Rick Harrison selling a samurai sword to Dana White

>Rick Harrison selling a samurai sword to Dana White

Why wasn't the ATF on their ass? Is it because they're both Trump supporters?

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Is a sword alcohol?
Is a sword tobacco?
Is a sword a firearm?
Then fuck off.

I wonder what fat fuck is up to these days

good question
nobody should be able to own a fully automatic samurai sword

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The fuck would they be illegal when poo-sticks are a thing?

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holy hell I never noticed this BASED

This my tattoo set

they probably get asked daily. I assume by now it's not just a gamestop thing.

this but unironically

battletoads, rick

Fucking kek

Are liberals really this dumb

one copy of amphibian assaulters coming your way

You mean conservative false flaggers right?

There's a shitty sword dealer in every mall and flea market in America. There's no regulation at all.

>Live in a state where it’s perfectly legal to carry a sword outside
>Too embarrassed and afraid to do it

I could walk around with this fucking thing and cops literally can’t do shit

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that's not a sword, it's a big lump of iron

> Hey is that Cloud's sword?

That's too big to be called a sword.

>not recognizing Gut's sword

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It's always a fat hapa or neckbeard, too.

Because this isnt fucking Londinistan. It's a fucking sword.

I still love how many faggots don't realize 'buster sword' is just a nip mistranslation on bastard sword.

for you

It could still bonk you over the head just give me about two minutes to pick it up

No I mean liberals

>cops literally can’t do shit
Neither can you with that thing.

>i'd be badass and nobody could stop me
This is pure reddit kino

>no where does he claim to be a badass
>just want to push the law to its limits

No I’m just saying in principle it’s fun to think about. I just picked the most retardedly large sword I could find on google.

The cops would shoot you for being a pathetic weeb.

It was probably deliberately mistranslated per Nintendo of America standards, like how "Jihad" was turned into "Crusader" and "Holy" into "Pearl."

>drag it up ten flights of stairs because the elevator is broken
>drop it on someone’s head like an acme anvil

this is a new low even for Yea Forums.

You won’t be saying that once I get three other people to help me swing it, accidentally crushing my hand and flinging it two inches where it lands on my foot crushing the bones

a bastard sword is in between a longsword and a claymore though, it isn't some huge sword

>I run this shop with my wife's son, Chum Lee

In tabletop rpgs it kinda is. They also called it a 2 handed bastard sword ala DnD but weebs don't realize calling it zwei hander was also a mistranslation.

Same with him being Claude living in a germanesque town complete with the alps and a big tit bar maid. Or Barret instead of Bullet for that matter.

Oh. Then the answer is no.

They had swords in that Guts show? I thought it was for kids.


>best I can do is 10 bucks bald fuck

>lol like laws amirite xD
Holy shit when did Yea Forums become the board for kids to post on at school?

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The answer is "not all liberals", but yeah, I have meet some really retarded liberals (and some pretty smart ones)


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why is it so fucking short?

>psh, nothin personal kid

The cops might not do anything, but Sephiroth probably will.