Name a cuntiest character than this vile cunt

She is the epitome of a cunty twat,by a mile.

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Fucking hated her

I can't.

I would much rather hang out with Breaking Bad wife than with this insufferable fagat

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Lisa Simspon

Have sex incel.

Mrs Bullock on deadwood.hey wait a minute...

Close but still not top tier

Why u so mad? she's an independent woman, not an object

I remember watching the show and expecting her to be super cunty like everybody said but she was rather reasonable until she fucked Ted.

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That's not a picture of an actual vile cunt, this is.

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Any Game of Thrones female

No. Just no.

It's a virgin on the internet hating a fictional woman episode

I'm getting triggered just looking at that fucking mierable loking bitch someone please just bash her fucking head in

Nah she was a whining cunt from day 1. She went turbo mode when she autisticly went on and on about the fucking carwash.

In comparison Joffrey is a better person.

She was repulsive inside and out. That man/horse face...enough to make one gag

He was alright compared to Skylar the cunt

but I like Carmela Soprano

Skyler is just a cunt

She became more tolerable as the show progressed.

lets post good housewives instead

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> I am here to discuss the possibility that you are mistaken.

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>not using him as a hapless wingman

this Carmela is based and actually a good character.

Skyler is the most unlikeable person ever put on screen.

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>Any Game of Thrones male


>user hates fictional woman
what's this mental illness called?

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not exactly housewife

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they're seeing people attack the traits they have

definitely up there with pic related slut

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I remember when Breaking Bad was airing in 2008 everyone normies and girls included shared the not-controversial opinion that Skyler was a bitch.

Yet when you see any discussion of Breaking Bad these last few years after it aired people retroactively claim that "oh skyler is so great and everyone was always on her side, if you aren't you must be "X buzzword insult of the month" etc.

Tony Sopranos mum

Carmela Sopano, Skyler is all right, apart from Beneke fling.

I can't, this is the prevalent thought I've had, watching the 2 or so seasons

Not really, you're just and edgy tard who sides with and forgives every single thing Walt did because he was like totally so badass omg!

fuck I just spoilered myself by googling this image

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What about Ma?

Is based

>Rick, you can't go back for Merle
>Rick, actually go back, we need the guns
>Rick, you need to kill Shane, he's a danger to us
>Wtf Rick, why'd you kill Shane?

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This honestly. She has such a great cunt face.

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Agreed. I've watched all the shows Yea Forums has told me to watch and nothing to memory comes close to how much of a cunt she was.

Tony's mom and sister in the Sopranos are both much much worse.

>the people who blame everything on Da Joos all have Jewish traits

Close but she enjoys rape so its always a plus

pretty much any character played by jessica chastain.

based footslut

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>husband was a drug dealer and got involved with literal murderers

Oh gee, why would she take issue with this?

This cunt on Lost

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muh carwash

Ted was based and only normaloid faggots hated him.

Sharon Stone in Casino

Not really , walt its a bitchy retard, who has a big ass ego, try having a smile while someone is lying to your face 24/7.

The only thing she did wrong was not fuck a black guy to get back at walt.

yeah, also sharon stone and ashley judd in real life

This was easy. Hannah from Dark is the most evil roastie to ever appear in a television show.

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Amy Schumer

that was before they started pumping out the 5G signal and scrambling everyone's brains

Yeah she's fucking insane. Top tier milf, though.

sansa stark
tyrion lannister s7-8

>hates crime
>starts doing crimes with him
>hates that her family is in danger
>sends her kids to the house of a guy that was just attacked by assassins
>cheats on her dying husband
>gives her money to the guy she cheated with
>tries to kill herself on her birthday just for attention

She's nothing but retardation and hypocrisy. And her biggest sin is she was just boring. At least Walt had some decent character moments and interactions. Skylar was a boring nothing everytie she was on screen, a garbage character.

>Top tier milf, though.
bit haggard, lad

The ep where she bimbo'd herself up and played dumb about the companies taxes was a nice character moment for her and my penis

>she bimbo'd herself up
That would have been fine if she was good looking and not the ugliest horsefaced grandma on television. I forgot to add that to the list, her character may be poorly written but she just has to be hard to look at as well.

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i disliked her more than skylar. she is biggest hypocrite in tv history and there is nothing i hate more than hypocrites. wanted to slash my veins every time i heard "spec house"

>>starts doing crimes with him
She is already in danger, atleast by working with walt she can know whats going on without walt lying to her all the time
>>hates that her family is in danger
>>sends her kids to the house of a guy that was just attacked by assassins
Yeah and same guy who killed both of the assasins and has all those contacts with the police and DEA
>>cheats on her dying husband
The husband she thought was cheating on her, but was doing something even worst, putting her kids and her on DANGER.
>>gives her money to the guy she cheated with
Whats wrong with that?

Every hater of skylay thinks walt is some kind of hero and he is doing the right thing.

How did people enjoy this show if they despised Skylar. Not saying you had to like her (even I didn't more much as just tolerate her) but she's such a big part of the show and chemistry of Walt and the effects on his family that if you hate her through and through it must have been tough to get through a lot of the show, I'd imagine.

Literally did nothing wrong.

>husband was a drug dealer and got involved with literal murderers
This makes her "issues" 100% irrelevant. Her HUSBAND could be literally satan and it still wouldn't give her any right to be a disloyal cunt.

Based cunt


das right

This bitch.

I hated Walters wife until I just felt so fucking bad for her

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This has to be the shitties excuse in this thread.

most chicks dream of being in a "Bonnie and Clyde" situation

name one bitchy thing she did
kimmy is the cutest

I love Betty

Judith from Two and a half Men

Lisa Sneedson

Couldn't stand her.

Agrees to help Walt launder his money, then has an autistic fit when she tries to off her self in the pool when there's too much money.

She had reason to be the way she was until Season 3&4 where she became unbearable. First she fucks Ted to get Walt to sign divorce papers, but she doesn’t file when he does. Then she gets in his business like she’s a partner, tries to do his business behind his back, and gives away his money to the guy she fucked while she was married. I don’t see how you can defend this cunt.

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I loved hating her but I hated her. I never finished the show though, fell off somewhere in season 5, so I don't know where she ends up

she wants to get away of all the shit walt is doing, and when he denies it she has to be"ok master im going to do whatever you want with a happy face"
Fucking logic there you incel.

He was right about Danearys. And he was right about the military.

Betty was very sweet the first 2 seasons. She didn't start getting nasty until later on

I skipped every scene that didnt have walt or jesse in it

Marge and Lisa Simpson

I legitimately skipped the episode thats about Marie stealing spoons and shit. People stupidly claim Fly was filler but that spoon shit was THE definition of filler bullshit

>her money

Carmela Soprano, easily. Because she wouldn't shut the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR

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You’re a dumbass. She could’ve filed for divorce and put a restraining order on him like she threatened. Instead she keeps him around to use him.

Her character in Colony

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brie larson is infinitely worse

read the post i replied to you absolute fucking putrid mess of a namefag
never reply to me again

all the sane timelines ended in 2012 like people predicted

He at least the excuse of being inbred.

oh christ she's so bad i have a mental block over it

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Blame the shitty writing for this one.

holy fuck
and the random tearful resolution that does nothing plotwise, making the entire arc totally irrelevant

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D.W. is based and takes no shit

Only people as insufferable as Ted like Ted. So what does that make you, faggot?


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You can be a vile cunt and still be right about things like Hitler

Her asking if she could keep the money if she turned Walt in is the most accurate depiction of a woman on tv.

nah, juliet was based as fuck

we dont know skyler wasnt inbred. look at flynn

Unironically like Skylar. She didn't do anything outside the realm of believability.

Remember when Shane had actually accepted the situation and seemed to be ready to move on then this bitch strolls up and tells him how she loved him before Rick came back and how Carl could possibly be his and just reignited all his anger? She was such a stupid fucking character.

literally. there was no reason for the extreme vitriol Skylar got except for the inherent macho attitude of all the incels watching BB because muh hero WW!

Go change the litter box, you fat dyke



she was actually worse in the beginning, I think

She was a turbocunt in Deadwood, too. I'm seeing a pattern.

Namond’s mom from the wire. The worst part is she almost suffers no retaliation for it

I don't get how people think Skyler was either a cunt or unreasonable.

Walt spends months pretty clearly telling bad lies to cover for something, she thinks he might be cheating on her and doesn't really prod him much until he fucking mentions his second cell phone while under anesthesia (a phone she thought existed and he had lied about). And that completely ignores that time he comes home and rapes her.

Then she finds out that, no he isn't cheating on her, he's a fucking meth cook. When she tries to leave him he acts like a fucking creep, suggests his arrest could ruin her and their children's lives and refuses to leave. Instead he lets everyone in their lives think she's suddenly become an unreasonable bitch bailing on him for no reason at all while he's sick.

When Gail is killed and she's worried he could get killed too and begs him to go to the cops (which is of course super valid here) he gets his ego hurt, tells her she doesn't even know who he is and BRAGS THAT HE KILLS PEOPLE ("You obviously don't know who you're talking to so let me clue you in: I am not in danger, Skyler; I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks.")

Oh but she didn't want her husband being a drug lord and destroying their family and cheated on him out of spite after he refused to leave her and their children alone or spot cooking meth.

He was literally written to be hated. Skylar was written like she was supposed to be strong and sympathetic but came across as a bitch ass hoe cunt.

I gotchu a show that's a twofer with cunts.
Two cunts that top yours in just one show.

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She dies of cancer.

>walt: makes meth, tortures and kills people
>"omg skyler is such a fucking cunt!!!!"
peak incel

Yeah but he wasn't cunty about it.

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Remember: If you meet someone pro Skylar IRL, you're allowed to kill them (and should).

this guy fucks

>writes like a black kid

revenge cheating for phantom sleights are pretty inexcusable

Pretty much this. Skyler was a good, moral person whose goodness was eroded away by being married to an emotional cripple like Walter White for twenty years.

To paraphrase someone more intelligent than myself, "Breaking Bad takes us to Albuquerque, New Mexico to meet the horror that is Walter White. Then, he gets lung cancer and starts cooking crystal meth."

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peggy hill is queen cunt
hate that stupid bitch


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>phantom sleights

She told him she wanted a divorce because he was a drug dealer and offered to not tell the cops if he just left so Hank and the kids wouldn't get fucked over.

He moves out briefly, then moves back in and refuses to go.

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Literally never had sex in my life, and still don't hate here. What is your excuse?

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i mean, so is cooking meth and killing people but you do you : > )

I cannot think of a worse character degradation than this
>starts off sweet and kind
>ends up being extremely manipulative and starting shit for no reason
I should have stopped watching after season 3

are you a wizard?

Why were her tiddies so weird?

Her nips were the same colour as her boob meat.

Rewatching all the episodes, I really forgot how much he was a cunt.
That bard was retarded for singing that song though, what the fuck did he expect, no wonder he got his tongue cut

It's like people watched the show and then forgot that Walter is a huge piece of shit to everyone in his life.

>Acts like Elliott and Gretchen fucked him over when he ran out of Grey Matter because he was butthurt over the end of his relationship with Gretchen. Refuses their later help out of pride.
>Cooks meth long after he has money because he likes the status being a drug lord gives him
>Rapes Skyler
>Spends months lying to her and acts like an asshole when she disapproves of his drug dealing
>Lets everyone think Skyler is a crazy cunt when she wants a divorce
>Manipulates Jesse in increasingly fucked up ways the entire series.
>Lets Jane die
>Has Gail murdered
>Poisons Brock
>Allows a small child to get murdered
>Kills Mike because he hurt his pride
>Gives Jesse to neo-Nazis to be tortured to death

Horrible washer nipples

Jane deserved it

You're mixing up your timeline. She demands a divorce and cheats on him BEFORE she found out he was a drug dealer. She didn't even bother trying to figure out what was going on. She just felt like he owed her something he wasn't giving and threw a fit, taking his kids away and fucking Ted out of spite.
Why is calling Skyler a cunt synonymous with calling Walt a saint with you people?

I'd rather be married to someone who murdered strangers than someone who fucks behind my back.

They never imply Carl might be his dipshit

Wrong. It's after she finds out. She even tells her divorce lawyer.

No. You're wrong.

She starts working for Ted again in season 2 and rebuffs his advances because she's married.

She finds out about the cell phone at the end of season 2. The beginning of season 3 she confronts him about it and finds out he's cooking meth. She demands a divorce and offers to not go to the police if he just leaves. She reasons that Hank would be in deep shit with the DEA since Walt was operating right under his nose and was his brother-in-law and she didn't want the kids knowing about his dealing. He leaves for a little while and moves into that apartment. Then he shows up one day having moved back into the family home. She confronts him over this and since he knows she won't rant him out he refuses to go.

THEN she fucks Ted once out of spite.

See above, numbnuts.

Oh and remember when Walt then tries to fuck Carmen?

Skylar was the biggest cunt on Yea Forums not because she was an awful hypocrite and generally unpleasant, but because she was one of the worst written characters ever.
It's implied we're supposed to feel sorry for her but we're given no legitimate reasons besides 'oh no what an unfortunate situation'.

Janice Soprano manages to be the most insufferable woman on Yea Forums, but is actually great to watch because her actions are legitimised in her well-written, realistic character.
Skylar was forced to hell, no one fucking cares.

Is "until death do us part" a joke to you?

>Gives Jesse to neo-Nazis to be tortured to death

Jesse ratted on him after bailing him out countless times. Him and Skyler acted like everything he did came out of left field when they were both complicit and enabled every single one of his actions.

Is this some weird anti-divorce /pol/cel logic or something?

>watching How I Met Your Mother

why would anyone do this

the only difference between them is that tony can control carmela

answer the question

>after bailing him out countless times

What? He dragged Jesse back into cooking several times, manipulated and lied to him the entire show, had him commit a murder, got his friend killed and Jesse stayed fiercely loyal until he found out Walt POISONED A LITTLE BOY he cared about. Jesse was horrified by Walt's clear lack of giving a shit after Todd murdered that kid on his bike and even then didn't rat him out. Walt was only loyal to Jesse insofar as it helped Walt.

I like how the whole show was about a seemingly ordinary guy turning into an evil villain and people go "Well the real shitheads are the ones that have a problem with him being evil."

>man that wants to have nothing to do with you despite you for helping to ruin is life betrays you because you won't leave him the fuck alone.
Yeah, it definitely wasn't Walt being a shit.

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Yes, it's a joke to me. The idea that nothing can warrant a divorce is a fucking joke. Your spouse being a murderous drug lord is grounds for divorce.

But according to the incel brigade here
>"Cheating" on a guy you're trying to divorce = unforgivable
>Murdering people = water under the bridge.

cuntiness is measured in Skylers, so that's impossible

Walt was a pathetic impotent loser, but he didn't get to his position alone. Every negative thing in the show came from Walt's hubris and arrogance, but it was amplified by those around him.

Jesse tried to sell on his own, almost got busted by Hank, tried to kill the people who killed his spic girlfriend's brother, all while pretending to be a wholesome person underneath.

>wholesome person underneath
Jesse never pretend to be wholesome you mong. He was more than aware that he was a fuck-up. At the very least he had empathy and ultimately just wanted out.


She started off as a cunt but her responses to Walt's action later on in the series make sense from a human, realistic perspective so I don't fault her in that sense. Just in the way she treated him when he acted like a beta

> that lousy fucking hand job too

Skyler being a cunt was almost universally agreed upon until the kikes and Skyler's actress started calling everyone sexist for hating her. Then all the soiboys and feminists jumped on the virtue signal bandwagon as usual. It kind of boggles my mind though considering how indefensible Skylar's character is

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I still don't know if Jesse working with Mike was all set up by Gus or not.

That's because people that think Walt was badass the whole time are too dumb to analyze what the hell they watched.

"I am the one who knocks" is a dark reveal to her. It's Walt openly bragging about being a murderer. His pride is more important than the fact that Gus is trying to kill him and possibly his family.

But you're one of those guys that probably thought "Hoho, fuck yeah Walt. You tell that bitch who she's talking to!"

I will never understand why people hate Skyler more than Jane. At least you could say Skyler has some reasons to be upset, this manipulative piece of shit messed up things with Jesse, Walt and her father just because she was a junkie goth "artist". Yikes

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>t. edgy teen from Reddit who just discovered Yea Forums
behave or kill yourself

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Tony Sopranos mother

>i know you are but what am i
The ultimate reddit post.

Being a fuckup isn't the same thing as being a vile cunt.

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Who Jesse kills in Breaking Bad:
Joaquin Salamanca

Crazy 8
Jane (and by extension 167 airline passengers)
The two dealers Jesse wanted dead
Gale (ordered Jesse to kill him)
Tyrus (convinced Hector to blow himself up)
Gus (above)
2 bodyguards watching Jesse in the superlab
10 prisoners that could get him sent to jail
All of the neo-Nazis but Todd

I regrettably did, hoping for something hilarious, but I was wrong and I hate that overrated piece of shit.

kys faggot

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I think her character was badly written, and the plastic surgery looks awful.

She was blackmailing him. Instant death sentence. Fuck her. She has a nice ass though.

She was a recovering junkie.

Walt got Combo killed by ordering him to deal in rival territory. Jesse took it hard and started doing meth hardcore, Jane did it with him at his behest.

Walt indirectly got Jane back on drugs and then watched her die.

and thats a good thing

Have you ever tried not being a bitch?

>>Rapes Skyler
You can't rape your wife.

You might have a good reason for killing someone, but there's no justification for cheating on your spouse.

How can you hate a fictional character lol, you know they're not real right?

Her character was very well written, are you stupid?

>ny jew

i would kill myself if I ever had to too

When Breaking Bad started Walter was a seemingly good guy in a shitty situation. He had a job that was beneath him, a missed opportunity to be a millionaire and had cancer. He was cooking meth to leave his family money after he was dead. In season 1 she does seem like a pain in the ass.

By the end of the show he was an unrepentant killer who had been cooking out of a sense of pride (he said so himself) and had destroyed his family. Yet people like Walt so none of this matters because "she cheated on him" even though she didn't really and only did so in an attempt to keep the drug lord out of her life.

This. This is the main takeaway point here. The writers failed so bad that a "sympathetic" character became shrill and hateable.

Not to mention the big difference here is that you love to hate Joffrey. Skylar is just a miserable experience for the viewer.

People like Walt because he's interesting. Right and wrong don't come into it, anyone who says otherwise is kidding you or themselves

It's just retards who are too emotionally involved with walt's storyline and development and can't look at things from an objective standpoint. The show is clearly written to get you to sympathize with walt, which is fine as that makes his development much more interesting, but at some point in the later seasons your brain is supposed to kick in and point out how distanced he has become from the character he once was.

>Walt is bad so that means Skyler is good!
Do you not see how retarded that logic is? Skyler played a huge role in creating "Heisenberg". She was extremely ungrateful and disrespectful towards Walt despite him making huge sacrifices for their family. Her constant emasculation of him and micromanagement of his life pushed him towards the thrill of breaking bad. Even the example that you brought up about the "I am the one who knocks" speech shows this. Watch the scene again: Skyler is trying to emasculate Walt into being a "victim" and his old self which is why he pushes back despite Skyler technically being in the right that time.

And at least Walt could admit he was being selfish before he died. Skyler never took any responsibility for her mistakes

check m8

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Not even close

You forgot the part where her smoking made Walt Jr a retard and gave Walt cancer in the first place. Rancid cunt.

>She is already in danger
So just because you're in danger, you should do more stupid shit to add fuel to the fire? That's not only retarded, she's also being a hypocrite supporting Walt when she hates what he does. She lost all her rights to be sympathetic when all she does is be a cheating, hypocrite horseface bitch.

>same guy who killed both assassins
The same guy who was CRIPPLED at that time she sent her kids to his house. Same guy who was almost KILLED by them if not for last-second plot armor. And he failed to even kill one of them. You're ignoring a lot of context here. Sending them to live with a crippled guy who has a target on his back by assassins is retarded as shit and so is Skylar.

>the husband she thought was cheating on her
Just because you think something doesn't mean it's real. And even if he was, being petty and cheating on a dying cancer patient is still a bitch move. Two wrongs don't make a right. Doing bad things is never justified just because someone else is doing bad things.

>what's wrong with that
Because it made no sense, contradicts her concerns for her family and safety (she knows she's making Walt more mad and therefore making him more unstable, more dangerous which is what she's against in the first place). Money can make them safe if things go wrong, she's in danger yet she gives away her money to a guy richer than her.

>Thinks Walt is some kind of hero and he is doing the right thing
Hating Skylar doesn't mean you like Walt. Again, two wrongs don't make a right. Two, Breaking Bad's whole appeal is a milquetoast dude "Breaking bad". The only reason people like Walt in the first place is because he's NOT A hero. That's the whole appeal of the show. You suck at logic and you suck at whiteknighting.

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So we agree skylar is a cunt as walter? Ok good we can agree on something.

Yes. The difference is, Walter's whole character appeal, as is the show's, is him breaking bad. He was written well for the most part.

Skylar on the other hand, fails to be the "sympathetic" wife she was meant to be because of poor writing. Her contradicting herself constantly while we're supposed to feel sorry for her was dogshit.

Only white knights pretend to like Skylar. None of what she said or did made sense. She was just spiteful and wrong instead of being the innocent poor wife who we're supposed to side with.

gayest post I've read all week

Phoebe in Friends.

I gotcha beat!

Take that back! She is my waifu. And I won't have her spoken about like that!

There was nothing wrong with that either though, they were separated.
Just because Walt was abusive and delusional and refused to leave the house doesn't mean they were still husband and wife.

Always emasculating Chandler and Ross. Always causing fights. Always talking about her "friends" behind their backs. Always complimenting herself. Portrayed as being a 'hippy' type when she was a cunt. And never receiving any of her bad behaviour back.

That blonde chick from Jessica Jones.

Yeah basically this, I never really had a problem with her character because I understood both sides of the coin between her and Walt. While I didn't utterly hate Walt, I also thought a lot of the things he did were pretty fucked and that he isn't at all innocent or justified in any way.

I'm never going to understand why people hate Skyler so much when there was clear reasoning for her doing the things she did, and the reactions of a woman stuck in the situation Walt put her and the rest of the family in. Is she completely 100% in the right with everything? Nope. But neither is Walt and yet people defend his every decision tooth and nail. The reason the show was so compelling was because characters weren't black and white

Yeah dude Walt was so BA, fuck anyone trying to stand in his way!

How incel are you guys? If you had a husband who turned into a drug kingpin, your ass wouldn't act all calm and composed.

I hate this cunt

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You never act calm and composed unless you're trying to manipulate someone you fucking cunt.

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this because she's actually insane and delusional
skylar was just a naggy bitch

>"I am the one who knocks" is a dark reveal to her. It's Walt openly bragging about being a murderer. His pride is more important than the fact that Gus is trying to kill him and possibly his family.
>But you're one of those guys that probably thought "Hoho, fuck yeah Walt. You tell that bitch who she's talking to!"
That's what happens when you push a brilliant man too far for decades, CUNT. On top of bringing in your fucking shithead family (brother in law) to mock you husband

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>cute, bored and a little childish loyal housewife
>whoop that makes don looks really bad, gotta crank up her cuntiness

They don't care, cheating is 100 times worse.

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the worst part was that she could've listened to her divorce lawyer

best girl

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>Walter is a mass murderer and psychopath
>But she's the one who gets more shit because she slep with someone else

I fucking hate Skyler but she has nothing on Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Cuntiest Cunt of all time, legitimately well acted super cunt.

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>please husband stop commiting crimes and murdering people

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it was side-splittingly funny
i laughed every. single. time i watched an episode, no matter how many repetitions.

Smells like 40 years old virgin in here.



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>boring, hypocritical retard
Sounds like a pretty realistic female character. At least Bravince made Kim likable instead of a Skylar clone.

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Yeah, equality doesn't mean to get to nag ladies.

One of the first episodes she gives walt a handjob for his birthday, while she focused on reading a book.

Laid out the foundation for how much of a cunt she was there.

Oaths literally mean nothing to these people, it's sickening. Words are just tools they use to get what they want, not anything of meaning.

She's a pregnant smoker in S1, that's trashy as fuck.

Worst character

He was such a onions

only teenage boys hated her

Total woman post

Bah, she didn't know about the murders till season 4 and at that point the money made her sell out pretty quick.

>a thread about ifuckedted lady
>a Ted is posted
>nobody fucks him

Either you guys are getting lazy or Ted Mosby really is that insufferable.

Unlike bonnie and clyde Skylar never gave a single shit about walt. She never ever tried to stick her neck out for him and tried to throw him under the bus every chance she got. Is selling meth a moral thing to do? If your husband you love very much is selling meth would you try to help him? She simply never gave a shit about walt and only used him as a beta cuck slave to give her a normal life. Once things got a little risky she immediately bailed and went to fuck a Chad to try and climb up the social ladder. No wonder walt wanted to cook meth his life was empty

>She is the epitome of a cunty twat,by a mile.
Oh child, surely you have misinterpreted the words of the prophets.

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OP literally won.

Wife from Ozarks. Shit is trash though so whateves

Not even the actresses cuntiest character.

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Jane was actually likeable despite being a heroin junkie. Skylar never shot pure poison into her arms but she was so devoid of humanity that you cant like her.

Based. Fuck art hoes.

She was annoying at first in S3, but steadily got better.

Carmela knows how to cook well and do chores and take care of her children, but she's a hypocrite who abuses her position of privilege and loves Tony's money while whining about how hard her life is. She also destroyed AJ by being a suffocating, doting mother who shielded him from Tony's righteous fatherly punishment.

>There was nothing wrong with that either though, they were separated.
You fucking CUNT

She was an annoying cunt in the comics too. Damn I was glad once she was out and only Carl was left as annoying brat, tough he got better later on.

She's supposed to be a cunt. Everyone is supposed to be an asshole in this series.

she was written as an unsympathetic character you retards. You were never supposed to fucking like her.

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Walt never cheated on Skylar. Skylar was ready to bail from the family at a moment's notice but walt stated out cooking meth to make sure his family was going to be okay

>you're supposed to dislike her IDIOTS
>thread is about disliking her
What kind of idiots are you two?

I don’t understand the hate, she is so fucking hot.

That was for the people defending her in general you drooling crayon munching babbling tard.

Nurse Ratchet didn't almost plunge the alpha quadrant into a Pah-wraith cenobite nightmare though.

Also, Skylar redeemed herself for about a season. Marie has never not been a cunt to everyone

Kai Winn never lobotomized anyone out of spite.

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carmela was a well written character but she was a total hypocrite like skyler but she didn't nag like skyler so audiences liked her

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Top tier cunny, you meant.

She's ugly, has a lisp, can't act and her characters tend to be obnoxious on their own merit. She gets roles because she's a meme actress.

t. muhammad

>Kai Winn never lobotomized anyone out of spite.

Attached: Winn bareil ds9.jpg (700x531, 43K)

>people defending skylar are cunts themselves

Looking back, her actions made sense. Any woman in a crazy situation like that is going to act crazy and impulsively due to how emotional they are designed to be

Absolutely this, she gave Walt cancer and a shitty life. He should’ve left the bitch in a ditch and said that she left with Ted

Have you seen most chicks out there? Those overinflated egos are a huge turn off for me
Do you have any suggestions where to find a good chick?
Sorry I’m new here

Meh, he lobotomized himself.

Attached: Kira sexy, I've been waiting for you.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

Based AND normpilled.

I'd still fuck it.

I guess for better or worse is only when it’s inconvenient

Betty was great until she found out that Don kept cheating on her

Yeah don’t watch the last season. Major drop off

>sure is a nice little family you got here
>be a shame if someone came along and wrecked it
>sure is a nice little business you got here
>be a shame if someone came along and wrecked it
>sure is a nice little motorcycle club you got here
>be a shame if someone came along and wrecked it
>sure is a nice little TV show you got here

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>destroy your marriage
>with drugs
>murdering people
>being the reason why even more people die, children included
>ruining people''s lifes and bringing them to emotional breakdowns
>wonder why wife is a ''cunt''
Tv in na nutshell, ladies and gentlemens.

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Two wrongs make a right I see

She was such a cunt

Literal highest tier of cunt.

At her core, Skyler's character was built around one irresolvable flaw: her primary motivation (to protect her kids) and her actions (basically everything after she gave Ted money) don't match. That's the main conflict and tragedy.

The situation with Walt was given, and all you can do is to choose how to react. Skyler chose to wage an emotion-fuelled campaign of vengeance for personal reasons, putting her children into even more danger in the process.

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That whole family should be euthanized with the kardashians


>the reason the show was so compelling was because characters weren't black and white
it's so fucking simple but you still have retards like this:
want every character to be a boring stereotype that fills a specific role to satisfy their autism. This doesn't just go for breaking bad, this goes for every show

>oy vey their working with THE IRISH
that show was such fucking drivel

That's just the expected result.

>and not just the Irish, also with Hamas, those well-known arms dealers with easy access to Kornet antitank missiles
Well that explains why so many Israeli tanks get blown up regularly.

This is the fourteenth time I saw this same post on this thread, and I barely skimmed through it.
How can you retards not realize that Walt being a murderer and an asshole is not in any way a defense for Skylar being such a cunt and all around an awful character?
Literally every excuse for Skylar being a cunt is
>walt was the baddie lmao

It's the details and execution that make Skyler annoying and cuntish. There are countless films and shows where the bad guy is more likeable and enjoyable and entertaining for the audience than the good guy is, and Breaking Bad is no different.

>that pic

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>You're never allowed to hate any woman for any reason, ever
Are you desperate for pussy or just pathetic in general?

Why would I be desperate for pussy? I'm surrounded by pussies right now.

>skylar scene comes on
>skip ahead
>BB becomes watchable

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game of thrones is over, stop talking about it

I cunt

Betty Draper

Have sex

He did nothing wrong

All she needs is a good molesting to set her straight.

She was 16, too.

Fun fact: I went to high school with this actress. We used to make fun of her.

every woman on The Shield

am i right?

no better or worse than any on there, apart from Walt who was a true monster, and Flynn (Jr) who was the only non hypocrite with his heart in the right place.

i would - she was horny. shameless was a laugh too

adulthood is realising skylar is based and walt was a huge bitch the whole time

I hate this bitch from Ray Donovan.

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