Star Wars General /swg/ - Darth Trump Edition

How bad will episode 9 be? Does anyone care anymore?

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name jef. i love pusy :D

Kek what a bitch

I have this suspicion that Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney knowing they'd fuck it up royally, so he can buy it back at half price including tip and have a triumphant return as a director and producer.

>How bad will episode 9 be? Does anyone care anymore?
i seriously don't

Isn't this obvious? Trump is a fucking retard

>Real political figure capable of doing damage is worse than a pretend wizard who blows up planets
You don't say, Mr Hamill, you don't say.

And yet he'll win 2020 easily.

Trump is an Israel shill agent. Based Mark Hamill hates kike allies.

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Doesn't matter you fools will eat George Lucas's steamy turds and will thank him for it.

Well people love Darth Vader.

This is true.
Anakin did nothing wrong and was willing to sacrifice anything to free the people from the oppression of the Republic until Obi-wan betrayed him.
Trump, on the other hand, is an all bark no bite sissyboi NYC silver spoon faggot with no conviction who backs whoever sucks his dick the most while ensuring the Republic remains ultimately unchanged.

Hamil is the only TDS sufferer that gets a pass.

Him and David Attenborough

Hes 75, he cant afford to play the long game

Darth Vader at least accomplished the goals he set out to do. Well aside from the one.

Daily reminder Disney promotes violence against women.

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ITT: faggots afraid of going against their globalist masters.

Listen up you degenerate cucks, answer me this. Why are you shilling Trump as being pro-israel? I thought you cucks hated anti-semitism.

Also do you reckon you will win in a civil war? I dont

i really dont get it with you american as a whole why almost every public figures is so obsessed on hating towards trump.

Probably, that's not to his credit though.

What the fuck does he mean 'at least'? Luke's redemption of his father was personal triumph for both characters, how could a man who claims to be so invested in the series and its content, indeed someone who played one of the characters involved, cheapen this story so casually?

Good. We need more dead roasties irl.

I have a folder of dead liberal whores who were enriched. It keeps me sane

Darth Vader would have made a better ruler than some council.

>cool outfit
>well rested from spending his down time in his relaxation sphere
>able to sense plots and danger from millions of kilometers away
>actual combat veteran who still isn't afraid to get his hands dirty
>created hundreds of millions of jobs in infrastructure projects, including the creation of an entire artificial moon, all union labor too

Its because hes a spanner in the works. The plan is to have destroy the middle class and make everyone slaves to the elite.

Trump is, at the very least, delaying that process. Its why i consider everyone against trump either misinformed or malevolent

He’s left wing. Left wing people are retards.

As an American Trump represents some pretty unamerican ideas as a whole(white nationalism, corporate greed,etc.). I was hoping he'd be impeached even if the Russian collusion shit was stupid for Dems to push. He deserves to be challenged by anyone and everyone.

He’s not buying it back. He sold it because he knew it wasn’t worth as much as people think. It’s why he held onto the toy rights.

>Most educated people, nearly all scientists, mathematicians, and artists, and most pre-2012 internet users are all retards.
Alright buddy.

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I agree, but that's bc most of america is retarded too

Your scientists don’t know the difference between male and female and your artists are just court jesters.

>Your scientists don’t know the difference between male and female
Please point out any scientist that doesn't know the difference. Because it sounds more like you don't understand the difference between sex and gender.

>pretty unamerican ideas as a whole(white nationalism, corporate greed,etc.).
nah user im asian and i think having pride on your own race is not a bad thing.

Back to Tumblr, fag

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>Bill Nye is an intellectual to the left


So you don't then okay. Trannies don't like scientists by the way, because they point out that gender is a social construct and you can be whatever you please but sex is biology and calling yourself one thing doesn't matter, because you're still not really a woman/man/whatever.

obsessed eurotrash

The same intellectuals that call Islam the religion of peace after every car bomb goes off? The same intellectuals who don’t know the difference between men and women?


imagine believing this

Uhh, sure /pol/. Did trailer parks get high speed internet access in 2012 or something?

>Trump is a rich New Yorker and a Republican

Y-you trailer p-park trash it w-was her turnnnnnnnn

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Take your meds, schizo.

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Well you're not an American so I don't care what you have to say ching chong dogeater.

Remember when Trump blew up that inhabited planet? I can't believe he never got impeached for it.

its true all along most leftist are secretly racist if someone had different opinion than them.

>leftist are secretly racist

They've become quite open recently

He used the easily swayed political right as a vehicle to become the president. He's a businessman first and he outplayed everyone. I like him. However, you're a closed minded fool who follows retarded internet trends in order to fit in an anonymous message board full of shitters and retards. Just another pawn of the Jews.

I'm not actually racist I was just parroting daddy Trump's message and speech patterns thought you would like that I spoke on your level being retarded and all.

>inhabited planet?

You mean Alderrann? That was Leias home planet, it was full of life. To be fair that kill was Grand Moff Tarkins

Wouldn't that make them "based" or whatever other phrase you morons use.

He is whatever he needs to be at the time for his business lmafo fucking retard.

Fuck im drunk, i thought you wrote uninhabited!

I bet the guy who posted this message has a really strong grasp on politics and chooses his words carefully when he makes a statement.

No. I hate racism.

Then why support a clown like Trump?

Because hes all the middle class have got

The Democrats are the real racists, you fucking white male.

Lie down with the dogs and get fleas, there are no Democrats left who aren't explicitly anti-white. This is what happens when you don't punch left - the insane elements gain control of your party.

Because he is not racist

Holy shit shut the fuck up what has Trump done for the middle class as he continues to suck Goldman Sachs cock and make disgustingly racist statements?

Got my tax break and unemployment is at a 50 year low. Additionally, Trump is destroying China, and China plus Jewish business practices are what destroyed the middle class.

Just sit back and relax, there's quite literally nothing you can do to stop him from winning in 2020.

>Holy shit shut the fuck up what has Trump done for the middle class as he continues to suck Goldman Sachs cock and make disgustingly racist statements?
tell that to this people

Its a tradegy that people can be so easily brainwashed

>an article from 2017 about idiotic Trump voters is supposed to show anything other than Trump voters were and are still idiots.

G8 B8 M8

wat is wrong with you tards?

George is incapable of making a good movie unless he has people and producers to control the dumb shit he wants to put in his movies.

>white nationalism

All the best countries are white countries, bro. That's why brown people are flooding them with immigrants right now.

The Sonic Movie trailer got more views than the SW9 trailer. Make your own conclusion.

Trump is more intelligent than you though

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How so? No one ever gives examples

He does know Vader takes regular trips to slaughter Tusken Raiders, right?

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He does know Vader was complicit in the creation and administration of a weapon that can destroy planets in a single strike

I wonder when Trump did that, or murdered dozens of children by his own hands, or enslaved entire worlds

Imagine being this brainwashed by RLM videos

Imagine thinking I have seen whatever a rlm video is suppose to be.

Imagine being in denial about watching RLM videos

Imagine being a poo poo head


I'd be pretty pissed if Trump was my president too. He's a fucking embarrassment to white people everywhere. There's no way he has an IQ over 90.

>Orange man good!
I get that the people complaining gets annoying but why are you all so hellbent on defending Trump

He’s unironically not wrong. Burn more coal and build a wall good legacy Trump.

no, it's just pure arrogance, ignorance and overall low IQ

You probably wouldn't notice it if it weren't for all the people here who are obsessed with the people hating on Trump. Notice how it's all just cherry picked twitter screenshots

Why are adult liberals so obsessed with comparing politics to children's movies

Whats Mark's endgame?

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>th-thanks for the oxygen, Empreror Kathleen

>The polar caps will be completely gone by 2010!
>Polar caps still here
>Trump is going to tear the country apart!
>All the race riots that characterized the end of Obama's term in office suddenly and abruptly end
>Socialism builds healthy countries!
>Europe is falling apart and collapsing under the strain of millions of subhumans

Lmao when will they get a clue?

Yeah user must not have read Hillary's leaked Goldman Sachs speeches where she tells them it's her intention to lie to the public while secretly intending to do their bidding.

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is there something in the cali air or water that makes people into colossal faggots?

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Brainwashed RLM supporter incapable of making a response. Shocking.

Wow you're actually retarded.

>Memes and ad hominems

Niggas wonder why their queen bitch lost a a cartoon frog hahahaaaahh

trump is a faggot

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Imagine still not understanding how 50% of your country couldve voted for trump in 2016 and will vote for him again in 2020.

Protip: its not because they are all braindead

Trump is an Israeli puppet. Supporters of his should not be anti semitic.

Not entire worlds but he was entangled with the mob in the 80's. There are definitely dead guidos underneath his Casinos.

>Darth Vader to the bridge.
The fuck kind of hack writing is this shit

Hillary Clinton, the most powerful woman in America, lost to a cartoon frog. Remain, who spent more on campaigning and had the state broadcaster in their side, lost to Brexiteers.

This will never not be funny.

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An Israeli puppet lost to an Israeli puppet. I couldnt contain my joy.