Who destroyed Paris?
Why it doesn't look like the Paris depicted in Amelie?
Who destroyed Paris?
Why it doesn't look like the Paris depicted in Amelie?
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hmmm, I wonder (((who)))
God, i hate this movie so much.
How would this be remade in this era?
It was Freemasons.
fatter uglier and more emphasis on the funny rape scene because the twist is she is transgender too.
Amélie Poobong.
It's backwash from French colonialism. The French have themselves to blame.
nothing wrong with colonialism, French people stopped being racist and that's why they become minority in their own countries
Oy vey, it was just the market forces.
>economy goes down the crapper because you can’t enslave and loot African countries anymore
>need immigrants to solve your broken economy
>blame immigrants for broken economy
It’s foolproof really
The jews and the French themselves.
>>need immigrants to solve your broken economy
It was exactly the other way around but thanks for trying.
Need a broken economy to solve immigrants?
>caring about race
France will be France no matter how many whites are in it. If every white were eliminated, the world would be just fine. Racism is not a two way street, just look at history to see. Bur please keep crying about ethnicity just cause you're losing.
Colonialism was good for the colonized "countries" that barely were countries before.
Colonialism was one of the gifts that Europe gave the world, and the world's answer was spiting on Europe's face.
But today I agree that there should've been no colonialism. The euros should've just killed everyone and simply completed replaced their enemies.
The US was doing alright until their Jews imported black slaves.
The Spanish and Portuguese went full retard breeding the uncivilized monkeys and creating a race of goblins that plague this world to this day.
No we needed migrants because there was an economic boom.
Oh yes that French economic boom we all heard about. All the colonialist countries were doing economically fantastic in the early 10s to 30s. They did so well in fact they decided to have a war just for the sake of it because they had so much stuff!
>migrants in the early 10s to 30s
cause is an entirely different word than 'cause which is a shortened "because"
Technically not what I was talking about, but since you brought it up:
>After 1919, economic lobbies in Algeria feared losing their colonial workforce to mainland French employers, and supported hostile press campaigns in mainland France that denounced the supposed criminality and sexual aggressiveness of Algerian men, stereotypes that largely remain. However, Algerians continued to arrive in France, reaching the 100,000 mark in 1924 and never again going below that figure except during World War II.
Europe's economic impact on Africa was far greater than Africa's economic effect on Europe. Contrary to various economic theories of imperialism, Africa was not a major outlet for European investment or exports. In the early 20th century, Britain's investments in Canada alone were larger than its investments in Africa and India put together—and more British money went to the United States than to Canada. France and Germany were likewise reluctant to sink much of their money into Africa. Commercial trade with Africa was similarly trivial for the economies of the European imperial powers. On the eve of the First World War, Germany exported more than five times as much to a small country like Belgium as to its own colonial empire, which was larger than Germany itself. France likewise exported ten times as much to Belgium as to all its vast holdings in Africa. Out of Germany's total exports to the world, less than one percent went to its colonies in Africa.
Africa was somewhat more significant to Europe as a source of imports, though most of these imports to Europe from Africa came from relatively few places, such as the South African gold mines and diamond fields, or West Africa's cocoa and palm oil regions. Over all, Britain received less than 7 percent of its imports from Africa—less than from any other continent, including thinly populated Australia. Nor were African colonies usually important sources of profit to European investors, or of revenue to European governments. German colonies, for example, in the years leading up to World War I, consistently absorbed expenditures greatly exceeding the revenues raised within the colonies, with taxpayers in Germany having to make up the difference. In the private economy, of 19 firms owning sisal plantations in German colonies, only 8 paid dividends. Only 4 out of 22 firms with cocoa plantations paid dividends, as did only 8 out of 58 rubber plantations and only 3 out of 48 diamond mining companies.
it's about their failure to even try integrating brainlet.
This is true. Colonialism was beneficial for colonies.
Viewed from Africa, however, the situation looked quite different. While trade with Africa was a small part of the total international trade of the European colonial powers, trade with these powers was a substantial proportion of the total international trade of the African colonies. Moreover, African exports and imports grew substantially during the colonial era. In German East Africa, for example, exports of peanuts, rubber, cocoa, coffee and sisal all grew several-fold in the relatively brief period from 1905 to 1913.70 Similarly dramatic increases in exports from British, French, and Belgian colonies in Africa occurred between 1938 and 1958.71 Correspondingly, Africa had rising imports, as well as more consumption of locally produced goods, both raising the living standards of Africans. Real consumption in the Belgian Congo, for example, rose 77 percent between 1950 and 1958.72 In addition, the European impact on colonial Africa included creation of virtually the whole modern industrial and commercial sectors of many African countries. Europeans also introduced new agricultural crops and new farming techniques,73 as well as creating the modern infrastructure of roads, harbor facilities, rail lines, telegraphs, motor transport, and the like.74 One small indication of what this meant economically is that a single railroad boxcar could carry as much freight as 300 human beings—the usual method of transport in much of Africa—and could cover in two days a distance that would take a caravan two months.75
But we’re not talking about the impact to Africa. We’re talking about the impact to the colonial nations themselves. Don’t change the subject my scared friend.
I deal with that in my second post
My Sowell quote deals with the lack of economic boom in Europe from Africa. The second the positive effect on Africa from Europe
That’s exactly my point. Africa benefited and the colonial countries had an economic downturn due to it especially once slavery was ended and colonialism stopped. The migrant invasion wasn’t just a form of defence by the crumbling colonial economies, but also a form of offends by the colonized. All in all, colonials getting cucked by their own devices.
Nowadays France still steal resources from African countries.
And the steady importation of Africans has for goal to lower wages.
Lower wages to save dying French corporations
This is your Amelie now.
Is that a hat ?
Why would mass importing criminals who barely work help the economy?
>Jeunet: "Paris is ugly now with all these constructions sites everywhere"
She qt tho.
In less than 15 years the Paris attack in Team America has gone from laughable parody to bitingly poignant.
pick one and only one
typical brainlet answer
the africans didn't break the doors down and invade the country
they were let in, they were housed and employed, they're children schooled and fed
this isn't backwash for colonialism, this is the continuation of it, the same rich people profit from it, the same poor saps work for it
couldn't be more wrong
I wouldn't go to France.
>France still steal resources from African countries.
france pays its uranium from african countries when they could get it cheaper from kazakhstan
In the interview he speaks about the constant ongonig renovation, workroads, etc..
These types of movies like to romanticize Paris. It's never been like that.
yes it was faggot
>It was Freemasons.
Thats a strange name to call the jews
based and wokepilled
Awkward black chicks are very rare. I only knew one and she was a femcel, she literally cried in class after being rejected by a normal dude. She eventually ended up with a chill black weeb who was shorter than her.
>Burns down the churches
>actually caring about the state of a country you don't live in
you have to go back
I live in Paris, it's a hellhole. But some of the suburbs are worst.
>stop caring about your fellow whites, goyim
>it's nothing of importance just look away
It was an idealised 1950's/60's version of Paris that never truly existed, pretty close but not quite. Sure you can go to a few places with this feel but it's really just for tourists. Parts of it look like it's Africa now
>typical brainlet answer
>the africans didn't break the doors down and invade the country
>they were let in
Right, that's why I called it backwash.
If I thought of it as what you seem to to have inferred from my post, I would have called it "getting shot up the ass with a water cannon"
If you listened to the Jeunet commentary track, you’d have heard him say that the Paris he’s depicting in Amelie is but a fantasy. He shot most of it in Germany.
i was in paris eleven years ago. it was a shithole then, and evidently had been for a long time. i had never before (or since) seen so many niggers, gypsies and other trash acting so appallingly, or even imagined that such a thing could exist.
Do you care about homeless people on the street?
She doesn't look like a quintessential parisian or even french person.