Based Babushka edition
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KGB were jews confirmed
Can't believe this redpilled anti-commie kino was written by a Jew
Cлyжy Oтeчecтвy.
based retard old lady that accomplished absolutely nothing lmao
>told down by an old woman
Soviet soldiers and superiors really do come off as pussy ass cowards in this show.
Why did they use mosins?
Are röntgen and roentgen the same thing?
also again, pls give you's:
Have any of you seen this?
>What do we have left once we see the cost of the lie? Radiation. A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all.
>Radiation isn't a pit. Radiation is a roof.
Many who try to climb there fail and never get to try again. The fall disintegrate them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the rubles or the state or comrades. They see graphite. Delusional. Only the roof is real. The climb is all there is.
Spotted the amerimutt zoomer
>Baby dying
Why would anyone be invested in something that happens to thousands of people daily?
>the rooftop sequence is actually 90 seconds long
you're a fucking retard
I'm not even going to take my time to explain why you are wrong, I'm just going to continue letting you live in the bliss of complete and utter ignorance
Roentgen is the spelling for languages that don't have the letter o with two umlauts over it, which is most
Because there was lack of everything.
Lack of bullets too.
Why kind of anime name is bachu? Slavs explain this
>they killed the doggys
>he insulted a woman
have sex
Say something nice about him
When you look at his past work it really is remarkable. I'm convinced he had to make pure shit for years and tow the line to get his shot at making a kino as he wanted.
Why not? Not like you need fucking AKs to kill harmless dogs running toward you looking for food. Halfway surprised they weren't using PPSh-41s. Thought it was pretty neat the way they showed him teaching the kid how to properly load a stripper clip.
Was one take too wasn't it?
The soviet union was basically incelhood in nationstate form
All this LARP about "muh great patriotic war" is just a giant cope
Of course an army of incels will take down a superior chad when they gang up in superior numbers on him
Yes. ö is sometimes spelled oe. ä is similarly ae.
What if
comrade hear me out
what if we took a gun
comrade im serious what if we took a gun
and shot the radiation
Have sex.
Did they really need to waste half the episode on this? Does the audience really cry more over a few nameless pets being euthanized than a woman who just lost her husband and now loses her baby?
ameriKKKans are bad because they're racist. racist drucKKKf russia evil white racism. women bad bcuz racist. &the racism. kill women and all whites, nuke russia. racism bad KKK.
>Cant pick between Cow-chan or Iodine-girl to be my waifu
you can't lose if you play every side goy
okay let's be done with it, you can't make kino by being a 100% accurate to the source material, name one instance where this has happened before and it has to be in your top 5 (series or movie), comrade
Ok, now this is based.
have MORE sex
Shoot the radiation back with our bullets, I like it.
Again, answer why the fuck they were pouring water over the city and not just waiting for rain?But I guess you don't know anything other than how to recite your epic 3.6 memes.
anyone have an idea of what the two flags on the tents are ?
the first one seem to be the Moldovan SSR flag
>why don't we just deactivate the atoms?
Is the Terror 2 gonna be about some pissy japanese camp stuff? cus that sounds 10 for 10 gay.
>he can't enjoy 3 bros bonding over doing necessary but disgusting shit and drinking
Confirmed for gay
who else here /radiophobia/?
ameriKKKan russia racists voted cheeto hitler drucKKKf. russia is evil racist white femoid racist illegitimate racist state. nuke russia. kill russians and especially white women for being racist KKK
Because this isn't some kind of Guards Tank Shock Army. It's reserve equipment meant for security forces of the interior.
Comrade, you're done :D
Oh no
I 100% support platform broom pusher user and suggest the following addition to this plan.
>3 bros
Do you often romanticize all relationships between people on tv? I swear if I were ever working with one of you zoomers I'd expect you to take selfies while talking about how deep and emotional the work we're doing is.
t. wehraboo
Why not just piss on graphite ?
>tfw bio-robot
Someone mentioned how they'd have the strength to push the shit off the roof. Just to be clear its easy you have more than one man pushing the broom, russia didn't lack in manpower after all.
Lost my shit when Boris went Terminator mode.
oh for sure. George Takei will be in it so it will be GAY
what about this qt
>*Record scratch* Yup... thats me. You're probably wondering how i ended up in this position
>[geiger counter sounds intensify]
just think about it for 2 seconds lmao
rain isn't an even spread, it doesn't get everywhere, wind gives it an unpredictable trajectory, its not anywhere near as much pressure, there are countless reasons why you would actually intentionally clean something rather than just go well IT'LL RAIN EVENTUALLY LMAO
I like his ptosis
my fucking sides , this is the most stretched situation you could find :
>disregard the fact that plane crashes are actually extremely rare compared to the number of them taking off each years
>dude I'm just gonna put random character and seal it off as real Legasov but you can't tell me what to do because it's not documentary (except we replicated every single detail up to license plates just for lulz) so suck it up
learn 2 read
Bit of a meaningless shot really, the suits did nothing. All the men who went on the roof died.
Imagine being an extra and this is your scene, no wonder that middle guy is covering his face, probably in shame
is he our /dr. pavel/?
Don't get so emotional about it bro
>reality is boring
>the real horror moments were the ones that happened IRL
Based Lithuanians making based soviet kino
What is the cost of gays?
well done
Why don't we just bribe the neutrons?
Okay user, bring me a dramatically working script for five one-hour episodes with zero shorthand. Chop chop.
>and now I look like a pizza
he has the second best line of the show
I was born on April 11th, 1986 about 700 kilometers from this shit. My mom didn't give me the iodine they gave everyone cause she thought I was too small. The radiation cloud passed over and I turned out a huge fucking loser in life, thanks based Soviet Union
The day after me user
>you will never embrace corechan and turn into a bubbling mess in her arms
Why even live?
I'm pretty sure I saw a Kirghiz flag there as well
Nope, because we all saw how he tripped, got himself trapped, fell into radioactive water and pierced his shoe with radioactive junk
Why has this show become such a hot bed of kino tier memes?
Massive timejumps this episode. They could have had some more here than just dog hunting. It had some moments but what happened in the 6 months or so?
>Bhopal disaster
>literally thousands dead, half of million injured
>nobody gives a shit
>A few dozens dead, few hundreds injured
>memed into oblivion as one of the biggest and horrifying tragedies of mankind
Why so?
No they didn't you little shit.
Can't show much in just 5 episodes
Robots could also do the pushing. Also maybe lighter, supplementary brooms to guide the main broom.
>"Mum, I got the part! I'm gonna be Shitting Conscript #2!"
manager: you have a role in a hbo production.
actor: thats great, what's my role?
manager: you have to shit in front of a camera
>Bacho calls Garo a piece of shit
>it is extremely telegraphed that one is armenian, other is azeri
>that means that in a couple of years they'll be at war on the different sides
It hurts bros...
It's india, who gives a fuck
>it gonna cost you 50 thousand USD a month, it will be finished in 6-8 month. I expect the part of the money to be paid first. Deal?
>named Joker
>is a joke
bravo nolan
My concept is a some big ass rod that is used as a shovel. 3 or so men go up the roof and pick up the small broom handles and then push the collected debris a couple of meters ahead. The bell sounds, they run back and a couple of other dudes pick up where they left off, until reaching the edge of the roof. Then they place a new rod and push another line of debris.
Imo looks more effective than the couple of pieces they shovel off the roof in their state of panic.
even the robot killed itself rather than live in slavland
They all died before getting out of the building user, they were buried with the dead cats.
Because Chernobyl was a massive event directly impacting Western Europe.
>can't show much in five episodes
>but filling up half this episode with pointless dog hunting is ok
who gives a fuck about poos lol
Because no one cares about India. That's the actual reason.
garo is georgian
gee I wonder why nobody cares, really a mystery this one.
>you can't possibly be that much of a brainlet
holy shit im dying
>>the real horror moments were the ones that happened IRL
exactly comrade
Why do tripfags hurt the community?
forgot to link
There was alot more in those scenes going on that guy dog skill squads
>veteran who still works a shit job and never got over the failure of Afghan
>Armenian clearly treated like shit and doesn't care because it's so ingrained in him from a generation before
>kid whose never held a gun sent to front line and completely destroy his moral compass.
why would jews be pro-commie? aren't they supposed to be rich as fuck controlling banks and shit? make up your fucking mind poltards
>Mom, I got the part, I'm going to be on HBO!
>Oh that's great, we'll have a family get together and all watch it, I'm so proud of you
indians are dirty
Am I retarded?
They literally did nothing for those months.
They never even used the hole the miners died for.
Comrade Cat go check the reactor.
would this rip even change anything? i doubt that suit did shit anyway
both are moldovan ssr
>poos getting gassed
Not interesting. Also, the (semi)official death count of Chernobyl is in the thousands.
Did the slavs help against the jews?
imagine if somebody saw me laughing at this and asked what was funny. How could I possibly explain it?
Then Bacho is abkhaz. There is no way they missed the opportunity for that dynamic.
>I hate these guys
i legit thought Lyudmilla's baby was gonna have Dipygus or some shit. i was kind of disappointed that it "only died"
honestly I feel like the germans probably named it that on purpose because they knew the russians were lying or "joking" about how severe it was and they knew it'd just die
As said in every thread
It almost blew in a full on nuclear explosion that would have left central europe largely uninhabitable and caused massive loss of life. Alternatively, had the core melted down to the groundwater it would have potentially killed a similar area even more and for longer
The russians actually got their shit together and did an admirable job on the whole thing. Chernobyl was potentially the worst man made disaster in history but people back then weren't retarded and managed to dodge it.
>Am I retarded?
Should I answer this?
yes a little later
could you do it?
Bacho is georgian name, and garo is definitely armenian
Oh. Hmm. Maybe they could have shown that then.
I think the point was that they were only allowed 90 seconds so every second counted. The rip in the boot is a visual reminder of the extra seconds he was forced to spend on the roof.
To think that's what we put on the moon
Pretty sure Bacho introduces him to Pavel as Armenian.
yeah I thought they'd show a scene directly after birth, but her sitting on the bed without a baby was well done too
poo in loo are not human
The "Joker" is a playing card. One you can substitute for any other card and usually use as a trump.
Why didn't they throw the cats and dogs into the reactor?
I would because I love doggos and it's the quicker painless option
Absolutely not.
For 1 thousand rubles? That's huge money, I can buy Moskvich with them.
Give me the gun already
how many shots were heard?
The area is now full of dogs and other animals. They clearly didn't kill them all.
Oh, you'd let them all suffer? Pretty heartless of you huh
nah its the Latvian SSR one
literally nothing else happened during those months, all they did was cleanup. what the fuck else could they have shown? 15 minutes of bulldozers turning the earth over? like you wouldn't have complained about that if they did
Don't you think it's kinda deceptive to make pseudorealistic setting and then put random narrative characters who represented real (and alive) people?
There was no need for the script and show in the first place so the question about "do it better" doesn't even make sense to me. It can be the same with 100% fake characters, people will eat it. It can be better with real characters without the writer pulling shit out of his ass to write motives for the people he doesn't understand.
Imagine the outrage if some guy directed biography about Churchill but it's half-invented. It's the same thing here.
Marx's grandparents were literally Rabbis you should honestly know by now that communism is just another one of their schemes
Yeah was just about to say. Looks like Latvia to me too.
For money yes. They were going to starve either ways which is a much more gruesome death than getting shot.
"You made lava?" 2.0
Yes, fuck dogs.
>vets literally do this every week
>but no let's pretend like this is some greek tragedy and these dogs are the biggest victims of the disaster
It was filler and pointless.
Yes. They're just animals.
to me, it's cement pourer
Is this the most historically accurate episode so far? Aside from plastic windows in the USSR village of course.
Also IRL Tarakanov was a nicer guy.
>tfw never had a pet and can't empathize with people who love them
Lads, I watched Ep. 4 twice last night and I can't wait to get home from work and watch it again. I think I've watched every other episode at least 4 times at this point. Do I have autism or is this shit just really rewatchable?
>you're a scum for not allowing these animals to die slowly and painfully over a period of time
yes that's their job and the entire reason they're there
anyone who says no is a fuckup headed straight for the gulag
IRL I suspect he was trying to see if the reactor's turbine could power the cooling pumps at outputs that you would be seeing in case of an actual emergency and not just half-assing it like the Soviet style was.
Wow, at 700MW, the turbine has enough momentum to power the cooling pumps! Good thing that in case of war or Soviet plumbing, steam pressure to the turbine will remain constant even with cracked pipes everywhere!
>People being absolute FAGGOTS because "muh dogs"
I love cats and i still had the balls to shoot kittens when needed, you crybabies disgust me.
>literally spawns Catdog
>sue Nickleodeon for 100 billion rubbies
>Beautiful Soviet Union survives
What could have been comrade..
fucking based
if you're autistic you should feel pain when others are happy.
prequel with bacho in afghanistan when
Three puppeis were eating the forth one. They possibli killed him too. I can kill killers.
I'm not a redditor so yes
thats not even close to autism retard
you've never killed anything
the real drama and horror comes from the fact it was real, you can't make the same effect with fictional setting, because people will quickly point out your bad writing. And now people don't even question writing, because they told it's real. Some people never question the writing at all. That's some sad reality, but reality regardless.
All I ever feel is pain, Tovarisch.
>preferred intercourse in her right vagina
Bacho big nose big dick
autistics can't feel for others
Not with bullets...
Puppies... stomped them with gunstock.
*then moves in for the kiss*
Moldovan for first
second seemed to have blue when the Wind turned it a little toward the camera so im gonna say Uzbek
Did the Chernobyl disaster actually completely bunkrupt the soviet union? Their economy was in decline since they went to Afghanistan.
I could not.
Apart from being inefficient, why would shooting at the moderator pieces potentially start a fire? They were radioactive yes, but flammable or explosive?
Why couldn't the containment be put in place without the debris being shoveled down to start with?
is bacho just a regular soldier or speznas shit?
Episode theme
you're thinking of antisocial/psychopaths
I'm never using pencils again. Fuck graphite
So you're not allowed to say the whole thing felt like filler? There were much bigger much more important things going on yet instead half the episode was nameless dog hunting with nameless soldiers instead of time at the plant or time with characters that matter. they only did it because they knew the audience wouldn't care about the dead baby but would instead cry over dead dog.
>nicer guy
when is tarakanov being mean in the show?
No, the reason it fell was Gorby's lack of firm leadership. Slavs need a hard fist to keep them going.
I had to shoot a kitten with a broken back after some other cat fucked him up. Also several adult cats because they were hurting mine.
Yeah I probably could, but it would suck. I've put animals out of their misery before.
>Let them suffer
You know they weren't killed for THEIR benifit, right? Fucking brainlet. The animal would pick up rads and carry it places, they'd die and rot leaving their rad corpses behind, they'd swim in lakes and rivers. But that would be fine.
100% killed because they were a danger to people, dumb ass.
it was one of the major reasons, it damaged the USSR economy by 4bil USD(at that time)
he's just a regular shmuck
user you're so quirky xD you and your secret humor club xDD
He wears the insignia of the Afghan Veteran Corps. Those guys were pretty badass.
did speznas even exist in the USSR
He is the same as that kid, just a kid sent to serve the Soviet Union.
they're all psychos, dude. they cause nothing but harm in society
It was a liquidator-focused episode you fucking mong. No, it wasn't filler.
they were worrying about radioactivity when actually they smoke 5 packs a day.Hypocrites.Dyatlov did nothing wrong
>did speznas even exist in the USSR
India has shit aesthetics pun intended
Also, too far from the West.
As soon as I heard Holodomor in episode 4 I knew this was something very special
>pouring cement
>look down into pit full of dead dogs and cats
>see one twitching as the cement starts covering it
you're reading too deep into it with this show though, while i agree it's happening, her being a female works towards the contrast of wanting to defend something and help people (very motherly and defining actual womanhood) while the men in power almost made it worse by lying for the cause. but these men also were throwing themselves literally at the core to solve this mess they caused and they didn't depict the women doing all the shit stuff and ESPECIALLY for the cause you told, they need to include at least one female with somewhat of a power (or the illusion of it as seen in kgb scene and end of episode 4), so the femnazis can't do or say stuff about it. .
He could smell the dogs from a mile away
I counted 10
No need for language, Mr. Huckley.
I was close to killing my cat when he went crazy once and was attacking everyone. Gladly he calmed next day and we'd never know am I a psyhopath killer or not.
yes they were deployed in Afghanistan
>the kgb forgot to redact the table of contents
there's no way this happened, right?
In short, no.
It shocks me how ignorant some goys still are about the history of Communism and the early Soviet Union.
Don't you know about all the Jewish bankers that bankrolled Lenin(A Jew by the way)?
Stalin was pretty much the only goy in the OG-gang and even he was married to a Jewess.
>go to buy some food
>there is none at the store
>but still there is 1 km line of people buying out everything that comes from the trucks
autism is a completely different thing my guy
autists are just awkward and socially inept
still better than shooting pets and jerking off on graphite on the roof
>liquidator focused episode
Except it wasn't. The rest of the episode played out like a normal episode. How stupid can you be?
I shit it abit when they said there were 18 other reactors that did the same thing constantly, imagine if 2 had gone off.
Imagine losing your balance and falling over backwards into the shit pit
that's just "smarter than thou" moments that writers learned from Sherlock, nothing extraordinary, just a power of the MIND
>close to killing your cat when it freaked out for a single day
yeah I think its safe to say you're a psychopath user
someone shop that nigga with the sideburns from trailerpark boys with Legasov's head trying to bribe away the .webm illustrating a radioactive material
It's spelled nigger you faggot
Unironically yes, and pretty it would be easy. Cats would be harder for me personally, but then again, they are harder to hit as well
I've seen in the news that they kill carers and shit themselves
so they bankrolled the commies AND simultaneously bankrolled the americans so they could protect israel for decades? it's like they bankroll everything you don't like. weird how that works.
Lol this is like the 20th time you wrote this, easy on the autism
My favorite comedy of the year. Gorbatschews face when they asked him to send 3 guys to their deaths after going on for 5 minutes about the nuclear holocaust 60 million people are facing, still has me laughing.
But he's white.
It was a fucking power move though to roll up graphite dust and smoke it though.
Because they had them. This is just how Soviets/Russians think, they're very pragmatic. They just recently in the 2000's burned through the last of the Afghanka uniforms, why just throw stuff away if it works? And on another not I don't think all they killed was cats and dogs, probably had to put down farm animals and big game where a bullet with a little more oumpfh might be nice. Keeps ammunition waste to a minimum as well.
he repeats to get attention
Wtf Bros
Fuck Mr Hickey
lmao do you live in uganda mate
Of course there is man. Intelligence agencies are still staffed by humans and humans make mistakes.
Not saying it happened like that IRL, but while KGB was a bit more competent than CIA, that doesn't mean they were flawless.
If they were they wouldn't comically fail in their 1991 coup attempt.
Are there any Soviets in Afghanistan kino to watch while waiting for ep5?
no it could definitely happen, it wasn't a super cool ninja assassin KGB nigga scratching shit out in documentation but some bored KGB clerk doing it, half assing the job. Shit like this happened literally all the time there.
People think KGB and imagine cool ebul agents but it was an organization that employed tens of thousands of people and most of their work was boring soviet bureaucracy that would make EU officials blush
it's not the animal in focus of the drama, it's the little kid that gets drafted to clean the mess the old shits have made by robbing him of his innocence. animals are just a tool
Well I imagined that grabbing him and snapping his neck would be the best way but I was just planning my tacticts, not that it would bring me pleasure of some kind. R-r-right?
I would
He was wrong... But he was kinda the only one who stayed calm and collected in the control room , might be he didn't understand that there were something to panic about.. but a lot of the staff just seemed to panic and had to be yelled at, to do anything
so were the helicopters dropping the soviet equivalent of agent orange on the forest ?
It will work better in 20 years, when most people will have stopped eating meat.
idk what news you are looking at
>How to spot a ATF agent with one simple test
>You're alarmist, got to the hospital.
(am I doing it right?)
That are ten other reactors of the type that blew in Chernobyl still running and making energy. They had retrofits and whatever but they are the same make as that one
no, I don't think anyone knew what happened until an actual commission was put in place to figure it out. some scientists knew that the control rods had graphite plugs and some others knew that RBMK reactors were notoriously unstable at low power levels but it's unclear whether anyone had actually figured out that "1+1=a steam explosion that leaves the reactor core bare for the whole world to see" at that time
So you jerked it to dogs dying or you just don't understand what actual filler is?
Wait what was staling doing in Chernobyl?
I watched wpisode with a voicover first with my mom, she doesn't know Enlish that well and his surname was never mentioned. Or it was subber's joke?
smells pretty underage in here
we all got HICKEY'd
Can I make a toast?
Thank you
Better than the roof of the reactor
Killing animals does not make you a psycho. People project themselves onto their pets, even though animals are not cognitive, which is why most people could give a shit about a human starving but will cry about those animal rescue commercials. Most animals are innocent though, and dont deserve death unlike some piece of shit human garbage beings
Ok it's filler now fuck off
here's your prequel bro
So, what do Russians think now that the show has portrayed them as retarded savages who can't be trusted with spoons?
Chernobyl was a false flag to cover up chemtrail prototypes
No I mean, sod him. The bastard
its to weigh down particles of dust so they don't get carried away when the wind blows
>Killing animals does not make you a psycho.
If you don't feel bad about it later, it certainly does. It means you lack empathy
The show doesn't address why the crew were stalling the reactor as hard as they were. I've seen a figure of 30MW at the point of rod reinsertion where the tests was supposed to be done at 700. I think its because people dont wanna badmouth the engineers who died horrible deaths trying to fix their shit but someone dropped the ball pretty hard there
Most Russians seem to be very pleased with how the show is handled
>so they bankrolled the commies AND simultaneously bankrolled the americans
Yeah, it's almost like they fought a war together against the only Country that put a dent in their subversive activities. It's like a kosher sandwich.
Its only 3.6 roentgens tho..
>not Modern Talking
Now brace for the REAL episode theme from 0:30 or so
this is how everyone has always viewed russians though
based kopps poster
rude desu
kino film.
So, will this mini-series end without elephant's foot reference?
It literally was because Dyatlov told them to
Watching right now. Pretty kino beginning
It's a real shame they water down the show like this. But it's still kino status for you right?
Filler episode filled with potential.
>what happened to the miners and liquid nitrogen heat exchanger
>what happened to lyudmila ignatenko and her baby
>what happened to the liquidators
>robot scene is too short
>last episodes we go scherbina being from cocksusker to telling gorbachev to fuck off without context almost
Liquidator scene alone was great but too short. i reckon it could've been a good story arch like Vasily/Misha and then the aftermath. I was thinking when the boy looked over the railing which he was specified not too, that his face would melt off Akimov style. When he did it again, I was sure but it never delivered. Then the boot getting stuck on graphite chunk, I was thinking it would fall off next second after he rubbed it like horny dog. And finally faceplanting fucking 4 million roentgen puddle.
All for "comrade your done".
Fuck this filler webisode.
fair enough
If referenced it would be in the last episode for sure..
Most seem to be happy with how well it actually portrayed the Soviet Union, you know because most of them don't actually like it, like Germans don't mind it when people call Nazi's bad.
It's the best ep so far
wow glenn howerton is so good in this
Killing someones family pet should make you sad, because you made their HUMAN owners sad. Killing a stray cat thats frothing at the mouth, trying to attack your loved ones is no reason for guilt
germans are staring to miss the nazi era
>last episodes we go scherbina being from cocksusker to telling gorbachev to fuck off without context almost
The context is like 6 fucking months of crisis.
Any other good miniseries to watch while I wait for episode 5?
>last episodes we go scherbina being from cocksusker to telling gorbachev to fuck off without context almost
The robot breaking down stopped Valery's smile which sent Boris over the edge. He wants to protect that smile.
>more rads, your face?
the sneak peek gives an idea of courtroom scenes and bureaucracy-only stuff
>best so far
Completely the opposite, how could you be this stupid?
It's funny because the creator said the show is pretty much about the cost of lies and politics and that the 2016 election inspired him to make it this way.
Imagine being a brainlet
no, it's just more cleanup and the woman explains how it happened
Pretty much, but give an animal a name and then kill it will still make you have a pretty shit day.
Also, I keep recommending to watch some uncut nature documentaries where animals get eaten genitals first while they're alive. Or some old animal that has no teeth and horribly starves to death or dies due to secondary effects of malnutrition.
Animals die just as humans do and it's more about making sure their lives were peaceful and nice and their death comes quick without suffering. And cutting open the carotis is probably just as painful has having it clamped shut by the fangs of some predator.
Rambo 3
>Full-hour of this
Well the show peaked in the first episode and went downhill after
Wolf Hall
Show me A Hero
Shap Objects
2 of those will trigger the /pol/tard
At least Gorbo didn't put little kids in cages.
no thanks.
>when it finally starts to click who the good guys were in WW2
did the baby thing really happen?
>they're happy to see you
we don't read
>killing pets was so shocking
this is another western mental delusion. They don't have children so they put their affection onto pets.
Pets needed to be killed to save children, families and other humans. Nobody liked it, but a choice had to be made.
No, in real life the baby was born and grew up with mutant powers where she could shrink and grow her breasts at will. It is a state secret though, comrade.
>tfw no benny the cop to escort you of the chernobyl perimeter
What' your roof-fu /RBMK/? Masha, Katya or Nina?
Based interpretation of their relationship. Four episodes and no news, no matter how good, can make Valery smile. Boris finally succeeds, finally gets a smile out of Valery, and then with a glitch and some static it's gone. Although Boris couldn't put it into words, deep down he knew...this was the moment, when Valery dared to trust and had his trust shattered, the moment that would ultimately break his dear friend.
If Gorbachev had been in the room Boris would have killed him with his bare hands.
>not Valery!
>not my friend's smile you son of a bitch!
>Shap Objects
Feminist sjw faggot trash stop posting.
you bore me
>Im gonna make Chernobyl half-truth kino because orange man bad
I'm getting tired of you mutts and your muttery.
episode 4 is not only about dogs if you haven't noticed, it's about the ded babby (caused by the explosion) and all the contamination that needs to be dealt with (caused by the explosion) like using a robot to clean roof but then robobro ded and you send bio robots. then you clean out contaminated animals and people that still haven't left
everything related to the incident and how they solved the problem. that is what the show is about and it's not filler.
>muh filler
They were working 2 jobs a day didn't have time sit around.
Yelena is the best it's the reactor's cover
Shoo, shoo, ATF recruiter
The russians actually did a banging job on containing the disaster. When I was a couple years old in like 1992 I still remember Chernobyl being a fairly common conversation topic especially since I live pretty close. I could never get it as a kid so what some building blew big deal and thought its boring shit.
It could have literally killed Central Europe in two different ways and they managed to put a lid on it. If this happened in todays Russia it probably WOULD kill Central Europe but the soviets were really well organized back then.
real mean go with elephantfootfu
thanks for your fanfic
You have to be a pretty big fucking brainlet to not understand the point of this episode, especially with the dialogue between the kid and the Afghan vet
>What did he say when it exploded?
>He just kept saying what he had been saying for hours, "It didn't explode, send them all to the infirmary!"
Wait a fucking minute...there were THREE Core-Chans???
based bacho isn't even mentioned on imdb. what a shame
>politics and that the 2016 election inspired him to make it this way.
this is factually wrong or you are lying to be ironic and make me post pic related unironically
he's being delusional, the moderator drawed the comparison, the show was being written before orange man got to be the leader of the free world. and if you talk about lies you can mean both parties since we all know that democrats are also capable of lying. anything else would be delusional
it's... not that one.
i shouldn't have laughed but i almost did
core-chan wasn't made out of granite you fucking degenerate
If I was to die in 5 years either way, I would probably also drink vodka and smoke 5 packs BECAUSE I'M ALSO STUCK IN A SOVIET SHITHOLE DYING.
Jews hate communists
That's why you're a cuck
>So, what do Russians think now that the show has portrayed them as retarded savages who can't be trusted with spoons?
it's fares fares
not based at all retard
new thread
>The russians actually did a banging job on containing the disaster.
No, Three Mile Island is containment. But that requires having some money to build a decent reactor and reactor building up front.
Everybody lies but the biggest liars write the scripts.
i know but even on his imdb profil there is no link to chernobyl
>they have Biorobot Soldier #2 but not Bacho
wtf bros he deserves better
They were roofs.
Three mile island was americans being lucky as fuck. After they exchanged fuel rods, they discovered a bunch of them had melted down. And that was a substantial amount of time after the event, too. Months or even years iirc.
kek put that in translate and it's no different from Yea Forums
nah that's just the soviet unions summer skin
because film is the magic of illusion
Watch the zero hour Chernobyl documentary if you want a factual conclusion.
The reactor went to zero,.then they tried to make to save it by powering up to 700 again but it just kept on rising and they hadn't noticed that the reactor was in full nuclear reactivity plus the graphite tipped control rods that made it go super critical which made some super pressurized something go boom and boom.
>I don't remember the last part. But it's pretty accurate to what happened.
we figured this out years ago, same with the japanese. united through our penises. dick unity
All of the post stalin leaders were Russian, not Jewish
They also supported the Arab countries against Israel
>the uncle june webm
they are literally me (Yea Forums)
Why's it called the elephants foot when it looks more like a big bum?
>underrated post