was it kino?
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place your bets on how twitter libs will sperg about this one
the migrants coming to us is reparations for what we did to them, as rammstein shows us
fuck nazis and raciss
I like some of their songs but it seems that now they put more effort in making good videos than in making good songs.
I agree. The new album is pretty weak although Radio and Deutschland are pretty cool. but it's no comparison to albums like Liebe ist für alle da or Reise Reise
Radio is one of the worst songs ever made. By anyone, not just them.
Kek, how do they come up with this shit?
Radio is one of the best songs from the album though.
So white men basically are above blacks? Based.
I liked Radio.
Do you think they are actors?
I can't find other adjectives to describe it other than underwhelming
That speaks volumes of the album.
Why did the jews on jewtube allow this video to still be up? It shows tits, but if a loli makes a video playing in the backyard on her pool it gets deleted quickly.
Always seems like Rammstein songs are hit or miss to most people.
I think half of the album is great, while the rest is "ok".
you would be surprised what's allowed on there
Why is Till trying to become his Keine Lust version?
>clearly taking a shit on colonialism and sex tourism thus pissing off /pol/
>imagery too offensive so SJWs are outraged
Well, because controversy and flashy images of things like colonization gives you clicks
Hell, just see the one before this which featured a black woman in a bunch of german history. Rammstein has said time and time again that they have no underlying messages and simply do what they think looks cool, flashy and controversial, and yet thousands of people took to shit like twitter to discuss the deeper meanings that video supposedly had.
reminder that nothing they'll do will ever top reise, reise
>reminder that nothing they'll do will ever top mutter
dude niggers lmao
reminder that that's ok and we can enjoy their new songs regardless
mutter is ok but nothing more. their best album to this day is liebe ist fur alle da
oh fuck off mate
Deutschland > Zeig dich > Puppe > Radio >>> rest
>Implying that Amerika isn't their greatest kino
Fucking based. I’ve also done this.
I refuse to ever listen to a german musician after 1945. They are invariably cucked. I don't think their government even allows them to sell an album if they don't endorse sucking big nigger noodles at least twice in the lyrics.
Rammstein is always Kino. Love them or hate them, their videos are always amazing.
goat song coming through
The music video has literally nothing in common with the lyrics
Deutschland is the best song, really? I mean, the video was great but the song was average imo.
Guess i'm not buying this album after all.
it's not
Weit Weg and Was Ich Liebe are my favorites
Deutchland is great though
why would you buy an album without listening to it first?
Agreed! youtube.com
forgot my favorite drinking song
Your face when those cute african tribal titties
They had one good song back in the 90s. Du hast. This is shit. The video is shit, the music is shit. They should actually show reality instead of revisionist depictions of shit that never happened. Nigger savages would have attacked the white men on site, the same stuff we see on that one island of island niggers that shoot their bows at helicopters and killed that christian missionary that tried to bring jesus to the island. I actually went to my local courthouse and read the records of court cases for back in the late 1700s early 1800s dealing with native americans, and they were complete savages. Raping, murdering, scalping, mutilating whole families that lived outside of town that were not protected by white man numbers.
Man Tils voice is just weak on the new album and also the songs suck. Even their last album was bad but this one is the one to retire them. Du hast, mutter, seeman, sonne sound like light years better than any other song on this pile.
>not Helloween
you should be ashamed of yourself
Because that's how i've always done it?
Do i get banned if i post webms of rammstein afrikaan tits?
Oh fuck yeah /highschool/ general! My parents don't "get" me and it makes me so fing mad! It's not just a phase!
>not blind guardian
Du Hast is not even best track on Sehnsucht, literally meme song
du hast is entry level for americans since the lyrics are simple as fuck
Maybe. But it's the only one worth listening to. Everything else I ever heard from them has been awful. The only reason it was ever considered good was it sounded kind of like tool, like the song where the lead singer is reading devils food cake ingrediants in german. That was epic.
>But it's the only one worth listening to
Heirate Mich would like to disagree
Here comes the shitstorm
shit wrong album i'm a retard
This nigga gets it.
It's also garbage live
Honestly, they should drop 50% of their new shit from the set list and add some obscure old songs
Diamant occupies the same niche as Fruhling in Paris, only it's much worse, Was Ich Liebe is the worst opener in their career, Sex and Tattoo are alright, but don't stand out live
sounds about right. on the other hand, this is probably their last tour and I wanna see them one more time before they quit
Reminder that reise reise > mutter
this is objectively true
>christian missionary that tried to bring jesus to the island.
adult men should grow out of believing in fairytales :*
just try it.
also checked
>not even in 4k
they call themselves Germans...
I enjoyed Rosenrot more than Reise Reise, I don't understand why everyone hates it
Unironically great feel good song
>aka party ong for normies
YouTube doesn’t censor black tiddies
I remember seeing some video on there once that was about this one group's dance that the women would do topless and when an interviewer asked one of the women about whether they found dancing like that indecent or not the woman pushed her titties up and stuck out her tongue for the camera for no reason. Loved it.
Holy shit, are you new? Rammstein is a brand, look at their live shows. They are spectacles, theatre. OF COURSE their music videos are "events" too. Not so much this one, but the first track DEUTSCHLAND.
Its not about the music, much more about the "experience" of Rammstein.