if only you knew how nice things were
/RBMK/ Chernobyl General:
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I serve the soviet union
Thank you
I serve the Soviet Union
fuckin tarkovsky shit
was peasant life in russia like the old lady comfy?
what is it about these two shows and showing how great male camaraderie is
thank you
Friendly reminder that despite how great the show is, Craig Mazin is still a stupid cunt. twitter.com
wait, so Lane Pryce faked his own death and took up a position in the CCCP bureaucracy? This shit is hard to follow
She said most of her family was killed by soldiers over the span of her adolescence through adulthood.
No it was hell
She literally can't understand there is danger since all her tomatoes are growing and the cow gives milk
lol are they gay?
Can someone could re-post the picture with all the deaths and comparisons with actors please ?
Isn’t he agreeing that socialism kills? You must be a discord tranny.
I was surprised how young Tarankov looked in the documentary.
>based as fuck Craig completely BTFOing literal russian propaganda writers
ummmmmmmm honey you should be worshipping the ground Craig Mazin walks on, you're barely worthy of posting in this thread about his cinematic masterpiece.
Women will never understand
you'll grow up soon, don't worry
atomic babushka is pretty fucking based if she doesn't give a fuck about the outside world
This show is kino of the highest soviet order.
He's agreeing with the other guy, you fucking clown.
>>niggers die off
it will just lead to a new wave of "refugees" and "asylum seekers"
>Mini/Limited series with an overwhelmingly white male casting
>Kino 100% of the time
have incel, sex
4 u
I think she was also implying she got culturally enriched a few times by passing armies, in exchange for surviving. Hence being so adamant about not leaving.
What other examples are there?
Any long running series is going to have suits intervene and force writers to produce shit that their focus group plebs find appealing.
No need to write in ‘plot filler’ characters that they can drag out into multiple seasons.
Limited series brings focus
>shows real historical events
>the future
what's the story of this tank?
>square jaw, no cheekbones, looks like a simple man with no emotions
>long face, high cheekbones, rounder jaw, looks smart and scheming
They did them ok.
Thanks bro
Fuck this episode was good
not really if your oh so tough refusal just gets your animals shot in front of you and they make you leave anyways
>tfw when you see your comrade smile
He is writer of literally the worst movies and stories ever made. How he managed to write this, or have the competence to tell this story in a meaningful way (thus far) might be one of Earth's miracles.
I thought MRA virgins would be latching more onto the fact that every person being put into a role which guarantees death is male, which reflects reality? But apparently having Emily Watson play an amalgam or scientists is way more important. Incels can't even have a messianic complex right.
>Lyudmilla is alive
God does not exist, or he's an asshole
I'm prepared to believe that Johan Renck had a lot more to do with it.
kek when I glanced at this at first I thought it said
(Shcherbian laughing) like they were turning his name into an adjective
there, go back to your discord now
He didn't "write" it, he took the actual accounts from books and documentaries. Look up chernobyl 3828. It has actual footage of the first 90 second shift on the roof. The blue overalls guy is there
khodemchuk died, but body wasnt found, allegedly first victim, gonna check Kirshenbaum
Why? He's right.
>anglos pretending to be slav
I felt lonely there for a moment.
>why aren't people getting upset about the non-issues I want them to be upset about?? why is the literal made up character they keep inserting into everything the one everyone complains about?? fucking incels!!1
yes, next scene is anal
>Tripcode filtered
>radiation bad for living things because it destroys DNA
ok, got it
>also kills robots
don't even acknowledge its existence
>an amalgam or scientists
Can Anyone explain how this could possibly be a good idea?
guess Joker joked them, huh?
contemplate coitus
the point is why, and the reason it kills living cells is the same it fries circuits
Based robots would rather jump off the roof than stick around on Masha.
a lot of the time movies get fucked up (and re-written) by other people involved with making them.
his credits are a lot of sequels, which suggests he's more of a script-doctor than anything else. this is one of the only things I can see where he's the sole credited writer.
Modern electronics use transistors, which are finely constructed silicon crystals that have carefully controlled deformations in the crystal lattice to conduct electricity.
A frew-flying neutron can damage this lattice. Hundreds of thousands of them can destroy it.
the radation is so intense it starts damaging circuits
>willingly exposing yourself to cooties
lol no thanks innie
>filter the meanie that points out obvious flaws in our show
He wrote plenty. He wrote dialogue. He decided who the principal characters should be, how to portray them, their motivations, what to use from irl and what to omit.
It was old, WW2 era self propelled howitzer with massive 152mm shells (nicknamed "Beastslayer" for killing nazi Tiger tanks). Soviet engineer corps marshal Aganov ordered to use it to fire HEAT and concrete-piercing shells into 4th reactor building walls, to make a hole for cryogenic pipeline to cooldown the meltdown process. It was failure, and the mine under the reactor building was built instead. Later this SP howitzer was used to demolish contaminated buildings.
Actually, it's;
>make HBO miniseries
>Kino 95% of the time
but you dumbcunts haven't even seen most of them
The more universal theme they keep emphasizing is that covering up truths and lying to others and or yourself doesn't make the truth go away. And it can kill you. Controlling the narrative doesn't matter. Disaster happens anyway. Anti-vaxx, climate change denial, making up WMDs for Iraq. Lying denying or ignoring doesn't change reality.
atoms, how do they work? I seriously am a brainlet and don;t really get it.
Anybody watch the trailer for the next episode? I fucking cannot wait.
plus she's not just an amalgam of scientists, I think she's there to represent Legasov's conscience, leading up to the fact that he hangs himself. the scene where Boris and her argue with him is written like he's torn between the Party and his morality.
BTW the wangst over dog shooting is a symbolic reflection of how casually Legasov suggests "biorobots" in the same episode. he's storing up issues that are going to make him suicidal later.
Fomin was sentenced to ten years hard labor, but suffered a complete mental breakdown 2 years in. Idk what happened to him after that.
Jared Harris knows how to pick roles
if peasant life would have been good then commies would have failed.
Yeah, a few months ago he was torn up about potentially sending 3 men to their deaths and now he's almost gladly dooming thousands of men to cancer before 40
Remember Legasov’s bullet analogy
Imagine going through life without a basic knowledge of what radiation does
which is the other show?
So the guys volunteering for swimming in spicy water are still kicking?
right, I'm going to watch First Man now, please don't spoil it for me
Because if it had a long run and drew in any sort of crowd the marketing heebs would infest it and shoehorn more women and coons in.
don't respond retard
I absolutely love tracking shots, so the whole cleaning roof scene was absolute kino for me. Really well done and really atmospheric scene.
not really, the cells die from chemical degradation due to energy released under neutron bombardment, whereas circuits get fried because of electromagnetic spikes caused by neutron bombardment. As far as I know the nervous system doesn't instantly stop working when exposed to radiation.
Its not a tank its an SPG.
The Terror
Absolute kino
One died in 2005, can't remember if it was cancer, and the other 2 are still alive
one died a few years ago (less than 10, pretty recently), the other 2 are still alive
They managed to sneak in an arab to play ruski dog killer and his scenes were unironically kino af
2/3 of them, Baranov had a heart attack before getting his medal, Ananenko and Bezpalov are still alive but don't want much attention.
it's honestly pretty complicated, I'd spend an hour or so on wikipedia if I were you.
It's why they kept using vacuum tubes in their war planes long after solid state became the norm in the west.
I have a feeling it's gonna feel rushed. Or that I want to see more of pre-disaster Pripyat and Cherno. Apparently this place was the pride and joy of USSR and I think it closest resembles the utopian place that the union had as a vision for itself to be.
What was his best role?
Could this guy pass as someone from the Caucasus?
hard to find something about Kirshenbaum, 'Akimov saved his life and later on he was transfered to Hospital #6 in Moscow'.
thats about it.
>As far as I know the nervous system doesn't instantly stop working when exposed to radiation.
It does if the radiation is severe enough
>massive schnoz
>doesn't play the Armenian dog killer
Fuck khodemchuk
baby absorbed poison and provided stem cells
>all these fags eating up this decent TV show and claiming it's pure kino
>when they manufactured a random women to go around and piss off everyone without a single consideration for the overarching hand of the soviet union
>when they seriously wrote the vienna line and left it in
>when we constantly have this annoying repetitive fog horn
>when this entire show is edited like shit
>when the kid from Dunkirk shows up for no reason
>when the camera angles are shitty and the work uninspired
>when they deliberately edit reality and depict people in ways they really were
>when every character is vapid, some being totally pointless
>when we never have a reason to care about any of these people
>when they rip dialogue straight out of a book without shame
>when you steal parts of the soundtrack from other films, yet fail to reference anything Russian or even Soviet
>when the show clearly throws in more anglos for the sake of more anglos
Yeah, great series.
Stop sipping the kool aid and thinking this is kino. It's a 7 at best. I feel like i'm watching a shittier Christopher Nolan film. It's funny how 5 episodes feels too short, and every scene in the show happens on a whim. Everything is sped up to the point we barely have a breather
>sneak in
There were tons of arabs in the USSR though
Soviet and Modern Russia are unironically way more diverse than they like to pretend everyone else is
Nikolai Tarakanov alive and well.
his actual best role is in Certain Women
bacho is a georgian name
Don't forget The Expanse
I'd give each Episode these ratings -
EP1 - 9.5/10
EP2 - 9/10
EP3 - 8.5/10
EP4 - 8/10
based retard
arabs playing slavs? no one will accept this.
What a fucking loser.
Nice bait
>Slavs and near Slav Turks + a tiny amount of Siberian Asians
Such diversity
tripfag don't forget your tripcode
King George
1. The actor isn't Arab
2. The character isn't Russian
>dog shooting
also to make sure that the average shut in who haven't spoken to a human properly in a while gets an emotional gut punch. Glad it wasn't cats like Gummo
put it back on, stay filtered
He grew up in sweden so his skin has already been penetrated by caucasian swedoid atom bullets
t. ex-soviet whose country got browned up by SU
look I was pissed off about the GoT ending too but I got over it.
How can this guy be so perfect
He's been in some bad shit, I'm glad he's getting recognition
>shits on Commies
>actually suports nuclear energy
Nah, I'm thinking he's based
Arabs are better actors than anglos
He is, he's libanese
Have you seen Armenians and Azeris?
He looks armenian not arab
as a Swede I was surprised as hell to see this dude in chernobyl.
He used to be a pretty big actor here back in the day. Really famous for comedies such as Jalla Jalla and Kopps. Kopps is pure kino, the premise of that movie is basically a police station is about to be shut down because the small town it is located in basically has no crime, so the cops themselves start committing crimes so they get to keep their jobs.
He's lebanese and he's playing a very convincing georgian.
>suffered a mental breakdown doing manual labor
>no one knows what happened to him afterwards
Hopefully they just shot him
generation kill
>pretending to be retarded
There are literally too many different ethnic groups to list without my post looking like spam
Is there the equivalent of this but for Chernobyl?
he does look georgian
Based belta lowdah
He's a Chechen dog.
He's Assyrian (from Lebanon) and they cluster pretty close to South Caucasus people
>too many
They managed to sneak in an swedish russian-kurd to play armenian dog killer:
>Alexej Manvelov , born March 31, 1982 in Moscow , Russia , is a Swedish-Russian-Kurdish actor . He played the role of the villain Davor in the Swedish thriller series Before we die on SVT 2017.
>Manvelov was born in Moscow , Russia. His mother is from Russia and his father is kurd from Syria .
Tarakanov in the series is the spitting image of Yuri Samoilenko.
>Samoilenko was the guy who instructed every liquidator and thanked them afterwards.
Just check from 10.00 and on.
Apparently has been hired in Kalinin Power Plant, then a few years later retired
No they literally just let him go early because of his nervous breakdown
Might as well cuck to the authorities like this bootlicker
>sneak in an arab
have you ever heard of the Caucasus or central asia?
yes listing 160 different ethnicities would look like a huge spampost imo
>using pseudoscience to explain anything
Get out of here you’re delusional
Is the Caucasus a meme region
not great not terrible
lmao its really cute that you think you have a choice, they'll just brain you and leave you there for the dogs to eat if you want to act like you're tough though.
thank you
I thought Caucasus was something that Americans do every 10 years.
damn Ukrainians looked like that
since 1000 BC
>geography is pseudoscience
the absolute state
Faras Faras is a much bigger swedish actor than that guy. He was basically a household name here 15 years ago.
Also Faras speaks fluent swedish, so it was pretty funny hearing a swedish accent in this episode when he spoke english.
better pca map
Why are victims of radiation poisoning dangerous for others? Are they radiating themselves? How?
>stars reading about other nuclear incidents
>finds that stuff
This is kinda fucked up, though at least he didn't suffer much.
== So... You're a Nazi, aren't ya? ==
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my problem with her is that she's just out of that world psychologically.
Her mentality, the worldview just wouldn't exist then and there in this form. Hence it wouldn't get any reaction in that world, 1) the government just fucks the whistleblowers very effectively so people with this mentality wouldn't even survive there 2) it just slaps a slogan "tell da truth" onto this all without no analysis why no one cares about truth in the first place.
Even if that's just his morality, there's no real conflict there. Party doesn't get any arguments besides "save your ass" so it's really weak but at least it's more realistic than putting teenage rebel quotes into mouths of old scientists who swimmed through all this party shit for decades. Schscherbina was written next level compared to these two, but Homyuk is literally hippie in a nazi film tier surreal.
Are you doubting the legitimacy of the State, comrade?
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That's pretty cool desu. I recognised him from Rogue one and that strange but entertaining coop A Way Out game, can recognise his schnozer from miles away after that game. He seems like a pretty underrated actor to me
He was sent to a civilian psychiatric hospital
Then hired at either Ignalina or Kaliningrad NPP
Then retired
He was still alive as of 2008
They can inhale radioactive particles that still radiate through their flesh, or they can get so charged with radiation that their atoms start shedding energy all around them
solid kek from me
>character actors I've never heard of delivering top-notch performances
I wonder how many years they've been at it trying to catch a break. It must be pretty hard to make it in Hollywood without cock sucking or nepotism.
The one where he doesn’t kill himself
uh ok retard
Didn't know based Yuvchenko was dead. Died two years after his 2006 interview, sad.
How can women give blowjobs?
How can they degrade themselves like that?
Do they all have such a low self-esteem?
Ever heard of websites like face-fucking dot com?
I mean the guy just shoves a giant cock into the woman's throat against her will and then ejaculates there so that the sperm comes out of her nose
You're not supposed to have a liquid of any sort in your respiratory tract. I mean, that's basically force-feeding. That's some Guantanamo Bay shit right there.
Oh, and btw, did you know that a girl can lose an eye if a guy shoots his load right into it?
I don't think women in porn are paid nearly enough to tolerate shit like that.
If I were a factory worker and there were a even a slight chance of losing an eye every time I go to work I'd ask for a fucking raise!
And what about anal?
It certainly doesn't look as if any porn actress enjoys this shit. On shock websites like efukt, motherless, muchosucko and heaven666 they even make the so called PAINAL compilations which basically showcase the extent to which porn directors can go in order to make their dirty "films".
I think that is absolutely reprehensible.
Someone needs to do something about that.
Repost this thread if you want.
We need to spread the word, man.
Cause this shit is really getting outta hand.
I mean, FUCK, right?!
Stop acting like that
3,6 Roentgens are not that bad
They absorb the radiation in their body and their body then emits radiation.
Atom have particles. Angry particles can make atoms scary. Scary atoms rape stable atoms. Stable atoms now unstable. Unstable atoms cause molecules to crumble.
Radiation is like C4 in a building to certain molecules. It breaks the very atomic structure down. No beams? No building. Just rubble.
Only the guys who breathed in shit loads of radioactive dust, the demon core guy who got blasted with a fatal dose wasn't radioactive when he was dying
fking germans
cant do things properly
Is it bad that I liked him in Sherlock Holmes
>they hired him at another NPP
wow its like they actually never learn
for what?
based cunt*
bro who cares
get this user to the infirmary
basically the melting pot of the steppe, the middle east and europe, and for millennia it has provided women for the harems of the middle east.
What the fuck is this shit? Kill yourself
Boy does it feel great to see that one faggot fishing for (you)s but getting none
His only mistake at chernobyl was allowing the test to happen.
>is this only for white people
Do americans think only chinese people eat at chinese restaurants? What kind of mindset do you need to have if everything is about race holy shit.
just report it honestly it looks like a bot or something
Ima rate this post 3.6 comrade
She didn't care because she had lived her entire life in her village and had known nothing else. She was also already old and didn't have long to live anyway so she didn't care about the radiation if it meant leaving the only home and way of life she's ever known. Most people here are city fags but to be born and raised in a rural area is something you can't replicate anywhere else
>Untergang is there but Stalingrad isn't
u wut
Slotin was also exposed for a very limited amount of time. It was just that he was so fucking close to the thing.
Graves was only a bit further away, but survived. He received a dose of 390 roentgens whereas Slotin was estimated to be hit with 1930 roentgens.
*unzips graphite*
How do people compare this kino to that trash? The Terror is what Chernobyl would have been if they decided spooky demons running around avenging the natives would be more interesting than what really happened.
I get everything you're saying, but this isn't a documentary. it's for a western audience and you can't show the apathy created by decades of institutional inertia in a drama except by having a character voicing the more detached outside perspective of the authors.
He went full retard, took off the trip and started posting copypasta
Talk about anal damage
Agreed. The polar bear ruined the Terror
fuckin kino
I forgot to add: especially given that it's going to turn out that the accident was caused by exactly the attitude to "whistleblowers" (being able to freely contradict a party line) that you describe.
but everyone is looking for him in episode 1 :(
also all these people were trained well
they trained at the same roof with the same relief of graphite, pipes and other stuff exacly like on the photos.
Episode 1 1 - 5 bags of popcorn and some small pieces of burning graphite to give your room that really nice atmospheric effect as you watch it
Episode 2 - 4½ bags of popcorn and a working flashlight because you're going to need a working one when you go digging in radioactive water
Episode 3 - 4 bags of popcorn and a couple of glasses of milk to treat those burns with
Episode 4 - 4½ bags of popcorn and some dog treats, because you're gonna wanna give something nice to your dog after you've watched this one.
For the same reason people here don't bother to watch other HBO miniseries.
They only care about their idpol shit and having a white ensemble male cast. They don't care about quality
I think The Terror is ok though. Not bad. Just not great like Chernobyl.
But legasov did go to Vienna and told the truth without needing girl power super scientist who showed him how to be morally righteous.
Legasov was had no fear at the end, because he was dying anyway irl. He already more or less told his family that he's a dead man when he went to fix Chernobyl.
tarakanov looks like a man who doesn't suffer fools easily
But the flashlights were working.
The woman character is everything but kino.
Pls kys, iodinefu and the pregnant woman were kino. Not this super woman scientist.
not him but that's what i dislike in the fictional character, like Legasov needed that push cos he had no fuckin human dignity at that point, really undermines the guy
You're more retarded than I expected. You're literally r3ddit. I'm not a trip, I posted in the thread a few days ago about the excerpt and I've continued talking about it once or twice. I'm legit embarrassed that I share a board with you. This show is nothing more than a normie's attempt to understand Chernobyl, you're the same niggers being fed GOT by HBO and sucking at the tit to just get another drop. I've studied this event for 7 years. I know about this. Stop with this echo chamber autism. Your show is overrated as fuck and you're part of the problem.
Thought to have burned to ash, found living in Israel.
>guy's boots gets stuck under a graphite rock
post a cap or a link
Not after the radiation flux destroyed their circuits they weren't.
In real life the divers had to finish the job in total darkness.
that doesn't even relate to my post
The go and jack off to your vast knowledge about the Charnobyl somewhere else, let us have some fun and enjoy this great show, just like you do enjoy getting (you)s
Post YFW >you're done
He paid the graphite price.
you're missing the point. the Emily Watson's character is a device to show what was presumably an internal debate IRL. the notion that listen to women makes him a cuck is something you are bringing to the scene yourselves.
Legasov was an alpha who already knew he was dead the moment he stepped on to that helicopter going to Chernobyl. He was a civil servant of the highest degree.
5 shows from the last couple years that are better?
EP1 - 3.6 / 10
EP2 - 15,000 / 10
EP3 - 750,000 / 10
EP4 - 12,000 / 10
What the fuck is wrong with americunts
>character is a device to show what was presumably an internal debate IRL
i completely get it and i dont like it in this particular show
> the notion that listen to women makes him a cuck
it could be young brilliant phys/math guy it doesnt change the fact
>There are people that think the R in USSR stands for Russia
It's a little unfortunate they've chosen to leave out Legasov's family in the show.
He could have had that internal debate without interjecting a fearless super girl scientist who doesn't afraid of anything.
because we know how to make kino without crying out excuses and blaming others for our mistakes
>I'm legit embarrassed that I share a board with you.
okay so leave then instead of whining like a little bitch lmao
>Is it only for white people?
>No, many Russian patrons
I had a giggle
isn't it United States of Soviet Russia?
>more than 12 hours after episode 4
>still no Katya, Nina and Masha art
sadness in my heart...
Kino shot.
Remember to cast your vote.
>is this for white people only?
What the fuck kind of answer did she expect? "Yes, no niggers allowed abloobloobloo I am the white man, enemy of the oppressed".
Pic very much related
He was playing and looks more georgian than, what are you complaining about faggot.
this always looked like a guy with a grey beard to me...
Goddamn this nigga sure in love with himself.
The point isn't about socialism it's about authoritarianism. Libertarian socialism like in scandinavia is all actual people who talk about it want. They want healthcare that doesn't bankrupt them and kill them because of prices. This doesn't mean they want the damn soviet union. It's really about balance.
>yfw you're surrounded by a bunch of normie brainlets who blow the steam tank
playing georgian
>1=4 winning
This is proof most of you here are just autists that think the latest thing you saw was the best. Four is nowhere near as good as one.
Unironically kind of autistic but i'm willing to give som cred cause you kept the correct answer at the top so i didn't have to scroll
Mr Robot
Mad Men
Twin Peaks
The Americans
I bet you got a lot of good boi points from your psychology professie for picking up on that. Did she tell you to look out for that? Why did you say nigga instead of nigger?
1 = 4 > 3 > 2 is the only correct answer, if you think otherwise you are a contrarian nigger. 3 saved itself because of the miners, 2 was a snooze fest, 4 was as good if not better than 1. There was 1 (one) bad scene when the Khomyuk nigger gave exposition.
They unironically think Georgian means southern white-trash.
>Implying uppity negroes know about the Caucus region or the existence of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
do you not know what couple means lol
What's the point of using mans dropping some water with a little stick if a truck is doing the same thing ?
>Libertarian socialism
literal contradiction in terms
>Mad Men
>Twin Peaks
>the others
It's all understandable, there's more pressure to write for western audience with western ethics. It just seems from slav pov that this is made from shifted outsider perspective and the truth as value itself is strong only in some 1st world countries. IRL it was that lies were inevitable because of hierarchical dynamics, so that the whole plot would be focused on different things.
>Stalin's famine
they're actually that fucking brazen
Just like akimov, I have none.
Psychology is for faggots, which is presumably why your mind went there.
The Americans as much as I love it is not in the Kino threshold. It’s close though
I serve the Soviet Union
Green zone. Politics isn't a left right line it's a quadrant.
Holy americannyikes.
Why do you even care?
its not news to anyone that isn't a brainwashed commie
>laugh track intensifies
I've been seeing a lot of RBMK posts in reddit. I now hate the show, and it is not kino anymore. It's was good while it lasted.
>2 was a snooze fest
>le naked funny miners only good thing about 3
>all the puppy killing filler is just as good as seeing the reactor possibly explode along with dyatlov's denial
I bet you thought all that animal killing shit was super deep right? It should have been a five minute scene and that's it. By the fifth minute everybody got the joke and expected the puppies. Nowhere near comparable to the first unless you're just a faggot that slurps up whatever is placed in front of him that's new.
can you provide some examples that would fit into that zone
Are all Americans so retarded they get their political ideologies from a meme chart?
Why Incels are so imbued with the elimination of animals
1 > 2 = 4 > 3
This is the correct opinion. 4 is on a scene by scene basis a better episode than 2 was, but 2 felt more coherent and urgent because it didn't do big time skips, that's the one weakness of 4, it isn't really held together, it's just a series of events we're shown.
>im offended people don't like reddit
Fuck off.
Excuse me, excuse me?
Where's the train for Libertarian Socialism?
>the joke
look at this dude
In accordance with the information from the Ukrainian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 14 countries have recognized the Holodomor as an act of genocide:
and 5 countries have recognized the Holodomor as a criminal act of the Stalinist regime:
Czech Republic
Found another redditor mad at the dog killings lmao
Pedo stoners who want gibs
There is North Caucasus too, thats why chechens IRL look like arabs, not russians ("Barry" misleading).
as russian for me best episode is 3 with miners
I don't want to work, now gibmedat
Every time I see this stupid fucking square it makes me mad
Did you really not see that coming? As soon as they started it clicked right away for me they would want to do that. I guess you just need to pay attention. Not much for you to pay attention to without miner dick on screen I guess?
millions and billions fo boollets
>no reading comprehension
Stick to capeshit
get this man some freshly baked bread and caviar
Is that Josef Fares?
>mad at dog killings
>mad they wasted 20+ minutes on filler and emotional turmoil of a character that doesn't matter and won't be seen again
Pick one.
Report to the gulag.
Its his brother
>it isn't really held together, it's just a series of events we're shown
Good point, that's what I liked in the previous episodes
>i like bad writting
That's not how the previous episodes were written and you know it.
atomic babushka
I like it
>fuck off I am milking a cow you nigger I saw WW2 who the fuck are you you upstart little sperm fuck your father >lol makarov
eh, maybe, could argue on that, but i would need to re-watch all of them to re-evaluate, since i only saw every episode once so far.
The more important thing is that it emits 3 neutrons.
I meant like people
human people
2>1>the fucking rest
Who gives a fuck about muh feels subplots?
Hello comrades. I memed with the twitch chat last night but now its time for animal killing story time.
My dad's dad made my father construct a homemade gas chamber to euthanize puppies in because their dog got around.
When I was 12 I shot a stray dog that was attacking my good boi in my yard.
I would kill mice that we caught in traps by putting them in tin coffee containers(maxwell house) and drown them, sometimes i would blow them up with fireworks.
I saw my older brother(who would always supervise the mice killings) put one of our kitties, lucky the black cat, out of its misery after being ran over by way of .45 1911 to the head
This all happened in southeast Alabama and northwest Florida panhandle
did he dieded?
nice blog nigger
why are you even watching this show then
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
>Fares Fares
Atoms do not exist, everything is a wavefunction.
I meant how they showed the event unfolding in real time as opposed to flip flopping between a multitude of scenarios (e.g. pets, decontamination, roof)
episode 5 is going to by hype as fuck.
episode 1 was already the best episode and 5 is going to be like an extension of 1 explaining what happened.
do people on reddit get off to dying pets and babies?
That's not Russia
God i fucking love Omar Shariff
>don't you EVER say anything even barely negative about something i like or you should just quit
You're either a woman or you have the brain of a woman either way you should learn to keep your stupidity to yourself.
Protons + Electrons + Neutrons + Gluons
tfw no arthoe futa gf
He's not playing slav. He plays Georgian.
Fuck this American English confusion between Georgia vs Georgia, and Caucasian vs Caucasian. Double fucking bingo.
Yea Forums about to be disappointed by the lack of action, dread, and suspense in ep 5
Yeah, episode 5 looks really interesting.
Is ep.5 the only episode left?
Acquire this information on your own you dumb retard.
he'll be fine, it's only 3.6 roentgen, the equivalent of a chest x-ray.
Who the fuck was that?
and why is that? i mean the number 3 or just that it emits neutrons in general?
>It can be described using Schrodinger's wave equation
>Therefore it does not exist
>not helping cows give birth
What barbarians
>If the character isn't seen again, any focus on them is bad
Basically, atoms are constantly decaying all around you, that is, they fission into smaller atoms and in the process they release energy as neutrons and radiation, however, the rate at which this decay happens is so small that it's indistinguishable from the background radiation of the universe.
However, heavier atoms decay much faster, i.e. they have a shorter half-life, the time it takes for a cluster of atoms to decay to 50% of their original number, Uranium having a half-life of something on the order of 4 billion years(I'm doing this off the top of my head), but there are isotopes(atoms with uneven numbers of protons and neutrons) that even shorter half-lives such as U-235 which has a half-life of a few thousand years, so it's much more radioactive, for comparison's sake, a U-235 isotope gives out almost the same amount of energy during those few thousand years as a U-238 atom gives over than 4 billion years.
If you but enough U-235 together, the amount of energy and neutrons from the decay will start compounding on itself and you will start getting a fission chain reaction, this is called criticality, get enough of it together fast enough and you will have super criticality a.k.a. a nuclear detonation, sub-optimal for a nuclear reactor where you want to sustain a criticality and harness its energy at a steady pace.
"Enough" U-235(really can be any sufficiently radioactive element) is relative, the beauty of the RBMK reactor was that it could work with natural Uranium which is something like %1 U-235. This is made possible because the RMBK uses graphite as the moderator since it not only moderates neutrons but reflects them, think, having a mirror that bounces all that radiation back, unlike water which absorbs neutrons which means you need more U-235 with a water moderated reactor(processing U-235 is expensive by the way).
...You know, I lost my train of thought and no one is going to read this.
>inb4 have sex
Anatoly "Ray me baby one more time" Dyatlov
>as a strong independent women, I would tell world what really happened here. I have more balls than every single white men here
I think it was a bit too much. Do Yea Forums agree?
Imagine this show turning into a full on sitcom with laugh track half-way through the show.
spot on
Well, I learned that RBMK can work on unrefined uranium, that's something.
I read it.
Why they are not just sweeping the roof using a helicopter? attach some chains to helicopter, perhaps make them detachable so it wont kill you if they are stuck, go over roof and swipe everything down?
not thanks
Fuck i'm gonna miss this show, it's the only thing i've been looking forward to this time of year
What happened to the Ignatenko baby? Did it come out glowing in the dark? Was it the first X-man?
Дa этo ж Кaзaнoвa
It died shortly after birth
Why do you post like you're not from around here?
oh, thanks! I am glad..
Why the fuck were they cleaning it in the first place? How is radioactive crap on the ground better than radioactive crap on the roof?
why not just use the eagles to fly the graphite to mount doom?
they will cover them when they are at the ground. can't cover the whole building
they cant bury the roof in radioactive protective babies, they needed to put it all in the pit
Probably they need to get onto the roof to build a sarcophagus
Aвapия нa cтaнции. Boзмoжeн взpыв peaктopa. Пo кoням!
If you know so much, tell us are RBMK reactors really so bad that they deserved to be cancelled because of human error? Couldn't they be reconstructed and used safely later?
eagles would be corrupted by the radioactive graphite
"Looking for a tragic hero to center the story on, Mazin has chosen the nuclear physicist Valery Legasov (Jared Harris), in part, perhaps, because his experience with Chernobyl drove him to suicide. Centrally involved in the response to the disaster, Legasov was mostly a good apparatchik, hewing to the party line that operator error and not flaws in Soviet reactor design led to the explosion.
Legasov recanted before his death, in interviews made possible by the rapid progress of Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika. In “Chernobyl,” however, Mazin puts Legasov on the witness stand at the trial and, in a stroke of pure fantasy, has him boldly denounce Soviet corner-cutting and secrecy, after which he’s hauled into a back room by the K.G.B.
The transformation of Legasov into a daring whistle-blower and martyr, complete with a courtroom apotheosis out of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” is just one instance of the show’s propensity toward Hollywood inflation — to show us things that didn’t happen. The workers who volunteer to enter the reactor building to open water valves do so in “Spartacus” style, solemnly standing and reciting their names. The coal miners brought in to excavate beneath the superheated nuclear core flout the radiation levels by working in the nude. A tall column of black smoke pours from the reactor for days after the explosion, rather than the small clouds of white vapor that escaped in real life.
The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor."
I thought the NY times was blue-pilled? Hmm
>page 8
>Still no new thread
That's can't be him
That would require going over the reactor core
There weren't enough experienced helicopter pilots at Duty to make it work.
it is not an issue now though, previously it was the smoke that was the problem
Whoever interested, here's the actual Chernobyl NPP youtube channel:
And the official site:
Has to be a based op-ed
Why does a 5 episode miniseries even need a general? The show and the memes are good but there's only so much material.
Also known as the movie with this scene. I've seen so many fucking .gifs of this scene back in the day
you can rest easily, ocmrade
well maybe they could've cut a deal with Freedom and use one of their pilots for the sake of the greater good
his smile and chances of survival: gone
I am the Jokuh Baby
it's performance was a joke
Based Dyatlov and his radiation immunity. Too bad there are no subs for his last interview
Wow, had nobody told them she's just a representation of abstract stuff??
*puts on please be patient I have autism hat*
In the amusing meme image the subtitle says "This is getting out of hand. Now there are TWO of them." This implies that the 2 new nuclei are what will cause things to get out of hand. This is not the case. Kr92 and Ba141 are not fissile they undergobeta decay, not fission. They shoot out a few electrons then become stable, and the electrons may ionize some stuff but they will not cause more fission to occur. However the 3 neutrons that are ejected are important, as when they shoot out they can find another U235 nucleus and cause the chain reaction to continue, in which case things can get out of hand.