I havent seen a single movie or tv show and I am only here to make pol threads and I tell people to have sex even though I am a 29 yo old khv
ok i think ure boobies look great in that cotton jumper and i want you to feed me from them while you spank me
I miss pirates of the carribean trilogy
Sometimes I fantasize about being a little boy being molested by an older woman
I haven't gone to the kinoplex in years
My little brother had beautiful blue eyes while i was born with a dull brown like my mothers so when he was a toddler i grabbed some baking soda and dropped it into his eyes.
When my parents heard him crying i told them o found him playing with the baking soda
We had to take him to the hospital afterwards and he had perminent eye damage.
You say God I say say10
>whites aren't ev-
>brown eyed child was the criminal
really makes you think
I only watch cape shows and movies
What is it about this scene that reprogrammed all leftist brains to shout "Shame!"
Is your brother DareDevil?
I've jerked off to young natalie portman
>you will never sodomise her...
I've jerked off to old natalie portman.
I've many times jerked off to thought of zombie Mountain mounting tied down Unella in all sorts of nonconsensual ways.
Solo is unironically a good SW flick and it captured the feel of the OT better than the new movies.
What happened to that arisocrat from Dorn? Did she smash her skull against the wall to kill herself after slowly watching her daughter die from poisoning, and rot down to bone while the rats devour her? Or did she just sit there, chained in the dungeon until the Dragon burned down/collapsed the castle? Inquiring minds want to know!