Britain's Got Talent /BGT/ - Semi-Final #2

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Who's on tonight? I can't watch it.

God smite the Queen!

The Royal Baby is a monkey! Death to the Royal family!

I like the beefeaters are diverse

What the fuck is this shit!? The only people who should be brapping on stage are Brazilian females with butt cheeks the size of watermelons.


The absolute state of the fucking mongoloids (aka the British public) who found that literal shit act entertaining.

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In the lucozade advert is that Ben from Tracy Beaker???

Gets worse every year

>he watches tracy beaker
always knew you were a noncey nonce and they said matey.

It's the cunt that nonced his niece!

Sad how people are going to mention their race

Holy shit there are some real fat mongs in the audience. At this point it seriously should be made illegal to be over a certain weight.

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how annoying is amandas perma-shocked face though

These guys are legends but I can't lie I want them to be killed just so the mongoloid audience have shart attacks.

Ah yes David Walliams pretending to be gay

this is why his model wife left him

yea, it certainly hasn't gone do people even watch TV?

i'm going to watch that episode where the little girl breaks down mid song, what was she called? probably the only good thing to happen on the show

What type of name is borg? Isnt that the villain race from star trek?

Someone buzzer it ffs

It was used in pre-Caliphate Sweden iirc

Gay sexual innuendos on a family show and everybody's fine with it.

Surprised there hasn't been any leftist outrage about Walliam's gay act


Eh... the kid isn't bad, but not really great either. Overrated as hell.

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Go back to redit you fucking cancer

Paki Mohammed Muslim Cuck
Pedo-prophet Sucks on a Pig's Cock

>Literal child molester defends Islam

Yea Forums and /pol/ are brothers

>everybody is great and amazing

What's the point of judges lol

>mixed race family
that triggered me lads

>another black/white interracial couple advert

So tiresome


got it kek


Lmao fucking crybaby. The absolute state of w*men.

tv is a pol board faggot

>health and safety has gone mad in this world

Oh my god he killed Ant & Dec live on stage!

not a bag fan of this ngl

How is Amanda so repulsive yet so fuckable lads. I'm dying for a glimpse of titty.

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Anyone else find that boring

>Ant & Dec will never have a permanent accident, forcing Mulhern to take their place.

Too many magic acts this year

Based. You now remember that that moldy toed cunt Brie Larson tried to take the credit away from her stunt double.

have sex

how shit is it this year boys

>Have sex (with kids)

wheres the dancing doggie ?


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looks like a dinner lady


whos this fat cunt and who fucked it

He's dead, Jim.

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got called a racist in Greggs

>a warm hand on my entrance

epic sex joke

female "comedian" very first joke is a weak sex gag

kill me

>Performs her shitty act both on VT and on stage

unfunny fat twat

>Breast reduction

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Fat fucking cunt

Make it stop , that tent she wearing

>pound shop Victoria wood

>Want to hear about my toddler

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wow a joke about Alcoholics

someone buzz this fat fucking cunt for being offensive

I only watch this because im a masochist.

Is the Irish version ov the show better?

she is like if someone merged loose women into a comedian

how did it get so fucking fat/gross

>Standing ovation
Okay, this entire audience can go kill themselves.

ahahahahahahahahahaha manlets


that plastic faced goblin

>All the mongoloids booing Simon

>that dab at the end
jesus fuck

based cowell

All women should be euthanized after their 40th birthday.

why do they need 4 people to do shitty magic tricks?

How many magic acts are there? Can't fucking stand them.

nerd inbetweeners

>Le Harry Potter muzak

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This boy band is dull.

Remember when Amanda bashed GoT yesterday?

We don't care about your fucking schoolgays you fucking faggots.

can cowell get more make up on

this is literally the worst magic i've ever seen

I still prefer magic over fucking dance troupes.

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they're gonna have Stavros flatley dancing out of the doors aren't they

fake as fuck

called it

Dubs of truth

Oh no... not these fucking fat Greek cunts again.

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Why aren't you watching kino right now?

walliams will be smashing them later

Are u a wizard?

sansa in capeshit, wonder if her mong gril will be in it

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it was obvious, why else did they come out and have lockers there?

>This mess is a "teenager"

Opera >>>>>>>> any other singing act

Any /lig/ lads here?

that big niggery nose fucking kek


Dios Mio

oi oi

off to watch Cherno

Every. time. Literally every single fucking time without fail. Any time a fucking mutt shows up to BGT, you see their barren old race traitor mother silently howling like a banshee in the audience with their father nowhere in sight.

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too many darkies in it this year desu

Off to watch Years and Years.

>110 posts
>16 posters

Only just realised, Dec looks so out of place in that suit. You've got Ant dressed in a normal suit like a present, then there's Dec who's dressed like a fucking Geography teacher or some shit.

I wondered who that was kek

anyone staying around for the results show?

Do normal people not see how these shows have been made into the most blatant and crude propaganda? They literally have a checklist of types of people they have to put into it, and it's like that in all countries. For example in my 99% white country, they can't find brown immigrants to put into it so they put a gypsy instead, then they always have to have a gay kid, etc.