The next civil war in Westeros is coming, and it's coming soon. The Six Kingdoms will likely collapse...

The next civil war in Westeros is coming, and it's coming soon. The Six Kingdoms will likely collapse, and it will happen when the Iron Islands declare a secession war and are joined by Dorne and the Stormlands. In S6E9, Daenerys promised Yara that the Iron Islands could secede from the 7 Kingdoms in return for their support. In S8E6, the North is the only kingdom to secede. The Iron Islands and Dorne should have at least attempted to secede as well.

The Dornish had wanted to marry Dany to one of their princes. After the Dorne plotline, the Dornish quite honestly don't really have any real reason to stay within the Seven Kingdoms. Neither the Iron Islands, a notoriously rebellious kingdom who had been quite literally and directly promised the right the secede, or Dorne, a ethnically and culturally distinct notoriously separatist kingdom that prides itself on not having never been conquered, had been given the opportunity to petition for secession. In fact, the Iron Islanders were effectively betrayed by the crown, who didn't even acknowledge the promise Daenerys made.

This lack of acknowledgement brings into question whether or not any of Dany's proclamations hold any weight whatsoever now that she's dead. Remember that Daenerys was the one who raised Gendry to lordship. If something as major as a promise of secession can be discarded, why should the lords of the Stormlands honour the proclamation that legitimized Gendry? By questioning Dany's authority, Gendry's enter line can be delegitimized. If Dany's proclamations are illegitimate, then Gendry's rule and the rule of all his heirs is also illegitimate. As much as Gendry would likely hate being dragged into the war as a rebel, he would be forced into doing so to protect himself and his family.

Part 1/3

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On the other hand, Bronn's only claim to Highgarden is the fact that Tyrion promised it to him. Bronn will be forced to side with Tyrion and Bran because without the throne's authority he has literally no claim to Highgarden. This would throw Highgarden itself into civil war, as any noble with a claim to Highgarden would side with the rebels against the Bronn the usurper, who was unjustly thrust into control of Highgarden ahead of anyone with an actual claim to it. It's possible that as soon as Gendry is forced to defend his legitimacy and side with the rebel secessionists, the lords of the Stormlands could revolt against him. Any distant cousin of Robert, Stannis and Renly would have a stronger claim to the Stormlands than a bastard rebel, and they could throw their lot in the crown to secure their own rule. However, any lord who does so will be hard pressed as they would have less inherent legitimacy than a rebellious lord of Highgarden and would make enemies with all of Daenerys remaining loyalists, since their claim would be based directly off of Dany's illegitimacy.

The Rock would be loyal to the crown, as it would belong to Tyrion, who is of course loyal to Bran. Remember in S8E6 that Tyrion states that after his job as Hand of the King is done, he would have a castle to retire to. With no other children of Tywin alive, Tyrion is rightful heir of Casterly Rock. Of course, other Lannisters might try to oppose him, but Tyrion both has the strongest claim and is a master of "the game", so opposing his rule would be difficult. The Riverlands would also likely support the crown, given the Tully's blood ties to Bran. Additionally, a free Iron Islands represents a threat to both the Riverlands and Casterly Rock as those two kingdoms are situated right next to the Islands, and would be under threat of Ironborn raids should the Iron Island gain its independence. Yara promised Daenarys that the Ironborn would not raid, but Dany is dead and the Ironborn do not sow.


The North is another problem. While I'm sure that in the event of a war Sansa would want to help her little brother, the North has almost nothing to gain supporting the Six Kingdoms. By choosing to support Bran anyway, Sansa would not only tax her already severely depleted kingdom, she would also potentially call the legitimacy of the North's own secession and Sansa's own priorities as Queen in the North into question. If she simply follows the Six Kingdoms into war, she'd be acting like a vassal rather than an ally, and her own people could revolt. The North is strongly independent and has already seen two Kings in the North brought low by southerners, as Robb was murdered and Jon returned in disgrace. While Sansa would personally want to aid Bran, her bannermen would probably not want anything to do with the south. Sansa is of course excellent at playing "the game", and I have no doubt that with time she could bring the North into the war, but by that point it may be too late.

This would leave Bran in a very precarious situation. Casterly Rock is no longer the economic powerhouse it once was, as the goldmines have dried up. Highgarden would almost certainly be in open rebellion against Bronn, and both Kings Landing and the Riverlands were absolutely devastated over the course of GoT. The Vale, under Robin Arryn, would be incredibly slow to act and would probably remain neutral until one side or the other had nearly won before joining the winning side. Any lord who rebelled against Gendry would lack the united strength of the Stormlands. Plus, the Faith Militant was never officially disbanded by Cersei. With a heathen like the Three Eyed Raven on the throne and the realm in rebellion, the Faith could be expected to make a return especially if the heathen North joined the war supporting Bran. The image of a heathen northerner advised by a monstrous Imp could be enough to cause Bran's own people to rise against him, especially if it was in support of the Seven.


TL;DR: Yara will rebel for the secession Dany promised her, Gendry will be forced to assist for the sake of his own legitimacy and Dorne would likely rebel as well, as they are heavily independent.

Meanwhile, Bran's allies would be weakened, as Casterly Rock is broke, Highgarden would be in rebellion against the illegitimate ruler Bronn, the Riverlands and Red Keep would be rebuilding after being burnt to the ground in GoT and the Faith Militant would be up in arms against their heathen king.

Yeah it's pretty much the lamest ending to anything I've ever seen.

Ey what about Radmure? Wouldn't he likely split off because they didnt take his attempt to petition for the throne seriously? Why should he stay in this confederation that has only seen him tortured and beaten in the past?

Just neck yourself, fag. Nobody is going to read your graphomania.

It's possible, but remember that the riverlands are one of the weakest of the seven kingdoms. They aren't particularly large or rich and they were devastated over the course of GoT. The Riverlands are one of the few kingdoms that would genuinely benefit from the crown's protection. Also, it was Sansa, not Bran, who humiliated him

That's why I made a TL;DR for illiterate faggots like you

You think the writers care about all the plot holes? They wanted it over and done with so they rushed it. They couldn’t even be careful enough to make sure the actors water bottles were removed from the scene, you think they care about how the kingdoms new system makes no sense.

Lmao this nigga calls Asha Yara
Also, fuck fanfict

Honest question

What could all of the now-rebuilding Westeros do against the united Unsullied-Dothraki bannerless armies? I know that D&D tried to just write them out of the country by sending them to Naath, but they are the only military force left that's still of overwhelming might, and the only things left to represent their leadership are Grey Worm and numerous Unsullied captains and/or Dothraki chiefs. If business returns to usual, they have no reason to do anything but kill their fill and pillage the ruins of Westeros until there's nothing left before moving back to Essos and resuming business there.

Bran wargs and quells every rebellion before they happen

I call her Yara because that's what she's called in the show, and I'm specifically talking about the ending to the show. Quite honestly Yara and Asha are practically different characters anyway

The army of the North/Vale was there too, and both armies were depleted. The unsullied/dothraki can't really replenish their losses in westeros whereas the other armies can, so it makes sense that Grey Worm would be wary of starting another war. What doesn't make sense is that the dothraki just left, they should have been a permanent addition to Westeros

How? The Ironborn were promised the right to secede, what exactly could warging do to stop that?

The north being given independence was full blown retarded. I can’t imagine anything else happening besides all out war over seceding

thread is dumb, Bran is now essentially a super gestalt AI, long living, with almost infinite potential recall of past events and limited glimpses of select/probable future events. As this consciousness can be passed on to another down the line this thing is ruler for fucking ever, bar something enormous or majorly weird happening, or it decides to piss off eventually. Any move against Westeros, or himself, he could have dealt with years before it became a problem. Given that humans can't rule themselves without being cunts I'd give the magic robot god a go. Even if he might have been borderline evil, fuck it.

tldr: read God Emperor of Dune

The part that gets me is the North being totally okay with them banishing their King of the North back to the Wall for saving them all from mad queen Dany.
Like I doubt they would just let it happen and immediately start chanting for Sansa being Queen.

Yeah but God Emporer is awesome and GoT has proven itself cringe

Surely bran would have bronn assaninated within his first week. Bronn is utterly untrustworthy, would never share the reach's resources without charging ridiculous prices to the crown and would be a terrible and cruel tyrant of a Lord.

Thought blowing up the Sept killed the Faith Militant?

was sansa more cunning than joffrey and more cold hearted than ramsey in the end?

maybe he will be killed, or maybe he'll realise their is no way he can out manoeuvre god-bran and pull his fucking shit together before it's too late

every things cringe, whatever

Doing so would undermine Tyrion since it was Tyrion who put Bronn in charge of the Reach in the first place
Weakening the powerbase of his own new administration would be really, really stupid

It killed the High Septon, and probably most of the Faith Militant. It's not really possible to have killed every single peasant wearing a hair shirt though, and since the Faith Militant was never officially disbanded all it would take is one person declaring the Militant is back for it to return

Bran could try to disband it, but he's a heathen. The faithful would be unlikely to actually listen to him

>The next civil war in Westeros is coming, and it's coming soon.

*Eyes turn white*
>Millions of Westerosis: I love king Bran.