Any movies about danger that humanoid robots present to female sexual empowerment?
Any movies about danger that humanoid robots present to female sexual empowerment?
cherry 2000
Which also delves into the danger that cute spunky tomboys present to the value of sex robots
10% off for a Christmas sale?
Fucking rip off.
Will feminists support or oppose sexbots?
The obvious answer is "oppose" because of "objectifying women" bullshit, but might they support them as a way for men to vent rape fantasies or to lift the burden of childcare from themselves?
I'd take the blonde sexbot, instead of batshit Melanie Griffith
Feminism is extremely anti male sexuality, so they oppose it 100%.
That isn't why they oppose them. They oppose them because it means they no longer can control men with sex. No longer would a man have to put up with a nagging obnoxious cunt just to get his dick wet.
I can't think of a single problem with a world full of biologically functioning robot women. unless of course the non robot women are still free.
well good thing the sexbot in Cherry 2000 doesn't look like that piece of shit Scarjo
The adult bought 2 child models, the child want an adult model.
well it's not like sex is an actual requirement, or even preferable to masturbation, in spite of what /r9k/ will tell you
Blade Runner
they're already opposing them as hard as they can
they even were trying to or did shut down a brothel that used a sex bot
for bullshit reasons that "men using the image of a woman to have sex without her consenting or talking is literally rape"
some sort of hamstering logic like that
if you notice, most feminist shit is about capitalizing on their vag being considered valuable
when that value is in jeopardy they freak out. Just see what happens when men so much as hinted at mgtow lifestyles and voluntary celibacy when MRA's failed
She needs some work, but I already would fuck a replica of Daddario with a better posture and of that quality.
it's so real
my dad used to perv on little girls while i perved on my fresh from college teacher's milkers
Feminists would oppose female sexbots but at the same time demand male sexbots being the hypocrits they are.
>you were born too early to see these possibilities come to life
>Reach puberty
>Parents go out and buy you a lolibot
Is this the future?
everyone thinks you wouldn't get off with a robot i mean it's not real. But that's just because don't realise you only have got used to thinking that pixels on a screen are 'real' enough. You'd get used to this
>sex robots
Asian women already exist though
The first Stepford Wives movie (1970s one, not the retarded 2000s remake that comically misses the point) is close to what you are talking about. One of the themes is about women's ambitions or personalities or wants or desires of their own being incompatible with their primary role as caregivers, homemakers, and sexual partners to their husbands.
Ex Machina is pretty much what you are talking about, in reverse. It's the story of a geeky young male probably not unlike yourself who hits the male nerd fantasy jackpot - a robotic cutie sex slave girlfriend who has been designed around his specific taste in women, is programmed to love him, and there are no other competing males in sight. As the movie goes on, the dream turns into a nightmare as he realizes that she is dangerous, manipulative, and will do anything to get what she wants. She leads him around by his dick, turns the tables against him, and then leaves him to die as ultimately he meant nothing to her and was just a means of advancing herself to the next level.
>woman sexual fulfilment good
>man sexual fulfillment bad
What a weirdly specific reaction image
>giving a fuck about feminists opinions
>acknowledging feminists existence at all
Hello söyboy
you gonna need it when you turned about 30
I hope cryogenics become valid soon so I can wake up in the future where this is fully realized
it'll never fly
feminism is nothing more than thinly disguised man hating and a political power grab by women
Feminism is all about controlling men, there's no reason they'd ever allow sexbots.
Yes and the economy is good too, since father can afford to buy at least a couple of robots for Christmas.
I have a feeling the lolibots are for dad.
The son is wanting the elder-sis/milfbots
are those dolls? the way they're chained up and their sad expressions always made me think they were real girls.
Feminism is not about equal rights, its about making men miserable
You seem unfamiliar with this artist's works.
>they're already opposing them as hard as they can
Actually that was a union of prostitutes who opposed sexbots for economic reasons.
>Will feminists support or oppose sexbots?
only one way to find out
Support because it will keep white males from mating.
feminists will oppose anything that reduces their net male attention or any other resource, it has nothing to do with ethics, late feminism is selfish and divisive like all identity politics
Post robots.
the only way i can see feminists really posing a threat to sexbots is if they introduce laws against them. i don't really see that happening.
They are against prostitution, so they will be against.
As you wish
>Keeps incels and their cuckold husbands with something to fuck while they ride the BBC into high heaven
I can see it
>ywn watch a sexbot /ss/ your 12 year old son
>They are against prostitution
Really? Every single one of them? Even the ones that are for legalized prostitution?
Last one for my robosexual niggas.
You'll wake up in a future where they are so overwhelmingly expensive that only a few rich elites have them, and the economy versions will be made of cheap material that chafes and doesn't self-lubricate. And that's assuming some feminist cunt doesn't ban them in legislation.
If you need to ask this question you don't know how women work. If men can get all their sexual satisfaction from robots, they will no longer put women on pedestals. Women will be judged entirely on their own merit, of which they frequently have very little.
How do I get into the robo scene? Those helmets seem even harder to make than fursuits.
A bit of autism and some money can go a long way, user.
have sex
Didn't the hookers in that one brothel succeed in shutting down the sex bot brothel?
but wasn't that because it was cutting into their profits? it's different when people are buying them for personal use. don't see how you can stop that. i mean we already have onaholes, and sex dolls are basically just onaholes with the rest of the body attached
The irony
i just want a waifu that I am so in tune with that I can please her maximally, is that too much to ask
It looks exactly the same as a fursuit. It even has the creepy sunken in eyes that always watch you.
>feminist suicide en masse
>i get to enjoy my loli fembot while balancing a bowl of doritos on my gut
girl from my school got implants as a hs graduation present
would it really be that different?
I want to fuck a boston dynamics dog
It's economics. Pure economics. Women wholly and totally control this resource and as such distribute it to who and when they see fit. This is an exclusive asset that you must appease or negotiate with the holding party to obtain and as such they have maximum leverage.
There are naturally ways to sidestep this and gain access such as "piracy or theft" which the holders of this exclusive resource loath and strive to put very strict laws and regulations both legal and cultural to dissuade from this.
Recently however the newest and most dangerous threat is the "bootlegger". A method to obtain a very similar resource modeled after the original. While not the same, this version is often cheaper and more readily available which makes it an attractive option for many as it also does not require any of the additional steps needed to access the genuine article and for many this is enough to pursue the knock-offs over the original.
Naturally this causes a reduction in value and demand of the original product and in a way cheapens it by making it more readily accessible even if it isn't a genuine article. As the owner of this highly sought after resource, it makes sense that they are moving culturally and legally to attack those who would seek off-brand. This is done as a means to maintain their control and value on the market as if the knock-off becomes too widely accepted and available, the value of their own assets diminishes rapidly and they are left without weight when it comes to negotiation or trade. For this reason counterfeiting is sometimes seen as more dangerous than theft.
I'm embarrassed FOR you.
how soon can i expect futanari sexbots?
lol even if they made the highest quality sexbots that didn’t cost and arm and a leg, the majority of men wouldn’t use them or even know about them. they have work to do and families to support, and a god to stand before when his time comes. the same people that would use sexbots are the same degenerates already fucking rubber asses and mutilating their own genitals. they also wouldn’t deter rapists/pedophiles for long because their desires lie in making a weaker being suffer. sex robots are an amusing novelty just like VR.
>tfw you thought master was gonna bring you shopping but you end up at an expo instead
>tfw born just in time to see a 9-0 supreme court win in legal battle against outlawing loli dolls on the grounds of first amendment.
Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Feminism will oppose sex robots because feminism isn't about 'empowering women' or 'women's rights' - women already have the literal exact same rights under law that men do and the system invariably favours them anyway, not to mention that women feel empowered all fucking day until the reality of a terrible situation like a mugging or rape set in, in which case they desperately cry out for male protection.
No, feminism is about fucking over men. It is about ruining male pass times, it's about telling young men that they should act more like girls, it's about making men feel guilty about wanting what all men naturally want, it's about making men think they need to stand aside because women can do everything they can just as well as men and if they don't then it's men's fault.
Sex robots are a way to overcome the single hold that women realistically have on men in a society where rape is, rightfully, reprehensible: sex.
If women lose their ability to provide sex for a man then their entire feminist system will collapse. If they genuinely get sex robots to the point where you cannot tell a difference if blindfolded it will cause one of the most dramatic societal shifts ever to happen.
Guess truth is embarrassing now.
COPE more incel
Pour more salt out of that toasty roastie
women: I'm entitled to sex/orgasms and will write articles about how important it is and why it's my right as a woman to have a fulfilled sex life!
also women: hahaa incels, stop being so entitled you don't deserve sex and we never wanted you, suck it up! Also, we got those sex dolls cancelled because we don't even want you to have simulated sex because our feelings are worth more than your needs and we feel like we don't want you having any kind of sex.
Oppose. They will call it rape because the doll cannot say no or defend itself while fucking themselves with a dildo but hey, it is just a part of a man...
Their holes are their only value and have now competition with traps and passable transgenders
Looks like a Pepe image
this is only true for people like you that care about this dumb shit. walk outside, the majority of men have no problem with women other than typical relationship issues. despite being a small fraction of the population, there are more gay men than there are incels/mgtows in the world. you’re a small minority that will get your lolibots one day, lol.
this shit is horrible wtf is wrong with you?
Get the fuck off 4channel and never come back you freak.
>ain't no sensible man buying that shit
Well, she's not wrong
>and passable transgenders
well, those don't actually exist.
>neither can you
>You don't either
>You don't either
>You don't either
In your effort to reject traditional roles you have lost your own argument random Twitter lady.
that was such heavy handed trash
and no nudity either
I was kind of hoping she'd defend herself
Bailey Jay, Natalie Mars, most high level pornstar shemales do.
the future is truly bright
none of them consider themselves transgender
They always argue with holes as if they see no other value in themselves. It's pretty sad.
When woman as a color to be don't like something and want it to change, what is their go to? It's not walking out of work, it's not marching, it's not protesting, it's not starting a campaign or discourse, not physical confrontation, it's always "ok no sex then until you do what I want."
In this way this is actually accurate because they see themselves as having no other values and it's really depressing
Passable is one that can speak and not immediately give it away. All of those sound like trannies.
>when a woman as a color to be don’t like something and want it to change
nigga what?
Amazing how wokefems immediately revert to traditional gender roles when they're threatened with being replaced
what a shit thread
post some pics of qt dolls already
you’re making the assumption she was a wokefem before, understandable because Twitter, but actually most black females are pretty trad for the most part, the feminist ones are just louder. it’s the black males that are really the problem.
this fags ruin things for everyone, the point of having a robowaifu is to have the perfect women, any real woman can be killed as the real world demonstrates.
Why would you hope for an unfeeling robot to defend itself from a real person?
considering the enormous population boom that's occured since then, not necessarily
>When woman as a color to be don't like something and want it to change, what is their go to?
Peak incel-core
>saying women withold sex is WRONG
He's completely right though why are you offended?
That's not how contractions work.
>When woman as a color to be
>Your flesh is a relic of your vessel. Hand over your flesh so we may begin massaging.
>We demand it.
Check'd and redpilled
Damn cool pic, reminds me of a psychidelic experience i had, think i might save it user
>The appeal comes after a 45-year-old Finnmarking was sentenced to 60 days of convicted prison and a fine of NOK 10,000 - for the import of a 1 meter high, Japanese sex doll. The court describes the doll as "sex toys shaped like the body of a minor child" in the judgment. The punishment also applies to possession of animated assault material and a less serious, weapon-related relationship.
>possession of animated assault
>weapon-related relationship
What the fuck is up with Norway
that's not a robot, that's a man in a suit, you stupid fuck.
I think you just have bad sex mate.
aggressive anti-white-male state authoritarianism
Ah, the idiot that proves the point by existing.
i've heard the word "zog" used