Why do Europeans not watch capeshit?

Why do Europeans not watch capeshit?

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I dunno maybe its offensive to their muslim masters or something

Because it's the same boring shit every time. But a lot of people do watch it though.

Too busy sucking sandnigger dick

Because most of those heroes mean nothing to them

I dunno we aren't brainwashed by our jewish overlords to mindlessly worship every product they make

who cares about europe. It's dying anyway

We watch actual kinos
not the endless trash america keeps shitting out

Higher intelligence.

>mediocre movies for kids
I wonder why...

Too busy watching their wives in bed with muslims

Can't afford to go to the cinema with all the handouts they give to niggers.

What are they supposed to mean ?

Based Europe. So many assblasted redditors and chinks in this thread.

I only watch the occasional Peele kino

I wish this was true, but it isn't. It's just a smaller market

>Not brainwashed
lol. They literally are working for their own extinction and destruction of their own identity, just because they don't want to seem racist.

>avengers had all those bug people and burgers
>Still doesn't appeal to intelligent people, so Europe and still many Americans don't bother

>and chinks

Avengers had less viewers than avatar according to the graph so either people dont watch as much cape shit or people just dont go to the cinema anymore

much smaller population if you split up the countries like that, with europe as one column it's more comparable

It's true though, there's not a single Marvel in the top 100 here.

>CGI vomit over everything
>full of obnoxious american idiosyncracies

Need I go on?

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kek, underrated

Muslim in Europe here, we love capekino. Europeans are usually out partying or something so the Muslim lads like to get together and see a kino together

It's just Marvel, they love DC stuff.

You do understand population sizes correct?

>movies made for people with 80 IQ
>I wonder why Euros don't watch them

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Claps on suicide watch.

capeshit is 3rd world shit

based retard

>shit countries prefer capeshit
Not surprised.

Europe really is based.

>murica below 30 year old already 60% non-white
>hurr durr europe is dying
Why are American posters so fucking retarded.
Seriously, it takes effort to be this delusional

Actual Europeans are out enjoying life and what it has to offer, and we'll see a film if there's something unique or artistic about it. The only people who watch capeshit in Europe are Anglos/Arabs/Indians/Africans/Chinks/other 3rd world trash

This, make another Tintin flick already and we'll come running to the cinemas

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It's a coping mechanic, same applies to their patriotism

I am a Balkan subhuman, not an american

american "cinema" is a meme, it's like a completely defferent genre

Just an easy deflection.

Seriously is there anything more cringy and self-unaware than mutts making jokes about europe being non-white?

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We grew up with better comics

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have Avengers films become a cornerstone of American culture as well as fast food, turning right at a traffic light, and watching your wife fuck a black man?

we have sex

Unironically, yes.

They have some of their traditions remaining and don’t have to use it as a cultural crutch like Americans do

ITT: fat "white" americans mad that they got exposed as the manchildren they really are

sadly true.
americans really do treat the cinema as something "you must do" on a weekend

Americans ACTUALLY feel superior for gobbling up cape shit in larger quantities than Europeans. My sides.

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Seems to be something only superpowers are interested in.
Sorry, india.

There's not a huge moviegoing culture in yurop, it's more something people do every odd month or so

Deflection to ignore their own issues and pretend things will always be fine because there is no way we could ever go the way of the UK or the Russian Empire
*cuckles nervously*

We had Thor already a millennium ago.

Disney doesn't buy entire showings for NEGROES to inflate their numbers here, maybe because we are white countries and we wouldn't tolerate such nonsense

When will this nigga get a movie anyway?

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back when they had someone give a shit in Branagh. He even included Sleipnir.


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>spit all over western culture making a valkyrie a niggress
>their best character is just a WE FR*CKING LOVE SCIENCE *burp* MORTY
>captain marvel
Yeah I wonder why real white countries hate these marvel trash

Americans truly are mentally ill

Tome and Janry Spirou is best Spirou kino imo.
But idk, most cinema adaptation of franco-belgian comics ended up pretty badly, so I'm not sure it's a great idea

They did it and it's a disaster.

the chinese don't like that shit either, but there are a tons of them

indians are way more based though

Not to mention two decades ago

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>say that I think it silly for Valkyries to be black and that they should all be Norse
>get glared at and then questioned about “why can’t ANY great warrior go to Asgard? REGARDLESS of Race?!”
I fucking hate this country

speaking for Mediterranean countries, to the cinema isn't a habitual act here, especially if you are an adult.

>not making it an animated movie
What the fuck were they thinking?

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>great warrior
they should be instantly corrected there. Valkyries had a sole job of carrying the dead warriors back to Valhalla with Freya

They also butchered Gaston...

Because we have better comics than your Marvel and DC shit?

It's always fun watching americans be bewildered over europeans not dumbing their media down for the lowest common denominator to export around the world.
European markets just prefer media produced in europe for the most part, though an overlap with manga and anime has been there for a good few decades now

So they were just delivery girls? Lol
Based nords

Definite proof that Europeans are better than Americans

there is a reason they have 'Val' in their name.
Vahalla is Hall of the Dead

Heavy Metal Kinoverse when

Think of them more as ceremonial guards.

>They are too busy sucking Japanese cock to care.
Fixed, Europoors have no culture.

Fug, I really thought we were better than this bros

Here in Sweden I don't know anybody that cared about Captain Marvel. The interest for Endgame was minimum too. I think people here just got too tired of it after Infinity War. Like enough was enough. Meanwhile at work or in classes, everyone is talking about the latest GoT episode always.

>barely 50% white country memeing about 85% white continent

Every fucking time.

Don't be mad that Europe isn't eating your manchildren garbage for brainwashed corporate retards.

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Because it's shit for mentally retarded manchildren
I prefer to spend my free time reading, philosophy, studying history or getting fucking wankered with the lads, I don't have time for that gay shit, leave that to the autistics and the towel heads

Isn't it ironic that the country with the most shitskins by far is Britain whom we kicked out of the EU?

You will never be white


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>we kicked out of the EU?
youre not letting us though?

because we have taste and the best movies have unironically been made outside of burgerland

Comic books and "geek culture" in general never blew up in the EU as hard as they did in America. Also superheroes are a concept invented by Americans for Americans, it's not very compatible with European culture.

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Not only kicked, they are actively pushing themselves closer to their fellow anglo mutt offspring across the atlantic lol


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How the fuck is EU related to months of UK politicians acting like fucking monkeys? You are the ones begging for extensions.

No one's stopping you from leaving though. It's your government(s) who are backing out again and again because of fear of hard brexit

If it can make you feel better these movies flopped badly.

Europe barely cares about spandex heroes. This shit is terrible.

Most people just dont take superheroes very seriously over here, it's still a little puzzling how they are hailed as great political commentary over in the US
I mean you cant go a single day without Yea Forums freaking out over some message that was in a capeshit comic or movie

Pretty sure bongaloids have less shitskins than France and Germany my friend

we weren't mutilated at birth

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European students are taught not to get indoctrinated by the shenanigans of American pseudo-culture from an early age.

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>projecting this hard
JUST STOP. It’s painful to watch this, almost as painful as seeing people pledge loyalty to this decaying country

Indian here.
>inb4 pajeet poo in the loo memes
All young people in urban areas watch these movies. Every guy below 25 in these areas loves Marvel/DC/GoT type stuff. When Endgame was released, all shows in every multiplex near me were allotted to that movie. That being said, these movies make waaay more money in China because they have a much higher disposable income compared to India.

>that "USA+Canada" to avoid showing domestic gross

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Well it would help if the EU had bothered to offer any realistic terms at all.

Unfortunately since France banned its demographics from being recorded that isn’t possible to prove

I guess progression of each city will be much more interesting than just pie graphs

literally this

because europeans are cultured

I think mainland european countries don't even have a legal definition of "race" so of course it's not possible to collect that data
it's either citizen, eu citizens or extra-eu citizens

>realistic terms
How exactly? They're the same terms that every other non-EU country gets.

Based Scousers

>only 10% blacks in LA
did they all get shot during the crack epidemic?

>t. strongman EU who will never give any more extensions ever
>2 minutes later
>oh okay we'll give an extension

Mexicans pushed them out

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capeshit is for manchildren

So what you're saying is the EU should have treated the UK even harsher?

>implying it's not true
you are all weebs and all your newer stuff is extremely derivative

We have actual culture


only popular superheroes are the ones who had animated series in the 90's and 00's
the raimi spiderman movies and nolan batmans were pretty popular

Fucking hell, and I thought us bongs had problems

>semi carry

Where have I heard this term?

user... you’re giving loyalty to a country that has not cared about you for a long time; You’re offering your family up on the alter to be sacrificed in a few decades so the economic growth never stops like it eventually should



>New York
>ultrabrown and Jewish
>one of the safest big cities in the world, safer than London for instance

As it should be

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Gentrification works

capeshit is for non whites and "white" americans

>new york
>33% white including italians, irish, russians, etc
how many wasp actually live in NY?

Pro-remain parties outperform Brexit-parties in the EU elections
Is there a more cucked country than Britain at this point? I think not.

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Honestly we're blessed living in America. The things European "culture" stand for.. They're just not compatible with the Marvel heroes' values. There's the UK banning the most ridiculous things and you even need a license for carrying a baseball bat and there's all the liberal shit with New Zealand and Germany and all the other countries..

I think the concept of heroes beating the shit out of bad guys is a concept that doesn't sit well with a lot of people there growing up in such a flowery environment. Basically they're faggots on a subconscious level and don't tolerate Ironman and Starlord

I'd rather watch shitty comedy movies

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I clapped

>B-but it prevents STDs and you won't get smegma!

idk user, maybe we have standards?

Run as a police state since the 1990s, soon that will probably be disabled and it finally becomes Detroit like everyone expected back in the 1980s

Cameron has a cult status in Russia and a comic book culture is nowhere near to american

>the concept of heroes beating the shit out of bad guys is a concept that doesn't sit well with a lot of people there
Correct, most adult Europeans don't like stories where everything is black and white and the shining hero always wins against the ugly no-good baddie

> Guinness recounts grudgingly giving an autograph to a young fan who claimed to have watched Star Wars over a hundred times, on the condition that the boy promise to stop watching the film because "this is going to be an ill effect on your life". The fan was stunned at first but later thanked him (though some sources say it went differently). Guinness is quoted as saying: "'Well', I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. 'What a dreadful thing to say to a child!' she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of second hand, childish banalities

Because we actually have taste...


They're too busy watching something even more retarded called football.

Based, absolute based

outside of Thor, most are kinda lame.
Black Panther was the actual worst. Nobody outside of America cares about niggers complaining while living in a country like America.

Speaking of "flowery environments", did you know there used to be a rule imposed on Hollywood that forbade "bad" things like kissing, toilets flushing, and criminals evading punishment?

european sports just aren't made for the average american attention span

>Whites are the minority in 4/5 of US big cities


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Or we like putting our time to good productive use. You see, since here we can actually own some land for ourselves we do things like grow our own fruits and vegetables or use the space to grow hops and brew beer instead of giving money to microjeweries. I know that amount of personal freedom is a tough concept for you to understand.

>like grow our own fruits and vegetables
you sure don't look like you eat lots of them

God Bless this retarded nation

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How is black panther bad when you have shit like captain marvel, Thor 2, or iron man 2 and 3? Black panther is actually an enjoyable film in comparison.

>Nobody outside of America cares about niggers complaining while living in a country like America.
and sure as heel we don't care about middle class white suburban protestants complaining about the jews preventing them from getting a girlfriend

>Or we like putting our time to good productive use.
Like watching an awful lot of commercial breaks during Baseball games...?

Tasty bait user, I gotta give you that

wtf dude
baseball and american football "games" are like 15 minutes action in total with 1:30h breaks in between.
It's ridiculous to even call this shit sports.

>capeshit is now a source of national pride to brainwashed, circumcised englishman trained to hate other white people

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Why would a Chinaman want to watch Yankee CGi capeshit garbage

Because if the CGI shit, and the political commentary that most outside of America dont relate to.
>muh ancestors boat
nobody cares
I dont care about 'da joos'

or middle aged men pumped on steroids doing mock fights

Lovecraft was the last, he tried to warn us.

whats the point of including usa and canada? calfifornia has a bigger population then canada. the money made there is negligible not including a weak dollar.

Well played.

Sports are cucked time sinks with baseball probably being the worst. Your great European Muslim pass time of cricket seems equally as bad.

pftttttttttt AHAHAAH
holy shit

how do you even watch so many ads
I get mad af when they resize the screen to a tiny square to show 2 minutes ads during F1 and motogp


>all the nigger tier countries prefer capeshit
>all white countries countries prefer abatap

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The films are edited for the Chinese market. The asian actors are made the heroes while whites eat dirt.

>How is black panther bad
the movie is full of retarded characters and gaping plot holes, it's stupid from start to finish and I'm amazed americans liked it

What the fuck America

>Your great European Muslim pass time of cricket seems equally as bad.
nobody cares about cricket outside of the UK
the only cricket game I've seen is paki immigrants playing at the park
they apparently have an underground championship or someshit

this is like the tits vs ass world map

Not even talking about the ads. The players are just standing around doing nothing most of the time. Then 10 seconds of action happens, then they stand around for another 5 minutes.

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im a yuro peen and i had no idea avengers even existed before these movies, so im not interested at all
i like x-men a lot though

You act as if that's a bad thing.

>much smaller population if you split up the countries like that, with europe as one column it's more comparable
Imagine having a murrimutt brain.

around $50 million
population 67 million
around $50 million
population 83 million people

and then

$800+ million
population 327 million people

Not only is that graph outdated (the UK is a lot more browned now), but it doesn't reflect the fact that most Americans live outside big cities whereas 15 of England (for example) lives in London alone.

Everyone in the US unilaterally recognizes that places like LA and Chiraq are shitholes. They're full of niggers and most rural Americans have never even visited there. Meanwhile ALL of the UK is niggers. There's nowhere to hide.


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*15% of England

>bosnia, kosovo, montenegro, macedonia, albania ass

Lol whites are at least 50% of Philadelphia, which makes me question the validity of the stats for the rest of those cities.

extreme insecurity

>argentina sharing the same taste as europe
>USA sharing tastes with africa and the rest of the 3rd world
>India obsessed with bobs
The jokes write themselves

Europeans are racist while Americans accept diversity a lot more. That's why Europe has racist nationalist movements while us based Americans knows that race mixing is the future.

because we're waiting for the Snydercut

>Europeans don't like dumbed-down media
>Europeans like smart stuff like manga and anime
Are you feeling okay?

>didnt watch the mature masterpiece that is end of evangalion
Ummm... sweetie desu ka?

we don't actually perceive african-americans as regular africans, they're just american for us
an african-american tourist will be treated as an american (baited into tourist trap restaurants)

90% of Europeans can't afford more than three movie tickets a year, unless they want to sell their bodies.

we probably watch less anime than americans, they're still perceived as kids cartoons since TV used to broadcast them in kids hours (well that's what they are after all)
but we improved the opening songs tho

1 Capeshit is dumb as shit (hence the name).
2 Our IQ is higher than yours on average.
3 Nationalistic US propaganda doesn't work here either

You're being ironic but Americans really are more tolerant than Europeans. Europeans will beat the everloving shit out of each other because they follow a different national sports team, while Americans will have 'riots' that mostly involve destroying public property and hugging each other when their home team wins a national tournament.

Because of its massive fucking surveillance and police presence. You take a piss in an alley and within 3 minutes you’ll have 2 SWAT teams on your ass, looking to put you away for 15 years for public urination, indecent exposure and sexual assault of a building.

Too busy sucking off their muslim immigrants.

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American riots are a joke, they barely march over some percieved transgressions at campus spaces, whereas Paris was lit on fire for weeks when they tried to raise taxes

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Niggers were killed by Mexicana

lol I thought that gta iv was annoying for having a police car around every corner but maybe it's accurate

>the UK is a lot more browned now
The US too

for all their talk of freedom and whatnot, the american animal is in fact quite domesticated

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I thought Americans hated police being deadly, egoistic powertrippers, isn't this what you want?

Never knew that a higher IQ turns you into a complete cuck, Muhammad.

I would bet a lot of money that every single yuropoor station is just a constant stream of BLACKED.com

>he uses sports riots as his metric for """tolerance"""
Few Americans care about sports enough to riot and nobody gives a shit about soccer.

Absolutely brilliant.

>Americans hated police being deadly, egoistic powertrippers
Only yurocucks believe that police killing dangerous niggers is a bad thing.

Another thread ruined by the wonderful army of meatball mutts from /pol/, never change Yea Forums

>700 millon vs. 350 million

Why are Americans so obsessed with blacked and cuck porn anyway? How did you get to that point?

>nobody in the USA knows what a philosopher is
>had to drop the "III" because it was realized americans would be uninterested since they'd obviously missed the first two films of the trilogy
My sides

>Most west euro countries have 85-95% white population
>Most east euro countries have 90-99% white population
>Burgerstan has 56% white population and rapidly decreasing
>The worst of the worst shitholes in Europe, like France, are ~78% white

We might have our problems, but I'll never understand how amerimutts think their ridicule is justified, when they're way, way beyond the point of no return.

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capeshit is cringy 3 hour long power fantasies, not interested

That's just us trying to get in touch with our European roots.

Does that make gangs of polish people beating up gangs of germans and gangs of russians beating up gangs of spaniards over "muh eurocup" any less violent and intolerant? Paris has a race riot every 6 months ffs.

We started out with a 99 to 1 disadvantage, so any amount over zero for us is a win. You started out at 100% and are rapidly losing ground.

>muh muslims

Attached: Muslims-in-Europe.jpg (1280x1902, 659K)

nice try

Who the fuck is Ned and why does he get his own category?

>>Most west euro countries have 85-95% white population
>>Most east euro countries have 90-99% white population
Mutts are deluded as fuck.

Not yurocucks, Sven, and you know it. Pic related is your typical yuro.

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no testosterone

I'm American bro, I was just surprised by the amount of street violence I witnessed in Paris when I visited a few years ago. Americans on the whole are just much friendlier and more welcoming to whomever they encounter, for better or worse.

What are the most popular films in Europe?

Are you seriously trying to say that capeshit isn't for basedboys

America Population: 327 million
Canada Population: 33 million
Total: 360 million with

UK population : 66 million

360/66 = 5.5

UK Avengers = 150 million gross

150Ă—5.5 = 818 million adjusted for relative population.

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>Malta - 2.6%
really? I thought it was a half/half place

Holy fucking shit
La creatura.....

So exactly the same as Americans then?

they're muslims user

Nice try Ahmed, but
>Germanistan was only 75.4% German as of 2017
>France was only 85% "white" as of 2004, before attempts at statistics were banned due to being too "Nazi". You can only imagine what they are now.

Ned lives in a submarine off of the coast of the Netherlands. He's legally his own country.

Europe is 50 countries.
The European Union is 28 countries.
Things vary in each country. I know you Murricans like to pretend your states are unique snowflakes, but in Europe that's actually true.

Capeshit? Ah no thank you. You see I watch only adult cinema. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I watch capeshit? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked. Short answer: None. Disciplined answer: Haven't seen it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local cinema to reduce their capeshit screenings. It's going well. I can't stand capeshits. Actually cut all of my old friends off who watch. Why go through all of this trouble you ask? 3 words. 2 concepts. Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why friend.

What about Phillipp?

Pick a goalpost, retard.
Are we talking "white" or are we talking "native ethnic"?

Sorry Abdul, but our biggest political party isn't communist. Can't say the same about yours.

>United Kingdom

Donald is that you?

>why yes I'm a connoisseur of Marvel Cinematic Universe films, how did you know?

>only 75.4% German
Nice way to distort stats, you retarded mutt. Most immigration within European countries is from other white euro countries. In Germany, 89.7% of the population are either German or from Euro countries.

Seeing videos where non-whites congregate in cities and claiming it as evidence would be like me showing your videos of blacks chimping out in Detroit and claiming they are in fact 80% of the population and not 13%.

>why yes I'm a connoisseur of Marvel Cinematic Universe, how did you know?

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>Euros think 56% white means that every inidividual person is 56% white
Muslim education

Doesn't matter which you pick cuckboi. Your stats are just as dismal. Also what the EU considers to be "white" is mostly mixed or comprised of gypsies/slavs/etc ...

>the red bar
>150 million

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Well good thing mine isn't either, Tyrone.

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Only mutts are amused by big and shiny explosions.

>average us iq: 85
>average eu iq: 105

it is a mystery op...

Nobody actually thinks that. We just call you mutts since the likelihood of you actually being a mutt is fairly high.


>slavs are not white
>linguistic group is not white
Maybe stay out of /pol/ for the summer, retard.

do you think ticket are priced by population?

How do you cope with the fact that you want America to remain a white country while still having minority friends, Ameribros? I really do not want to live in a country where I am a minority but several of my good buddies are full on negroids and children of immigrants. I don't think its fair that they be deported, but I understand that everybody is somebody's friend or relation at the end of the day. Should we use people's social media accounts to figure out who lives an entirely segregated life and just send them back? Asking for a friend.

Nobody on Yea Forums is white.
White people are the master race, best at everything
Yea Forums is only populated by defective losers
Therefore why would any true white person ever use Yea Forums?

Alright let's see what those other "white" countries are:
Lol. The only thing you're 89.7% of is cucked.

You see one, and have them all.
t. havent watch any of this kids' shit

>EU considers to be "white" is mostly mixed or comprised of gypsies/slavs/etc

Wait a minute. Are you saying we need to downgrade the US from 56% white to less than 25%? All those slavs and Italian descendants of the Moors surely aren't white.

Brexit is redpilled. The UK is the only European country that said no to pic related.

Fuck France fuck Germany and FUCK SPAIN

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Why are Americans so obsessed with race?

>Lists the countries from which the US has the most amount of "white" people

If anglo and aryan is your threshold for white, then your shithole of a country is 25% white at best.

>when your country is so non-white that you inflate your stats with pic related so that anons on a Mongolian rain dancing forum won't make fun of you

Attached: white slav.jpg (399x376, 19K)

Because we've seen all the different kinds in large numbers and understand the differences.

>said no

If you say so Rakesh. Most white Americans are ethnically German (vast majority), French, or English.

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Where’s the graph showing European films nobody gives a shit about?

Looks white to me. Go back to /pol/.

As a European I would rather watch Jacques tati movies

>your brain on Fox

How does it feel knowing that the first man in space wasn't white?

You started this discussion my burger friend

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where is that located?
I live in a working class Mexican neighborhood in LA and it doesn't look nearly as bad as that.
I don't mean to be /pol/ but those people are more Amerindian than the average Mexican/Chicano.

I literally can't tell the difference between those people. They're both extremely white, and I think you might be a racist.

Most migrants aren't from mootixico though, they are central americans who travel through it to reach america.

lmao @ amerimutts

Attached: american wypipo.jpg (1580x3391, 1011K)

I hate how this is a "redpill" pic.
Hispanics are deemed "white", then are deemed "Hispanic" when classifying them (Europeans classified as non-Hispanic whites)
If some of these guys were classified as "Hispanic" and others "White" then there would be an obvious issue, but if all these guys are classified as "White" then what I said above is most likely the case.

Attached: hbs4paychzi21.jpg (750x500, 157K)

stop stinking up the cinema

Attached: 1522497847944.jpg (1456x896, 98K)

Nice cherrypicking moron. Nobody would consider them white, and here's my German American family for comparison. You can get fucked.

Attached: sanyo_20170821.jpg (800x690, 111K)

Oh the irony


Daily reminder "white" in America officially is:
>A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

By this criteria Europe (all of it) is like 99% white.

>tfw no cara gf
I just want to brush her eyebros lads

>Watch American made movie
>Character shows nipple
> PG18
>watch bleak european social realism drama from 1970s
>70 year old fat man slamming a 80 year old granny from behind
>See everything but penetration itself
>scene lasts for 10 minutes
>sit in silence with parents

>umm actually only Europeans are considered white in America so I stick to my comments that some Europeans don't count as white
I don't know what I expected from a burger

Based muslims I hope they throw capeshitters from rooftops

>le white hispanic face

Attached: white americans.png (851x334, 195K)

I worked in a theater until 2 years ago in Spain. Capeshit is mostly for kids here, you won't see a lot of 20+yo going to see capeshit. Some genx with the kids but that's all.

We swallow the fast and furious movies though.

>first man in space
That's a nice goal for a non-Aryan yurocuck. Meanwhile in America.

Attached: Real_Armstrong.png (1585x1665, 2.62M)

The following (99.9% of American whites) are white:

The following (99.9% of modern European whites) are not white:
>Sub-saharan African

no one cares pajeet

>Ching chongs
Only literal subhumans and amerimutts prefer capeshit over based Cameronkino

>'Whiter than u Muhammad'
>'such losers, dont want to see our neverending repetitive manchildren franchises'

Attached: 1558841804910.jpg (960x960, 184K)

careful not to blow up a cinema you fucking towelhead goatfucker

>mfw this thread turned out to be exactly what I thought it would

Attached: CB3F58CE-E7D2-4B7F-9551-55557AC035AF.jpg (498x443, 71K)

People who see themselves as French, German, English, Scandinavians and Dutch only make up 34% of the US population.

In reality, we all know a fuckton of these people have been muttified beyond recognition, but cling on to "muh european ancestry" because they lack an identity and their great grandparents were half-German.

Attached: 1421020893532.png (1065x902, 1.58M)

I work in US education. Sadly things have only gotten worse...
- Students graduate high school not knowing the parts of speech
- The average middle school student can name less than 10 countries, and fewer than 5 potential careers
- Elementary school students on average spend more than 10 hours of their day looking at a screen and less than 30 minutes outside.

Attached: hqdefault(3).jpg (480x360, 20K)

Forgot, Irish also makes up about 11% of those 34%. If you can count the Irish as white.


What the hell? Although slaving in front of a screen is a general trend, literacy rates are better now than before here in Norway. How would you describe the trend? What's wrong?

Wrong. From Wiki:
>The largest ancestries of American whites are: German Americans (17%), Irish Americans (12%), English Americans (9%), Italian Americans (6%), French Americans (4%), Polish Americans (3%), Scottish Americans (3%), Scotch-Irish Americans (2%), Dutch Americans (2%), Norwegian Americans (2%) and Swedish Americans (1%).

Anyway, still whiter than you Durkadurkmehd.

Its anecdotal evidence from a Mongolian stop motion portrait forum, accurate information is not to be expected

How a nation that was the pinnacle of modern civilization only 70 years ago has embraced ignorance and general retardness as a badge of honor is beyond me. How does that fucking happen?

Even the average black person in the 1960s and 1970s appeared to be philosophical, historical and geographical geniuses compared to the average white person today, much less a modern black person in the US.

Attached: 1412375564765.png (409x478, 263K)

However, the English Americans and British Americans demography is considered a serious under-count as the stock tend to self-report and identify as simply "Americans" (7%)

So in reality it's, 42% from the aforementioned countries.

You realize those stats count the people who say "I have German-Dutch-Swedish ancestry" as three separate groups and count him three times, right? Mutt.

>Hard times create strong men: 1775-1865
>Strong men create good times: 1865-1950
>Good times create weak men: 1950-

Whatever helps you sleep at night shitskin. Most Americans can trace their ancestry to one or two countries. Here's me from a few years back

>gaping plot holes

Non-meme answer: the advent of the 24/7 news cycle along with laws protecting corporations.

Capeshit is at the top of the list in nearly every European country, they probably just watch less films in general.

Europeans disgust me .
Thankfully Muslims are taking over, let's hope they bring some morals to that immoral continent

based Unite Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, south Korea, Russia, Australia, Spain, Italy, Poland and Netherlands

Attached: Neytiri_4036.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Eurocucks don't understand concepts like heroism

Comic books are considered even more fringe and geeky than anime here in Ireland

>Germanistan was only 75.4% German as of 2017
Most of those are Russian and Polish immigrants.
Your shit tier Burger education is showing.


>paying money to watch (((movies))) in theaters

Attached: 951.png (474x711, 90K)

>I just want to brush her eyebros lads

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24K)

I couldn't understand the ebonic english the nigs spoke in that movie because I'm not from America.

>American education

no, you couldn't understand it because you're a fucking nigger, you fucking niggerfaggot, but good job flaunting your ignorance, you nigger philistine
t. esl trash like you

It's like baseball or american football, too much burger for us