What’s the best movie to watch high on marijuana? Asking for a friend

What’s the best movie to watch high on marijuana? Asking for a friend...

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No such thing, tell him to watch whatever he wants.

None ya flithy hippie

All of them.

Event Horizon and Pandorum.

You’re welcome


The Simpsons Movie



Good choices

Under The Skin

Anything by Kubrick is exactly as mind blowing as the DUDEWEED posters are afraid it is. The Holy Mountain also.

The good guys
The other guys
The guys
The other
Basically buddy cop movies or terror.

Reported. You can't fool the FBI fucko.

natural born killers

Inherent Vice
Speed Racer

2001 a space odyssey, no competition

I always liked to give my friends mushrooms and make them watch El Topo.

Attached: eltopo1.jpg (640x477, 78K)

How do you acquire shrooms, asking for a friend

Schindler’s List

go to a field in late summer/autumn and pick them, but don't pick the wrong ones and kill yourself. In the UK they look very similar to ones that will kill you, but the bad ones grow in sheep shit usually

A Serbian Film

LOTR trilogy at 0.3x speed




The first half of A Clockwork Orange.

Pure weed kino right up until Alex gets arrested.

Attached: clockwork-orange-a-1971-026-droogs-underpass-black-white.jpg (1000x591, 81K)

Try checking out this movie I call Life
And not real life by doing anything crazy like going outside. I'm talking about that movie with Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy, shit is pretty funny
>das muh cornbread

I watched Casino on 3 tabs of acid but halfway through (or whenever the vice scene is) i forgot we were watching a movie lol and shit got a bit crazy, also i watched br2049 at the cinema (also on acid), shit was cash

Dont do shrooms homie. Also dont smoke weed not because the jews want you to or some shit but it will become a problem and make you depressed. Shrooms were made by the devil Ive seen only evil come out from people same from myself.