedies?

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>/r9k/ users don't care about being beautiful or not
The daily balding hairline threads tell a different story

>people make a note that those who can't find sex they want do dangerous things
>lets demonize them and laugh at them
Makes me wonder what the endgame is here.
Honestly, the behavior is elitist in nature. When virginity and marriage are the two things upheld as ideals it's a better situation for people.

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Will they ever dare to talk about Stacey? I mean, plastic surgery and boob-jobs, anyone? Fuck, even make-up.

>guy responds to my craigslist apartment listing
>he wants to rent it sight unseen for 900/month even though I listed it for $1650
>writes me this sob story, saying he's a noble "journalist" and can't afford anything more
lmao, get fucked dude

Yes, there's nothing people hate more than uggos.

well memed my friend!

well memed indeed!

>the cover of a mainstream magazine is just an angry diss aimed at virgins
What is even happening?

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Why is Chad wearing a hijab?

The flash (2020)

Lol what a fucking pathetic article

we came full circle and bullying is alive again

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Ant-Man and The Wasp
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Black Panther 2

If dude's a us soldier then he's not really a chad. Putting your life in line for Israel is pretty cucked in my book

>noble journalist
lol, these people are scum and I hope that guy ends up living on the street

Wait, I thought the incel shaming thing was a meme?

>those eye bags
lmao, that's an incel

virgins will rise up

Based and Redpilled

I'll never understand the people that don't understand you can join the military purely because you want to fight

nice blog retard

>what If Ezra Miller had a tan and looked even gayer
Say no more senpai

This board is illiterate
That's supposed to be an incel who got surgery to look like Chad
Hence the shitskin (most incels are spics and pajeets) and why he still looks like a faggot

It's empowering

Chads don't care about imaginary bogeyman they learned about online, that's an incel thing
They're in the army cause they want to shoot shit like in CoD and have a good time with their army bros

thanks, I have no friends so I use Yea Forums as my blog

this, real chads are zionists

I can’t think of a group of people less likely to get plastic surgery than incels.

>Some faggy liberal NY paper
>This is a Chad
>Is literally le 56% face

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>most incels are spics and pajeets
Nice cope wh*toid

why can't incels do anything?

He's not wrong though

no one thinks they're just virgins, they think they're future school shooters/mass murderers

Because when your leg is blown off and shrapnel rips your right cornea into shreds you might find it a tad silly to have placed yourself in that predicament purely for sport.

Pajeets yeah, but not spics when the spic population is growing constantly

>go on Yea Forums and anonymously say the most edgy fucked up shit that comes to mind

>get constant attention from print media and the political cycle

Why are they so obsessed with us? They're like the suburban HOA soccer mom that dedicates all her free time to focusing on the homeless dude who lives behind the local 7-11.

Look at the rape statistics. People rape when they aren't getting any from willing partners.

good thing we're not obsessed with them

>incels the reason you cant find a gf is because youre mysoginistic
most incels cant find a gf because of the exact contrary they put women on a pedestal

Explain India then, muttard.

this is probably more about lookism forum and other forums like that
this place is quite tame compared to them

Its almost like there are benefits for being in the military. Boy wouldnt it be crazy if many college age males joined the military for... free college.

The views they push are becoming more blatant because things are changing against their favor.
Also note that they focus on a "Chad" being something you specifically want to look like - leaving out the other aspects of the stereotype - and make the person a mixed guy.

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Weren't they just doing all this "END CYBER BULLYING" shit a couple years ago? Now they're mocking virgins on social media?

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Rape is a domination and power play thing
Don't expect wh*tes boys to understand that though

Being a solider in any time period is as Chad as it gets. Women get extremely turned on by warfare and winning warriors. It's part of our DNA

Not gonna lie, she cute

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>Entire article is getting mad at the incels favorite plastic surgeon for "supporting misogynistic attitudes"

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why is chad some mystery meat and not a white blonde, blue eyed guy wtf

10 men can get 100 women pregnant, leaving 90 men still needing to have sex. That's how it works in Islam, hence all the sexual frustration among young pakis.

Have any good street shits lately, prajesh?

is that why army wives are known for being cheating white trash?

Historical caste system that makes women property. Holes don't get to choose there like they do here.

>Weren't they just doing all this "END CYBER BULLYING" shit a couple years ago? Now they're mocking virgins on social media?
Turns out the people being bullied were trump supporters, so it's OK to bully them

Keep watching porn and fantasizing about infidelity you cuck.

They think THAT is what people mean by Chad?

>winning warriors
He said us warriors user not expendable pozzed cucks

Why does the media feel so threatened by us?

I got baked and listened to One a bunch of times and now I'm too spooked to join the military and get all my limbs blasted off

That is a feminist projection. They are emcels with an unholy craving for power, and so they think that is the motivation for why incels rape.

Angry white libtard women measuring everyone by their standards. Look at that schmuck on the cover, this is a fucking trap and not Chad. What a lazy cunts these journalists. Yea Forums would fuck that guy in the ass, this is what Chad is, he gets horny.

>is that why army wives are known for being cheating white trash?
I think it's more that guys who join the army are prone to making bad decisions, including marrying people who will cheat on you.

Because we immediately ignore whatever they write about us, as this thread shows

There’s multiple flavors of chad

Hating on people who serve is cucked you fat nerd.

I cucked your mom, fag

but that's the idea I got from people here who spam cheating army wives to prove a point

I don't see the problem in this. The online active bitter incel demographic is a very special kind of phenomenon. It makes sense that magazines would want to report on it. The normies won't believe the kind of shit we do down here.

Bimbofication and tranny axewound surgery good
Ugly incels trying to look better surgery bad

lmao these journalists don't know that we're all chads irl haha

I'm not Israel or Halliburton they don't serve me

White chad = chad

Black chad = Tyrone

(rare) asian chad = chang

America has never lost a war and is the most powerful military to exist in human history. Go cry somewhere else you third world shit dwelling insect.

kys discord tarnny dilate your axewound hole you cuck 40%

seethe cope have sex the future is female

Why are incels so easily triggered?

They are retarded bra. Like pol told them that white nationalists drink milk and do nude body building and they believed it

You can tell these fuckers anything and they will publish it.

Back in 'Nam... Oh wait, it's retarded never mind.

Could they really not take five seconds to research this is what the chad we meme about looks like?

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What’s a gay Chad called?


That's a different joke that doesn't really relate all that much to the actual chad the bitter /pol/tards aspire to.

I wonder if the article talks about "alpha males"


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Being an army wife means the only kind of man you can attract is a guy who's only prospects are the military.

I cannot think of a group of people that deserve each other more than army wives and armyfags. Luckily based lawyers exist to cuck the veteran out of his stupid mustang when he gets back.


>it's real

>ooga booga me want fight, me want shoot sandnigger for fun, me dumb ape

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