Watching movie with the parents

>watching movie with the parents
>characters use swear words

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>watching movie with the parents
>father beats up son

>watching movie with "the" parents

Cringe and held back-pilled.

>watching movie with the parents
>kiss scene comes up

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>watching movie with the parents
>a vore scene comes up

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Do your parents not kiss you, user?

based. i hate when people use the word "the" to describe something that isn't unique and/or exists in multiples

>im going to go to the walmart
what? there's only one walmart in the world, fuckface?


They are obvious referring to THE local/closest Walmart, dumbass

i live in a big city and there are literally 2 walmarts that are equidistant from my house. saying "the walmart" is 100% bumpkin speak

way to out yourself, flyover faggot dont (You) me again


city slicker

big cities don't have walmarts, not enough space. quit LARPing

t. went to uni in Boston


>dad says lets watch a movie
>plays solitaire all way through it

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>boston doesn't have walmarts so no big cities do
guess it wasn't harvard or MIT you attended

>big city

not even worth the (You). embarrassing post.

>not watching robocop uncut on VHS when you were 2.

>watching The Sopranos with your father
>it's a scene with Tony raging at AJ
way more awkward than watching a sex scene with your mother

Well la de dah

why are you watching sex scenes with my mother?

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>watching movie with my mom
>sex scene comes on
>she squirms in her seat and bites her lip slightly
>she tells me she's so lonely and stares at me

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based if she's attractive and you're underage

RUN AWAY, user!

>watching movie with the parents
>niggers on the screen

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>watching movie with the parents
>it's obvious marxist propaganda

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you watch anime with your parents user?

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>watch mad men with mom
>it's "don fucks another chick" episode

>Mom wants to go see Team America World Police
>Makes me sit next to her

I wanted to fucking die.

>big cities have walmart
>being proud of living in a city
Found the r3dditor

>my based dad calls it out and points out that it was made by jews

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>guess it wasn't harvard or MIT you attended
If you arent in hard STEM and attending a big university im laughing at you even harder

What a cunt



You're a pretentious asshole and you should be ashamed.

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>kiss scene comes up
>mom puts her hand on my leg

based cougar mom

>watch movie with parents
>20 minute incestual oral sex scene

lol I don't even know why I;m laughing

People who love in big cities are mentally ill. Look at that experiment they did on mice. Same shit happening in New York or LA or any other shitholes like that. I would much rather live on a rural property with my own land and privacy. I grew up in a coty and all the men were soyy boys, then i went to work in the country and the men were all chads. Probably something the cities put in the water, plus the fact that people in the country get outside and do manual labour.

is that a man?

This happened to me with Chronicle

Glad to make you laugh

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no it's a boy

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>mum puts on movie she's already seen but wants to show me
>sex scene in the first few minutes

>show family movie I really like and insist they watch
>turn it off 30 mins in because I think they're not enjoying it hard enough

i pity people who want to live in isolation like this. it's usually a symptom of having pathetic life goals

what i want to accomplish in life cannot be done in some small hick town in the midwest. enjoy your corn fields though lmao

enjoy societal collapse and getting raped and killed by nigger gangs you retarded faggot

based and redpilled

>what i want to accomplish in life cannot be done in some small hick town in the midwest.
Ah you want to be an actor or an artist of some sort. Or maybe some sort of jewy lawyer? I can tell you're in high school because of how ignorant you are to the outside world and how you think you need to live in a big coty to earn money. Its usually the opposite, as I said in my previous post.

Fuck off tranny faggot

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not an argument

i already graduated from college, but cope harder. and no i don't want to be an actor. is that all bumpkins think there is to do outside their farms?


People in rural communities are much closer to their neighbours than people in big cities. It isnt isolating. It is liberating. You are so ignorant.

holy SHIT i get to talk to farmer john down the street. wow what an amazing life. you totally proved me wrong, i'll delete this post now

>i already graduated from college
Note how you wont say what you got your degree in. Very telling. I guarantee youre some sort of artsy fag who wants to be a writer or something. Or maybe a jewy corporate lawyer, earning a million a year and still living in ancapartment that you dont even own? Or maybe a shitty civil engineer, earjing far less than you would outside of the city. You're also stupid, I said I grew up in the city.

>literally no argument

>view based on reality
>view based on rhetoric from a retarded circle jerk anime forum

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>and no i don't want to be an actor
Its funny cuz you know this kid wants to be an actor or a rapper or something

>watching game of thrones in the living room
>my dad calls me a faggot



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>watching movie with parents
>parents in film start having sex with their children

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>so BTFO that you have to reply to yourself with cope

>watching a film with my parents
>dad complains it's actually a flick

>watching movie with the parents
>son rapes father

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my degree was in Economics. I didn't tell you because it's largely irrelevant to what im doing, but i have a great job that allows me to pursue my outside interests

you're really defensive and keep saying cringe shit like "jewy lawyer". i must have hit a nerve somewhere

>I grew up in the city
so you didn't make anything of your life, probably barely graduated high school, couldn't keep up with the rise in rent prices, and like 99% of people who move out of the city you gave up on your dreams


>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Bumfuck Stickville "education" everyone

Look at his soyy arms. You can tell hes a city slicker, probably bisexual, possibly a tranny down the road. Guaranteed he wants a nanny state to take care of him and the family he will never have

i sure as hell don't lol

>watching porn with parents
>acting scene comes on

Look at THE city slicker with his fancy German THE Walmart.

>watching movie with family
>sex scene comes on
>sister inflates

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t. neet with 100% the same body

>watching parents have sex
>they put a movie on in the background

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>my degree was in Economics.
No it wasnt. You dont even have a degree, youre LARPing. I can tell youre a child.
Are you fucking 12?

I have a degree which is worth much more than your imaginary one, and because im not a retarded wage slave, i realized that you can bring home way more money living and working outside of the city, while also being independent. Have fun getting raped and slaughtered when shit hits the fan, but youre not an adult, so maybe you will eventually change your mind.

>watching g-rated movie with the folks
>character uses the Lord's name in vain

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>implying you arent samefagging to control the damage done to your fragile ego

>i lik tha cuntry life

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>big city
Sure kid

As a suburnanite who has no dog in this fight, I've always hated city fags a lot more because of their condescending attitude toward rural people. Bumpkins are a lot more fun and less faggy to hang with than city homos who get scared and piss their pants when they have to venture outside of their safe zone, and cope with their glaring insecurities by being condescending toward people. Bumpkins are a lot more well-adjusted, pleasant and secure and can go into the suburbs or city with no problems at all.

>keep doubming down on your retardation
>keep repeating "just"
The absolute state of this seething hillbilly incel.

>No it wasnt.
big yikes. i really wish i had it here instead of framed at my parents house lol

>"raped and slaughtered when shit hits the fan"
>literally "day of the rope"-tier nonsense
big cringe. is this the intellectual aptitude of the average bumpkin?

take your HBP meds and go race some frogs, jasper

Well well look at this city slicker with his fancy german car

I have hair and muscle on my arms because im not a low t beta cuck. Have fun being "neet with 100% the same body", soyy boy.

You live in an apartment that you dont even own, you can barely afford to pay rent, and you dont knkw your neighbours. Youre also physically and mentally weak.

Dude nobody cares about this shit except for cuntry fags
They are literally the assholes who say shit like
>oh you talk like a yank
>you aint really cuntry
Get your head out of you ass cleetus

>have Master's degree in biological process engineering
>some 13 year old who wants to work on wall st calls you stupid because hes never had a job and doesnt understand why intelligent people would rather live on land than an apartment
Thanks for the laugh

Only normalfags want to be surrounded by filthy vermin everywhere they walk. Me? All I need is my gun, my dog, and my God. I would kill you if you even approached me you fucking walking ape.

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you realize cities also have suburbs ie. houses, right? goddamn you people are retarded

imagine unironically believing in the judeo-christian god

>You live in an apartment that you dont even own, you can barely afford to pay rent, and you dont knkw your neighbours. Youre also physically and mentally weak.
All your shit opinions hang on bullshit assumptions
Pretty weak minded if you ask me LOL

>watching southpark with my grandad
>everytimes Butters shows up he starts fapping furiously

well well, look at the city slicker pullin up in his fancy German unwarranted sense of superiority

Well you can killed by white trash too.

>actually getting a degree in economics
>"following your dreams" in a big city
>thinking society will never collapse
Le big cringe and also big yikes. You dont have a degree though, I can tell youre underage and frequent r3ddit. Dont get a degree in econ, its a waste of time and money. Econ is easy and you don't need a degree to understand it, unless you're a retard, and you do make a convincing retard.

Suburb kid here too. This is 100% accurate. They are also fuckin big and good at fighting.

It is not as fun as it sounds though.

>i own my land
Yea shitty lanf in the middle of the sticks
>i know my neighbors
Yea a bunch of basic dumb fucks who cant hold a thought
Literally the only 2 things you faggots got going for you and its mediocre


>fuckin big
yea, fat as fuck

Holy shit will you two shut THE fuck up??? We're in a comfy frogposting thread

Oh so now you dont live in a big city? How convenient, just as you lost the argument, suddenly your position shifts.

Youre right. I shouldnt have assumed you had a salary or a degree, you clearly don't.

Rural Cuntry faggots literally ruined the internet

You cannot dispute this

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>Youre right. I shouldnt have assumed you had a salary or a degree, you clearly don't.
>being this passive agressive
Soiboi confirmed

Do you even own a gun? Are you even allowed to? Do you even own land? What kind of yuppy corporate faggot still wants to live in the city with a bunch of non-whites and crime?

>literally no argument
Get a real degree, you fucking hack.

big cities still have houses everywhere and surrounding suburbs.

can you imagine being THIS fucking retarded? holy fucking shit. you have to be trolling m8

>getting this riled up
This hick is bsolutely seething lol

>explicitly stating you dont have a degree or salary is passive-aggressive
You dont know what passive-aggressive means.

It was actually started by a pants-shitting city slicker. Typical city numale, starting fights then crying when you get btfo and cant end em

>non-whites and crime
cringe. glad you like to stay in the farms, we don't need edgy racists like you anywhere here. also post your degree lmao retard i guarantee you can't even make it to a CC

>big cities still have houses everywhere and surrounding suburbs
Ya, so you live in the suburbs, not the city. Aka youre a lying piece of shit (surprise)

>this much damage control
>using sarcasm that much
Either a roastie, a soiboi or a tranny from some tiny shithole in the middle of nowhere

>y-you mad

>inner city crime stats are racist
It keeps getting better. You fucking wish you could see my degree, the fact that I design and build catalysts for PBRs must fucking enrage your tiny numale brain

The country is where Ive seen the most BM/WF couples in my life
No wonder you hicks get so upset, you see it all the time

except i don't live in the suburbs. its actually embarrassing how you're completely unaware of how life works outside your ranch

you can have a house in LA that has a view of the ocean on the west and a view of DTLA on the east, but still be in a relativity dense area and not be considered "suburban". my buddy lives in house in between to apartment communities

no need to say "thanks", i love education rural retards like yourself

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> watching movie with the parents

> Chloë Sevigny sucks off a dude for reals....

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>BTFO you resort to /pol/ buzzwords despite being a leftist cuck

>getting upset over what some city slickers think
>still vigorously replying
Welp Cleet I hope you seriously don't do that.

>not an argument
its literally the best argument against it retard
>view based on rhetoric from a retarded circle jerk anime forum
yeah it has nothing to do with grocery stores only having at best a 3 day stock of food, and once the trucks stop running, the cities are going to turn into madmax hellscapes

>talks about using a buzzord
>uses a buzzword
Wow you zoomers sure are good at trolling

>turn into madmax hellscapes
What are you scared of? I thought you were a big tough countryman with guns and presumably muscles and not a flabby body?

statistics aren't racist but using them to defend your prejudice and hate is, well, racist. and ironically further disenfranchises the same people irrationally you don't like. the more you know!

Oh so you own a house in LA? Or rather, daddy has a house in LA, and babby wants to LARP as le ebin hedge fund manager who also gets mad at "racists" on Yea Forums. Or you live in an apartment, which is even more cucked.

Chill out kid, youre so assblasted you've become semi-literate.

>"the cities will collapse any day now!" says increasingly nervous farmer for the 87th time this year

can't defend your point so you turn into name calling? Don't worry friend, I'll be fine while your apartment is being raided and your boipusy is getting ravaged

Imagine being autistic and a country bumfuck hick

What a boring existence that must be

>redditor tries to meme

>muh evil zoomer nazis
At least you stopped using /pol/ buzzwords while being a left wing pussy

>blah blah blah
Blacks commit the majority of violent crime despite being a fraction of the population. This happens in big cities mostly. Cry more, you stupid Starbucks mutt dyke.

Your "point" hinges on a hypothetical situation, Jebadiah
Can't you see how fucking stupid that is?
Might as well say
>when the aliens invade
>when the zombie apocalypse happens
Its like you want society to collapse just so you can be right for once in your shitty redneck life LOL

do you have any idea how mad you're going?

>doesn't understand the history and effect of race relations in america
what, a uneducated bumpkin retard? that can't be!

How autistic are you?

Its more about society collapsing and most people in the city being dead within a day since you have no guns and no practical skills

>being so BTFO that you intermittently post random responses to nobody in particular

>watching movie with the parents
>movie son gets called out by his parents for being a friendless virgin loser

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>y-you mad
>y-youre just uneducated
SEETHING sjw doesnt even have an argument. Keep projecting your bigotry on others.

the absolute state of 4chins zoomers

You dont pass

So for the first time in history, society will never collapse? Why?

>nobody in particular
>still replies
How retarded is this autist seriously

Cry more, mutt dyke

>angry flyoverfags de-rail another thread
range ban everyone outside of the following states:

New York

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>no need to say "thanks", i love education rural retards like yourself
This is your brain on critical theory

Actually it was a city slicker that started the whole thing. Rural and suburban retards finished it, as usual.

The only one who seems to be upset or actually cares about any of this is you, Autismo

Thats why youre raging so hard? Cry more, sjw incel

>this pathetic attemp at damage cobtrol
You still made a fool out of yourself and revealed that you are an autist Cleet

>b-but you live outside of the city and are autistic
The absolute state of sjws in 2019. Trump 2020, you mad, libtard?

>what? there's only one walmart in the world, fuckface?

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>watching movie with mom
>invest scene comes on
>mom shifts around uncomfortably
>try to hide boner

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Oh wow that guy just got trolled on by an epic memester such as yourself. Guess I can write everything you said off as an elaborate troll. I honestly thought cities were bad there for a seconf. Whew so glad you made it obvious you are just having a hearty laugh.

>start shit
>get BTFO

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how do you even get internet on a farm lol

>on a hypothetical situation
except it has happened before you retarded zoomer

Why are you getting aroused by sensible financial planning?

>getting hot and bothered over investments
Kike spotted.


>watch movie with sister
>sex scene comes on
>remember i don't have a sister

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Good lord I couldn’t stand that show.

>Watching movie with little sis in my room
>Mom tells me to leave the door open "just in case"
What in the literal fuck did she mean by this?

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your mom found your cunny folder

>watching movie with the parents
>tender parent child bonding scene

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>watching movie with the parents
>tender father/son moment
>turn to my dad and tell him I love you
>dad tells me to stop being a faggot and to go outside and mow the grass

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>watching movie with parents
>loving, happy family shown on screen
>the mom turns and looks directly into the camera
>"No one could have predicted you'd be the only survivor of the crash sweetheart. You need to let the guilt go. We love you"
>realize I'm staring at the wall of my padded cell

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Well excuse me Mr Goochi loafers

goddamn it jimmy i told you to stop making up words

>watching movie with parents
>know dad cheated on mom but they don't know I do
>scene about infidelity comes on

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I remember watching True Lies with my parents when I was a kid and my dad fast-forwarded past the stripping scene saying we wouldn't be able to watch it all in time if he didn't.
I remember being annoyed he was skipping that bit, only later in life did it occur to me what the truth was