Why do people pretend it's not a decent Star Wars movie?
if it wasnt called star wars that movie wouldnt even be on syfy
It's the only good nuwars movie. But it's not a very good rendition of the character "Han Solo".
why do you think a decent star wars movie is good enough?
Why would I watch a 'decent' movie when I could watch a good one?
In no particular order:
1) The guy who plays Solo is so lacking in charisma that I have apparently forgotten his name.
2) The entire plot revolves around addressing a minor continuity error in A New Hope where a parsec is talked about as being a unit of time rather than distance.
3) The idea that the Millennium Falcon's computer now has a soul is stupid. The Falcon is just a tool to get from one place to another. The characters aboard are what make it alive, not the goddamn ship itself.
It's shit.
So is Rogue One.
There hasn't been a good Star Wars movies since 1980.
Let it go, faggots.
>There hasn't been a good Star Wars movie
>the Millennium Falcon's computer now has a soul is stupid.
a feminist soul
The first two were kino, but only because they took the best elements of good movies and books that Lucas liked at the time. Once he started putting Warwick Davis in a furry suit they went to shit.
Never even watched it nor will I ever watch it.
I switch channels when it's on HBO too. I give that much of a fuck about it.
The navcomputer has always been depicted as having a "personality"
C3PO complained about the Falcon being "rude" in the original trilogy.
Thats not what the entire plot revolves around. Thats not even a major plot point. It doesnt do as good a job as the solo book series but it shows how han learned to fly and met chewie. It shows hans fitst love and how han cant escape being a criminal ect...
You dont give a fuck about it so much you go out of your way not to check it out?
I stopped watching after about half an hour.
I usually don't drop movies, but damn this shit was soulless
>2) The entire plot revolves around addressing a minor continuity error in A New Hope where a parsec is talked about as being a unit of time rather than distance.
Wait, what? No!? You're wrong here user
It is used correctly in the original movie, people just interpret it wrong because they don't understand why a spaceship being able to navigate a certain route in less distance is significant ..
>nothin I love more than a decent star wars movie
Because warwick davis needs to be kicked in the face
Best nuwars prove me wrong. It expands the universe the most and has the most original story out of all of em.
This. This always bothered me when people talked about the parsec thing being wrong. It WAS used correctly. Han navigated the Kessel Run using a shorter route than was typical.
That wasn't in the movie, that was an autistic fan explanation.
Not that the movie wasn't autistic retconning too, but let's not pretend it was George's vision. He just thought the word sounded cool.
That was retroactively added to the cannon once the error was caught. fucking newfags I swear
>and has the most original story out of all of em.
Yeah.. About that.. What was the end-game in this movie all about? The guy steals the refined fuel and .. leaves the ship on foot .. so whoever wins the duel happening on the ship can catch up with him to act revenge for his treachery.. What was the plan there? Made no sense what so ever
>make a movie about a daring, heroic outlaw during his crime years
>completely emasculate him
Can you explain this reasoning?
>That wasn't in the movie, that was an autistic fan explanation.
Yes it literally was, they talked about parsecs .. let me educate you just a tiny bit on this matter
>That was retroactively added to the cannon
No, it worked that way since the beginning, Star Wars hyperspace mechanics are straight lifted out from Asimov's Robot/Empire/Foundation universe written in 1950s
Ep 5 and 3 are the only good star wars movies. SW vidya are much better products than the actual movies.
Emilia "Wildbrows" Clark is so so so terrible. BAd casting for Solo, which was mediocre. Waste of Paul Bettany, Woody played Woody. I liked it but they fucked up the casting big time.
It looks pretty obvious that they will continue with more solo movies. Reguardless of the ending the material presented here is the most expansive of the nuwars
But it WASN'T in the movie
That can't even be argued
Except George Lucas didn't think about that shit at fucking all
I'm personally not all that interested in a starwars movie that doesn't have lightsaber fights. Boring.
George is smarter than any of his critics, everything may as well be his vision because it wouldn't make a difference
Rogue One > Solo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest of mouse-made sw
Asimov was certain Lucas was inspired by his works you plebs
>Except George Lucas didn't think about that shit at fucking all
Because someone else thought it up and fleshed it out for him ready to use.. He even used correct terminology without realizing it
It had the misfortune to be released in the shadow of TLJ
its true. rogue one even had a female main character but didn't have blatant feminism propaganda shoved in our faces every 8 minutes.
Sweet summer child.
Lucas actually used that on the ANH commentary track in the 2004 DVD release lol
I can't even tell what movie that is from the image. Looks like some nigger pirate movie.
>only bad cuz of timing
Fuck off faggot
lose some weight
Gain a diploma.
>but let's not pretend it was George's vision. He just thought the word sounded cool.
He used the correct word in correct context that existed for decades in sci-fi by the time the script was written
it's really bad
it's shit. why do you pretend otherwise
When I see Solo on, I switch to the cooking channel. No interest in Solo or IX
>Picture of teenage mutt bitch
Yeah, this is bait. Solo was one of the worst written things I've ever watched.
Qi'ra was the best character in the movie lmao
This is now a Kotor thread
How do you feel D&D + Rian Johnson are directing the KOTOR adaptation?
How exactly was Revan supposed to be powerful? All he ever did was find a factory
Annoying and ugly.
Well he defeated some pretty impressive opponents in single combat, and he was a military genius.
>t. roastie
>minor continuity error
It wasn't an error. Han was trying to bullshit Obi-wan.
i expect them to kinda forget to subvert my expectations
nah i liked her, specially when she talked with Darth Maul
do you want a pic of my dick you absolute nigger?
Go for it. Best case scenario you're a ftm, which will be immediately obvious.
because it was shit. why do people delude themselves into thinking it is anything else?
The guy who plays Solo was also forced into Hail Caesar to give him at least some credibiliity before Solo
Disney must be gearing up to announce Solo 2 soon. They always start this "underground marketing" shit just before big announcements to bring the brand back to the surface of conversation.
Retconned ;)
How long does it take you to take a dick pic? Trying to find your microscope?
No shit. Because people are stupid and didn't understand that someone would try and bullshit someone else.
Force prodigy, tactical genius, skilled lightsaber duelist, found a powerful dark side artifact that nobody else could find, discovered a hyper advanced race that conquered the galaxy millennia before the Republic existed, could speak 30 languages, skilled droid mechanic, accomplished pilot.
The overall story might be okay, but the details are going to be shit. Characters are going to come down with random stupid to make the plot work, the Force is going to be a legit deus ex machina button to get around their lazy writing, and there's going to be "lots of speculation" written on coffee stained napkins that they proudly show off in the making of videos.
>everything was always bad
Engage in intercourse
ibb co/w6TTtB0
imagine being such a faggot you get obsessed about anonymous dick
Learn to read.
Like I said, you're a female to male tranny.
>Why do people pretend it's not a decent Star Wars movie?
They're kind of shocked that it was unexpectedly entertaining. Sort of like what happened to Star Trek fans who saw the 2009 movie. It wasn't preachy and dull, they didn't know what to do.
It was dumb, but not offensively dumb. It didn't need to be made, but whatever
>2) The entire plot revolves around addressing a minor continuity error in A New Hope where a parsec is talked about as being a unit of time rather than distance
Son it's literally one line in the movie and never brought up again
They are making a 4th of these?
I honestly can't imagine how anyone would think it's a good movie, much less a good star wars movie. Mind boggling
So a Marty Stu
>they're making a sequel to a profitable franchise?
Yes, that's why he's cool.
>Son it's literally one line in the movie and never brought up again
The whole movie is literally about doing the kessel run and the fuel stability thing is a major time limiting plot point
Just thought it was supposed to be a trilogy is all. Bring on the 4th snoozefest in a row lol
Your picture is a good start
Also these This is a big issueAnd they also pandered to leftists before it came out by calling Lando pansexual for no other reason than #Resist
I legit thought that was Woody Harrison and that black lady's daughter.
>2) The entire plot revolves around addressing a minor continuity error in A New Hope where a parsec is talked about as being a unit of time rather than distance.
Is that even a continuity error? Han Solo was upselling himself AND exposing himself as braggart. When he says it, look at Obi Wan's face. George didn't add that knowing smirk with CG later.
Use of parsecs is not an error, you just don't understand how interstellar hyperspace navigation works
And this is a problem, how?
Everytime I see her I just think of Horizon
Its problem because the person I was replying to suggested that it was limited to single line in the movie when in fact most of the actions taken on the screen somehow revolve around it
>It is used correctly in the original movie, people just interpret it wrong because they don't understand why a spaceship being able to navigate a certain route in less distance is significant ..
in the originsal movie Han was simply bullshitting some hick kid and senile boomer. look at Bens smile during that scene, he knows what olo talks is absolute bullshit,, but dioesn't confront him because it doesn't matter. but of course retarded autistic neckberads couldn't figure that out and created idiotic solutions to a plot hole that never existed.
maya rudolph and midge were distracting.
Nice dodge. How is that a reason for why the movie isn't good? Whats the problem with that being a plot point
Its boring and gay just like this thread
Aloy much cuter and has a nice midriff. Sequel when
Why do you disneyshills still try to defend Star Wars? It's dead buddy, move on
>The whole movie is literally about doing the kessel run
But it isn't, though. Try watching it.
>but of course retarded autistic neckberads couldn't figure that out and created idiotic solutions to a plot hole that never existed.
But you're wrong user. The neckbeards didn't create anything here, it was legitimate part of established sci-fi literature Lucas was HEAVILY influenced by originally written in 1950s
When I saw that scene for the absolute first time and heard parsecs I literally knew exactly what was being discussed, it is gone over in detail in Asimov's book series
Yes it is, from the moment of Han deserting from the imperial army to end credits every action seen is either building directly towards kessel run or examining its fruits
the annoying robot makes me want to pull my hair out
and the retcon that Lando somehow fucks said robot is JK Rowling tier idiocy
I didn't even mind the rest of the movie that much. Would gladly give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. But the damn annoying droid ruins it.
every computer had a personality in the OT
I think they abandoned it because they were trying to do it without Chris Pine to save money and it seems like they could deal with the hassle
It's not decent in any way whatsoever. It's one of the worst blockbuster action movies I've seen this decade, tying with X-Men DOFP and Thor 2 for it's pointlessness and outright low quality filmmaking.
These fuckin' guys
The only good part was the train heist.
Kasdan and his faggot son shouldn't be allowed to write for Star Wars again desu. Anyone who thought Solo was decent, or good, is a retard with no standards. It is unironically worse than all the prequels, by far.
>OP's pic related, shit character, what a shock Disney made it a STRONG BIRACIAL GIRL. Why was a fucking teenager leading the proto-Rebels? Why the fuck does Han help them? Why? Why would he give them valuable shit for nothing in return??? Also, one of her shots she's holding the hand of some little black girl? Very strange.
>Han is horribly miscast, uncharismatic
>Lando is a shitty impression at best
>Writing is absolute garbage. "Han... Solo!", here's how Han got his blaster, here's how he got his ship, here's how he met Chewie, here's how he gave Chewie the fucking nickname "Chewie". Embarrassing shit.
>Plot is about getting fucking space fuel
>Kessel looks cheap
>Whole flick is ugly as fuck
The little monkey alien dies kind of off-hand from a shot to the shoulder? And his last line is about how Han is a good pilot? "Val" kills herself for no fucking reason, not that we care about these characters. Next scene, they're buried and then promptly forgotten.
Han always found himself in pretty shitty situations if you think about it.
Probably because it's garbage.