Aladdin is set in a post-apocalyptic future and the Genie is actually Doctor Manhattan

>Aladdin is set in a post-apocalyptic future and the Genie is actually Doctor Manhattan.

Is this kino?

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It would be original

why didnt doctor manhattan just destroy all the nukes

He was too weak. Everyone makes him out to be omnipotent, but really he is just omniscient within the context of his own past and future.

He didn't know it was happening

>Everyone makes him out to be omnipotent
He literally is. Read the comics and not just watch the meme movie

trip to mars to chill

Wasn't that one man's assumption?

Ridiculous fan theories aren't interesting or clever. Yeah, that shit all blew our minds back in 2005 when we read it on Cracked, but now it's old oats. It's old, dry, stale oats.

haha epic post my friend, upvote!

I want to marry asuka

I just wanna giver her my entry plug

All the girls on that show are shit.

>why didnt doctor manhattan just destroy all the nukes
By the point he was able to do that, he had stopped caring about humans and Earth.

dilate tranny

*blocks your path*

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Misato is the only patrician-tier waifu in NGE. Fuck Rei AND Asuka.

i just read the first one, the pages at the end seem so boring and dont relate to the plot

>used up late 20s slag is better than cute young red head girl
Imagine being this delusional.

He has entry level high tier powers. Comic book Thor or even Green Lantern could beat him.

His dad wasnt alive to tell him

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