Are there any good films about life in modern China?
Are there any good films about life in modern China?
Wandering Earth
How many times was she shot?
Black Coal, Thin Ice and Us and Them are pretty good. It's set in the mid-late 70s, but I also recommend watching the movie Youth.
Hope that was worth life in a labor camp.
Mainland Chinese people look so weird.
When does she get executed?
>300 points have been deducted from your social credit score.
>implying she wasn't thrown to a rape camp
So she's dead, right?
She was arrested on live stream, thrown in jail for a month, then had to go through reeducation, then had to tell all her followers that she was wrong and that the government is amazing and loves her and she loves them.
She won the battle in the end. She knew she loved Big Chong.
oh wow hahahahaha
How much did this affect her social credit score?
>She was arrested on live stream
Would love to see clips of this.
>had to tell all her followers that she was wrong and that the government is amazing and loves her and she loves them
China has obviously read Nineteen Eighty-Four
I can't find it but I might actually be mixing her up with the national anthem disrespecting Chinese woman. One of them was arrested on live stream, sorry.
>china bad because defacing public property is illegal
i mean what would happen if someone ruined a trump poster ?
Did she die?
not bad I bet, only charged her for one bullet
Pretty sure he was just referencing the end of 1984
They're already ruined after they're printed anyway.
Depends on if he's black or not.
If you think being charged for vandalism is the same thing as being sent to a reeducation camp then you're fucking stupid you mainland peasant.
Anyone find anything about her? Only could find references from our retarded cousin Yea Forums
She is dead now
Don't worry about it, they'll never find the body.
She's probably dead on a ditch
b-but muh china is a superpowah
She got locked up in a psychiatric hospital by the Chinese government and fed poison
>china rekt threads are making their way not just to Yea Forums but across the broader Internet
the double irony of your reddit post is if you are serious, you couldn't say this in china, and if you were trolling, you still couldn't say this in china
>tfw ywn dong dong
>nooo, anyone that disrespects president is reddit!!!!
have sex
it was for her own good.
>Right now there are a group of people wearing uniforms outside my door. I’ll go out after I change my clothes. I did not commit a crime. The people and groups that hurt me are the ones who are guilty.
>Historians in hundreds of years time will uncover Yea Forums and the Chinese shitposting memes posted just before the breakout of WWIII
What a time to live in.
based pooh president
What a vile, contemptible woman.
Bullshit and lies. If she dies it is karma for being so nasty and wicked.
>don't insult god emperor
sounds like you'd love to live in china
Honestly based and redpilled. China knows how to run a unified fascist government. Part of the reason the west is dying is because we got memed into believing freedom of speech was a positive value. It only opened the door for leftist degeneracy and criticism of white patriarchy.
>As tensions increased in 2019, a new force appeared, eager to insult the Chinese government apparently with the goal of starting World War 3. Their efforts were not in vain, as the events of January 2020 would later prove.
Sometimes it's easy to forget how based our freedoms are. Could a song like 'Fortunate Son' or 'War Pigs' be made in China or Afghanistan? Thank Christ I'm an American.
Yeah dude, keep eating junk food and upvote this post!
Based Xi-Jinping People’s Thot Patrol
No theres nothing based about that. Yoh weaken the nation willingly under the guise of being an intellectual. The only thing leftist happy rhetoric has done is made us weaker. You literally do the subversive propaganda work of our enemies for free.
Cope harder retard. The ZOG sucks but we can actually say what we want. I can say Fuck Trump. I can say Fuck America, and not worry about the consequences. Sorry you can't do the same Xi Chong
>totalitarianism and censorship by the government is ok as long as I agree with their platform
based sheep
>and then everyone clapped
You're both retards. user wasn't defending Trump, user was making a point that in the nation Xi rules, you can't criticize him, whereas in the US you can criticize Trump all you want. Seriously, how fucking stupid are you? You call out a perceived knee-jerk yet it's a knee-jerk you are guilty of as well.
Don't they kill people for this stuff in China? First time I've seen a feminist worthy of a real "So Brave." in a little bit.
There's too many Chinese lovers in here, get out of the thread before I dab on your credit scores with the T-words
I am so proud to be in a country that allows such songs to exist! Living with liberals is a small price to pay to blast "IT AIN'T ME" out of my pickup.
This, there are not many rules for regular people in China, if you can't even abide by them you deserve the boot.
He made a simple dig at the president. Nothing about the post was a refutation of the point. user here having an autistic knee jerk reaction to that is cringe, sorry you can't see it.
Perhaps the only based woman to have ever walked the face of the earth
Bu fao long xiao shan!
If i were in china i wouldn't be cussing stupid fatmericans, dipshit. Your liberties amount to jack-shit when you don't do anything worthwhile with them.
>I'm gonna call a guy on the internet a retard! MURICAH
Pat yourself on the back and be sure to share this on reddit
No they don't, communist regimes usually force dissidents and disgraced officials to self-criticism and re-education.
Daily reminder the Chinese have it right, dissenters should be silenced or put in gulags. The reason the west is in the state it's in is because we allow criticism of our government. We actively turn our own people against us and than wonder why our society is crumbling. Just look st Islam and christianity, you allow people to depict jesus and than jesus is being mockingly depicted in family guy as some homo degenerated, meanwhile literally everyone fears criticizing Islam in fear or righteous retribution. A strong nation interested in stability should practice censorship
Try watching The Great Wall.
>contrarians now applaud a system where this very site would be banned
based ironic bootlickers
Sure Zhao Shong. Keep seething. I'll be drinking craft beer while you slave away for pennies.
The Chinese govenrment considers Yea Forums as degeneracy you dumbass
No the state would be the shepherd and I would be the herd dog enforcing you, you would be the sheep. And you would be happier for it because you'll get protection from the wolves and br allowed to graze in peace
I'm not going to even get into this with a racist idiot like you, but it's just different. Comparing islam to Christianity is just ignorant and honestly its pretty f-ing racist too. Christianity inherently comes from a place of white privilege, and therefore can be made fun of. Islam is a whole different story "pal".
Sorry Chang but I gotta do it to ya.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomóus Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
>I would be the herd dog enforcing you
What is your job in whatever country you live in now?
nice trips
I'm getting tired of your drivel, Zhang. The state needs to be held accountable for its actions, it's not some virtuous entity above critique.
why are bootlickers such cucks
Not a single person does anything. Jesus fuck.
>this completely fucking retarded opinion brought to you by the freedom of speech
>"no of course the people in charge will only share my opinions and this would never backfire on me"
And they'll change it to disallow dissenters and maybe than Yea Forums will actually have TV discussion instead of offtopic politics bait
The state no, the state doesn't exist except as a notion to protect corrupt politicians.
People should be held accountable.
Bitter because they feel they have no control over their own lives so neither should anyone else
China is literal domino. You will see some serious shit when the CIA will consider china threat and will start to use their psy-op warfare.
Posted it before I could, well done.
>modern China
>It's set in the mid-late 70s
You had one fucking job.
>Just look st Islam and christianity
Yeah, about that, fucking muslims are in mass internment camps and what christians are in the country exist under constant harassment, not to mention places of worship get raided by police.
will china ever see a revolution?
whats the tag for this on sadpanda
I'm a high-ranking member of an anti-homosexuality enforcement squad. When they locate gays I'm one of the people tasked with carrying them to a roof and throwing them off the edge.
Sometimes they don't die and we must throw stones at them afterwards.
You're doing great work Ahmed
Modern China started in 1911
>She lost her face so the others could keep theirs
So this is the power of bug mentality
go on...
They have seen at least 3 in the past century , count double if you include shit like the cultural revolution.
Those religions were only bought up by me as a seperate non related example that proves the benefits of censorship when protecting your own society I could care less how China treats their religious groups
Is there a story behind that .webm?
Funny how if your polices which you so cherish came into fruition, what you typed wouldn't be allowed at all. Massive irony here.
Muh Xinjiang and Free Tibet are failed CIA psyops.
>films about life in modern China
>ctrl-f "Here, Then"
>no hits
Are you fucks even trying?
China is a threat to humanity. Not only to Western domination, but to the survival of mankind itself.
Chinese should be culled on a global scale and have their shithole country nuked into oblivion.
she told him sneed was cringe
>China followed a capitalist market strategy in 1911
what did he mean by this?
>China has 34 million men than women
How is this going to play out? They literally have an incel army.
And that's a good thing. I wouldn't need to say it or want to say it if the government stood for it's on integrity for once. Shutting down my criticism and any inflammatory opinions would mean a more stable orderly society.
i hope somebody eventually realizes this is a troll post
spotted the non american
She didn't want to date him, so he lashed out when he found out she was texting another man.
Uh you should read up on history lad.
They've been following a market strategy in their current regime since Deng and Xi is further liberalizing the economy, and China only became a socialist republic in the 50's.
No you won't, you'll be here posting sneed threads and farting cum bubbles.
Why do you confuse the state with society?
Imagine being this much of a bootlicking cuck.
is it that unbelievable for him to drink craft beer while doing that
tiananmen square massacre
And yet it's not banned when Facebook is, really makes you think
damn, how many social credits for her?
Banning gays is ok but forcing you to live in a society where you have to work as a slave and don't complain or they put you in a mental hospital seems a bit too dumb for me.
no they arent you dumb commie
>The literary inquisition (Chinese: 文字獄; pinyin: wénzìyù; literally: 'imprisonment due to writings') or speech crime (Chinese: 以言入罪) refers to official persecution of intellectuals for their writings in China.
Kek i guarantee you more books are burned and intellectuals thrown into jail anually in europe for violating views on the holy hoax than there are being jailed in china
that's some 1984 shit user. will come soon to europe/murica right?
A stable state that enforces the society leads to a stable society. It's not hard.
Historically speaking, they're overdue for another mass slaughter.
came here to post it
People with your genetic type need to be culled from the breeding population.
What happens if they fail re-education?
The Dalai Lama himself admitted to being a CIA asset dude.
>CIA sends millions of Muslims to death camps because they're constantly riling them up
I wonder if the CIA cares about how royally they fucked up? Do they care that Hillary leaked the list of CIA assets operating in China?
it might user, western governments are picking up on the whole censoring the internet thing
Based "I want to destroy the world economy" poster
>A stable state that enforces the society
States are never stable and they don't enforce society, society itself does that.
The state destroys.
China is an amazing example of the state destroying society.
Chinks are literal insects that don't give a shit if one of their countrymen is run over in the street.
That's what every communist revolutionary ever says until they end up killed after the revolution
Recommended kinos that have females thrown into rape camps?
You stay in forced labor until you are reformatted, even fucking Puyi, the last Qing emperor and ruler of Manchuko was turned.
you'd be wrong
Americans don't care about their children going to school and coming back in a body bag
There are no brakes on this wide ride
Look at Vietnam, a war that existed only to secure the poppy fields to finance CIA black ops, or to the Taliban/Alqaida connection and you have your answer.
yes they do, what the fuck are you talking about?
>that guy who makes the same thread on multiple boards to harvest (You)s
Very greedy and dishonest.
Haha. Where will Ameridumbs buy all their cheap shit from if China is nuked? lmao
what did the driver mean by this?
>Look at Vietnam, a war that existed only to secure the poppy fields to finance CIA black ops,
what a fucking brainlet
it was mainly to stop the spread of communism, which was a good idea in theory but the war not in practice
communism destroyed itself
Asians have lower frequency of genes resposnible for empathy. They are unironically bug people.
>people with dangerous harmful opinions need to be gotten rid of
Lmao you already believe what I believe but dont even realise it. The irony.
Why are amerimutts so triggered by China? You'd think if they were winning they'd be in a more layback "lol China" attitude instead of absolute seething.
>get hit by some cunt
>oops better drive this bus full of people the size of the bridge
>gets recorded on tiktok
say what you will about asia but I'm glad I chose to live in Korea and not this hellhole
Good goy, big government good. Rights endowed by nature bad.
wait a second, vietnam was about poppy fields too?
Why would Hillary have that list? Dingbat.
insect people
You smoke too much propaganda bro.
>Lmao you already believe what I believe
No I don't.
I'm not a bootlicker.
Why do you enjoy being a slave?
Is it a fetish thing or something?
Why do you absolutely despise society?
I'm not a communist though I'm an authoritarian fascist capitalist
Did he deliberately veer off the bridge because he was raging at that woman?
Yes, the same poppy fields that were used previously by the french to finance black ops through the French connection.
I lived in China for a long time and i want to say its not as bad as the internet makes out.
Tossed around like a china doll
she should have worn a mask. now she will get life in prison
>lol why are people so triggered by death camps and authoritarianism XD
She just had her social score reduced by over 9000 points
Hey Yea Forums, what are some kino films about ancient China / ancient Asia / Genghis Khan etc.
The Great Wall sucked, a lot. So not that.
calmly walking away from that is already hard to imagine
but those two ladies waiting in line the whole time, that's on a whole other level
damn that libtard user got BTFO rekt
literally who makes fun of korea. The girls (boys) are sexy and cute as fuck.
Yes and Ill bet she learned her lesson
I'm right though,
you smoke too much conspiracy theories
>Rights endowed by nature
Do Americans really believe this?
Better a bootlicker tto a benevolent dictatorship han a crime ridden shithole state ""'democracy""" where self hating leftists votes count just as much as yours and they vote for globalist policies that weaken your nation out of white colonial guilt
Seething? Lol no we're just amazed at a real modern society that acts like some shit out of bad scifi movie to its citizens. nobody in the west really gives a shit because we know they like living that way.
I agree, fuck gun control and fuck china
>he doesn't build his worldview around the laws of nature
Enjoy slavery tho
Clone wars.
>its better to be completely fucked
get a load of this guy
Anything by Zhang Yimou, his latest movie is awesome, top notch visuals.
Not enough females for that. Going to da rape camps.
the laws of nature tells you that the strong rule the weak
I'd like to see a Fast and Furious take place in China, it wouldn't just be about racing cars but avoiding poor Chinese build quality like moon crater pot holes, collapsing bridges, and collapsing apartment blocks
cringe and bluepilled authoritarian bootlicker
>Rights endowed by nature
how to get hired as rape camp counselor?
willing to commute or relocate
I don't trust Yea Forums and Chinese webms. I expected her to get shot or run over at any moment.
thanks user
>chad thread gets deleted
>this one stays up
>im afraid of typical chinese webms
you don't belong here and you should be shot
There's like a billion other people so life isn't that valuable over there
>build quality like moon crater pot holes, collapsing bridges, and collapsing apartment blocks
All this is coming to an America near you, user.
>you don't belong here and you should be shot...
...or run over.
Why have I not heard about her before? It's amazing how well China has institutionalized government control, their country are packed with cowards none brave enough to do anything.
Is there no porn of her?
Real life problems are more important than /r9k/ memes
Refresh if nothing shows up, bud.
Maybe. I don't speak chink though so I wouldn't know.
me on the right
It'll cost you 500 credit score for the sauce, laowai
Literal robots.
You would be the Comrade sent to the roof to look into the burning reactor
>using dubu pics wrong
Liability laws. If anyone steps in to do anything they also take on the financial costs of that person.
Its why shit like people getting hit by cars while bystanders just continue on their way happens.
>Dong Yaoqiong
Kek you realize that China literally has been going through phases of total government control collapsing due to massive civilian unrest on a regular basis for the past 10k years I hope.
Their current government was literally born from a revolution against a despot that was instated after a revolution that toppled a despot that was instated after a revolution that toppled a dynasty of despots.
Operation save Dong when?
if you had to spend even 30 seconds with a woman you'd drive a bus off a bridge too, stay incel for your own sanity
oh fuck im 2.5 weeks into nofap what are you doing to me
>pulls her dress down to keep her modest while he beats the shit out of her
what a nice guy.
wait til we have it here
using the wrong pronoun will be a felony
you only think this because you fantasize about being part of the ruling elite one day.
it will never happen and you’ll be a bootlicker until the day they decide to execute you for faggotry or whatever fetish you’re secretly into.
>I read ‘on killing’ by David Grossman
absolute pleb
>ywn eat Chinese kinoplex popcorn made with yummy gutter oil
Mostly just weird romance ero films
>surveillance camera footage in china
>infant enters the frame
I just close these immediately on reflex. How the fuck are their over a billion chinese with the mortality rate that high from crossing the street?
She told him to have sex user
What am I doing? I'm giving people busty chinks to fap to in a subtle China hate thread.
Or maybe I'm the shepherd, and you're the righteous man
This. We need more africans and mexicans in the country to stop it and also to help foght ckimate change or global warming or whatever cnn calls it this week
>using dubu pics wrong
no such things
Well i sure am glad to live in a white country. Although it won't be white in about 25 years hahah thats totally fine though right?
Christ, i reckon the tits are fake, but christ
Do you blame them? The government there is basically filled with psychopathic gangsters.
Memes aside, if anyone wants a raw, open look at China, check out Tie Xi Qu, everyone is surprisingly open about the state and evday life (plus it's A E S T H E T I C)
This time, you DO get to bring friends.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
give US 5 years.
It was on her server, genius. Everything put onto that server was put there so that foreigners could download it.
Hey Xi!
Can you hook me up with like 15 sex slaves?
Help an incel out
Lol get absolutely rekt lady.
did she died
I think you might actually be retarded, user.