ITT: Women in film

Why do some people accuse female heroes of being "Yaaas kween" but adore Ripley, Leia and Sarah Connor?

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mental illness in most cases

Because those characters are not "Yaaas kween"

You can tell the difference between well-written female characters and YAAASS KWEENS.

they didn't made a big deal out of it. today it's like "I'M A STRONG WOMEN! I HAVE A VAGINA! LOOK AT MY VAGINA! MY PERIOD GIVES ME SUPERPOWERS!"

Look at all those weak-willed, wimpy women who just waited around for men to save them all the time!
^actual mainstream feminist/gay/cuck opinion.

>be hollywood producer
>want to appeal to the SJW crowd or at least trigger incels on twitter for free promotion
>insert badly written female heros
Works every time. The best thing is that incels actually confuse SJW on twitter with feminists and that SJW on twitter confuse incels with men. Good luck America!

Leia literally sits around to be saved in IV.

Leia is useless midget bitch. Fuck her.I am cool with the other two.

>people now pretend they liked leia all along
It was always either luke or han. Nobody EVER cared about leia

the "yaas kween" is actually pretty rare (everyone can name captain marvel and the upcoming batwoman but what else?) and already existed in the 80s

the more widespread problem is action girls with no charisma who are just planks of wood with tits (aka every character scarlett johansson has ever played)

Because they are not created for cheap propaganda but to fulfill male fantasies.

>propaganda doesn't fulfill male fantasies
shit propaganda senpai.

Only in the middle, then she saves Luke and Han, then she is an equal character. Also, fuck Rogue One, she helped steal those plans.

We don't pretend we like her as a character. We pretend that she is attractive.

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She's in prison, retard. You notice she takes charge once she gets out because Luke and Han are morons without an escape plan.

t. homosexual

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>She's in prison
yes she is. You smart bro.

>(aka every character scarlett johansson has ever played)
Man, do I agree with that. I don't understand why everyone seems to be obsessed with her. She is not a good actress.

>allows wh*te men to imprison her
>doesn't even get herself out of prison
Don't defend that disgraceful and sexist portrayal of a female.

Because not a single one of them bitches could open up a peanut butter jar without a man around to do it for them, and only one of them can get that jar off the top shelf without a ladder....or a man.

>kisses brother in TESB-with tongue
>"somehow, I've always known[that I'm your sister]."

What did Lucas mean by this?

>She is not a good actress.
Wft. I hate ScarJo now.

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Seething boomer. She ugly and her character sucks, now she dead kek.

Yas Kween is not an insult, you incel.

The difference between a well written character or even just a good actor and a shitty one

To be fair she's not even ugly now because her flesh doens't exist, but she was hawt in 1982/3..still.

Oh and, nigger.

>adore Ripley, Leia and Sarah Connor?

All of these women had challenges thrust upon them against their will and lead because they know more than anyone else simply due to their awful circumstances. They aren’t doing spinning leg kicks and backflips in high heels, they’re vulnerable and deeper than a one note propaganda character. Leia is a princess who acts like a scoundrel, compared to the prequels where the princess is just a princess.

She chokes jabba out though

>good character

no one has ever said this. dont do cocaine kids.

Because they weren't patronising accusations of bigotry levelled at fictional internet boogiemen

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