great series but the detective was stupid to compare pulling teeth out of a kid with an adult pig's frozen head. he should've just consulted a dentist. I meant if you think about it dentist pull teeth out all the time with relative ease especially if you don't give a shit what happens to the gums afterwards.
Great series but the detective was stupid to compare pulling teeth out of a kid with an adult pig's frozen head...
who cares it was fantastic anyway
yeah that took me out of the story too, my mom is a dentist and she does that shit all the time
The dude at the liquor store just recommended this to me while on my lunch break booze run, should I watch it?
Don't dentists crush teeth rather than pull them? Like not a kid with loose roots, but, a tooth that goes bad that is otherwise stout?
nah, the whole thing comes out, sometimes the root breaks off and stays in the bone and that's actually a huge problem if that happens because it often requires surgical intervention to get it out
theres waifu material
>dem bored teens
If I remember correctly they changed that from the book, where it’s actually just her asking around to find out how much work it would be as part of her reporting job.
Detective dude was smarter in the books, the implication is that he suspected the mom way early on and was getting close to Camille to find out more about that. I mean, he was still wrong but it was a reasonable kind of wrong.
Who did Amy Adam's forget to fuck? Why doesn't she have a dumpster of awards from this?
Solid story, nicely put together, 10/10 crazy waifus.
I was half way through the book and couldn't finish it. Dark Places, I couldn't put down but this one was kinda meh. Loved the series though. Amy Adams was great.
Why don't they make more kino series like this?
i didn't buy her fucking the high schooler at all
I heard Dark Places sucked in its adaptation. Bummer.
I kind of think the series did a better job, which is a fucking rare opinion for me to hold. It timed the final twist better than the book and added some extra depth to the dad. And SO was her debut novel so it’s not surprising that it falters here and there.
>final twist happens in the credits
>many viewers dont even know it happened
A lot of people liked the followup after the reveal, but I agree that ending it at that was the best way.
You'd have to be retarded to miss the ending. It doesn't happen in the credits, it happens with her looking at the dollhouse when Amma walks in.
Which should give you an idea of how rushed it was in the book when I say the show did it better.
I thought it was good until it got into the cool wine aunt wish fulfillment plot line with the falsely accused boyfriend of her underage sister.
d-do you live in south florida by any chance?
>cool wine aunt wish fulfillment plot line with the falsely accused boyfriend of her underage sister.
Did you accidentally watch a different show
I watched up until the episode where she banged the kid and I got bored. Her portrayal throughout the show as an otherwise incompetent alcoholic was good though. Just a little niggling pet peeve of mine.
That seemed a bit forced.
>almost everyone in town was convinced he was a child serial killer
>he was an outsider type that hated the town like she did
>she had massive inferiority issues where, despite being an adult, she craved approval from her sister and a bunch of teenagers
>she sure as fuck wasn’t going to show her body to a grown man like the police guy, but a broken kid like him wasn’t threatening
plus he's a chad